What's Happening in your neck of the woods? Friends...


brrrrrrrrrrrrrr - going to be a HIGH of -20c tomorrow. Think we're in for a bit of a cold snap!!


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

A BALMY -6C here .. guess we're like the BANANA BELT !!!!

I was sitting at the kitchen table this morning .. my back is to the east window .. Lorna wheeled in and said"WOW .. what a HUGE bird in the tree outside" I turned and here was a PARTRIGE in the Silver Maple !! Course he looked lots bigger than usual as he was 'fluffed up' to keep warm.
A pic would have been impossible .. by the time I would have opened the window and got the camera ready, I am sure the bird would have flown off. In fact, 5 minutes later he was gone.
Must be a day for nature as we also had 2 big bucks and one wary Doe out back for breakfast :-)

Lots happening today .. best get a shuffle on ..

Enjoy your week


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning..omg...here I'm fretting about a few inches of snow..getting mild and roads are turning icy..some silly &^%* going same speed have created havoc this morning on the roads....some just don't learn..

Although it takes me longer and roads aren't as clear I take all the back concessions that way I don't have someone almost in my trunk trying to make me drive much quicker than I feel safe...

Not sure how my shovel got on my back deck, Kyle (grandson) must have thought I needed it yesterday when he visited, glad he found it, thought I'd be going out looking for a new one..

Ann, wish I lived closer so I could attend some of these events..how proud you must be...as I type your name, am thinking of my nephew's wife who just got over the weekend airlifted to Ottawa hospital for brain anerysm..they live in Parry Sound so I guess Ottawa via air is quicker than Toronto..Angie would be in mid 30's with 2 young children... my SIL Marg is now in Parry Sound with the family..let's hope today brings good news..hard when it's so far away and they cannot be there with her...appreciate any prayers you can give...

Well, I enjoyed my day lounging, watching movies and enjoying having nothing to do..imagine, me, saying nothing to do but all my work and christmas to'do's are behind me..few girls coming on Wednesday night to do floral arrangements, once that's done my Christmas elf craftroom is closed for the season...lol

Had Jeff's 40th birthday party on Saturday night..lordy I made much too much food..lot's going into garbage tonight...cake was so yummy, still about 1/4 of a slab so have to find someone to give it to..being brave, this dieting is hard when you know there is something yummy to eat

My son Jeff and Greg...both were born in 1969 so both same age this month..no older/younger brother..boy did that create battles when they were young..

Jeff's on the right and Greg's on the left...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" forgot to say just how adorable that Christmas santa photo was....will you be inserting them in your Christmas cards?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Official temp here is -27C. my thermometer says about -15 locally so we will go out for a short walk, then I will get out my dads old electric snow shovel and clear some more snow. There are some areas in the back I try to keep clear- if I dont it melts and makes a lake in the spring as by my back gate is lowest part of the yard. Will also get the car plugged in and hope to make a short trip out into the public today!

My goodness Betty can't believe you really did nothing for a whole day? Surely you could have found another Xmas craft to to? LOL!

We did a quick round the block trip yesterday, wind was a tad chilly (!) Will not be going to class tonight!

Victoria Harbour, ON

LOL, Carol, I did do a few of those lantern christmas projects..to me that's not work..so don't count them in...slept in until 9am..won't tell you though what time I went to bed...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Kyle also came over in the morning to finish his gift to his grandparents (mom's bio mom and dad)

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Wasn't completely a wasted day..should have gone over and seen him give his work of art to them..he was pleased as punch..he did the greenery arrangement, putting together the lantern and stand all on his own..I wasn't about to let him use the band saw to cut the lantern pieces..that was the only part I did for him- got to save those little fingers....

He did tell me he made me 'something' in school shop that he knows I'll be thrilled with..you could see he so wanted to tell me what...lol...

Ooooh boss just told me that we work 21st and 22nd. then we're off Until January 4th, 2010...how exciting is that?

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Walked the dogs around the block and went out to plug in the car- plugs so cold I couldnt get them all the way in , then the plug on the block heater cord snapped off!
Car did start, trying to phone OK Tire for appointment to fix, phones are of course busy,busy might have to drive over and walk in to set an appoint.!

Victoria Harbour, ON

it's 34..I know, I know, should have it at celcius but I'm from the Farenheit age..lol...wow, must really be cold there...brrrr...I have to gas up today and fill my windshield washer..you just can't be without in this weather...

Quick trip at lunch to Michael's for wool..need to get that quilted look crochet afghan done...

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Betty, prayers said for your nephew's wife. hoping for the best.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Same here Betty .. I most surely hope Angie will do well .. I know only too well the stress of being away from family and dealing with an illness. My prayers are sent and I will keep her and the family in my thoughts.

Jeff certainly resembles you ^_^
Parties and too much food seem to go hand in hand ..

