Seed Swap and Chat # 48 ... seeds will be coming soon

I second that. We love Ella, we love Ella, we love Ella, we love Ella!!!!!!!! Squeels with delight. OINK oink. BIG HUG!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have to say that PO trip narration was the funniest thing I saw all day . . .

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

What a fun trip! I am sure those seeds had a great trip and are now off on their big adventures branching all over the US. Thanks for sharing your journey with us! We sure appreciate all your hard work and dedication.... I would hate to think of even taking on such a job...... I am afraid of the huge mess I would make of it!

You did a super job and we THANK YOU!


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Ella, did that new postal lady tell you not to come back? LOLl Bet you made her day with the comments from the people behind you.


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Ella, You sure made me smile and giggle while reading about your trip! I needed that a lot! Thank-you for all that you did. Thanks don't even come close, but THANK-YOU so very much.
You should write a book. You are so good at telling a story! Have a great week. Hope you don't get too lonely with the piggies gone....

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Great story Ella.. As well as Great Job done on the seeds..Its very kind of you to donate so much of your time and energy to this swap..To all of you who worked hard collecting and saving seeds to share with newbies like me who had little to offer in return Thank you! I have my buckets ready for WSing..Tho this is a learning experment for me, I hope to have lots of seeds to return to the swap next year...Tho I dont post alot..(shy quiet type) I'm here alot reading the post and enjoying the wealth of imformation I find here...Ella Im glad those lil piggie boxies didnt see that mud hole too..I thought that was hilarious...Thanks for every thing... Good night all... Trish

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

RRM sent me here to read your narration of the trip to the post office....I am still laughing...that was too funny! I hope I get to join in next year's what a job you had! But it seems you did a might fine job!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Cris... Hahahhahahaha. Noep I didn't go back for it, but ther e may be a few piggy boxe s that look liek they have some on it. I did ntic e when I took some of the boxes out they ha d little MUD smears on the boxe s from wher e the bags of leave s ha d been back there from off somebody yard. So don't freak pigie s f ya se a brown streak on your box. : )

How high up are yoru bat houses Cris. I ha d gott en plans from the county extention offic e on building some. Shoot No way to I have a ladder that I cna reach that high and wonder if I even got one up, if it would stay with the enormous amoutn of squirrels I have here. They aways up and down my trees.

You are right though, copanion planting and planting thos e plats to fed the beneficials wil really help keep the bugs down. Funny thign is ya need to have some ba d bugs to keep the good oen s around. Liek lady bugs. If ya don't have any aphid s they wont stay around and then ya do nee d them they having tea time in somebody elses yard.

Huney.... I nt the one who ha s donated tiem an denergy. Ye s, I have the job of gettign the seed s all out, but it a colelction of all the folks here that make the swap what it is and they the oens who really put in the time and effort, growing, planting all year and then harvesting and packacking the seed for folks. I gt amazed each year when the big package s come in that need to be broke down into little one s ot share for folks. I se al that sed and I think to myself, my goodnes s how many plants they must have attende d too and all the weeks and days of gatherign and drying. They in my book the real champions. it t ake s dedication and long hours and then they share their seeds. They got such big hearts and are the real salt of the earth type people and I thank God for them and there time and talents. : )

That what great about Dg folks. They have heart big time. I learnign to colelct mor e myself thanks to the one s here , and I tell ya they have the patienc e of Job, to be colelcting all them seed and they have such big hearts sharing with with all the newbies. They each in there own way help to spread joy around.

Now what I didn't tell ya in the story above, didn't want to take up even mor e room, was as I was starting my journey I pulle dout onthe oen of th emain roads and wa s takign pic s a s I went, well ha d a big one of them city trucks that hauls dirt and gravel behind me.

First he wasn't happy that I wa s goign way below the spee dlimit and hittgn my breaks so I could try and snap a pic.

