Seed Swap and Chat # 48 ... seeds will be coming soon

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I bet you'd have to have a LOT of those seeds to do
anything with them, Star. But it is better to be safe than sorry.
Sure don't want to Push Your Luck.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

It looks like I got them in the first big swap, the one Suzy did. I got a few packages. I'm thinking they were a part of the seeds that came from Alaska.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Opium poppy seeds are perfectly legal to own, sell. and even trade. Although they're illegal to grow, there's not poppy police going around and arresting people, so send them on their way.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have one poppy plant I started last year and hope it makes it thru the winter.
It is a perrienial. Hope it makes it.
Hope I get some of those seeds too.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

You can grow the opium poppy here in the states, In order you make the opium you would have to grow acres of the poppies to get anything, that is why they don't police it. The seeds are harmless in the amount you have.

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

Back in the 70's we had some growing in our yard. Come home one day and all of the flower heads had been cut off. Apparently who ever did it wasn't aware that it wasn't going to be enough! We were upset at the time because they were blooming so pretty. Now we get a good chuckle from it.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thnaks folks. I just wante d ot make sure. Want happy piggie s , but not that happy. LOL

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I was thinking this thread needs an official vehicle, so wanted to share this with you all. Perfect for running to Piggy Swaps.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

oh.. isnt' that just the cutest.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is so neat. Did it have a curley tail too??

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

ahahahahahhaha Trip me out. heheheheh Man I need one of them LOL

Way to go Moon : )

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

There you go Ella, perfect for you . moon need to send that on to her.

thats the kind of poppy you see on breads and bakery stuff

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

A couple of years I called, can't remember if it was Customs, the sheriff, or who, but one of them and asked if it was illegal to grow them and they said no it wasn't. You see, it isn't the seeds that make the opium, it is what you do with the plant itself. I've seen it on TV documentaries as I am sure most of you have.

If you are concerned, call someone in authority and ask them. Maybe each state is different also. Their local laws.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Don't know if all knows but people used to collect the old fashioned morning glory to make acid lol and that isn't banned anywhere so think the pooppys be fine they are beautiful little flowers. And we all know that most plants are harmful in one way or the other. Had someone ask me if they could have my brug flowers , told them no!!!!
They are my babies.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Carolyn, what were they going to do with your brug flowers? Or do you mean they wanted your plants? Why would someone think you would send them your plants? Or, did they mean cuttings?

Sorry I am so dense. Jeanette

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Honeybunch, I found a bag of seeds with your name on it in my seed box. Somehow (stupid me) I forgot to mail it to Star with the rest of the seeds. I will get it in the mail directly to you . Is your address in the addy exchange?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They make you see things aren't there. They used MG seeds
the same way. It is dope. Iguesss it is safe to say that!! It kills
some it is so bad!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Uggggg -- soemtimes i'm just so scattered.... here is my last 45 min...

around 1pm I decided i need to go to WalMart to look for - amongst other things, Perilite for Ws'ing.
so, i think to myself... what is the difference between the two...

better go look that up....

head up stairs, and think... ack, my hair is a wreck, better turn on the curling iron [for the bangs]
Hear the UPS truck, so i sit with Buddy who is ready to go ballistic ... after a few min of rifling thru his truck, the driver walks up the drive... i hollar to Alex to get the door. I go down to check the package.. it's for DH, take his box down in the basement [new project for him] . Head back up stairs... see the PC and think... OH, check Daves... start reading about sculters dog Widget.... oh crap, left the curling iron on.... go curl hair, and think... crap, i never looked up Vermiculite.

But -- now the bangs are curled, did my 'research', now i just have to finish getting ready to go to wallyworld.

But -- some days, i'm just so scattered.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

:-) Know the feeling terese :) At any one time there are 20 things I should be doing, and I'm usually in the middle of 10 of them, nothing getting done!

Went to wallyworld yesterday and almost bought some seed starting mix. It was the Jiffy pot brand which I've never seen, so I looked at the ingredients, and I think it was all peat. That didn't seem right, so I didn't buy it. What is normally in seed starting mix? Does anyone have a favorite brand/source? Last year I used 8 - 8 qt bags, I'd love to find larger/cheaper bags!

Very calm, not thinking about them today, dosed up on Nyquil. That's the only advantage to having a cold, a good excuse to chill out! Thinking fire in the fireplace tonight... there are some good things about winter. Maybe I'll find a new seed catalog in the mail...

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Ok, Terese, give up the info! So are you buying vermiculite or perlite? I looked for vermiculite at the store yesterday, couldn't find any, just perlite. I think I sprinked verm.. on my ws containers last year. Dang, I always get the 2 confused.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I think Perlite is coarse than vermiculite. I still try to figure out if I like
peat or not. I did get some Jiffy grow mix. Hope it is good.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Me too, though I'm trying to remind myself... I think Vermiculite is the stuff you find as a kid called 'fool's gold', which is shiny like gold but flaky. So that makes perlite the styrofoam looking stuff.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That's it!!

