Seed Swap & Chat #50 ... Wallowing in seed packets

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yep, that me too can't get to town til tommorrow or sunday to get bubble r envie s to send out seed to folks.

Forgot abotu the plumbagoes. I haven't ha d them get more than a oupel of feet tall. When the blooms all start fading I giv e a quick little haircut and that branche s them out and keeps them reflowerign all season, that is if you cna get the buterflies to let ya in their to clena up : )

I ha d Plumbagao plante d with blue ageratum to fil in and ha d coreopsis moon bean alternate d wihtthe Plumbago. Wish I stil ha d a pic it wa s a beautiful bed.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- the SIlky Golds bloomed so late, that's why they didnt go to seed.

I never have that problem with the Scarlets though. Maybe i'll but their WS buckets in the south bed, so they get warmer sooner.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am so jealous about your pallet of dirt! I need to get more dirt, but the stores don't have the big bags in yet. I got a little bag at Walmart to tide me over.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

my ground is frozen solid... i wont be thinking about dirt til at least April.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

My local nursery just finally got in their big bags of 3b mix. Said it was a little early to be planting seeds! Ha! I'm 2 weeks behind on my begonias already! But, worth the wait, would have cost me 3 times as much to buy the little bags like I did last year. Wow, a pallet! That would be a dream!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It is amazing how much potting soil we go thru a year. Wish I had a pallet.
Would make a great raised bed, throw in a little , o.k. a lot of donkey poo and
I'd really be growing.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm hanging my head you guys in shame! I forgot to get the bubbles! Had a rough day at the bank and lawyer's I was in there three hours and didn't get anything done! I'm going back tomorrow so I'll get them then before I get my dirt :)

Do the birds eat milkweed seeds I wonder, I'm wanting to pitch some in the field I can wait until it snows but I'm jsut wondering if they will have a shot of coming up the robins and starlings are thick in my field constantly!

I think I started my Silky Golds and Bloodflower the first time under lights so they would reseed.

Klstuart and GardenQuilts try a big nursery where you are if there are any around you and I bet if you ask for soil less mix they would sell you some gotta tell ya though be prepared to spend almost $20 a bag the last time I bought it from another nursery here I paid $17 dollars for it bought four bags and it was mostly peat again so I took the three bags back I dumped the rest out of the first bag into a hole :) I’ll go without before I have that mix with all the peat in it I used it one year and had the hardest time getting my seeds to germinate in it for some reason may have been me but I don’t have any problems with the mix I get from this nursery that I’m getting it from Sat. I have no idea what I’m going to do next winter I know that pallet will be gone by then. He told me I could have as much as I wanted but can't afford more than one pallet lol

Ella that sounded like a lovely bed must have been where you lived at before maybe? It's not where you are now? I'd love to have a perennial Plumbagao here but I don't think they have one for my zone.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm trying to figure out Silky it GoldenRod?
I don't know if the Robins would eat the seed, but the starlings might. You know what a fella down here did? He shot one and hung it( the starling) in a tree to scare them off. I don't reccomend it but he sure did it.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I want some of your soil lol but am sure glad you got enough to get you thru. well Part way anyway's. Saw a nursery few miles from here with forsale sign lol was wanting to jump the fence and see if they had any soiless promix in there and would of been calling to see if could buy. Seems like as far as pro-mix think south carolina dry well all thats in my reach. But you needed a great deal and glad for you.
Carolyn sure got a deal :))..ive not bought any "dirt' this year scrounging around here in my yard using leftovers. ill have to go to walmart before too long..probably payday in feb.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I don't drive, so I am limited to sources I can catch a ride with friends/neighbors to. They think my gardening is rather eccentric. Bags of dirt are too big to haul on the bus.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Now, that is pitiful. The neighbors just don't know what they are missing by not gardening. Mine said last year '' I have enough flowers"
Honey, you don't ever have too many flowers. I don't know how anyone could have said that. I havealways had some kindof plant in my house and I enjoy my gardening very much.

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Amen Rides! You can never have too many flowers. I guess people who don't garden don't understand us...