Still remains at -6C here .. but .. high humidity and DAMP .. hard on the hands if you haven't gloves on.
A friend from Lethbridge emailed me to say it was -43 !!!!!!!!!! A bud from Calgary sent me some of her SNOW DRIFT pics .. her sidewalks had 4 to 5 foot drifts !!! She is also none too pleased with the side street snow removal .. mind you .. who is when these storms hit ..

Did some baking today .. just sugar cookies .. had purchased some cookie cutters at the Dollar Store .. sheesh .. made BIG cookies !!!

Have a nice evening all


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hah! I had a cookie moment yesterday too and discovered I only had enough butter to make sugar cookies so since that is an old favorite that was it!

Tha car started OK even after its very cold night although it did protest a couple of times so I did some errands and checked at the garage and have appointment for Thurs afternoon! Run the car a fair bit he says so it doesn't get too cold! So I went out again this afternoon and drove the long way round to Cdn tire for some clamps to finish Bett;s project! ( I didnt have any the right side!) . I had a new battery last year which I'm sure helps. Was thinking maybe I should put a layer of snow over the engine for insulation- certainly enough of it out there.

Calgary never plows the side streets and everybody screams about it every year but when it comes to how much the taxes would go up ( not really a significant amount per household) they scream again so the policy does not change.(I don't know what it is here b ut as soon as somebody says taxes up everybody screams! ) In a snowy winter( like last year) one ends up with two ruts down the middle of the street and doG help you if somebody is coming the other way!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Carol .. I have heard a blanket will works well, or, an old jacket over the battery .. some people will run a 'trouble light' under the hood .. gives off sufficient heat ..

We've been having itsy bitsy sorts of 'brown outs' here .. think I best mosey ...



Carol - even at work, where the city has ParkPlus parking spots and would make $$ off it, they don't plow the side streets around the University campus.
I had a heck of a time trying to find somewhere to park this am, and I was at work earlier than usual (7am). Some areas are paid for directly to the city (sorta like metered parking), and some are paid to the city by the building I work at. Either way, the city gets more $$ if they clear the streets........


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty - prayers from here for your nephew's wife. She's young for a brain aneurysm. My mother suffered one when DD#1 was about 8 mos old but she was somewhat older. She DID make a full recovery and brain surgery in 1972 was not as advanced as today. Is family with her? Let me know if I can be of assistance.

Been a busy day. I won't try to detail everything as it's late and I need to get to bed. Aquafit is at 8 am tomorrow.

Have a good night.


Victoria Harbour, ON


You all are reminding me that I best get an extension cord ready for plugging in my vehicle...car dealership says new cars these days don't need it..my question is, then why are they installed in cars???

Ann, not sure who is with Angie right now..maybe Marg and Alan have left for Ottawa..I've not heard yet how she's doing..since hubby died I get end news from that side of the family..lol.. unless the staff who are all family know..they were wondering all afternoon as well as to how she's doing..Suzanne might know this morning...

Better run, have a gift to drop off and a package swap to mail...snow hasn't melted so I also take a bit longer to get to work..

Enjoy your day everyone..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty I didnt have to plug in my new Saturn for about the first 6 years. Then I started but only when it was below -10 . I dont have a garage. Also I had a new battery last year otherwise I dont think it would be starting - that was the original battery from 1999!

So last night after thoughts here I searched around the basement and found an old hooked rug that the cats peed on so dont use and an old wool blanket( must be 70-80 years old, my mother had it before me) that was on an old armchair in the basement with a liberal layer of cat hair as Jazz likes to lie there when he is upset and put them both on the hood of the car.

This morning officially it was -18 when I got up at 7 and my thermometor a bit warmer, now maybe -10 and the car started fine.

My friend went back to the fabric store on Sunday and got me 8 metres of polyfill ( half price) r and brought it over yesterday because it was filling the back seat of her car. I cut it to fit the beds I already had cut out and still did not have enough, Im making bigger beds this time so it does not go so far. Somebody is donating us some quilt batting so hope that is enough to finish this lot of beds. Probablyhave enought now to last the year - we only have 3-4 fundraisers.

Here's my Saturn with its hood blanket!

This message was edited Dec 8, 2009 10:33 AM

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

One of the neighbors didn't drain & unhook their hose before the deep freeze. They have quite the ice sculpture.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Uh oh!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Got this in email this aft .. thought it pretty humorous .. some of you may have seen it at one time or another .. enjoy !!

God and Grass - Isn't THIS the truth!

Frank, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions, violets, thistle and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honey bees and flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colours by now. But, all I see are these green rectangles.

It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. The Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers "weeds" and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass.

Grass? But, it's so boring. It's not colourful. It doesn't attract butterflies, birds and bees; only grubs and sod worms. It's sensitive to temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there?

Apparently so, Lord. They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn.

