Seed Swap and Chat # 48 ... seeds will be coming soon

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hoep they like Pringles. : ) They so cute, I be willign to share mien with them LOL.

Rides.. Do ya use them to plow the ground with.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>See, these two waitn at
the gate foryou and their mouths ready for the food. They don';t care what it is.

I think they are saying... Miss Ella, will you please share those Pringles with us??

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

ROFL --- we crossed posts.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

All those boxes! Looks unbelievable!
What a great job Star.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Just make sure you don't accidentally drop your fuzzy slippers in a box. Only kidding. You are " the hostess with the mostess." Just think, once you clear the piggies out of your house, you can make a big mess wintersowing seeds!

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Please keep any extra that I sent for postage.
It probably won't be much but hopefully help someone else.
After all the time, effort and WORK you put into this swap you shouldn't
have to come up with postage as well.

Certainly appreciate everything you've done and.... all your lovely seeds
I squealed for !

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

hey Somebody what the abbreviation for Massa chuets?

I always get get Maine, Massachuets and Maryland all mixed up.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Massacheuttes is MA, Maine is ME and Maryland is MD

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I can usually come up with Maine and Ma .... usually have a heck of a time remembering Maryland!

But then MOST folks think I live in ARIZONA....... AR is Arkansas ! :)


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Alaska always throws me... but it's not like i mail there often.. though DH has a buddy up there, so he's used to doing AK.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Moon!!!!!!!!!

LOl Can ya all tell I didn't pass 3rd grade state s color in the maps. Wa s too busy fightign with my brother s to do home work. LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Fun games for US Geography (capitals & more) here:

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Aha! This page has the postal abbreviation game I was looking for...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Does anybody happen to have maile d anythign to ilovejesus99? I have oen zip code from the dg exchange and a different one on the envie she sent me, and it oen of them stickers from advertisements ya get in the mail, so not sur e which correct. Haven't seen her on lien today and she hasn't answered dmail. So if somebody has it would appreciate it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm pretty sure her address in the exchange is correct. :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

hang on... i got a place to check.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I found 77520... but then in mapquest I got this... Baytown, TX 77523-9667
I'd think the second one is correct because it has the 4 digit code after it.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

just wanted to add...

i have this relative that every year, she addresses my christmas card incorrectly and it always makes it to my home.

I'd think the box would make it to her no problem.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

CAn you go through the post office to get the zipcode??

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I went here [zip code looker upper]

and came up with BAYTOWN TX 77523-9667

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Good. I had 23 from the exchange btu then the sticker on her envie said 20 and sure don't want to have a piggy going off for a midnight cruis e someplace else.

Shoot and I still need an addy for Soul and that wil take care of evrybody and the last touches.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

you can google zip codes. If you use the wrong one it will get routed to the area for the zip and when no such address is found they'll look at the written address, which will really delay delivery.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Not in the exchange?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

jus tippy toeing through and making sure all good little piggie s are tucked away in bed dreamig of oinekd seeds and which one they gonan start first. LOL

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

lol, I'm waiting to see yours blooming Ella. Can't believe you guys being so cold. It is 33 degrees here tonight and about a half inch of snow. Actually just a crust that doesn't want to melt. We had all that cold for the last almost 2 months. Normally we have a lot of snow.

Hey, this has been a wonderful winter for us. Cold but no snow. I'll take that any day.

Ella, think I woke everyone up after you had them all tucked in?


Maybe that did it Ella.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

soul gardener is in the exchange if thats who you looking for? i got lost in all the people who participated. hehe

yall i have a little window seal tray for seeds and put the dirt in and watered it but havent put seeds in it yet. dont knopw what to start that may come up in the cold and only get window heat. im awful im growing dirt

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Imazadi. Hope you are on the mend. That was quite a scary infection. Glad you are better.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Well, today is the big day. Do w e have any wigglign piggies in anticipation. Hoep so, hope ya all excite d and eager and if real earger, I might just go back to bed and sleep til 6 pm. We'll see if piggy boxes really do fly. LOL

In just a little bit gonan do alast check of boxes and tape em all shut.

I know I forgettign something, but it hasn't hti me just yet what it is.

I know we have alot of new folks that joien d the swap this year. I have doen the best I could with yoru boxes. I amsorry if ya don't have a whoel lot of what you may have wante d but when ya only oink for 8 things, it relly mad e it rough for me to find ya things. At least for next year if ya participate, you'll know how to oinkand get your tail in their and squeel for seeds ya really want.

Like Critter said, "And if you got seeds you don't want or can't use, just pass them along to somebody else. There's a "seeds for newbies" effort ongoing, or you can post a list of what you have available in the seed trading forum, or if you come across a new subscriber, you can offer them a "welcome to DG" packet. :-) "

I hope all of you new folks to wil hang aroudn and discuss your growign techniques and share yoru thought s and ideas and I hope ya grow out some of your seed and learn to gather it for folks coming in next year. We was kinda lean this year on seed s and varieties.

