Offical Muffler Sulking Section (and other Various Chatter)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I interrupt this touching moment to update on the Gingerbread Flan, Whereas is shall be called MDDFG (Moxon Divine Delicious Flan Gingerbread) I finally made it and let it cook while Billy and I decorated the outside with lights so Santa would find us. It looks like a landing strip out there, 700 lights around our porch.

So I cut out all the flour, and the sugar and used just the Gingerbread Cookie Mix... Then at the last minute I poured Two Tablespoons of sugar on top. I let it cook 50 minutes instead of 40, (Due in part to being on a ladder when the timer went off) It is a delicious golden brown, and the house smells heavenly. The few tastes that I have taken are ok, just I think it is a little too cake like around the edges. I think I need to cut back on the cookie mix, or something, I just am not sure. I will taste it tonight when it has cooled and settled... But I do like the gingerbread taste...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh Catscan, I am not sure if I added you or not, I am hoping I did... Roseane Brown, and well you would know by the picture on my profile, its Billy on his horse..

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

fellow happy cookers....
I just happen to have cookbook software... shall we do just that.. and we can all have a hard copy of these great recipies?

If you want.. I will go back and get the recipies.. just say yea.. if you have some that you would rather d-mail.. we can do that too. It can be as big or as small as we want..

Dartmouth, NS(Zone 6a)

really!!!!??? that sounds divine!

{{I'm doing a happy dance!!!}}

Dartmouth, NS(Zone 6a)

MissJestr, I'm adding you on FB too....I'm holding my son's rooster spiderman in the pic.

{{{{{happy dance too }}}}}
that would be so neat !

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I say 'yea' for the recipes!

Lodi, United States

Yes! Do it! Yes!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes I would love to have one to-I just need to find some fresh real eggs. LOL

I have the second NWD at 40inches, should have it done on Monday. Now the leaders of the enablers need to let me know who gets it.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I don't quite have my first NWD done. Was hoping to finish it last night but remembered I had to make cookies and banana pethud muffins for a family party today. So no knitting has been done since Thursday.

every time i look at my round hat looms i say to myself ,,, . " i think i can , i think i can , i think i can. "

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I had to set at the repair place for the car today so I get a lot done. Monday my DM has to have a stress test so I will be sitting for a long time.

wren i m wishing your mom well for her stress test . T&P to her and you .

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks she has to have one every few years, just mostly for safety sake. She has outlived 3 of her doctors.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

tanyors.. pick up that loom and do it!!! I just finished my first pair of socks, i did them on the blue loom.. no I really don't knit.. and I have never touched the loom before this, I just wanted to learn.. took me a total of 3 days.. while I was doing my regular daily duties.. and online playtime.

My slipper/socks

Thumbnail by frans530
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Whereas I think Frans has a wonderful Idea

Bat I have accepted Love your Rooster

Wren, You will be happy to know while we were outside hanging the landing lights for Santa, THe NDW was wrapped twice around his neck, when we came in, his checks were red from the cold, but his neck was really warm. He takes it off and hangs it up on the Vacum Cleaner handle, (Dont ask that is the only place he can reach to hang it) course his jacket hits the floor, but one out of two is not bad...
Taynors, I have it on good authority it really says Yes I can, Yes I can

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Most stylish Frans,,, love the color

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

thanks.. not my favorite fiber.. it is redheart, and it belongs to my daughter.. it was her yarn and loom.. but I figured I would try with hers before I finish spinning my wool and make a dual sock loom.

On the cookbook, I will copy the recipies here as long as those that posted them say.. yes.. then we can move forward.
I think the only rule is, we want good egg recipies, right?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Glad he is enjoying his NWD.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I have another entry that is great for using up leftovers and a bunch of eggs.

Frittata Perf-Egg-tion (eggcellent for post Thanksgiving or Christmas)

8 eggs
1/2 cup chopped onion (optional if you have a picky DH)
1/2 cup leftover stuffing
1/2 cup shredded cheese, your favourite kind
1 tbsp olive oil
1 cup cooked diced turkey (see notes on options)
1/2 cup nonfat milk
1/2 cup diced vegetables (optional if you have a picky DH)

Preheat oven to 400 F. Heat olive oil in 10 inch skillet over medium high heat. Add onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in turkey, vegetables and stuffing. Cook and stir until heated through. In medium bowl, beat eggs with milk, add salt, pepper or herbs to taste. Pour into skillet and stir to mix. Cook until mixture is set at edges. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake in preheated oven until knife inserted just off center comes out clean, about 5-10 minutes. Cut into wedges and serve.

