Offical Muffler Sulking Section (and other Various Chatter)

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

ahhh, don't be lost.. special Cindy sent us an invisable link... It doesn't work though, I tried and tried but it still doesn't work.

Clarkson, KY

This is the post, Claire...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

OK!!! MY SECOND SCARF IS DONE!!!! Now who am I to send it to???

This is not a try to life color but close

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

this is the color and it is very, very soft and thick.

Thumbnail by wren107
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

very divine Wren...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

im still lost on the link

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

That's a beautiful scarf!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank y'all It is so soft it almost make me wish that we had cold enough temps here to need to ware them often. LOl

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have started a 3rd scarf it is lavender and white, using 2 threads

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

That sounds pretty, too!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wren that has beautiful colors to it. You are sooo fast!

Lodi, United States

She is fast and it is beautiful...

I recognize that yarn---I made a pink hat out of it and it was HARD to knit with.

Are you using the same yarn for the lavender and white scarf, Wren?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No I am using the Simply Soft for the lavender and white.

The second scarf is 3 feet long the fourth will be closer to 4 .

The Lion brand Homespun that I used for the second scarf was easy to crochet with.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I am using it on my loom right now to try to make another pair of slippies.. it is hard to work with at first.. but I will keep at it. It is a pretty yarn.. can't wait to start using my own fiber.. that will be so very cool!

Clarkson, KY

The sulking queue thread has a list w/ colors etc...

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

Geez everyone is so talented..i cant do stuff like that..the old arthur is in my fingers too bad..i feel so bad that i cant play too..
what invisible link did i send? oh my i'm soooo cornfused!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

cndydavis let me know what colors you like and I will add you to my list. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Cindy, it's OK that you can't be a scarf crocheter or knitter, but there are supportive roles in baking things and waving pom poms. Very therapeutic!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yum baked thinks. LOL

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

I've been baking and making candy for 2 weeks now.ok where can i send it?? and i have pom poms to wave!! is my fav..and as cold as it has been here i really need warmies!! LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Ok I will go out and get some green tomorrow or you might look at this yarn-the one on the right end is a peacock blue/green or the one on the other side has some green in it to. The one on in the middle it the one I just finish. Let me know.

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

PS what kind of candy-I love candy. LOL

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

Ive been making hard tack, mice, and candied popcorn..the peacock blue/green is beautiful!!
tell me where to send candy and munchies!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Let me get the scarf done first. Will start it tomorrow. How long do you want it???

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

long enough to go aroudn my fat head!! LOL.probably 4ft, that way i can put it around my head to keep my ears is just tell me where to send goodies..

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Mice? What are mice? I love mice (the furry kind) but I don't eat them...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

cndydavis you have D mail

Lodi, United States

This is a mouse, Moxon.

({{{Sheesh--You think you know someone...Now if she were an Australian instead of a Canadian, she would know mice}}}

Thumbnail by Catscan
Lodi, United States

In case the above was a little cryptic, I give you the episodic Australian Mouse of my favorite "waaaaaay too much cuteness in one place."

Not for the squeamish....

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

OMG!!! can you imagine how that would feel?? ICKY!! i dont have anything against mice, but wow. i would defiantely be in there with one BIG shotgun!! LOL..

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, that is rather a lot of mice. I admit. Although it wouldn't bother me. I would want to sit there and pet them all. Yes, I'm a bit odd. I really do love mice. I would be upset about having to step on any of them. Most upset.

And thank you Catscan, I do know what a mouse is....even though I am but a simple Canadian.

I still don't know what Cindy meant when she said she was making "mice" that she classified as "candy" because I do not see any "candy" in the Australia video...

So I will have to reiterate, what are the mice that fall into the CANDY category, which Cindy has been baking? (because she was clearly not baking real mice...)

Lodi, United States

I like mice, too.....but yes, you can definitely have too many----

And now for something completely different:

My 5 week + old Nankin/Serama cross and a two week old RIR. Now if I could only get the two week old Serama to perch up there too. The NS is really not too fond of being stuck in with "the babies".

