New bees Seed Junkie chit chat Come in!! 11-12-09

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Just send some to Cue Seray she has them on her list!! Thank You Sherri. Brugs I just want mine to keep growing.

OK I'll send them to Cue. Your Brug should do ok Arejay. They look bad in the winter sometimes. The ones I sent are tough guys. F4F is rooting hers for us while she recovers. Maybe that will help. Can always try again in spring if it doesn't work. I have plenty to share.

This message was edited Dec 12, 2009 12:00 PM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You should see the roots on my brugs in glasses, Fantastic!!!
Tell me that's not a pretty sight...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I found some Seray!! Oh RRM root them in water? That was too simple I guess....I have tried everything but.....Ok water, lets see if I can do that one.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Rainwater with a splash of peroxide. Only rainwater. they don't like
chemicals in city water. Isn't that amazing??? See that root forming above the water line. Brugs
are the most Fascinating plant. I guess because I watch what it is doing.
You can do it, I have faith in you.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Rainwater? Well how about melted snow water?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

that would work, just don't want any floride and chemicals like that in there. Brugs are very picky and don't forget the splash of

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

ok I am on it!!

That's how I rooted mine from Blonde Arejay. In well water with H2O2 They loved it and are doing well. Don't need too much water according to F4F. Yours look good RRM.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have a bunch in water with H2O2 as well and they have rooted and have leaves - lol. I change the water every few days but with the peroxide it really doesn't get cloudy or grow any yucky stuff in there. I use bottled/purified water. I didn't realize this, but Brugs are like tomatoes. When you plant them in soil you plant them deep and roots will form wherever the stem touches soil. I think that's why they are able to hold up all those blooms - lol.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Change it, if it looks rough and Redo with the H202.
thanks. Just enough to get roots to form. Wait til Spring.
That is going to be toughest part.

Batesville, AR

Looks good Charleen. We do the water rooting too.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I bet you are right. Sounds reasonable , look at the way the roots form up on the stems.
Ma, that is an overgrown tomatoe. We always plant our tomatoes deep so they will have healthy roots, put a little ring of epson alts around them and Boom, they take off.

Bombs AWAY!!!! RRM. Where you been Loca, send some bombs top RRM and Seray while you here now. Al dropped a load this morning. Trina been bombing away too, and we got their dog and mule so we doing good. SPLAT, take that -woo-hoo and a ye-ha too.

Batesville, AR

Maybe if we sneak over and put them all in straight jackets they won't be able to move or throw any more snow balls. (Said while ducking and dodging.)

SPLAT SPLAT!!!! Dodge that . SPLAT

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Ok you mule thief, here we come with our Army of Chihuahua on Donkey backs throwing Snowballs. Splat!! Take that..
Look out below here comes those Canadian Guess seray has recruited along with the egg-laying chickens. Secret weapon, there.
If a Goose lays one it will put a knot on their head. Isabelle is getting ready to Throw a big juicey snowball. SPLOP!!!
Boom, Boom , Splat!!! there goes some more. Way to go little Chichuahuas. Did a good job.

Give her a big juicy fish kiss Duffy and while she's in the bathroom washing her face we'll steal the mule back! SPLATT!

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN and he got minty breath now. I gave him peppermint patties to gum on. (Tongue stuck out) Charlie is ready for them theiving donkey creatsters, he ain't budgeing either. Kicks snowball back at you. SPLAT.
Sending a fly over with chicken eggs colored blue and green and pink covered with snow so they are soupy when they SPLAT all over yor heads. Splat and more splats. Take that.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yeah, get that mule back. He is the one who keeps these donkeys in line. They don't bother Big Boy Charley,
respect the hooves ; he know where he is aiming them. We going to put up Shields to ward off those snowball
bombs Mekos is throwing, AWWWWWWWWWas I'm running for cover. Run little critters, run!!! Don't forget to throw a few back I said as I was running and chunking a big snowball....SPLAT!!!! got ya,

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

YYYYUUUUKKKKK!!!!!!!! Don't want any of that crap. duck little Chi dogs. Go pee and make them some yellar snowballs. They gettin down and dirty now. Splat!!! got ya. Got a eagle flying over with a water balloon ful of snow. Kerplunk!!!! Take that you cheaten old mule snitcher. Kapow, there goes another one form the Donkey trio. The chis are throwing their tiny snowballs. pig, ping, (well, you can't expect them to pow) Time to feed the Longears, as they run tossing Snowballs Kerplot!!!! Splish!!! POP!!

Me and Seray are INSIDE where it is warm , you and them fuzzy long ears are the only cold feet outside right now. Tongue out at you- you missed me, nana boo boo. you missed me! Me and Charlie drinking mojitos and sitting by the fireplace roasting marshmellows with duffy.

Batesville, AR

Rotflmao...... Like I said, ya all nuts. I can't tell who is on who's side and who's doing what to who. I need a vacation.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Busy in the yard today and got the tree, so now I have to do the decorating thing - lol.

Watch out! Bombs away!!!!!!!!!!

Splat - right in RRMs head - lol!

Batesville, AR

How about a truce so we all can have marshmellows and mojitos?

I'll vote for that!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

What you think mekos? Should we give them a break adn chance to recover - lol?

SPLAT!!! Now a truce. Mojitos and marshmellows and hot chocolate and turkey sammiches for everyone. We won !!!!!!!! They gave up and surrendered!!!!! Woo_Hoo YE_HA!

Batesville, AR

WE DID NOT GIVE UP! We just want a break, and some yummies too. Love yummies.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You are all wet!! All of you!! You better get in by a fire and warm up!! We cant have the chatter thread chatterin from frost bite!!


Batesville, AR

S s sstooppppp ththrrrrrowwwinggggg, I aaammmm tttryiiiinngn tooooo eeeattt. (ok how do you spell stuttering from cold? lol)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Running from the real snowballs?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I liked the bird. Oh, by the waySplat!!! it ain't over til it's over.
AAAAWWWwwwww!!!!!!! Back to the snowball fight. Got to get
my dang mule muley, muley, here's you a nice cookie and
an apple and a carrott. come back to Mommy....

WooHoo our side won!!!!!! I love it Arejay!!!!! I love it!!!! My kind of snow! The real kind. Woo HOO!! LOve it, love it, love it!

He is here with his NEW and improved mommy. With all his mojitos and apples and carrots and turkey sammiches, he don't remember that mean mommy he use to have. He is eating cookies right now.


OH me and Charlie(my extended family) got this cute Christmas card today with a beautiful pack of seeds tucked inside. Thanks and SPLAT!

Batesville, AR

ok rest over. SLAT! THUNK! WHACK, SPLAT!!! Take that!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

O.K. weare all going to a Tropical Island, Even Al. Where are we going. Tired of all this snowball fighting, my arms are tired. Want to dig my toes in the sand. Are you ready seray, Kim Trinia, arejay, Everyone. Let's go on a Tropical holiday on this cold, rainy day and night too.
You're Welcome and Splat!!! right back at cha....

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