Flowering in Australia December 2009

Clifton Springs, Australia

That Cassia is beautiful Judy....but my nose is working overtime trying to identify that scent you described.
Anthony, the Lilium is about 70cm to the top of the buds.... that Royal Sunset is very beautiful.
I have posted the first flower for the year of one of my favourites.
Romneya Coulteri. it's only small yet but they soon try to take over. lol
Sorry about the feet...I forgot to crop and check.

This message was edited Dec 8, 2009 2:34 PM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Dianne,your Romneya is absolutely stunning...

This would have to be one of my very favourite Bougainvilleas.I love it for it's palest of mauve pink blooms..I am very much into pastel shades..

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

For you Wayne,
Dwarf white Ruellia.My camera just can't seem to convey the pristine 'white' as it really appears. How are your's going are they blooming for you yet?

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thought I might show this ..3 ornamental sweet potatoes spilling over as a ground cover for a large Hibiscus in a tub.

Thumbnail by brical1
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Judy, thank you! Your Ruellia plants are doing fine, all in 6" pots. All have filled their pots and will be potted up to 8" / 200mm this weekend. I want to plant them in the right colour area of the garden. They are too lovely to waste. I have three pots of different Nerium going for you Judy, hopefully a cutting from each will strike. I love them as a hedge. They are wonderful pollution & drought tolerant shrubs. They should be used more often as median barriers on our motor / toll / highways. They tend to bend rather than remain rigid on impact... I remember reading of a study / trial of that application for the Genus.

Cestrum, years back as a child, I visited family in Lismore, NSW. There was a road that was lined either side with Cassia fistula. I remember it well as it was summer school holidays Dec/Jan. The Jacaranda that Lismore is famous for had past its glory. The C.fistula was supreme! My grandmother who was from Sussex England, referred to them as "Laburnums", which of course they were not! :) Dear old Gran, the only person I can ever remember wearing lace-up shoes (Halls), stockings and a mid-calf grey serge dress to the beach!
Then again, she was from Brighton! :)

Love that Romneya Sea Changer. I find it impossible to grow! :(

Anthony, thank you once again for the Lilium seeds. They are potted and well looked after!

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

heres a half decent poeny,they havnt had much attention over the last couple of weeks due to heavy workload and undivided attention to lilies..

Thumbnail by g_whizz
West of Brisbane, Australia

My buddleja globosa is dead, from wilted stems to dead plant in a matter of days. Here though is a flower on my potted Buddleja fallowiana 'Lochinch'. Probably best that it stay in the pot for now.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's my yellow tree cassia, flowering for the first time. I wonder if it is a C. fistula, like Judy's? It's too high up for me to tell and the flowerhead possibly is not fully developed.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Closeup of the powderpuff flowers on my Albizia julibrissin. The scent doesn't waft but you can smell it when you stick your nose right in the flowers. Initially I thought it had a whiff of coconut but now I'm not so sure. Smells pleasant, though.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's a closeup of the leaves on another of my Cassia saplings, same species as the one with the yellow flowers. Judy, do the leaves look like those on your Cassia fistula?

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's a flower from the second flush on my potted Erythrina.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

I cut off the lower growth from my potted Erythrina, to keep it growing as a standard. Remembering (vaguely) that they were easy to strike from cuttings, I pushed them into a pot of soil where I had some other things growing. A few weeks later, they have put on new leaves.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Clifton Springs, Australia

cestrum, I haven't seen an Erythrina for years...does your's have the thorns?...I can remember the beautiful and unusual flowers but I also remember those thorns..they were vicious.
Anthony, if I could grow a paeony that colour, I would be in heaven.
The other night I watched a doco on India and they use Cassia fistula for the relief of constipation. A tree of many talents.
These Campanulas flop over in the heavy rain but they are lovely standing up or flopped.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Enjoying everyones pics. Love that Peony Anthony.
Here is Dutchmans pipe

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

My favourite Frangipani in the garden at the moment. Lovely fragrance

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

The pink patio rose (cost me $3 a year or so ago) I grafted this one to a climbing rose, and its about to flower

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

this is the Blue moon rose, with the grafted yellow patio rose in flower at the same time. Cool!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Sue,Judy ,beautiful frangi's....I've just bought in some seeds from Thailand, lots and lots of choice available....here's just one of mine flowering at present.......

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Here's my "weed" Gloriosa.............

Thumbnail by MyaC

Gotta love "weeds " like that mya ...my "weed" is growing very nicely thankyou ^_^ fancy waving that peony under our noses anthony!
Do you recognise this from your beautiful garden?

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judy the sweet potatoes are very happily settling in ...love yours! adore the colours.

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cestrum sorry to hear you are having problems with the globosa and other butterfly bushes ...I think they enjoy neglect a fair bit, not too much water or food. I grew up in a place that was almost pure sand and they were everywhere (not the hybrids of course). They seemed to thrive on little attention. Try keeping them in a very sandy mix.Look more Bauhinia seeds erupting ...

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There is a tree up the road that is covered in long drapes of pretty yellow pea flowers each spring ...followed by numerous long seed pods ...I must go pick some up ...I always forget, I think of them as laburnum but I am not sure what they are apart from beautiful.
this one I grew from seed ...only got one up ...recognise it?
I will share if I am lucky enough to get seeds.

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Yes those erythrinas (we call them coral trees here) are another thorny hedge type plant ...just ap the road there is a whole fence of them ...this is a very old farming district.Very pretty.

