Seed Swap & Chat #50 ... Wallowing in seed packets

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

My MIL called me again. My SIL got really upset when they said was nothing wrong with her & got dressed & left without her prescriptions & everything.

Naprosen - not good! They said that was a factor in my MIL's ruptured ulcer. Of course that wasn't the only thing, just contributed to it is what they said.

Says she is going to her doctor in the morning & request a scope test.


Might be a good thing, Ants. She go to her own Dr. before wasteing money on a prescription for something they don't even think is wrong. My word! Give a prescription even when they think nothing is wrong. Like a stupid dr.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I'm glad that she is going to the doctor. I hope that they find out what is wrong so that she can get feeling better and on with her life. My friend is a nurse. She calls the emergency room interns (many emergency room doctors are doing their residencies) "baby doctors."

tcs, Bijou looks like goblin. Bluestone says it is their shortest gaillardia at 10." It had a wider red center and shorter yellow tips than goblin.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Just poking my head in as I catch up on the thread. Neal, I WSed wine cups last year and they did great, still blooming even after three nights of hard freeze. You might want to try again.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

GQ -- yes, i looked it up. it's a cutie.. nice border plant.

You mean wine cups will be ok outside with the cold temperatures? Do you know what zone they are hardy to? I brought mine in because I was afraid they would get too cold out in the greenhouse.

OK I googled wine cups and found 2 different kinds of wine cups. Mine are Geissorhiza radians. Will these grow in the cold?

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I looked up wine cups also, and was just going to ask if they wintersowed well. I entered zone 3-9 in my chart, got the info from:

Note to self, backup my database, twice!

The bf is excited about the Hungarian pepper seeds. I told him about smoking them on the bbq for smoked paprika. I sent him some links on lasagna gardening in case he wants to plant tomatoes or gets tired of bagging grass clippings and leaves. He takes care of his aging parents and their home. They are Italian and usually grow some tomatoes, but didn't bother last year. If I have extra tomato or pepper seedlings, I will share with him.

I tried to explain the seed swap phenomenon. He is glad that I am happy. He put up the trellises, turned over the dirt, removed the big rocks, dug the deep holes, etc. for me when I started the garden. He hasn't seen the winter sowing efforts on the back patio yet. He did, however, wisely refrain from asking me "Where are you going to put them?" or "Lets see how fast you can kill these." Last year he was impressed with how tall the sunflowers were and that the roses survived the winter.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Yeah, seems any time anyone around here goes to the ER if it is not something super simple, they just don't know.

Wow! Those Geissorhiza radians look really neat. I was referring to Callirhoe involucrata when I said I was planting Wine Cups.

Edited to correct myself, not Lavatera, Callirhoe.


This message was edited Jan 18, 2010 9:52 PM

Yes, these are suppose to be from africa and tropical I thought, so I'm keeping mine inside for winter. But it should bloom soon. And got another one I found seeds for that is purple and black in the center. I ordered seeds for it but forgot it's other name. But it's a wine cup too. They are easy to sprout and grow though. Just sowed seeds in the potting soil and waited.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

ok mekos those are beautiful. and will remind you about mgs. thank you.

looking at my little window box planter thing from lowes. the only one left. was gonna start seeds in it and still havent.
looking in piggy box and dont know what can be sow in it now ????

it doesnt get heat just from the sun from window. has its little dome thingy. want to see something growing

insurance guy come today. concluded yes it was bad wiring and gonna take care of it. a big blessing. siad there is no value on the seeds or supplies i lost. my heat mat and mini starter greenhouses. to me there is but guess have to think like a insurance person.

got a couple new racks to go in new room for plants. someone left them on back porch. guess saw my old one all burnt up. didnt have a name or anything. dont really know too many people here in my area as we live acres apart from each other.

im still in shock. neighbor down road burning brush and stuff. ran outside to make sure house wasnt on fire agian. my daughter said it was ok mom nothing burning. feel foolish over being scared of smoke in the neighborhood.