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Are their uses interchangeable? I read something here on DG about them, but I don't remember where I saw it. I need to use the bookmark feature.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Perlite vs. Vermiculite

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I was told that the brug plants are what the indian's used to smoke to go on there trips don't know how true that is but do knw that they where almost banned few years ago . And some kids did get hold of seed and los there life but like I said before most plants are toxic just have to be carefull. I am alwas watching my grands and great grands because of this. I love my brugs had a double thanks to Ella for the first time this year and praying it gets thru this cold we having sorry didn't put in the garage.
But have to know your plants as you play and make sure no one trying to walk away with something that can harm them. Every time my great grand hunting flowers for her Dad or mom I make sure not anything that can harm her and we wash hands.
I have Indian background and am alive today from the herbs that they used to save me because doctor said I was done but my Aunt said no. So we just have to teach and watch over.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

LOL I thought vermiculite was to help with damping off ,just got small bag from lowes for that purpose in my seed book says sow in it with lots of plants but Ella uses as top dressing and she is doing great. Think I will follow her.
Got the jiffy seed starting mix and went to lowes and found the mircle grow one for 3 cent cheaper gonna see which one does the best.
Got the Jiffy for 4.00 at walmart. Will see which does better.
Just want to see green lol.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Some good info on damping off:

A little trick I learned from LazLo - cinnamon has anti-fungal properties and can help prevent damping-off. Just sprinkle some on the surface of whatever potting medium you are using...

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Hey, just a funny. I've been searching the web for various seed starting mixes, trying to glean where I am most likely to find some sold. Whenever I search for Pro-Mix BX (which I've seen recommended various places), I come up with a bunch of sites focused on growing cannibus! Weird. Must be their soil of choice.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Hungarian bread seed is poppy seeds, the same as the black poppyseeds you buy at the grocery and is used to make poppy seed rolls. Nothing illegal about them.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks for posting that link Locakelly -- that was the same one i read before goign shopping...

never ended up at wallyworld... i'll do that next week. I'm putting WS on hold for a while... i have to get my cornice boxes done.

But I will eventually get Perilite, if i can find it. ... just did some grocery shopping.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Vermiculite seems more variable to me (from bag to bag) in the amount of moisture it will hold.. I generally stick with Perlite, which I buy in bags nearly as tall as I am at the nursery (much more reasonable than those little bags from WM).

Lots of ways to prevent damping off... I think I managed to include a lot of them in this article:

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Critter, do you make your own seed starting mix, or buy it?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks Critter,
we will get it all together lol been hunting pro-mix close to me none to be found , something else I believe in . Got to find nursery some where lot have closed . But as a gardener gonna do the best I can.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I was looking for vermiculite last year and finally asked a guy why I could not find it and he said they are making it illegal because it can cause lung disease when you breath it so they had taken it off their shelves.

Perilite is the little styrofoam beads. Yes, I just heard about cinnamon. Now that is weird. Not that I just heard about it, but that you use it for damping off.

Yes, Pro-Mix has the seed starting mix. I don't know what all sizes it comes in, but my sister bought me one of those huge compressed bags for my birthday last year. It will last me the rest of my life.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Carolyn, guess we posted at the same time back there. Google Pro-Mix and go to store locater and put in your zip code. I would think they would have that option. Most do now. Or, they will have a place to put in a dealer near you.

Something close to those.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I personally have used almost every type of spyware on the market. I have spent a ton of money in doing so.

I know this is a bit late ... I'm trying to plat catch up. lol ...
I had a bunch of virus' found on my computer and my hubbies. He has XP and I have Vista. Your best bet is to not get any of these commericially released programs that say they protect. Norton seems to be the worst. Norton you have to literally go to their website and "FIND" their spyware program removal tool & believe me its not easy to find on their website. We just recently went through all of this. What finally worked was going to the Microsoft website - go to downloads and download 'Microsoft Security Esstentials' ... It works wonderfully my hubby is a download feend & It detected 3 virus' ... he didn;t even know they were there until he looked at the History. Also 'Windows defender' is a good one ... I prefer 'Window Security essentials' ... They are both free through Microsoft. They don't seem to like to run together though.

Critter & everyone - What do you think about this seed soil mix? IS it worth the $$ for it?

Brugs ... My sons use to smoke it or boil the flowers to trip ... boy was I mad when I found out. They also use to do the same with Datura flowers ... apparently the darker the color ... like the lavenders are a deeper trip or son they told me after they grew up and moved out!! The Black Currant Swirl Triples are the most potent and the most deadly out of them all.

Its coooollllldd ... when will it end ... Florida isn't suppose to freezzze this time of the year ... I had at least 2 more weeks to go.... This sux ... I hear even the bahamas are getting hit with this freezzzzingggg weather.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

The hubby & I love the Piggy car ... LOL
Great find!! :D

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