Offical Muffler Sulking Section (and other Various Chatter)

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

the mice get their tail cause you use the cherries with the stem attached..i will take a pic of the "critters" here afterwhile and post how they are made..they are a little time consuming, but oh so cute when they are done..
this has been a blast and thanks all for making christmas fun again..

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

oh cindy, have to have that recipie.. we have one brave mouse around here, in fact caught him and the cat eating together the other noght out of the same food bowl! The cat is old (14) so I don't want to move her bowl.. but what the heck??
Anyway, DH would get a kick out of the mouse candies..

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wren, that Christmas fudge sounds wonderful. I think I shall give it a try. How much fruit do you use? Maybe 1 cup or so?

I was supposed to be writing my final exam this morning. I just walked home from a spot about 1/4 mile from the house. I stopped at a stop sign and the car slid backwards into a ditch. We had freezing rain overnight and it's awful. Kelly came to get me in the 4WD truck and now he is stuck also. Now he has gone to get the tractor (with chains) to get us both out. What a pain in the patootie.

I called the University and I can write my exam tomorrow.

Winter sucks. I want to live in Oregon.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Puff, puff, puff, whirling around getting ready to catch a goose south. I SO want to contribute eggish receipes to the CHICKSS cookbook but I won't be back til mid-January :( Will it still be compiling then I wonder? Also I will commence pompomish sparkly crotchetty scarfs then too. I luv meeses. Mickey lived in my garden shed until he died of old age this spring :( I miss him.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

On the Christmas fudge, depends on how much you want. I think I remember you use about a pound and a half of the white chocolate. Just use the cherries and the pineapple. And besure to add the melted chocolate last and have the other stuff at room temp. the Chocolate will set up fast!!!!

I want you to know y'all have get me started on a project. Once everyone on here has their scarfs I am going to make more and give them to the Hospice thrift store to sale.

And the next thing I want to learn to do is the hats.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Oh, Claire, what a mess! At least the University didn't penalize you for it. I hope Kelly has managed to extricate your vehicles and you're both toasty warm and dry inside by now. Good luck on the exam tomorrow! Gives you an extra day to swot, although I'm sure you don't need it!

Dahlianut, where are you off to? I hope it's someplace fun!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We are off to tour AZ and NM gh_gal. I am very, very excited about it ^_^

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Oh, that sounds like fun, Dahlianut! And it will be WARMER there, too!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Managed to get Kelly's truck out. We are home - I can see the car from my office window. The power went out but I have battery power. We don't know why power is out. My car is still stuck and waiting for triple A now.

Cmoxon i sure hope the weather gets more cooperative . Glad yoru home warm. Sorry about the truck.
i need to get to market and get butter.
i m going to try and bake something .

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

o Cmoxon i'm so sorry.. even if its not bad.. its still kinda scarily breathtaking to slide into a ditch.

I also hope you are taking recipes for a while... with mom down I don't have time just yet to hunt up my good recipes. Idk.. i've missed so much maybe you've already done this.. but is it all favorite recipes that take eggs (like cookies) or just recipes that take lots of eggs.. or what.. is there any parameters to this cook book?

I Love mice! we have a "pet" one at our shop that eats with the cats. They are young & still they just look at him when he eats out of thier food bowl. I suspect my brother also feeds him when my other brother isn't looking. He's a pretty light brown field mouse.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

nice thing about the software.. we can always add on..

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

geez Claire I'm sure glad you are ok..and that the vehicles are too..altho they arent as important as you two..
heres the pic of the mice..i didnt do too good on the eyes and nose..hands arent too steady..
all you have to do is melt chocolate chips, dip the stemmed cherries in one at a time, as soon as you take it out, sit on wax paper and press and hold a kiss on then add sliced almonds for ears..then later you can add the eyes and nose with icing..they are really simple but like i said a little time consuming..
have fun

This message was edited Dec 14, 2009 1:10 PM

Thumbnail by cndydavis
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I make Divinity every year... yes, with Pthuds.... I wish someone to take over that task for me this year!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Cindy! Those are DARLING!!!!!!!!

