Seed Swap & Chat #50 ... Wallowing in seed packets

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Ella, Please don't feel bad ! This is one Really happy piggy I'm still rolling around in all the seed packs and I can certainly understand how, with thousands to sort, one oinky package would go amiss.

I only missed the packet when everyone was wishing Daniel a
Happy Birthday & I remembered he didn't get checked off on my spreadsheet.

Lynn & Ella thank you for the offers but maybe someone will recognize
that they got a packet with all the same ones I just listed in it. I'm not
greedy and did get Zinnias from others plus in the extras stash. Although
I Do love them, all kinds and wouldn't turn any away that ended up in
my mailbox!

Mindy, if you do start the lotus now, keep them warm. Like about 70 - 80 degrees. Could sit on heat mat or put in incubator or somewhere warm with bright light. I'm getting ready next week to start my Blue ones inside so if ya want we can do it together and show progress as they sprout.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok Jan you let me know when you are ready to start and I'll drag the incubator down from the wardrobe and start them in there

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

OMG, you are all to hard to keep up with these last couple of days!

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to the Jan Birthday Babies.

I have no idea how you all can organize your seeds. My organization is having them all one one place. lol

herbspirit, science project ... cat grass seeds.

I had to laugh at the Lisanthius seed directions ... keep watered, don't water too much. Yikes! I'll be lucky to have any bloom!

Need to plant my strawberry seeds today.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

ok, question: I got some really big winged seeds that say "trumpet bush". what kind of bush are they? they're not tecoma.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Have no idea Colchie. Whoever sent them in a extras, at first thought was tecoma too, btu somebody sent tacoma seeds and tey were t wo differnt types of seed. May be one of them plant and get a beautiful surprise. : )

I have a question too. on castor beans. Can they be plante d by veggies and if so how far away from them do they have to be.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ella, I've know lots of folks to border their veggie garden with castor beans to keep moles out. I don't think you have to worry about toxicity passing to your edibles. They can get the size of a small tree in a single season, so its a good idea to have them far enough away so they don't shade your veggies.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey, star, where did you put your winged pig?? I was wondering . Nosey, ain't i???
She don't want you climbin any mor milkcrates. Wants you to stay safe to take care of her and keep
her halo straight ☺

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Neal. I thought they was posionous, and need to keep them mole s or whatevr els e out ther e digging out and away, but sicne I have nevr trie d em before, didn't want to hae funky tomatoes and cukes goign to folks. I would have a hard tiem explainign to the preacher why most the congregation was out. LOL

Rides. I got apic of her. She sittign on coutner with me while I work. Just can't downoad the pic yet. Waitign for microsoft to release the new patch for the google virus. Have te tiem I cant get on line I just get Ie explorer error thingy. Soon as I get the patch uplaoded wil upload it. : )

Which remind sme they said the patch woudl upload automatically thsi afternoon, but puter is set to uplaod onyl at certain times, so how do I get to microsoft to upload the patch if pute r dont' do it?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Sometimes I have a heck of a time downloading pictures. Seems like it takes forever.
I am so glad you like her. That is what I wanted to hear. You just talk to her, she will listen and not
talk back and say anything you don't want to hear. She is a well trained Piggy Angel. ☺

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

star, you can get microsoft updates on demand by going to microsoft updates, it should be on your left hand start menu. You may also have an icon in you lower bar (mine looks like a little shield)

if that doesn't work, search "microsoft update"

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I haven't had time to keep up but see where someone is missing some zinnias? I have a pack but they don't have a name on them of who sent them wish I could keep up lol I'm looking for tax papers now and trying to deal with inherritance taxes :) It never ends!

Anywho the ones I got are 'fruit smoothie' is that the ones by any chance? Didn't add that they were by themselves didn't have any other seeds with them but I'm not going to plant them if that person wants them.

