Seed Swap & Chat #50 ... Wallowing in seed packets

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

By tomorrow [since today is a holiday] Hopefully everyone will have received their seed box from the swap.

Mine are pretty well organized, though i have been contemplating doing Annuals and Perennials... but they are currently alphabetical, which has worked thus far.

What has everyone been up to, what sort of sowing and what seeds are getting sown??

We came from here....

**edited to add link

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 9:52 AM

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have a morning glory seed coming up.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW already??

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I have Passiflora edulis sprouting & maybe Lapageria... might be a weed.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

QG -- I had a Westie growing up... what great little dogs.

and how ironic... i was just looking at info for Lemon Mint.

I have :
Lemon Bee Balm; Monarda Citriodora -- [annual]
Lemon Balm; Melissa Officinalis -- [perennial ]

i thought they were the same thing.... with different scientific names....
but gonna check Plant Files...

This message was edited Jan 18, 2010 2:50 PM

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

tcs- regarding the orange calendula, I have a seed mix of 5 different colors. I have quite a bit left even after the swap, so you can have some anytime. It's a mix, so I just can't guarantee what colors you would get.

Here is another fav spring pic from last year

Thumbnail by herbspirit
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Patricia... but i have Pot Marigold seeds ... TONS of them. can't give them away.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Garden Quilts. I have no idea. I had bought them on ebay and all it said wa s lemon mint. ya we got heat wave too before mroe rain. At least it feels liek heat wave after artic temps. Can't beliv e furnac e not runnign 24/7. Not use to the quiet. LOL

Herb.. I wish I coudl have nice pretty bed s liek that. Maybe one day if it ever quit s floodign out her e so bad or I get rich anough to buy some flat land that at level with the main roads.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hopefully i did not mix the two seeds.... noep, looks like on 1-7-10 I ws'ed all my MOnarda seeds, and the Melissa Officinials I just got.

so i'll make note of each one.

OH heavens... I NEED to see the sun shine.. it's been DAYS. uggggggg, i need a nap.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

tcs- Darn! I thought I was going to be able to give MINE away! :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Just got a phone call. They are taking my SIL to the ER. Don't know what's wrong yet. They are supposed to call me when they know something. Bad things always come in three's it seems & this is the third this month :(


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Tiffany is wonderful. She is so cheerful and friendly. She is 15 and slowing down a bit, but not when she sniffs rodents nearby! I have been looking for a companion for her from the local rescue groups. Her friend, Sparky, a Westie mix moved away. I joke that she is a doggie racist, only liking "her own kind" ie Westies or Cairns. A neighbor's untrained Rottweiler came after her a couple of times (I quickly picked her up, the rot took the rainbow bridge to doggie hell) so she now barks at all large dark dogs.

I also started some morning glories. I had to move them from the bedroom window to the living room because Tiffany was barking and pushing them this morning. They were blocking her view of the squirrels out the window. She doesn't bother the window box on the window ledge, but a group of pots on the end table was too much for her! Can't interfere with doggie tv!

Tiffany was sniffing the piggy box when it arrived. She must have smelt piggies or mules or something. She was still interested in the box last night, so I put it in front of her so that she could sniff it, but made sure she didn't get into something hazardous. She grabbed the packet of soybeans and ran away with it! Don't worry, I got it back. She had gobbled my sprouting soybeans last spring as well. She usually isn't interested in plants. People had mentioned that soybeans caused severe gas in their dogs. She didn't have any adverse reactions this spring. I had given her tiny amounts of cooked soybeans and dried soybeans before with no adverse reaction. She has a sensitive tummy and doesn't tolerate corn. I watch what I feed her.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Pot Marigold, What is it?? I got regular marigolds
Star.did you get any persimmon seed?? I can't remember
sending you any,. I have fresh ones, already been frozen. Nice clean pretty seed.
I bet your little dog smelled dogs. I got dogs and there is no telling what ll she was sniffing.
don't feed your dog any raisens or chocolate either. Very lethal to them. I love critters.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I'll have to plant the mint and see what I get. I will be happy with either one.

I thought calendula petals would be fun in salads, but I have some seeds from the swap already. Maybe you could sugar the flowers if you make fancy cakes. I am always dieting and rarely bake.

I still have lots of marigold and star of yelta morning glory seeds. I sent extras to Ella, but if by chance you want some and didn't get any, let me know!