I know that is a scarey feeling that will take time to get over. I have some lavender moon vine too if you like some and white moon vine. Also got all kinds of vines in the greenhouse, snail vine and shell vine and some different ones if they make it from the power outage a while back. I lost a lot of things but mostly epips. and succulents, that kind of stuff. I should have more time to mess with stuff next week so just let me know when you are ready for some seeds and I'll get busy looking through them.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

when ever you are ready to do them. next week is fine. going to lowes tommorow since saw in their ad they are starting to get starter kits in. so anytime. will be ready for them. thanks Marie

you all have been great. makes me cry how great this site is and the wonderful people here.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning piggies! Sur e hoping that everbody who hasn't gotten there box wil get theirs today for sure. Ya gonan see one fired up mad momma sow if they don't mo excus e for it for sure.

yep, Lowe s has seed startign stuff out and trays and such and if ya have a midn to get some seed. LOL

Other than some badly froste d pansies and flowerign kale though, ya aint' gonan find any other plants or shrub. At least not down here. Everythign got so frost bitten from the cold and the shrubs in the pots that they pitche d evrything.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Morning Everyone, supposed to be another nice day but windy.
Ella I checked those astbile seeds and found if you rub a pinch between finger and palm the chaff will turn to dust and the black seeds feel hard and will roll a bit. So I'm thinking the seed are the little black balls LOL. That's what I'm going to plant anyway.
I sowed some of the different kinds of snapdragons in seed tray and it was warm enough for me to plant the crocus bulbs yesterday to I was happy piggy playing in the dirt. Now I'm busy trying to decide which other cool weather seeds I have that can be sowed now and kept in the chilly but not freezing plant room.
Oh and would love for someone to tell me how to sprout those lotus seeds I got in the swap please. Never grew them in my life so need all the help I can get.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Mindy03, here is what I found on lotus seed.

Hope it helps.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Here ya go Mindy...

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

LOL Charleen....great minds and all....grin

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I think we done this before...Looks like you search for how to grow seeds the same way I do. I loveit. Today I'm going to start some little plantsThat were in the bottom of my shopping bag, Kalanchoe and succulents. May try a few seeds too. The sign is right.
I hope Mindy's lotus sprouts.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

speaking of Kalanchoe ....

I got some in a trade. 2 varieties ... and i put them in a pot - because i think it was November already... and they have just about outgrown this small pot ....

will they survive outside?? I really dont know anything about them ... can i put them out with the Hens N Chicks?
I"m assuming the foliage will die back, but will it survive the winters?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I think they will freeze. They are not winter hardy that I now of. They are succulents, with those nice thick leaves.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Ants, hope everything is alright I’ll be waiting to hear and put you,your sister in law and your family in my prayers :)

Hemo, I have a few hellebores out there waiting to see a first bloom for this year I’m excited :)

Mindy I write the dates on a calendar and put them in my notes and never find them until it’s too late I need some kind of file system I’m not the most organized person lol

Has anyone heard from MicheleT and how her daughter is doing haven’t seen it mentioned on here.

Mekos, that bird beak plant looksreally pretty!

I don’t know if you all remember or not from last year but I had trouble getting dirt so it put a damper on sowing along with a few other things :) But I made arrangements for me to get dirt with the nursery guy this year last summer and I called him today and no answer makes me very nervous! I have to get my soil less mix from him only, the other places only have peaty mix can’t deal with it! I left a message I just hope he returns my call! Keep your fingers crossed for me :)

You all need to slow down a bit it’s getting hard for this girl to keep up with you LOL Already 59 posts just from last night starting a new thread lol

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Shoot, maybe Carolyn/msdreams wil show up. She ha d the most fantastic link to for startign them. As far a s the mix in the bototm of your bowl shoudl be. Been so long I don't remmeber the combination.

I do know that the best way to scarifithem is just go find a rough cement sidewalk and hold , tucking in knuckle s while ya do it and rub several times back and forth on sidewalk.

That ho we use d to do hundreds of them for massive study project. Also, you wil want to keep pice s of them diluted mosquio dunks too in the water.