This message was edited Jan 21, 2010 4:27 PM

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, I'm all organized... had to up-size my perennials box! Now, I need an opinion... If something says 'direct sow in fall', what does that mean. Is it just important to get the seed out before winter (or during) or is it supposed to sprout before it gets cold? We have such mild winters here, that it might be like fall some places. So, do I plant the 'sow in fall' ones now, or wait until next fall? After I decide on that, it's time to get to the wintersowing asap!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Kelly, if its something that can be fall sown, generally its a good candidate for winter sowing. What is it?

I'm aching to start sowing, but there's so much going on around the house right now, there's no way I can add to the mess. We're completely remodeling our main bathroom, new tile, new tub...well, new to us, its a 2nd hand jacuzzi tub (from the Habitat Re-Store for $75!), new drywall- the whole shabang. The drywall and cement board dust is everywhere, was, and still is in some rooms. I've been concentrating on the kitchen-dining room-breakfast nook, the biggest open area of the house, and OMG, what a chore! For 2 days I've been scouring everything down, soaping and showering plants, vacuuming upholstery, and running what I can through the dish washer. I'm gonna really be ready for that tub once its all done!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You'll be laid back in a big Chair with a nice glass of Whatever beside you while you "chill out" and rest.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Lea - waving madly~~~ the Fruit Smoothies are indeed one of
the seeds I'm missing.

Ella, Help ! I'm going nuts trying to place the plumago you shared with me.
According to the plant files they can grow anywhere from 12" to 6'!
Do I put them in the border or in the field out yonder?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Since i had to go back and find this comment... i figured i'd post it.

these are the seeds that Cris316 is missing....

think she found the Zinnia Fruit Smoothie


from DM Gardener (6) -- Nasturiums: “Alaska” and Milkmaid,
Zinnias: Cut & Come again, Envy, Exquiste, Fruit Smoothie

sorry cris... I dont have any of these. I did get "Alaska" from him though.


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for checking TCS :)

somehow i missed the new thread :(

happy belated birthday DMgardener

now i am caught up i think

pam sue

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday late DMgardener!

I guess the doctors were right about my SIL. She did not follow up with her doctor & went out truck shopping the next day! DH says she was jealous because her SIS has been getting too much attention, I don't know.

I winter sowed 18 things yesterday. Am thinking about trying to winter sow some veggies this year. This is what I've sown so far:

White Turtlehead
Chocolate Vine
Blackberry Lily
Sweet Shrub
Solitary Clematis
Pale corydalis
Devil's Trumpet
Devil's Claw - Anyone know the botanical name for this one? I got it in the Piggy Swap, but don't know who it is from.
Bleeding Heart
Sea Holly
Leopard Plant
Witch Hazel
Hardy Hibiscus (Pink w/Red Eye)
Bigleaf Ligularia (Mix)
Bigleaf Ligularia 'Britt Marie Crawford'
Four O'Clock 'Limelight'
Japanese Primrose
Salvia 'Coral Nymph'


Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey gang, sorry I wasn't able to pop in sooner. December is busy for us here on the farm.
Someone dmailed me and asked me for some kind of seed, lost the dmail. : - (
Would still be happy to help if you let me know, who and what kind of seed it was.
Also, I did get the swine flu, took forever to recover. Am doing much better. I even have an appetite now. My Dr. will be happy I'm turning into a (no pun intended) porker. LOL!
I've missed all the lively interchanges, because for a while my computer was demanding that I feed (enable) it cookies. I didn't get it. I couldn't log on for more than a week until I got a special link from admin. Still can't figure out why I could log on using my computer and a friends user id/password, but not my own. Anyway, everything is okay again, I hope.
I'll be spending a few days catching up, and wanted to share a new thread I started.
I do hope you'll like it and add to it your own selves. : - )
Got to go for now!
Walk In Beauty!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

SW -- that may have been me... I'll have to dig up the Dmail.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Singing Wolf, good to hear from you.
I planted half of the Indian corn you sent me last year. Will they still be good this year?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

trumpet bush could be trumpet vine .

