Seed Swap and Chat # 48 ... seeds will be coming soon

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Carolyn, I had some lantana reseed for me this year but it was just too late in the summer they did have time for a lot of blooms I just want to see them sooner lol Maybe a lantana seed from the year before came up in that brug pot.

I had two of the mexican petunias come up toward the end of the summer that you sent me a long time ago I thought they were all gone it wasn't the mound ones I think they were the taller pink ones that are middle sized. If they come up this summer I'm taking cuttings off of them to start them in another area. They must have come up too late I never did see a bloom on them.

One of these years I'll get the knack of these lantana seeds it took a long time to be able to get the annual geraniums to germinate for me but I'm finally fine with them :)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Think I'll just cut them off and poke them in the soil for instant Gratification.
They root pretty good from cuttings.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Well at least you mastered the geraniums, haven't been able to do that yet. Last year couldn't even begin and what little I did just didn't make it hopefully this year will be better . Think I am gonna try Ella's tiny seed cell thingie's in a plastic baggie cause she has them going on.Am wondering if she stole my not so green thumb that was green at one time. Just have to get it back now. She is being a very big help and so are you with helping me get my mind back to the flower's.
She has got to share her pictures on here because they are awesome but the transplanting is very close , so once the seeds gone she will be up to her nose in dirt.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


Gather round piggies. Grba ya yoru favorit e drink and a snuggle blanket and pillow whiel I tell ya all a bedtime story of the 2009 Piggy Swap.

Jst hope I don't get so comfortable that I fall asleep durign the tellign of the tale.

Well.... It this year piggy swap starte d almost 2 and a half months ago. Th e seasone d sows and boars, ( trying to remmer from piggy game if that the right terms), helpe d a bunch of new little piglets to sueel and oink, waddle, roll, and just plain snort and dig down in the mud. : )

Well today the almost endign of this year seed swapign part of the swap.

Now, I may not have no fancy piggy mobile like was poste d up above , but I go tthe next best thing. Meet my Piggy lemonzine! : )

If ya look real clos e you cna see the front piggy decals compliments of stoicker s from of I love Jesus99 box.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Heck my my vechile is even a stretch lemonzine.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Now I warme d the car up a bit on the chilly sid e out door and got the leave s finalyl out of the back of the car whiel the piggy boxe s waite d to be loaded

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Well finally mad e it out the driveway and on to the road and we just about ready to roll. Checke d to make sure the piggy boxe s were all belte d in, and did me a road check.

Got coffee. Check!
Got spare cup of coffee Check!!
Got lizard buddy goign along as co driver. Check!
Got pringles. oh o. whr e the pringles. Back into house for pringles. Got pringles? Check! : )

Time to rock and roll.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Now sinc e there such a loa d of pigy boxe s this time, I goign the back roads and the senic view. Not to much to see for entertainment, but oh look at all the dark spots. Is it.... My word, yes it is. Gardeners gold. Poop! and lot s of it.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

sign says STOP. Gott a obey the law. Oh Hey look I know that street.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Got the golden oldie s tune s jammign on the radio and I start singing, Down roudn , the corner, down round the street...

But wait what do I see. Oh my more popping machines. Wonde r if the piggy boxe s would mind if I stoppe dfor a bit and tosse d a few bucket fulls back there with them?

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Finally on the main road. Look out po , her e we come a snorting.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Sheesh, I need coffeee , mor e coffee. Them piggy boxes i the back making so mch noise wonderign what their new mommie s and daddie s are gona be like and what they wanna be when they grow up that I need abotu 6 cups to calm my nerves.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Green acreas is the plac e to be.. Farm living is the life for me lalallalalalala

Good thign there a bunch fo leave s still betwen me and piggy boxes, so they can't hear hwo bad I singing off key. : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Sure hope the piggy boxes don't see the mud hole, they might want to go skinny dipping and I refus e to hold 60 boxe s of wrap and then help them get dresse d again to continue the journey.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Not even half way to th epo and have to grab my second cup of coffee. darn piggy boxes. They rockign the lemonzine arguing over who gonna be the biggest sprout . Excus e me a moment

" Piggy kids, if ya don't behave and sit back down gonan start tossign ya otu the window. "

Now as I wa s saying. Sur e gla d I brought a spare cup of coffee

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank goodness, finally the highway, won't be too long now.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Now I knwo ya all excited , but Dang, piggy boxes, ya rocking the car to much. Te s , w e finally have arrived!