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

OH my.. the mice are definitly on my to do list this week.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

i would love to try divinity. never made it before..but me thinks that DH is getting kinda fed up with my baking n making this year..even tho he is the "official" taster..i made some heavenly cherry cookies this morning..
Its great seeing you on here ZZ..hows the trucking going? when do you get your own truck? soon i hope..
thanks all

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh how cute, and I am thinking that Billy and I can do it for his school party...

Hope Dnut makes it here ... Cant wait.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Those mice are just about the most adorable things I have seen. What a cute, cute idea. I am going to take those to our office party. They will be a huge hit. You are the greatest Cindy! Thanks!!!

Car is extricated, power is on, studying is recurring. All is well.

Clarkson, KY

Cindy -I should've said it too!!! Those are absolutely wonderful!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Goin well Cindy, Thank you. Hopefully in a week or so I'll be in my truck.. Hope to be in Salt Lake to get it by Thursday... takes a couple of days to do paperwork, etc . Think Purple for me!! I want purple sooo bad, but I get what I get.. (go figure.. at what I'm gonna be paying in payments I can't pick the color??)

Lucky You MsJestr! I hope you get to meet her too... how cool. Do tell us ASAP you find out..

Hope everyone's Holiday Season is gooin well so far...

Glad your back on track Claire!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

ZZ good news.

those mice are so cute !
and look soooo yummmy tooooo
oh this is the hardest time to eat healthy :( and i m trying my best too. *sigh*
glad you got the truck and the power is on Cmoxon.
not much here
still deciding if a hen is a roo or a very confused hen ?
got three eggs today ! yeah.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Yea Taynors, you got eggs... Still no eggs, but they say the the EE's dont lay in the winter... I will have to find me some that do.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

my EE's lay... & its like 17 here tonight. I get 2 green eggs (2 EE's) every other day. :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

MissJ - it is imperative that you take some pictures at the happy DG reunion with Dahlia. We will have conniptions if you don't.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Aye aye; I second that motion! How cool that would be!

yes conniptions would be a horrific. .... but no pressure :) *wink*
i only have the three that are laying . well i have only seem them in a nest box . But my smallest little one is named Ms.Shirley and she is my big egg layer.
the smallest white one, well..... i think she is confused also . But we don't mention this in front of her . May give her a complex. ? we are trying to be encouraging her more with cheers and singing.
Dorkings are supposed to lay in winter with the shorter days . go figure .
i m thinking of getting this breed. Cuz i want eggs in winter too.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I had some dorking chicks this year but lost them in an unfortunate incident. However, I would like to try again. I got mine from Preservation Poultry here in Iowa. They were really nice chicks. They were silver dorkings.

Lodi, United States

The Dorkings are Doomed....there is a fatal glamour over them....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

But...but...why? Are they that lovely? It sounds terribly sinister....doomed....

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL Maybe I need some, I call Billy Dork, and he could have chickens named after him...

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

oooo good idea MissJestr.. i could name some after the boys... dorkaig, dorkmiah & dorkicah . Maybe I should get them thier own little dorklings this summer.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Billy likes that Idea he is laughing...

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

:) tell him I"m sure they'd like the idea too.. bet they'd even laugh.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ticket-check. Passport-check. Chocolate-check. OK methinks I'm good to go. READY OR NOT HERE I COME ^_^ Ok I'm so excited I'm going to sing mi mi mi
♫ I'm leeeeeeeeeeeeavin' on a jet plaaaaaane
don't know when I'll be back agaaaaaaaaaain ♫

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Knitting? Check?????

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Noper dear Claire my crotchetting time will be spent investigating sparkley cactii ^_^

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

The sparkly cactus may inspire you....

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

some airlines frown at knitting needles too.... :( they took mine away one time & gave them back after the flight bc they were dangerous..

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