This message was edited Dec 13, 2009 8:43 PM

Thumbnail by Catscan
Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

Okay, the mice i made are made with a cherry dipped in chocolate, and a hershey kiss is put on them almonds for ears..they are really cute..made peanut blossoms, spritz cookies, hard tack, candied popcorn, chex mix, old fashioned pizzelles..rice krispie treats..

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

there's the link...

THAT shows you just how tired & stressed I am. I could have sworn I put that link in.

I"m so far behind on this... not reading it at least everyday you get lost real quick.

I had one of the older kids I babysit come stay & help out the first couple day... (got smart this time) but i just took them back so tomorrow should be fun.

What happened was mom went in to take a pin out of her finger she crushed 2 yrs ago. The pin was trying to come out.. so they were going to take it out. They were going to put a plate in on the other finger & straighten it. When they went to put the screws into the bone, it broke in the exact same place it was originally was broken. This guy is amazing, if it wasn't for this doctor mom would have lost her fingers when she crushed them so we aren't upset at him at all. Its just more than I planned on right before Christmas. We were suppose to have her back functional in 9 days... not it will be 8 weeks then surgery again to remove the new pins & put a plate back in... then another 6 weeks of recovery.

lets just say my mom isn't the most agreeable of patients...

I didn't have Chickens last time... I've still got 4 month olds that don't know how to go into the coop... so not having mom to least open doors makes it really difficult to put the chickens up at night. I'm going to try for a couple days then I may have to move one of the kids back in for a while. Thankfully they are home schooled so they can actually move in & not miss out on their schooling.

Lodi, United States

Oh! That sounds so painful, greykyttyn...I'm not sure how agreeable I would be if I were your mom...but I do think it can be easier to be the patient than the nurse.....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catsy, I can see the other chick peering through the plastic of the housing unit. Very cute. I am like the N/S and would not want to be surrounded by "the babies" so I can relate to her predicament. Cute size comparison with the 2 wk old vs. 5 wk old.

CindyD - the mice sound adorable! I never heard of doing that. Very creative. Do they get a tail of some sort?

GreyKyttyn - oh gosh how awful for your mom. The bone must have not meshed quite the way they expected it to. She must be really frustrated, and of course so are you. It's good that she has you and others to help out though, because if it were me, I'd be up a creek without a paddle.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Cmoxon... ya.. its always me. Its good I live here I guess. She's not quite as frustrated as I am tho... bc I am the only one to care for her so my plans to go to WA are put way on hold. I finally had the money & now i can't leave her.

CindyD.... Is there a "recipe" for that or did you just think of it? I'd love to make some for the kids for Christmas. I love mice! Alive & Chocolate. :)

Catscan.. those chicks are adorable!

How do you guys mail cookies & candy stuffs without them getting broken or stale?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have a couple of easy candy that I use to make.

One is chocolate nut patties. All you do is melt your chocolate and mix salted nuts into in. Spoon out about a large tablespoon full on on a covered pan and put into the freezer until harden.

Then there is Christmas fudge.

you need a couple of pounds of white chocolate
chopped up candy fruit (the kind that you use in fruit cake)
a can of condensed sweeten milk.
nuts if you want,
a pinch of salt
First Mix the fruit, milk and nuts togetter
Then add the melted white chocolate.
Put in a pan and chill.

This is very rich.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I am picky about the types of cookies I mail. Most cookies don't go stale quickly when shipped in cold weather like we have now, and so my mom often sends me Christmas cookies. Usually she wraps them in stacks rolled up in wax paper, like a "tube of cookies" and then she puts them into those zip-loc type of containers. We have good success with sturdy cookies like shortbreads and chocolate chippers and bar-type cookies. Not so good with frosting or delicate cookies.

Candies are easier - things like toffees and other firm candy (fudge also) ships extremely well. Again, avoid the breakable stuff. I mean, you can drop a piece of fudge on the floor and it doesn't generally break even if it gets dented. That is why we use the zip-loc containers, or any other kind of plastic storage box thing. I would avoid candy that is supposed to be refrigerated, like cream cheese ball things with cherries in them or stuff like that because it's dairy and it might go bad.

Most candy is pretty resilient to spoiling though. Cookies can go stale, but if you ship priority mail, especially in the flat rate boxes, it goes fast and nobody really complains about 3 day old they?

p.s. Keep saving the money and then you can have an even better trip to WA!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

good night

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