Now I not the best pictur e taker in the world a s it is, heck ya see my pute r skills, well camera s electronic and and i a failure with them too. I knwo how to turn on and shoot pic and even down load ( major accomplshment for me ) but have neve r use d any othe r featur e to includ e the video on it in the coupel years that I have ha d it.

Ok, back to story, so ther e I am driving alongor what appears to be driving, but have ya evevr trie d to take a pic while holdign coffee cup in one hand, try and work window control with other to get past dirty window, hold cameras up with othe r hand and stil hold on to wheel at same time. I just not that coordinated, so whiel I wa sbusy doing my pic thing, the car would kind a weave in the direction I wa s shootign th epic and then I would have to get back in my lane.

This truck wa s not happy with me, so I pulle d ove r and let him get by and th eothe r traffic that ha d now built up behidn me then starte don my merry way again Weaving and starting and stoppign all down the road.

I get out on to the highway sevral mintue s later and dnag but ther e the same truck behidn me again. Ther e office s aroudn there. he got onmy tail and then backe d off and eventually went aroudn me with the other cars. next thing I know as I tryign to shoot a pic of the water tower in my sid e mirrow I see lights and they ain't crossign lights, they the darn lights on top of the sherrifs car and he followign all behind me.

I am like darn, and start checkign liek crazy to make sur e hae purs e and wonderign if insuranc e card in it and have remmebre d to put the up to date one in it. Just abotu the time he gona pul me over, knwoing he probably thinks I drunk or high he gets an emergency call.

Think the onyl reason he didnt hang around as when he got clos e to my tail he good se the backloade d with all the boxe s, and thought I w sa probably local mail person. I was just glad. Let me tell you.

Was haign nightmare s of havign to call somebody to come bail me and and all the piggy boxe s out. Then piggy boxe s cover e d in nough bleu and white , they don't nee d no black and whit e stipe s on them. LOL

Ya all becareful openign the boxe s up, I put peanuts in the boxe s to keep them from rattling and so soem seed I sure has probably worke d it way out of the baggie s in there and enveolpe s , so ya don't be throwing seed otu with yoru boxes.

Thos e of you that have bulbs, ya nee d to get them plante d or back in fridge again real quick. Keepign them in my fridge helpe d slow down their sproutign some, but they still tryign to grow.

Thos e that got the little caldium bulb, take it an dput it in about a three inch pot and keep it damp but not to wet and put in a plac e wher egets lot s of sun and lot s of heat. The hotte r the better and it take s them weeks to abotu a month and thye wil start sprouting. Make sur e ya plat wiht the eyes up and don't plant very deep. They like to be ondry sid e, but not bone dry. That for the oens who told me they had neve r grown em before.

Got to clean hous e today and tommorrow and get allyoru boxe s ot me out of the spare bath tub. Man I wish I ha d abasement , but ov e r the weekend wil get togethe r and get out next mondya or tuesday thos e of you that have refudn s comign from postage out in the mail to ya. I gott chil for a coupel days.

heck I forgot I had my bed free and so use dot it nwo went back and fell a sleep on the couch.

Whovever gets the first piggy box , pleas e let me know, so I cna open mine. I stil havent' gotten into mine yet, we mad e the hourney together and waitign on ya all before I see what in the world I oinekd for.

remmebr if anybody has a problem with their box or is upset for any reason, just dmail me. It won't upset me at all, but always liek to knwo things ok, or if their problems for to help thinsg be better for next years swap.

I lov e the saying I think it wa s Lala put on he r enivies.

Happiness is having a seed
Happiness shared is having a flower

I probably got a few of the word s wrong, but it clos e to that.

I want to thank all of ya too for my seeds. Appreciate each oen of them and ya all and thanks for joinign in. Have enjoye d ya all. : )

Jar.. Welcome and feel free to hand aroudn and join in. Last year trip was more colorful, cuz I drov e to town, well, what atmpts to be a town, but last year I had calle d a friend to meet me at po to guard the car, and keep boxe s from gettign car jacked whiel I mad e all the trips in sid e and out, and this year they wa s busy with the grandkid s so went to country po wher e it quiet and not as much traffic.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

before I forget, ya all know Hollyhock lady , survior, is withotu internet right now, due to cut backs, but I had let her know her seeds were comign and how she had a box full and , I heard from her and her e is what she said: to pas sonto ya all.