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

colchie, I got some seeds from the Piggy Swap labeled Trumpet Tree. HUGE hard seeds. Is that what you have?


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

These are the ones I've WS so far I'm still trying to catch up from last years seeds too LOL
Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis mine
English Wallflower Erysimum cheiri Mao from last year :)
Little Joe Pye Weed Eutrochium dubium mine
Macrocephala Centaurea mine
Catnip Nepeta cataria critter/07' from last year :)
Curled Parsley mine
Silky Gold Asclepias curassavica mine
Bloodflower Asclepias curassavica mine
Red Prairie Asclepias incarnata mine
wild orange Ascelepias tuberosa mine
daylily bluespiral
Dame's Rocket bluespiral
Lavender Mist Medow Rue mygypsyrose

I have eleven more jugs out in the rain tonite so I can plant them in a few more days.

Critter I got catnip from the seeds you sent then something happened to it it just disapeared! I'm planting it again, sometimes I think it just against the cards for me to have catnip!

Cris I'll send you the zinnias I figure you are in the exchange :)

That's quite a list ants!

Back to papers AGAIN ;P

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I tried growing Curly Parsley this year, but planted a wildflower mix in the same pot & noticed that parsley had come up from under a primrose. I think the primrose won.

My cats loved my catnip so much that THEY sowed it everywhere! If you ever need any, I have it :)

That list is nothing compared to the list of things I have yet to sow :) I'm starting to panic. Don't think I have enough soil to plant them all. Glad I don't have any from last year to sow.


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

When I'm on a roll WS I go thru at least ten bags of the 3 cu. ft. soil less mixes!

I forgot to tell every one that I finally heard from my dirt guy and I'm getting a whole pallet of dirt! He's selling his nursery and is selling it to me real cheap I'll have a whole pallet of dirt in my garage I'm a rich little piggy! I go get it Sat. I hope I just left a message on his machine.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

You didn't buy the nursery? :)


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Check it out!


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I wish I could! LOL It's not in a good location I've seen so many people go out of business there it's such a shame too!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Lebug, I'm sooo jealous ... a whole pallet of dirt!!!!

Got my Strawberry, Fragissimo seeds from Star planted. I'm ready to start eating the berries right now!
Fragaria x ananassa 'Fragissimo'
Showy Pink Blossoms & Tasty Strawberries
New! Amazing plant produces large red berries continuously while pretty pink blossoms provide a gorgeous display for hanging baskets or to brighten up your strawberry patch. The fruits are delicious and the pink blossoms attract much attention.
Zone 4-9

(Zone 7a)

Hi all - received my seeds last Saturday, 1/16, but both 'pooter and myself have not been doing very well...took a swan dive through some ice and pulled a few things. The bright side is that if I don't do it again by the time spring rolls around, I should be able to do some gardening when I most want to.

Ella, I hope you'll accept my apologies for being so tardy thanking you and all the other piggies for such a sumptious treat of seedy piggy dreams.

Hope everyone that needs to heals and that the too-fleet of foot stay erect,


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm hoping to WS a lot of things this year. I did a lot last year, but mainly Columbine, Cleome, Rudbeckia, Gaillardia, echinacea...

The following is a list of the seeds that are either new to me, or ones that I didn't have any luck with last year. They pretty much all say sow direct in fall, or WS also. If you've grown these, I'd love to know what worked for you! I can always start them inside, but would love the ease of WS if that will work.

Vinca (sowed inside last year)
Bachelor Buttons
Sweet Pea
Alyssum (sowed inside last year)
Actaea racemosa (no luck so far with any method)
Milkweed (no luck so far with any method)
Bellis Perennis
Dicentra formosa
English Wallflower
Fritillaria Meleagris (no luck so far with any method)
Knautia Macedonica (no luck so far with any method)
Malva (started inside last year)
Verbena (started annuals inside last year)

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

So, maybe the mystery of the trumpet tree (not bush) is solved. It might be this:, which would be very cool, though growing it just west of Seattle should be interesting. I tried the soak in boiling water for 15 seconds trick for the seeds and so far 1 has already germinated. I'll keep y'all posted.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- My silky golds did not go to seed last year... **sniff** so i'm out of seed.