Hope your sister in laws condition isn't terribly serious, antsinpants. It is difficult to wait and worry.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Onions are also bad for dogs. And anything that gives them gas because same thing could happen that happened to Marley in the movie Marley & Me. Makes thier tummies turn upside down.

They are working on my SIL, still don't know what is wrong yet though...


Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Pot Marigold aka Calendula.

Has been the most beautiful sunny day today. Up in the upper 50's and so nice. Been out in it all day. Felt like a perfect spring day, almost fooled me to thinking we could start planting now, but I came to my senses. Not yet. But sure is nice. Hope you feeling better Star.
Sorry Ants, hope all is ok and nothing bad.
Dreaming of spring.(;o) ☺

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ants. Hope it nothign mroe s erious than a mild cas eof flu, btu sendign out prayer s for her. Please let us knowif you find otu anything. Nothign wors e than knowign somebody ther e but not the who what and whys.

Rides.. not sure yet. I tryign to be a good piggy and wait for evrybody to get there boxes.

I knwo last year piiggy swap forget what was in it, btu when it arrive d it looek d liek a darn bul dog had tore it apart. Even in the envies they cna smell the seed and if it somethgin good, they for sure gonna go after it.

I liek Calendula.. Onyl thign her e it has to stay in a shady area. It can't take our ful sun and high humidity down here. It croaks.

darn . and doub;e darn. Just broek a finger nail. I take that back broke two gettign plastic up on gh. Got smart this time. tie d string to the ends of the plastic and starte d pulling til it got over the top. Good thing it wa s not my seed sowign fingernail or I would be havign fit s and tryign to get me one fake one to sow the seed with. I my index finge r all traine d to get one seed at a time to sow. Don't want to have to try and break a ne w one in. : )

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Let me know when you get your pkg. I mailed it Sat.
Yo might have to use a pencil, instead of your finger.
I'll get you some (persimmon) I may have forgot.

I got little siberian iris a couple inches tall and Kaka beak popped up a couple inches tall.Got wine cups looking NICE, and the Aristolochia vines are a couple inches tall also. Got several things popping green out the dirt. My daffodills outside have popped up and in a couple weeks will start to shoot up blooms. My red spider lilies are popping up from all this warm weather and my yellow forsythia is starting to bloom.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Thank you for prayers & well wishes. I just called up there again & they are still waiting. Haven't even done any tests yet. They have tests ordered, but not in the system yet.

I haven't started many seeds yet, but it sure looks like I NEED to! Thought I had them all sorted out, then found some more from earlier trades. So, I think I will start planting before I get them sorted out or I may never get started.

Going to cover my poor Elephant Garlic now... Didn't know I was supposed to mulch them. They are looking good though. Lots of green coming up.

My Forsythia looks dead still. Just before it got so cold I cut it in half to try to make another. I'm hoping I didn't kill it.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Mekos.... I popping ibprophen liek ther e no tommorrow. LOL I sur e when I stop for the day everythign goan be screamign again, but can't waste a godo day especialyl the first sunny day in who knwos when layign about. : )

What is a Kaka Beak? Sounds liek soem sort of exotic bird. : )

I always root mine in summer. It will root in days when it is hot outside and moist. I have a driveway outlined with it and it is beautiful in bloom. If you need more, I have plenty and can root some small ones for you if you like.

The Kaka beak is common name. Clianthus Puniceus- white parrots beak is the name. I also got Geissorhiza radians-wine cup, Moraea african iris-yellow bi colors all growing good right now. Surprised those didn't get froze when the power here went off that night but so far so good. The kaka beak is a bush that blooms white and looks like the beak of the parrot.

Thumbnail by mekos

I also got some Banksia Baueri sprouting and blue gingers rooting, and a red brugmansia about 3 feet tall and some blue brugmansias sprouting and a few white brugs sprouting.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Thank you mekos. The one I cut in half is one I had rooted. I usually have better luck rooting trees & bushes in fall/winter because summer is so hot here & I'm not real good at remembering to water everything. I've had to look for plants that I've brought in for the winter a few times now. Had way too many to bring in this year.

Got my Elephant Garllic covered some lilies that I left planted in a wagon. Some of them had heaved up. Then Fred wanted to go for a walk. Now going to walk again to wake up my son for work.

Still haven't heard anything from SIL, but it's only been a half hour since I checked. I imagine they are still just waiting.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Mekos, how did you start your Wine Cups? I'd tried wintersowing some last year, but had no sprouts, and wondering how I should go about it this year. They're supposed to be hardy here, so I thought wsing would be good, could have been the seed I guess.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I can't believe your forsythia are blooming already, is that normal for your area? Forecast here is for above freezing most of the week, with a storm of some sort tomorrow. We got rain instead of snow yesterday. Anything but sleet and ice is fine with me.