" OMG you are kidding me.... Guess I will have to have my family save me some. I have 2 grand daughters to help me plant them. Looks like I have lots of work to do. Don't worry I will have lots to share with you all next swap. I sure hope this winter gardening works out. And lots of pictures to share to! Take care & tell everyone who has made this possible for me...

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Good Morning, Dear Lady Ella. Even this morning you had me laughing. I am so glad you made it safely to the p.o. without getting a ticket. God was looking after you, dear lady. Good thing that policeman had an emergency.
It was so wonderful reading of your adventures.
Thank you again
Charley the mule sends you lots of Nuzzles
and I send you hugs (((()))) for a GREAT JOB..

hi ella :))
loved your story and glad that everything is back to normal for you..i think it is my third swap and i still look forward to the box every year.. thanks so much ella for all your hard work for making this happen for all of us.
you have inspired me to grow and collect even more seed this coming year to share
pam sue

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Terese (tcs1366)!!! Hope you get pampered and lavished with birthday treats!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Neal... while that's a great thought, it aint gonna happen. ;-)

I'm gonna make myself, and DH some pancakes this morning... been jonesin' for them for some time now...

then he was gonna take me out for a nice [quiet] lunch... til the one kid said something about 'tradition' and 'free meal' ... so we are all going out. but it is one of my fave restaurants.... a fantastic horseradish encrusted salmon with spinach and tomato.

BUT -- the sun is shining and it will be above freezing today... so it has to be a good day!! It's usually a blizzard or so subzero you dont even wanna leave the house.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Happy Birthday! So glad you get a trip to your favorite restaurant! For my bday, my son wanted to try a new Italian restaurant in town.... (I don't care for Italian restaurants)..... but that is what we did. Unfortunately, his bday is almost a month before mine, but I told him I would remember that and NEXT TIME I get to pick for his bday! ^_^

Hope you have a wonderful lunch - and enjoy the sunshine!!


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday TCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope all yoru wishe s and dreams coem true. Hope ya a great day how ever ya spend it and hope ya have many many more!!!!!!!!!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

HB Terese.

Ella you one crazy gal. I love it.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday Terese hope it's filled with little surprises and may this next year of your life be filled to the brim with all kinds of good stuff.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Ella, thank you so much! I have so enjoyed watching the progress of the buckets and then the boxes. Yesterday's pics were a riot. I showed them to folks at work, and people generally rolled their eyes. They just don't get it! Thank goodness that we're all a bunch of plant geeks that just can't get enough. And thank YOU for doing all the hard work of sorting, divvying up, and losing your bed!
You ought to write a book, sort of "The Egg and I" but with gardening.

Happy Birthday TCS. Wishing you many many more. Enjoy the sunshine.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ella, that was another great piggy journey this year! Lol! Thank you!! :)

♫Happy Birthday to you♫... tcs!!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday TCS and many many more.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday Therese..... May this day be the BEST of many days, and Birthdays to follow!!

Ella... you are tooooo I lurked last year on your journey to the PO... I think you topped it this year, and so glad that policeman had better things to do, than pull you over. You are so talented in so many areas of your life and I thank God, you are in mine!! I think now we will add modest to your many talents! There's no way I can deny the time spent on collecting seeds, but I can only imagine... since YOU also collected MANY seeds for all us piggies, and then all the countless hours going through the seeds, making sure all the seeds went in the right bucket, and if that wasn't enough, tried to choose the perfect seeds for all of us, with the ones that were left. Amazing... that's you Ella!! And I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks everyone... great start to the day... DH made breakfast. great waffles -- banana, pecans and flax seeds... YUM.

I've started a new thread too.......

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