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rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

heres 'white ice',one of the cleanest white asiatics available.if it blooms of a morning,before the suns rays hit it,you will get a green/lemon tinge through the petals..hence who was the turkey out at 6.10 taking photos,...you be the judge

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

heres a wilsonii species halinar cross[according to a knowledgable source,i am lucky to have this in bloom,and it is near perfect]...just looks like a lily to me!!!

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

myac,i think my gloriosa looks much more sexier than yours

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

heres a very early oriental[3 have come out,so no doubt,they are a cross]no name in that case...who cares, it looks o/k

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Sue and Mya your Frangipanis are beautiful...I have one with a similar flower to yours Sue,but it is too hidden away under a giant Hibiscus...I will get around to cutting the Hibiscus away one day and maybe then it will reward me again with flowers one day !

Wish I could grow 'weeds' like yours Mya...how gorgeous are they...the little ones you gave me are still doing ok but I know they will never get to look like your beauties.

Cestrum,the leaves of your Cassia do look like C. fistula but then a lot look similar..I can't check mine as it is devoid of all leaves at this time. Is there anyway you can get a closer look of the flowers?

Chrissy,Pleased the cuttings have settled in well...they will grow so quickly for you in this heat you/we are having...I planted some cuttings only a week or so ago and they are now so well established ...it is truly amazing how fast they grow...I reckon you could actually stand back and see them growing...don't forget to keep pinching them back..
Thats a really lovely Lillium pic you have there turkey uhmm g-w...anyway what's wrong with taking pics at that time...my neighbours see me at all hours out in the garden taking pics...they probably think I'm weird lol!..They are not gardeners.

Cestrum,this is my Cassia leptophylla I was telling you about...

Thumbnail by brical1
West of Brisbane, Australia

Yes, Erythrina is thorny ... thorns along the stems and on the undersides of the leaves. But mine is a potted plant, so they pose no problem. Judy, your Cassia leptophylla is a very pretty plant--pretty foliage, and the flowers (which I checked online) are attractive too. But I didn't want a yellow-flowered tree cassia! I can't get closer to the flowers on my cassia tree without cutting the top of the sapling, so I might just leave it for now. Alas, this means I can't get close enough to the flowers to smell them either :-(

cestrum you were asking about these, I think you said they may have been Robinia/Honey locust or the big red tree ...the 50ft one *grinning* ...do you recognise it?
Sorry I have been functioning on a misfire due to worry re bro ...so I am a bit misty on details like real big botanical words at the moment. It isn't the pretty shrub with thorns that is different.

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My hubby put my garden journal up somewhere ...must find it to look things up sorry.
Judy look in one day ...wow

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Of course with such lovely foliage you don't need flowers but last autumn my edible sweet potatoes had very pretty flowers for the first time, I was wondering if these flower too? I do love the colours so of course the reason I ask is do I get out a trusty paintbrush and see if we can make more colours? *just asking* ^_^
And look ...these are standing in front of ten inch pots so can you see the height ...if you look closely you can see the roots in the clear plastic ...this way you can easily see when they need a new pot or to be planted in the garden. The water rooted ones are growing like mad ...that's the tallest greenest ones.

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At this rate they will be a small shrub by winter.Wonderful!
I am thinking of doing a walk with alternate white and pink ...taking cuttings of Madonna (double white) to root and grow, so the sizes will be about the same.

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West of Brisbane, Australia

Chrissy, that seedling in Post #7356950--is it a Peltophorum seedling?--those are the seeds sent to me from India that were mislabelled, and I've narrowed the genus down to Peltophorum, almost certainly. So try not to think of them as robinia or delonix, otherwise you'll forever be confused (like a friend of mine who keeps mispronouncing 'brugmansia' as 'brugsmania'--it's stuck in her head and almost impossible to change now). So, think peltophorum, peltophorum, peltophorum :-

I planted some supermarket-bought sweet potato tubers in my first summer here and they regrow every spring (after dying back in winter). I do nothing but pull them out occasionally; they really are suited to this climate, surviving in hot dry soil without a skerrick of help from me. And the vines will climb up the boundary fence if I let them. I have an idea you can stir-fry the leaves, too.

Love the idea of a walk bounded by one species of shrub/tree: should look fantastic! (If I had the space, I'd create one from brugmansias.)

Love the idea of Brugsmania! so apt really.
Yes I remember the Indian part so that's it. Growing well. ^_^ ...will plant the others now.
Thanks ...an avenue of ollies pink and white ...looking like coconut ice on a hot day ...beautiful!

Alstonville, Australia

Hi Guy's, Sue does your Dutchmans Pipe go wild. I had one once and by golly it turned out to be a pest.
Saying that it is a pretty flower. Just love the Frangipani, can't beat that perfume.
Here's a bunch for you all.

Thumbnail by hel
Clifton Springs, Australia

I have never known anyone who actually grew a Dutchman's Pipe, what a lovely thing..
I won't even comment on the Frangis....too painful.
About the Sweet Potatoes...what pretty colours...I hadn't heard of them before....
How useful is this forum?
They are all beautiful Anthony.....your garden must be a riot of colour..
Here is one of my Vireya.....3rd time it's flowered this year...fantastic plants.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Barmera, Australia

G'Day, nice Epi out today.

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

Parodia (Notocactus) leninghausii is out too.

Thumbnail by Stake

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