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

The piggy boxes so excite d they falign all ove r themselve s back there a s I try to turn ointo the po . heck they so ba d right now, I can't even get a decent picture.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

The Post offic e flag. Got to stop a second and say God Bless our country and say a pray for those serving to protect and us.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Well, I finally get evrybody out of the car and on the sidewalk ready to go into po. As youc an see. They stil gabbing away and nobody in line, or listenign to me so I...........

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

seriously thinkign about gettign back in the car driving over the top of all th eboxes, squishign them flats and and stuffing them all in the drive through collection box.

Only porblem is be just y luck them funky bug looking seed s Mekis sent would ris e up and giv e be a flat tire. Bette r not, so hauligninto po trip afte r trip goe s all the piggy boxes.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Well, I get em all inside and they all over the place. They on the counters, on the floors , ther e no room for anybody to move and becaus e the regula r post mistress is off the ne wone cna onyl do one box at a time and cant stop for any othe r customers til she finishe d with me.

Got my back turned so I don't have look all them folks wantign a turn in the face.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Al the piggiy boxe s in their new mod e of transportation. I must say whiel I am happy fo rthem, I a littl bit hrt that they prefered this pigy eye d , smiling piggy mobile better than my piggy lemoznzine.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Well, gue s it time for me to start the journey home, I giv w the piggy boxes onelast look and wish them a speedy journey and lot s of luck and happines s in their new homes, but wait. ...

What do I see??????????? Well darn. My hand looks exactly ike the one on this sign on the way home. Why is it evrytiem I go to po , I have to stamp the fragile and perissabel stamps on the box with the leaky red inkers.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Local high school with junior high across the street. Fudge, wish I woudl have thought to come this way to po, maybe I coudl have picke d up a coupel of strong backs to load and unload. I always one step behind .

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Almost back home. Sheesh which way shoudl i go??????? Which arror shoudl I follow. So much for keep our streets clean. LOL

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yahooo onyl a fe w mroe miel sot go and be back home, btu oh look I see this girl and thinsk of Rides Red and her mule adn starts singing Green Acreas all over again. Maybe I shoudl change to sining rawhid e song instead. What ya think?

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yes!!! Yes! Yes!!!!!!!! finally my driveway. Stop to check the mail and a bit dissapointe d cuz I knwo ther e wil be no mor e piggy boxe s in it, but wait. it a sign from the piggy boxes I tell ya. They havent fogotten me already, look what they left to keep me company.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

It all ove r now for me til ya all start gettignyoru piggy boxes. Finally I have my bed back and to keep me company... my piggy bucket. : )

Tiem fo rthis piggy to get anothe r cup of coffe and kick back : ) Thanks everybody for lettign me be yoru hostess again. Thank you all piggie s who been such a help alogn the journey. Without ya couldn't have done it. Thankyou to thos e thos e piggies who sent extra seed for all the newbies , and to all who sent for surviors. Have amessage fromHolylhock lady al lfor ya late r will post. Thank you all piggie s of r being such greta piggie sna so muh fun. : )

Hoep to wallow with ya through the threads til next year swap. : )

( p. s. is it next year yet?????? Is it time for 2010 piggy swap yet? )

(p.s.s hehehhehehe giving me batterie s wa s dangerous to your health. LOL )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Have you tried companion planting to control the buggies? Sometimes you really have to tempt the good bugs into your garden to ward off the bad ones.

