Flowering in Australia December 2009

Barmera, Australia

Do you remember ET? Well his mum has let him return for another visit. Not actually in bloom yet but waving his antenae around to let you all know he is back.

Thumbnail by Stake
Alstonville, Australia

These are still flowering in December.
First started flowering in July.

Thumbnail by hel
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Very pretty Lilies Anthony! I love "yellow" in the garden, so easy to play with other colours. You must have a wonderful collection Anthony. My experience has only been with growing specie plants from seed. This season I tried a little hybridization, using a lovely L. longifolium cv. as "mother" x L. tenuifolium. Two extremes I know... :) A lucky dip! Just happened to have pollen and a ripe receptor come the L. longifolium cv. I hope the works of nature did not precede me.

Please show and tell us more Anthony.

Cestrum your Buddleja cuttings are doing well. I know both B. x weyeriana and B. globosa quite well. Yes, at a glance, two different plants. I prefer B. x weyeriana as a garden plant. Given more space, B. globosa would rank for interest and breeding.

Your strawberries Cestrum are giving me further thoughts of fattening food adventures! That is the combination of such delicious fruit with "naughty" fare!
Ha! Christmas is coming...

We have a strawberry growing here that came from very "Green" as in Permaculture friends. Will send you a plant Cestrum to see what you think. Ross and Jenny are pretty much "self-sufficient", so it will be interesting to see how this plant goes with you. There is a surplus of fruit here, so I give it to the Zebra finches who devour it by the beak load!

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

wayne,very good crossing,the bees were doing most of my work for me over the last[many years]..anything you cross with longiflorum usually turns up trumps..aurelians are a good cross starter,usually with longiflorum..these quicker growing liliums usually steal the slowness of orientals and species,when crossed...i purchased last night,purple trumpet seed from dr joe halinar in usa[next years flowers]..send me your address on private'd' and i will send 3 sets of 3 tango's[seed] to die for,as long as you promise to show us them next year..sorry i have no species seed left as i have been wheeling and dealing all over the world.here is candidum,very tempremental lilium,often called the old christmas lily..hence the fact i was out at 06.20 hrs taking pics.....if you are after species seed,contact 'leftwood'he is a very decent,generous person

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

heres a very deep 'jaffa' asiatic..he was tucked at the back of the 'vortex'..better get out now,cestrum or brical usually have rapid fire photo sessions shortly..i dont want to get caught up in the crossfire

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Barmera, Australia

Another Echinopsis probably a cultivar by the colour.

Thumbnail by Stake
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Love your strawberries cestrum...nothing like home grown!

You are safe for now gw lol! nothing worthwhile showing here...

Love your lilliums btw, some of them have the most extraordinary scent which I just love, but unfortunately my climates not suitable...

Brisbane, Australia

Stake, lovely to see ET again! I'm glad he looking healthy & happy!
Chrissy you callas are lovely - such a classy flower!
And everyone's Echinopsis are just lovely!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

heres a nice ruby red asiatic,came out this morning

Thumbnail by g_whizz
West of Brisbane, Australia

Brian, you grow some truly bizarre plants. If ever the makers of a sf tv program or film need specimens of alien-looking flora, I reckon you could provide it :-)
Wayne, I already have six named varieties of strawberries and a punishing watering regimen (because of all the other plants/seedlings/cuttings I'm growing). Can't quite see the point in adding to my collection in these circumstances ...?

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Yes, I know what you mean Cestrum. We only have the one here, they are yummy. We gave my Mum 500 gm to make jam, it was delicious. She is clever! :)

Anthony, this is the Lilium longiflorum cv I mentioned earlier. It is a very strong plant with many lovely long lasting blooms. It did have a "name", but lost. I think it really is probably a selected seedling of the species rather than a cv. You will probably know and be able to tell me more.

Your L. candidum is lovely! I agree, >very temperamental Lilium

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

On Lilium, would anyone be able to identify this one?

Thumbnail by WayneCarter

*four o'clocks ...beautiful smelly weeds, always start up just in time for christmas, all different colours yet to come, lovely fragrance ...great gap filler in difficult places.
Love the lillies everyone but they are eaten by the birds (or maybe something more hungry) here while in bud ...I don't know why because I have grown them in other gardens without that happening, so I can only look.

