New bees Seed Junkie chit chat Come in!! 11-12-09

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Kelly I just found it. In a newbie letter I saved!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

lol - just sent it to ya'!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Lol yes you did and I just got it. Thank You

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Sure - anytime;o)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Kell come back two more things...where is the auction and what am I sending Cue?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Found the auction nope not the auction
Now if only I can remember what to send Cue!!!

This message was edited Dec 9, 2009 10:27 PM

Just send her a snow ball.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

LoL ok I will put one in the envie!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

lol - auction is in seed trading. Can't remember what you are sending cue... sorry;o(

Robin that list of seeds that Cue wanted is up at the top of this thread along with all the seeds that were on the way to you that she wanted some out of. Go back almost to the top or start at the top and slowly come down a few.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Seed Auction

Cue's List

lemon grass


cone flowers
morning glories
anything that will attract birds and butterflies is a bonus
TCS List
Robin -- in my package to you... there are Agastache, [good for butterflies and bees] short mounding Marigolds [orange and burgundy in color] Morning Glories... "grandPa Ott" and Star of Yelta [both purple] some cosmos and possibly an Early Sunrise Coreopsis. [I didnt make a list, but that is the gist of my seeds that i am sending

Good Morning Everyone!

Are you snowed in today? Getting cold here. Freeze warnings tonight. Want to see a beautiful container. Here's one from a very talented lady in Japan

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Fremont, OH(Zone 5b)

Very cold and windy here.Chill factor almost 10 below.
That is one classy container.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

It was cold enough here this morning I had to scrape ice off my windshield - lol.

Great container! Tomtom has a great eye for color. She is also a very generous trader if you all ever have the opportunity to trade with her.

I love her stuff. She is one of the most talented designers I've ever seen. Something to aspire to. :)

-10º is way too cold for me. Went to college in IA. Brrrrrrrrrr! Stay warm Violap!

Here's the second one she posted

This message was edited Dec 10, 2009 1:13 PM

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

'May today there be peace within.

12 of us in a room together.

I am supposed to pick 12 women (who have touched my life) and who I think might participate. I think that if this group of women were ever to be in a room together, there is nothing that would be impossible. I hope I chose the right twelve. May my hugs, love, gestures and communications remind you how special you are. Please send this back to me.

Remember to make a wish before you read the quotation. That's all you have to do. There is nothing attached. Then forward this to twelve women; please, try not to break the "flow" of this message. Did you make a wish yet? This is your last chance to make a wish...I want it to come true!

'May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in the Universe/Spirit of Life/God/(whatever word speaks to you), yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

Thumbnail by arejay59

Back at you Robin. We sure love you.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Nice thought for the day Robin!

Is that your pond covered in snow???

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes Kelly that is my pond covered in snow...Thank You Jan

EVERYBODY MEET AT AREJAY'S for a snowball fight! It's ON !

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Come on over!!

Just wanted to thank Trinawitch and congratulate her on having the winning bid on the auction thread. Thanks to all who participated and please play again. I know Robin and CajuninKy will be so happy to get these seeds and this was a great Christmas auction thanks to all of you. Lots of people will have wonderful gardens next year. Can someone please let gjb5766 see the winning bid because she couldn't see the auction since she wasnot a paying member. But she sent me a bid and asked to be notified of the winner. I don't know how to copy and send it to her. If anyone can do it, I sure would appreciate the help.

Thanks RRM and Mittsy- if I were picking for me, those were both winners, but this one was for other people who need help and Trina got it. Thanks everyone.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I will send it Jan...

Thank you Arejay. I wish I could do that stuff myself.I'll be sure to tell her how much we appreciated her bid. If she ever wants to host an auction I'd love to hear from her. She had some good seeds.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I told her Thank You and to dmail me if she decided to join so she could get her free new bee package!!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That's o.k. Mekos, I'd have to let you keep the seeds to grow for me anyhow. But it was fun for awhile. Almost as much fun as dunking your head in a snowdrift at arejays house. How about them apples, girl. SPLAT!!!!
RRM and the fuzzyears......Double Kapowie!!!

You missed me, ya missed me- nana nana boo boo. tongue stuck out at you too. Hehehe

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Here is a passalong Congratulations.....!!

Warren, IN
(Zone 5a)

Thu, December 10, 2009
07:56 PM
Thank you for letting me know the outcome. Congratulations to trinawitch.
Those are long throws girls!!

gjb5766 is on Charlie's side.WooHoo. (And the list goes on)
Splat RRM. Got cha!

WooHoo, Trinawitch just agreed to be on ourside too so take that SPLAT too. Ye-Ha!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You cheating, mekos. All I got is little donkeys, just got two Chihuahuas join the pack, But I got to find me and seray a secret weapon, guess I could recruit my hound dog Lucas and Missy, Germ/shep mix You mule thief SPLAT! SPLAT! got ya, even if ya don't think so.
Gonna have those Chis nippin at your ankles. Dont hurt them puppies either, You old red mule. Keep your Benedict Arnold hooves to yourself.....Pow!!! POW!!!!
Got ya, hehehehehehehe

Batesville, AR

Maybe we could sneak up and steal him back. He does love your cookies. Hehehehehehehe....

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That's it, Kim. We will snitch our mule b ack. that wuld work.
I could send Radarfhe helps me type>..he is trying to help mekos win too. All my critters revolting against us...

Here's our secret weapon Ladies. 18 years. Two teeth and a diaper. It just gives him traction. LOL Duffy

Thumbnail by
Batesville, AR

He'll help us win for sure. 18 years exp. He knows what he is doing. Whats the plan Duffy? Radars not helping them, he is just so exited to get going. He knows we are going to kick butt and win big time.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yeah, We might not be hugh but we have Senoirity. I love him, so Cute.
Get out those snowballs, gang and start Throwing!!!!! Yeah!!!!!
Go! Fuzzy Everythings!!! Splat!!! Wopp!!!! Spash!!! That was a Wet Willie

Yall have lost your minds! LOL can't stop laughing! Long day today got hit too much today with those snow balls. I'm retreating for now. Back later with full body armor. Gummy there got me. So cute Seray! Love him. But Charlie says his mojitos and turkey sammiches are good enough and he don't need them cookies cause Mekos can get him cookies anytime too. And some apples and carrots and sweet potatoes and all the hats he wants to wear.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

OH, YEAH!!! Then why does he hang out here???? They have built in timers in their tummy. I couldnot forget to feed them if I wanted. Those Donkeys will be up here hollering and Charley stands there and just sort of snorts. They do all the work and he gets to eat. He is an oppertinistic (?) mule. But I'm going to SPLAT!!! you while you are weak. I'll say a prayer for the baby and Mama but Spulp!!!
Gotcha again. Love ya, girl.
Kapowie!!! gotcha, again.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ok so I have to tell you all....I have been packing Cues package for her Share Garden....anyway, I am out all the way out of Morning Glories? Really I mean how can I be out of Morning Glories? Does that make any sense to anyone? It has me completely baffled.I had a ton of Morning Glories,Ipomoea in every color and height. How can that be?

Morning everyone!

I'll see if I have any morning glories Arejay and send them your way. Raining here AGAIN! We lucked up and didn't get a freeze. Brug still blooming. Can you imagine?

Hope everyone has a nice day!

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