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>I'm trying to figure out Silky Golds

Silky golds are Yellow Milkweed.
even though on that page, it says Butterfly Weed... it is not. that is Asclepias tuberosa

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you, that makes sense.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Evening, all. Just to let you know we were out in the yard this afternoon, thought I'd see what was happening in one of the raised beds, and wouldn't you know, the neighbor's apricot tree has sent its roots all through the bed, no wonder nothing grew well in there. The pesky thing is that the neighbor's soil is pathetic, and they never water or feed it, so of course it's going to come looking for the mother lode in my yard. So now my dh will get to spend the spring sifting dirt to get all the rocks out, to make a better vegetable garden (and truth be told) will give me more room to start things.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

hmm that trumpet tree looks cool. hope you all get seeds to share

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)


Silky Gold

Orange butterfly weed that you are probably thinking of :)

Here is a totally different one called Bloodflower this is the one when I mention Bloodflower it's an annual too for us I'm sending you seeds to that one too:

When you see the packs of seed for the orange they always say orange butterfly weed maybe that is where you are getting confused they are all butterfly weeds or milkweeds couldn't tell you the difference but push comes to shove they are all butterfly weeds in my book just different colors :)

Butterfly Weeds are so confusing :) I'll be back tomorrow to see how much I have confused you I'm chilling tonite had a rough day :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea... when i posted that comment, i only did it because plantfiles .. yanno how it lists all the different name the plant is called... well, it lists the Silky Gold as a Butterfly Weed, amongst other things....
Bloodflower, Swallow-wort, Butterfly Weed, Mexican Milkweed
Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Gold'

I know the difference, as i have/had all 3 of them.

Here is A. Tuberosa

I know... it's been along day. ;-)
off to bed myself...

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Here is a dumb question, if I sow some seeds in flats in an unheated GH, will that be wintersowing, if I just make sure they don't dry out? My new GH is almost completed, but there is no elec in there. Should I put bubblewrap on the glass walls and roof? Or should I line up my milk jugs in there on the bench?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lynn -- one year i put some 'stuff' in our unheated sunroom. It's detached from the house, and is usually about 22 during the winter. I made sure, once they were no longer frozen, that they stayed damp/not dried out until i put them outside in the spring. from what i recall... they did ok.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Kelly, from your list, these are the ones I've grown.
Vinca -indoors under lights- started in January. Need an early start, are slow until its consistently warm.

Bachelor Buttons- winter sow or direct sow- they could be direct sown now- they're tough and hardy. They transplant easily.

Larkspur- direct sow (while its still cold/cool out), or WS and transplant while small. They tend to be stunted if transplanted, unless done while pretty small. I have best results with direct sowing, in your zone now would be a good time to do it- they germinate while its cool- I have many that germinate in fall and overwinter like troupers.

Sweet Pea- indoors, set out early while still cool. In your zone, I think you could direct sow now. They don't like their roots disturbed, so I've used peat and paper pots.
Alyssum -wintersows easily, one of the first to germinate.
Pennyblack- wintersows easily
Milkweed- WS-( later for tropical types)
English Wallflower-WS-first to sprout, very cold hardy

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Yippee! Thanks Neal! I'm excited I can WS so many things. Still looking forward to sowing inside too, but was really pushing it before last frost last year, with plants everywhere and having to trek them all to the sink pretty often. I'm planning on doing a lot of Alyssum (Thanks to TooFew's inspirational flower bed photo), so WSowing them will be fantastic!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

You all talking about milkweed is making this little piggy drool.....I WS 3 types last year and not one of them germinated. :-( Not one I say. Of course I will try again this year but am in a different climate.