>>I tried growing Curly Parsley this year
Ants -- two yrs ago, when i first got parsley seeds...i just sprinkled them in my rose bed and they just took off.
I've got more parsley than i know what to do with... but i grew them for the caterpillars, who have yet to find them... but the bunnies use them as a food supply in the winter.

Jeanne -- I've been reading about the "resale" of Daves since yesterday too. came up on a few different threads and i've been following the link you posted above. Glad to see the 'new company' sees that Dave's would not be "Daves" without Dave.

Karen -- so sorry to hear of your tumble. Do take care of yourself.

Kelly -- isn't it just the strangest thing when you can not 'grow' something that others have no problems with? some of the seeds on your list grow like weeds for me... but i have the same problems... seeds that i can't germinate to save my life... others have no problems with.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW colchie... that is pretty.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya Lea... hehehehehe you buy that nursery and I'llmove to Indiana. : ) It not location, it the people and what ya do that cna turn a bad location into a good one.

Gla d yoru gettign your getting your soil. Get tons adn then we cna all be ninjas sneakign up for soem bags heheheh

SW... Glad ya finalyl mad e it back. Sorry ya had so many puter problems tryign to get back on. Yep I stil have soem of the Indian corn too and plan on sowing it. Was afriad to last year since net door had had let hsi corn crop get the worsested ( yep that a word ) case of rust imaginable. knew all themspore s wa s allblown on to my place. Figure with all the floodign and such this plast year any spore s that wer e left have hopefulyl died or been move d otu of the area.

Kl The Kanutia. I state d in the baggy method. Took alogn tiem for it to germinate, but it did eventually. Then it took for evr for the plants to really start growing. I found heat, lot sof heat, but int he shade was the best way to keep the seedlings growing. Took almost a whole year, but I had this fall blooms finally on my seed s I had sown indoor s the fall before.

Blue.. Maybe w e match bruises. LOL

I also finalyl heard from Lala.. He r mothe r brought he r he r box and mail that ha d been piling up. She is back at school right now and goign crazy with chem and algebra. She thanks everybody : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Terese, I'll see if I can find you some silky golds can't imagine them not going to seed that's really odd :)

Ella it's so funny about my dirt I was just telling ansonfan that I will be with the dirt like I am with my seeds just can't open all the bags and run my fingetrs thru it lol I have so much trouble here finding the right mix it makes me appreciate having a whole pallet of it lol He has three pallets wish I could get all of it! I pick it up tomorrow at 2:00 :))

klstuart, do you cover your milkweeds? Mine don't come up until close to summer I hate WS them but won't have enough room under the lights this year except for my purple ones, I'm doing Cinderella under lights this year too gotta make up for all the ones I've lost in the last couple of years!

I've WS veronica a few times and never had any trouble with it so sorry! Along with a few others that you mentioned. Drop me a dmail and let me know how you have sown the ones that you had trouble with before I won't be home till a lot later have running to do today and back to the darn lawyers but we'll see if we can do something about it :) I have a few extra Knautia if you need some but warning here I wouldn't plant them in your flower bed unless you keep a check on them they reseed way too much almost invasive they have taken a whole end of my flower bed over in my nectar garden killing my evening primrose 'sundrop' out! They are going in the field for me from now on I can't keep up with them lol

I promised to send those zinnia seeds today but have to pick some more bubble envelopes up while I'm in town so when I do I'll get those seeds out to Terese and Cris :)

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a) milkweed wintersows itself here, grin. It does indeed take a while before new plants poke their heads up, so you may want to give it a bit more time. If I remember correctly it wasn't until night time temps started staying in the low 60's that it started sprouting.

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