I have another question. I got Gaillardia aristata "Indian summer" from someone's 2009 harvest. It is a dwarf compact variety. I couldn't find it in the plant files or google. I found several gaillardias and an Indian summer rudbeckia. I am wondering what color it is. I oinked for a burgundy, but am not sure if this is it.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

What do the seeds look like?

Just got a call to let me know they don't know anything yet. So far they have only done a sonagram on her gall bladder but haven't heard any results.


I sowed mine back in the summer and just used good moist soil and sprinkled seeds on top and sprinkled soil LIGHTLY over soil and sprayed water on top to wet the top soil. Sprouted in a week or so.
Our yellow forsythia blooms some all winter, every time it gets warm and then first thing to bloom in spring. Sometimes it blooms with it covered in snow. Very hardy.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


I got Gaillardia aristata "Indian summer" from someone's 2009 harvest. It is a dwarf compact variety. I couldn't find it in the plant files or google. I found several gaillardias and an Indian summer rudbeckia. I am wondering what color it is. I oinked for a burgundy, but am not sure if this is it.

GQ -- that was fro me. It was the cutest little compact plant. A gal in our RV park had it, and i read the plant tag.... Indian Summer I too googled it and found nothing... well i found ONE post to a gal's blog where she mentioned it.

But it was the pretty yellow wiht red... I have a photo somewhere, mostly with seed heads... but I'll find it.

Most of my Gaillardia is 'leggy' tall, so i really liked the idea of a compact plant.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here is my original post on this Gaillardia.
Guess all the blooms are pretty much spent... but figure, this was taken about the 19th of Oct in zone4.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Well, they said they couldn't find anything wrong with her. Said it may be ulcers, gave her some kind of medicine & told her to follow up with her regular doctor.

She is very upset because she says SOMETHING is wrong or she wouldn't have spent the last 4 hours in the ER.

I am going to try growing the wine cups this year also. They are so pretty!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

ants -- why did she go to the ER? ulcers?? was she vomiting blood? jsut not feeling well?
that has to be so frustrating ....

wine cups.... that reminds me, my cup is empty. *wink*

Kannapolis, NC

Just spent the last 30 mins. alphabetizing my seeds and continue to be amazed at the amount of seeds I oinked for and received! It's just wonderful seeing all those seeds and dreaming about the potential that lies in all those packets of wonder! Thanks again to everyone for your generosity. I hope we all have a banner crop of flowers/veggies this year. Gotta get some WSing done, too.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

She called her mother & told her she felt the worst she's ever felt in her life. Complaining of pain in her stomach.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

ants, she needs to find a good gastroenterologist. They do a scope test where they give you Demerol and put a tiny camera down your throat and look around. I went thru this over 10 years ago when a medicine I was taking resulted in ulcers in my esophagus. I had gone thru several doctors before finally getting to the specialist. They all wanted to know if I could be pregnant and if I was under stress. (What single working woman in her 20s isn't under stress) I had taken Naprosen for an injury and Anaprox for cramps (not at the same time). That family of medicines doesn't agree with me. Lots of meds, including over the counter ones like tylenol, advil, apirin, Naprosen, can cause problems. Lots of things have tylenol in them that you don't even realize. People sometimes take more than they should because they are unaware of the ingredients. It could be something else, or a "female problem." Just because the doctors don't know what is wrong, doesn't mean everything is alright.

I have a background in chemical engineering and biochemistry and worked over a decade in the pharmaceutical industry. I like to be treated as an educated, intelligent person and want things explained in scientific detail. If a doctor is unwilling/unable to do that, I find another one.

Sorry for the rant. I get frustrated with doctors, especially doctors from certain parts of the world where women don't have civil rights, don't take women's health complaints seriously. I believe that a man walking into an emergency room with the same symptoms is treated differently.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

thanks tcs, I will add the link to my spreadsheet. The plant will look cute by my strawberries. At the moment, I have Shasta daisies there. I am adding some red plants nearby for color and interest.

Does it look similar to goblin and bijou when in bloom?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i thought it looked similar to goblin.. but guess i never took a pic of it til later in the year.
[she on the other side of the park, and i dont always take my camera with me] never saw bijou.. i will have to look that up.

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