Last year I cut some wood to make new bat houses & will put them together to encourage them to stay & eat the mosquitos and all the flying nasties.

Loved the road trip Ella :) A two cup ride to the P.O.? Wow! Mine's only a quarter cup and a half cigarette down the road !

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, Star I so enjoyed that trip to the Post Office. You did a great job taking and getting back home. Thanks for taking us along with you on your trip. I really loved it. Thanks for everything. You are a Treasure!!

Star, I forgot to tell ya. If'n you need any donkey or mule poo let me know. Be glad to send you a box full.....☺
Such FUN!!!!! enjoyed it.

This message was edited Jan 12, 2010 7:46 PM

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Star for the trip, you are great!

Star, I can barely type for laughing so hard. You are the BEST yet! This has been so much fun and Thank you so much for all you did and ALL the entertainment you have provided. When you get that book written, I want to know because I want an autographed copy for me. LOVE you girlfriend! Can't wait till next year and gonna have all the different seeds I can find. At least I'll be better at collecting them and finding them and keeping them in paper next time. Will be better prepared next time. Thank you and God bless you.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh, remmebr # 3 from earlier this afternoon the thign I couldn't remmebr. Well I finally remmebre d it. I hoep a coupel peopel an apology. A coupel of ya sent me dmail to pull a seed from yoru extra for somebody else. Well, gues what I forgot. It not so much a s I forgot as I pulel dthem, and put on the side to put in thei rbuckets later and then forgot ad themseed s went into the oen for one pile, so I apologiz e they in somebody box . Proabby be alot to ask that they soemhow wil magically arriv e in that persons box. I sorry I messe d it up ther e for ya.

Cris.... Do the bats stay at yoru house. On the way to po is a hous e that is loade d with bats. They stay in thes e folsk garage. They got really bad and investe d high school too . I been thinkign abotu puttign some up myself, but heard that you nee d to move bababie s to yoru nest and then again they stil may go back to wher e momma is. The skeeter s and bugs so bad here.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh Ella!! Thanks for the narration - I've been looking forward to the trip again this year. You make me laugh! :-)

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

The bats move into our chimneys in the spring which is why I need to get the new houses made & put up before they come back.

Bat colonies are always looking for new accomodations as the family grow so don't worry about moving babies - you'll get a tenant for sure.

Bat houses are always on the north side of a tree and have to be placed 20' or more feet off the ground. We have a huge old cedar tree that a branch cracked in a storm & came down so it will be a perfect location.

They really do a great job here of eating the skeeters & our house is right off a marshland.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Ella I'm one of those people that asked you to pull a seed for me and have no worries you did a great job I'm sure I'll have enough seeds to plant as well as everyone else there is always next year, thanks for a great swap! You are the Queen :)

OMG Ella you are so funny! Now what about your coffee for the trip back you need a coffee maker in your car lol Or they need to have coffee for their best customer when she comes in :)

I loved your trip to the PO I was rolling on the floor it made me laugh so much! Next time you'd better give those piggy boxes a talking to before you leave the house so they will be good, should we punish them when they get here I sure hope they behave on the trip LOL

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

ummm Ella - you didn't say whether you went back for the poo

Who guessed closest to the total number of seed packs going out this year? I think I missed that.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Ella thank you so much for the trip to the PO and for all the work you did for us. I'm looking forward to my box no matter what it has in it.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

How many seeds did you send? I forgot to guess. I, for one, hope to have a wider variety of seeds to offer for next year's swap! I am a newbie piggy and newbie gardener. I felt bad that I didn't have a wide variety of unusual seeds to swap. If any of my oinks didn't make it, that is fine. It will give me something to oink for next time! Besides, I am sure I will be around the cottage and other forums asking for help.

I want to thank Ella for hosting the swap and everyone for generously sharing their wonderful seeds!!!

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