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just in case you missed this fuzzy pic on the brug thread ...my first Iochroma blooms teensy wee things ...pinky purple with a narrow cream band on the edge (pic not doing it justice) I hope they get a little bigger as the plant grows, because they are so very cute but so very small.

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More callas ...to think that I gave up on these being any good and just through them down to fill in a bare patch ...so note everyone ...those little green thingys that form in the old sheath of the bloom, when ripe ...plant them. it will take two years but wow. I have had multiple blooms every day and all of them different shades but all quite beautiful.

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Another shot of the purple/yellow butterfly bush for cestrum ...love it ...never seen this before.Another one that the harsh glare and the flash has bleached out.

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Not a bloom but this crazy brom is doing the hula ...

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this is just starting up and will be covered in white bracts all over shortly, the real flowers are the tiny yellow blooms ...I have had to chop it back so hard ...it hit 10ft high in all the rain last year.

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one of the 7/8 ft gardenias is starting to come into bloom ...that is a 6ft fence there

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common but cute

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If you look hard right about the middle you will see the coral coloured skeleton hibiscus ...it is over 20 ft tall ...lovely thing and will be full of bloom in a month or so.It's up there in the tops of my giant strelizia

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I forgot to say that alpine strawberries are small but truly concentrated in flavour. Well done cestrum you must be pleased.

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Another common one that I love ...this freckle plant is just so pretty

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If only the spiders would leave these things alone ...I can't get them free of webs as the webs stick to the teeth on these plants ...another dancer

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I guess they have been brave little soldiers hanging in there while I fiddle with the brugs

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Clifton Springs, Australia

Very pretty that Butterfly Bush Chrissie, I don't have much luck with Callas..they tend to rot even though I am careful.. ..Only1 left from the 3 that I planted last year...mine don't flower until mid summer..
Does anyone know if this is a native bee? His little legs were full of pollen. I cropped the photo so I hope that it is clear enough,
couldn't get a side on shot....

Thumbnail by Seachanger

this one is blooming ...tiny purple blooms

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I don't recognise that bee sorry but the blooms are lovely.

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rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

chrissy have you got your machine gun out?you're firin well tonight

naaaaah mate just making up for lost time ^_^

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rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

the doctor advised me thats bad for the heart[he didnt mention anything about beer though]..hope everythings going o/k

Well when someone you love is ill then it's a worry, so yes a bit of time with the plants and daves garden makes me smile ...thanks g whizz.
Happy weekend everyone!

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rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

wayne 4th time ive done this post[everytime ive skipped back to photo,i wipe the post] with careful study on the longiflorum, a bit of luck and maybe a bit of b/s thrown in,it looks like white flute or americana white sheen.the orange asiatic still has full asiatic characteristics[ leaves] but very broad petals,,maybe crossed with a miniature asiatic or a snub nosed trumpet lilium[not sure]..maybe the bees are doing work for you too

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi all. I hope you don't mind me plopping in from my blizzard (yes I am in a blizzard truly and really). I was just wonderin if perchance any of you are growing dahlias? I think they should be up and ready to bloom in the early new year? Thanks for letting me plop in and I promise to always dust off the snow before I visit ^_^

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

dahlias,yes many [not keen on them].i cut the tuber clumps up with a saw and sell them at the market for $1.00 a clump..got a nice purple in the drive,a lemony on the balcony now..stay warm in the blizzard

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Gwhizz why not keen? Too hot/dry? Too fussy? Are they blooming this early? As a Canuck I am mittenclad so no worries on blizzards; same ole, ho/hum.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

theyre more like a weed,unless you delve into the upmarket species,pon poms etc...they grow here fine..an old tasmanian founder of dahlias[mr simmonds]lived close by..people would come from allover australia to buy from his half acre breeding ground.for 6-10 weeks of the year,it was a spectacular show..for the rest of the year,it looked like a napalmed vietnam[thats just my opinion]

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

oooooooooo sounds like not tended. Bummer :( They can look ratty if not tended. Thanks for sharing gwhizz.

Hi dahlianut we have a few gardeners who do wonderful dahlias ...they may be busy right now Saturday night here and very hot ...someone will come along soon and answer your question ...nice to see a visitor pop in ...happy gardening.

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