Note - don't use a skillet with a plastic handle, for obvious reasons.

Options instead of veggies, stuffing, or onions - in similar amounts, use any of the following - sauteed mushrooms, leftover potato pieces or hash browns, leftover cooked pasta, leftover cooked rice, etc. You can use pretty much any leftovers in this recipe as long as they are cooked and easy to chop into pieces. Also, instead of the turkey, you can use bacon, ham, chicken, etc. I have also done it with tuna.

Feel free to up the cheese amount. I always do.

This message was edited Dec 12, 2009 7:52 PM

Clarkson, KY


Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

OHHHHH that sounds so yummy Cmoxon, I have to wait until my girls start laying again, but as soon as they do that is the first one I want... (Or I can just break down and by the 2 dozen crate, but they are not fresh) Hashbrowns instead of stuffing, and bacon instead of turkey sounds like it could be a wonderful christmas breakfast.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh and where is that recipie for Spiked Cranberry Punch??

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I don't recommend eggs in the punch....

Clarkson, KY

It's from Va Hospitality....but I'll get it.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Im thinking with the spike it might not be good with eggs... Ok then who has the homemade recipie for egg nog??

Clarkson, KY

So the aforementioned cookbook has a stellar alky-nog recipe....moral dilemma...and was it kyttyn who had the non-alky-nog??

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i have both... the recipe calls for alcohol but bc of my parents being older.. & on many meds.. we never had it that way so i can make it both ways. its a very old recipe

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

here's the link to the thread that its in... if you want the alcohol version let me know & I'll look it up in the next few days.

Thanks for all the good thoughts sent to mom. When the doc went in to screw the plate into her finger the screw hit a soft spot in the bone & her finger rebroke.. setting us back nearly 2 steps in the recovery. She has pins in her finger again.. & surgery again in 8 weeks.

Its going to be a long 8 weeks.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

That is the coolest invisable link.. I did not know you could do that..

And yes, if we are writing a cookbook, the of course we need the alcohol version too.. that way people have a choice.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good morning everyone

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

Good Morning everyone..see Claire i got on all i have to do is figure out whats going problem about the facebook thing..i am easily forgotten..if anyone else is on facebook, i would love to add you too..
have a great day all

good morning
watched the new Harry Potter . i was not impressed :( and i am a big fan of HP. so sad.
anywho ok i will start looking into being more authorative in my hat looming ways
great receipe ! it looks yummy .
i love eggs with salsa !

Dartmouth, NS(Zone 6a)

Moxie - your divine flan recipe worked great with spelt flour instead of wheat! I made it last night and just had a slice with my coffee.. and yum! Can't wait to try more of the eggy recipes....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yaaay Cindy! And stop with the easily forgotten. You are NOT easily forgotten!! And you send me all kinds of cool Facebook gifts for my farm and hearts and tree ornaments and everything so how could that make you easily forgotten? It was your DG username that I had forgotten, so there!!

And as for what is going on, we established a group of folks who are sulking because it's winter and it's cold and they want a nice scarf or cowl or whatnot, and some of us knitters/crocheters are trying to be little elves and make some. Wren already made a fabulous one for MissJestr's grandson and he looks awesome in it. Wren is way ahead of us. And I am way behind because I am still studying for my last final exam (tomorrow).

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Excellent Batflower! Spelt is a great grain! I once made it with part flour and part ground almonds. That was really good too. I like to mess around with recipes. :-)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL I kept clicking on words, thinking it was in the words... Ummm then I wondered if I missed something...
Now I really dont feel so bad, sometimes I have problems remembering who is on DG and how the name transfers over... LOLOL I am still trying to find Catscan...

Dartmouth, NS(Zone 6a)

I added you on FB too Cindy...anyone else I don't have yet????

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I will soon be finish with my second scarf.

I wish there was some way that some one could mail me some flan!!! Poor me I am flanless.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I am still lost on the invisible link....

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