The spring rains and warm weather probably make grass grow really fast. That must make the Suburbanites happy.

Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it grows a little, they cut it - sometimes twice a week.

They cut it? Do they then bale it like hay?

Not exactly, Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in bags.

They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?

No, Sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.

Now, let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow. And, when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?

Yes, Sir.

These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the growth and saves them a lot of work.

You aren't going to believe this, Lord. When the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it, so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.

What nonsense. At least they kept some of the trees. That was a sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the autumn, they fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees and bushes. It's a natural cycle of life.

You better sit down, Lord. The Suburbanites have drawn a new circle. As soon as the leaves fall, they rake them into great piles and pay to have them hauled away.

No! What do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the winter to keep the soil moist and loose?

After throwing away the leaves, they go out and buy something which they call mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves.

And where do they get this mulch?

They cut down trees and grind them up to make the mulch.

Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore.

GOD to St. Catherine:

You're in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us tonight?

"Dumb and Dumber", Lord. It's a story about....

Never mind, I think I just heard the whole story from St. Francis.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Good Story
Bye the way Bettypause, we have an engine building business and my hubby swears by plugging in your car. It is very hard and wearing for your car to try to start when cold like it is now. You prolong the life of all your engine parts when you do that small plug in thing. You don't need it plugged in all night, just a minimum of 2 hrs at todays temp. If you let me know what kind of car you drive I can let you know weather the block heater or an oil heater would be best.
Anyway my car warms up better and doesn't ride like a block of ice when I plug it in.
Just like the Glade commercial....Plug it in plug it in.....( singing).

It was a cookie day today and boy did we ( my 74 yr old neighbor) bake!!
I stopped counting when we hit 12 dozen each so thank goodness that is done!.
Now the squares.............
Bye for now

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thanks Ann, should have done it last night..

Winds are so high I'm just getting ready to leave already..not sure they are strong enough to lift my little Aveo..all joking aside, it is strong enough to do so..

I'll take back concessions because more people live on them then should I run into trouble..wearing big winter books, taking extra warmth with me and heading out..

Gab when I get to work..

Loved the poem...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OK Ann I promise to plug in as soon as get this thing fixed ( which is tomorrow afternoon) My issue is always how many outlets are available as all the xmas lights are plugged in too. I will have to get a bit creative. And then there is the problem of actually getting it plugged into the extension cord because the plugs are plastic and it is always a struggle. I usually keep a heavy glove on the end of the extension cord! And occasionally a little wool glove on the cord from the block heater- have been known to drive around with it on. People must wonder why I have a purple glove hanging out of the hood of my car!


hahahahaha Carol - picturing your "little purple glove" hanging out of the hood of your car! Sounds cute, but effective.....
Never thought of putting one on the extension cord side, but that's a terrific idea. It would keep the snow off the plug and less chance of getting the inside of the plug wet. Very good idea, Carol.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Smart idea..mine has a plastic casing it goes into but the glove is an excellent idea...

Well had my first snowday..had to travel to Barrie anyway in order to transfer the telephones to my home telephone..travelled with Suzanne as she needed to bring home files...getting home at 11:30 was far better than 5:30...

Did sew for a few hours this afternoon and of course the minute you go to sew the telephone for business rings continually...luckily I finished the block I needed and will mail it out early a.m.

This weekend I've no plans so will make sure that I do the December block and I'm all caught up with sewing and swap projects...about time you say? yep!!!

Getting milder, lordy the roads are so icy..yard got plowed just after I got in..there goes some of my green grass...I play a game each year...

I order top soil, fix the bottom 1/2 of the lawn, come winter the plowman pushes it further up the hill, no more lawn, come spring I order top soil from him fix again..year after year after year..should get a discount on the top soil wouldn't you think?

Andrew who plows was telling me he spend 5 months getting chemo treatments and some radiation..says he's cancer free but the type he has often comes back with a vengence..told me he wouldn't mind getting another 30 years so he can raise his young children...I didn't realize he was so ill..

Cancelled class tonight were we were going to make flower arrangements..put off until tomorrow so now it's upstairs, get a project out and see just how late I can stay awake...

Enjoy your evening..those of you with bad weather, please stay safe...


Hello all you wonderful people, you!!!

Two of the Drs in my Division came to my desk and said "Go home, Now!" Normally I'd stay longer, but it was snowing, and very icy underneath, so I took their advice and now I'm home safe & sound. I saw a Rover that had 180'd and rammed a cement pole for an overpass. His hood was crumpled 1/2 way up. I didn't see anyone in it, and no ambulance, so I guess he was gone by the time I went by. I hope no one was hurt seriously. I'm saying prayers for whom-ever's safety........

I'm waiting for my DH to call to say he's on his way home from work.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, roads were fine this morning..starting to snow but doubt it will accumulate...had hoped the snow would wait till Christmas Eve but NOT!!! oh well, that's what we live in Canada for is it not...NOT!!!!