Rcs.. I would wait befor e puttign them Kalanchoes out. I ha d a bunch in gh and lost most of them. They never came back from the roots onyl a coupel did. I would wait til it alot warmer.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Most Kalanchoes are from Madagascar, Africa and South America. I am in zone 9a and I put mine in the greenhouse every winter. Freezing temps tend to make the leaves/stems split. A good many of them bloom during the winter.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Forgot to say yes, I heard f rom Mechelle. She workign now on gettign her seed s otu to thos e that oinekd from her. Things just starting to settle down a bit now from her son and getting back to normal. : )

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I got my little pieces that fell off mama plant from trip home. They were over watered it looked lik after I dug the Glued rock out. I know wy they do it, to keep plants and soil in pot in transit but durn!!! It is no good for the plant. Got rid of it and what wasn't in bag was loose in pot. But got them in sandy soil after I dipped them in root tone. so we are ready to grow now. Ended up with three containers/

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Good glad her son is alright was thinking it was a daughter :)

There are so many bad things going on for people this year I hope we all get it over with and 2010 gets to be a good year!

I'm going to use a nail file on my canna seeds and BTW thanks for all the canna seeds and 4 o' clocks you all :) I'll have a whole tray on my stands decaited to cannas and a good portion to 4 o'clocks then pitch some 4 o'clocks lol

Not to change the subject but :) Have any of you used 'Riddex plus electronic pest rodent repeller' I have so many spiders in the basement and can't get rid of them and just wondered if any of you have tried them? Thought I would ask before I buy them :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Nope. Spider s are yoru friend. Especially when it come s to plants. They wil eat alot of bad little bugs that et on yoru plants. The spider s I let iv e unles they starting to get to be big hue si e then I squih them, btu generally I leave them be and especially th eorb spiders. Only ones that don't get to stay are balck widows and they the devil to kill.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL Ella I just want them to move some where else :) I'm afraid I have those recluse spiders in the basement it's so damp and eventually I'll have the black widows down there if I don't do something they keep multiplying like crazy around here! Those aren't good spiders and as damp as the basement is and plenty of cracks and crannies for them to crawl into! They would love it down there! I don't mess with the spiders outside, well except the black widows I'm always looking for their egg sacks!

Here is what a brown recluse did to my son a year ago. He almost lost his arm. He works in heating and air conditioning and had to go under a house and got bit. For me no spiders survive if I see them first.

Thumbnail by mekos
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I had onebite me on the leg.
During an inventory at work. Still have the scar.
Leave a hole where they bite you. That is a nasty bite.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Years ago when those recluse were on the move I guess a friend of mine got bit in between his elbow and shoulder they didn't figure out what it was until it was too late he was 21 and lost his arm! Got bit while camping! I dont think he ever got over it he was really messed up after that just think 21 and lost your arm because of a spider!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I know spiders are beneficial... I just dont want them in the house. I know they are here as i see little webs... but if i see them, out they go.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Yep, I couldn't let any poor lizzards in here for them the cats would have them in no time lol It would be too cold for them downstairs too! I wish someone had tried those repellers I'd like to get a few of them for the house I may do that anyway. They are suppose to be good for a lot of insects.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH ... Lea, the couple that bought our old house... she was telling me one day that she uses those 'plug in' electronic bug repellers and swears by them. Not sure if it is Ridex or not, but she has the plug in ones.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW -- we've had a lot of January Birthdays.... today it belongs to...


Happy Birthday Daniel.... may the sun be shining for you today.

Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it is a sunny one for you and enjoy your day.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

well... i went to run errands... and my car wouldn't start.... luckily DH is a pretty handy guy.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday DMGARDENER... hope this day is a sweet day for you, full of everlasting memories!

YAY.. I got my box!! It's been sitting at the PO since Friday. Lyle went fishing and picked it up on the way home, and he said the lady said my boxes WILL be brought to the house from now on.. so that is a relief for me!! Thank you again to everyone who has had a part in this piggy swap. I'm amazed at your generous natures, and I have enjoyed this swap so much. Now to look I rushed through and didn't really get to enjoy looking at all the seeds!

Lea.. I also have one of those plug in bug zappers. Don't know the name of it, but I think they work. I read an article saying they didn't, but here I will give the credit to that lil machine! I see some bugs every once in a while, but they are always face up!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

i beez have those zappers fer years.....ain't seen no live bugs, mice or _ats....outside or inside! so they beez work good!

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