We have been in the 60's all week - kids running around outside thinking it's spring already. Ha!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You know milkweed needs light to germinate? Just put the seed on top of the soil and pat it in gently so as to make contact with the soil but don't cover it. I learned this the hard way. Hope this helps.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Rides... Her e ya go : ) Not the best pic cuz still have trouble with light on thes e cloudy days. My piggy . I tell ya tesrday I was wishign thatwas real cooffee pot on there. Thought I had a jar of coffee udner the cupboard and instead all the jars were empty ones, that I hd been savign to us e to witner sow in. Was a terrible tiem for awhile. Panic city in fact findign I wa s withotu coffee. LOL

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

some things I winter sowed way back in begining of december coming along.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hollyhocks. geranium Splish Splash.. Rudebeckia Goldstrum

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Star, she looks just as happy as can be. Sure do hope you got the coffee. I love my morning cup of coffee and I know you were getting panicky when you knew you wer out. You drink a lot more than I do so know you were getting close to a caffine fit.
Thank you Star for showing me the pig.
Beautiful Pic.
What a beautiful group of plants. Look at them Hollyhocks!!! Wowee You gonna be busy this spring/


This message was edited Jan 23, 2010 10:08 AM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Seed I starte d durign Christmas when I was waitign on all the rest of the piggy boxe s ot get here that juist got transplante d the past coupeof days.

Now just to pray no tornadoe s , no huricane s and no more freezing cold. Have no heat in there.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, no. Maybe they will make it, anyhow. We can hope.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Ella, do you WS right in your flats?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I start evrythign indoors under lights, in the baggy method, sittign on kitchen table under a kitchen light that hangs down abotu 2 and half feet from the bags. The light stays on 24/7. Soon as three seedlings at least pop then I take otu of baggy and ptu udne rthe lights. Soon as I have at least secodn set of leave s then I step up into 2" pots or 6 packs adn they wil stay there now for at least amonth before goign into final conatiners.

I us e the teeny tiny 288 cells to start in . Have learne d the hard way that things like Holylhocks and Nasturiums and soem of them bigger seeds, don't do so hot in the tiny cells though that they need to do best in like a 4" pot and just lay plastic over the top of them and put unde r light.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Wahoooo Ella you go girl! I can't wait until I have everything growing like that downstairs it's so cool to see all of those seedlings :) I hope they are going to be alright you won't have anymore bad weather to hurt your beautiful babies :) What kind of coreopsis do you have growing there?

Well I found two used envelopes this morning and rushed and tried to make it to the PO this morning and was too late thought they closed at 12 and it was 11:30! Seeds will go out Monday :) Oh, Klstuart going to send you some Macedonica enough to just pitch where you want them they are from 08' but I'm sure they are still good it's a mix of red, pink and lavender have to get another envelope for you when I go into town though didn't see anymore used ones in the back room.

Now gotta get ready to go get my dirt :))) It's gonna be a long drive wondering how much this is going to cost me! Have no idea how many bags are on a pallet and he didn't either.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Lea, but I still have some from last year. I was cautious with it, since I wasn't sure. I'll just give them another try this year, and keep a special eye on them! I think a few jugs may have gotten dried out last year here and there.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I wish I coudl just htrow stuff in jugs and leave out, but between critters and crazy weather. Things just dont make it. With the coupelwarm days w e had, have mums up outside already and knwo we gona have mroe cold and they gona get bit again and the columbine s and hosta s are tryign to peak through the leaves.

Coreopsis???// Can't find my little book, but don't think I have sowe d any of them yet. Could have but don't think so.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ella -- in this image

what is in the round green pots next to the HH's? I've had coreopsis seedlings that look like that.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Star is right, you can sow the corn this year, but I would soak it overnight before planting.
Too much going on right now in DG, hard for me to deal with all the stress. Glad my piggy swap friends are still going strong and beautiful.
May all of your seeds sprout and grow into strong plants, along with the friendships made here.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Ella in your last picture on the right down at the bottom what are those? Looks like coreopsis from here :)

Ok klstuart if you change your mind I have extra for you :) What is left is going in the field lol

Just killing time before I have to go ) Going to see if I can get some 6 packs from him too!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Ella, that is exactly what I'm afraid of WS here. We have been in the 60s this week and then it will drop a few days then get some warm days again. I'm wary with the whole WS jugs here in zone 7. I'm just used to freezing temps for so long.....

ClanCampbell.....did you WS jugs while here in OK?

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