We have some regula r piggie s who seem to carry alot of the loa d for everybody else, so it woudl eb nic e if ya all could pay back their kindnes s next year, by growing soem of the sed ya get and gather it.

Ther e soem really remarkable and knowledgable folks on the cg thread and they cna help you to ws and gater and identify oru seeding s if ya los e tags , and what conditions they need if ya just ask

There a couple of folks on onks from me you may not have them for oen of the folowign reasons.

1. There was limited supply and youw as way over you oinks limit and somebody els e with hardly nothing got them. A little ove r oinks was ok, but soemof ya went hog wild, so had to pull things back from off from me.

2. I had seed scattere d in 6 rooms and ya oike d when my pute r wouldnt let me update list and had over flow of dmails and had to make mroe and haven't found the extra seed yet, it burie din a bag. You I will find and send on in a sepreate envelope the few that are missing somethings. Giv eme a few days to go back threw my mess and find em for ya. Ya allhit me hard this year and wa s glad. Maybe now cna have room for somemilk in fridge and have it instea d of coffee. heck might evenhave room for lunch meat too. : )

3. I don't remmebr right now. Not enough coffe e in me, but I did have one. I really did. LOL

4. If ya wondering abotu something ya got or didn't get just send me a dmail.

Ok, time to pull the bulbs from the fridge. And get these boxe s ready to find a ne w mud hole to play in. LOL

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Star, I know I didn't oink for as many as a lot of folks, but, hey! I'll be glad for whatever you send. Like some of the girls, I'm not to great on starting seeds but now I have something to start with. Just got to get the containers to put them in. did ya borrow my mule to haul em to the P.O.?
Old Charley is a much loved mule and would help all he can. I think you are doing a wonderful job and love listening to your seed adventures. So hang in there, this old piggy enjoys seeing what is going on in the pigpen.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Ella, you did beautifully as always. It's not so much what is gotten, as it is the love and time you put into this project and we all love you for it.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

amen to that... And if there is something i didnt get, for whatever reason.. I probably wont know it anyways...

sometimes you just oink like mad and not even realize it, nor recall what you oinked for.
[though i have to admit... i have a list of everything i asked for... not that i NEEDED it.]

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm excited! Don't go back to bed yet! You're awesome Ella! Whatever I end up with will be full of fun, for sure! I'm going into oinking withdrawal here, and have even been browsing some seed sites to see what I might be missing.

Been doing so good eating salads this week, that maybe I should try some lettuce and spinach, even if it does only last until May before it bolts from the heat here...

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Kelly, after it bolts, catch the seeds and plant again when it cools down. You can have twice the fun in one year.I'm trying Flying Saucers lettuce this year in red, gold and green. I think they will be excellent salad makings and probably a darn good wilted lettuce dish.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Agggggggggggg ya all, almost let me forget topu tin the piggy trivia bulbs. They was in another area. : )

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

How exciting Ella! Hope you have a fun, safe trip to the PO........ I know the PO workers will LOVE to see you coming! :)

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I"ve tried in the past, and always get lot of little crawly gnat-like buggies. Anyone have any tips for them? Just got a salad spinner, so figure washing real well will be easier... but would love to avoid them in the first place.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Star... Thank you so much for all your hard work again this year :-) It will probably be nice to sleep back in your bed again ;)

I am also worried about the postage... What I sent, I thought was enough and I thought you could keep the rest, but looking at all the boxes... I'm worried it's not enough. Last year I did an envelope... and I didn't win any bulbs... Please let me know if it's more than what I sent so that you don't put yourself out and I'll drop something in the mail.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, please do let us all know. Postage is not cheap.
Did you get all the leaves out of your car yet?? You have such a heck of a time.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Cool we will have a bunch of piggy seeds here shortly take your time Ella fighting those pipes has got to be a trip every year!

Did you happen to remember the Monk's Hood in the freezer :) I had a note in with my seeds and still forgot to send them with the piggy seeds I'd forget my head if it weren't attached!

I have a question about the lantana if those seeds soak a little too long would it really matter you think? Those seeds are so hard I've had mine in the soak for about three days do you think it would be worth it to plant those or should I start all over? I never have more than one lantana to come up so I haven't a clue about them lol I feel like I just luck out when I get one out of about 20 seeds! What is the secret to these seeds anyway after years of trying them I still can't get what I want out of them :) The book says to soak for 24 hrs. guess I’ll have to start over :)

You know I'm not concerned about getting a lot of seeds I've learned my lesson about oinking for too many and can't get them sowed, just one year I would love to have an empty crisper LOL I think everyone will be happy with what they get I just couldn't imagine trying to do this swap with so many people my toboggan (sp) is off to you Ella!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Reminded her of them this morning and the blubs . She been off and running for a little sure the postal clerk was happy to see her. So they are in there . Don't have a clue about Lantana seed when I was into growing more would do few cutting , can't remenber when did them either .
Was surprised to find a lantana growing in one of my brug pots this year and of course there was 2 different mexican mounds in there never got them out maybe why the brug didn't bloom lol.

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