What's the weather doing in your neck of the woods...

Must say a snow day allowed me to finish November's quilt block..lordy I was behind..today at lunch I went down to the Quilt and Sew Gallery, can't believe the beautiful christmas material..bought 4 - fat quarters to do Dec. block..if I get to it on the weekend and ship it 'air' it just might get there before end of Dec. then I'm back on track....

OMG, some people just aren't in the best of moods...

Boss included..then Cindy..grumpy..thank goodness I keep smilling..

This morning I was at the Barrie post office, took the back entrance..there to my left was a car travelling my way and on the side of it was a gentleman in an electronic wheelchair..car passed and he went on and on just as I was beside him..stopped, asked him is he was speaking to me as he was looking right at me, said 'no, I'm mad at the guy in the car that just past me, going to fast..grump/grum' then he said ' why don't you (*&&^&* keep your mouth shut' ohhhh ok..you have a merry Christmas also...lordy, was just being nice...

Best I keep to myself today! lol

And how are you all?

I wish more people were like you Betty. The world would be a far cheerier place.

Sunny and cold here, we're doing fine, just not making much fuss over Christmas.

Waving Hello, everyone. I'm off to Farmville.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh my post got lost..that's a 'good thing'

Said thank you for the compliment and then got off on a tangen re emotions and this time of year...guess dg angel decided to go 'puff' and send it into cybrespace!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Cold here in TBay .. but .. it's the wind that creeps me out and makes me hover .. pushing Lorna across the Walmart parking lot about did BOTH of us in today !! Hard to believe that 22 Handicap parking spots were taken .. as we navigated through WalMart I noticed ONE person pushing a wheeled walker .. we were the only persons with a wheelchair .. I am well aware some folks handicaps don;t SHOW .. ie heart, asthma, COPD .. it just seemed so unfair .. ahh well .. we survived.

FARMVILLE .. echoes .. you'll have to visit MY CAFE ^_^
Gotta luv Facebook (sometimes)

Off to mess about in the kitchen


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

You'd think the end of the world was forecast. There's a possibility of flurries here, and it's got many in a panic. Folks are stocking up in case they can't get out for a few days. IF we get snow, the most they say will be about 8cm. Stopped in to Lee Valley, first time for us, the cashier was certainly ready for the end of her day. Same with the one in Zellers, both vocally cranky. I sure wouldn't want to work in a job like that, I think I'd have to tell some customers to take a hike... Good thing I'm retired... I have a handicapped card, I only use it when I am really having a tough day, but then I'm usually home...
We're busy getting our shopping done, getting the house in order, had the carpets cleaned the other day, geez, what a difference! Off soon to the ferry, one of the kids is over for the weekend cause she can't make Christmas. Think we'll get our tree when she's here and she can help decorate. T'was a very busy day.

Victoria Harbour, ON

BRRRR it's cold ...blizzard like conditions last couple of days..late afternoon they closed our local highways because of extreme whiteouts .. trucks were lined up for miles...Muskoka towns were under alert and everyone asked not to leave their homes...so it's pretty white in my neck of the woods...

Sitting here with fireplace on, coffee in hand waiting for daybreak, know there is a lot of shovelling waiting for me...then it will be a day of relaxation, sewing and starting the 2 golf cd cabinets for the boys..not sure they'll be done for Christmas but goint to try...

"M" it is amazing to see how many have handicap stickers but I guess some don't all have to be in wheelchairs..imagine some because of bad heart etc. lordy you have to park in the back forty now that they not only have handicap with 'mothers with children' etc. how about passes just for little old ladies??? that's my question..lol

MG99 hope you enjoy your day and that your family guest made the ferry...Christmas is the day you make it..hard when not all the family can make Christmas Day..

Better get at it..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

So I got the car block heater cord fixed Thurs aft and now faithfully pluging it in! Darn it is hard to get those prongs into the hard cold plastic!They very nicely topped up the tires too as they said they were rather low ( I of course never noticed!)

Thurs my friend Brenda arrived from BC with her sheltie Tug. Her DH's mum dies - in Ontario - and they have to go out there for a month . They have 4 dogs! One is with a breeder in Canmore and can stay there. Two including the new 3 month old pup were dropped off in Lethbridge and then on to Calgary and Tug will stay with me. Took her to the airport yesterday afternboon. Light snow most of the day and she was kind enough to volunteer that we go early to the airport so I wouldnt have to drive home in rush hour .

So I will have Tug until early Jan and Shilo comes back next Sat for 10 days. And Rescue now has requests to take in two very shy shelties ( not from same home) and so many foster folks away over Xmas Im not sure where I will put them! Maybe I will have 5 dogs not 4? I'm rather annoyed with the owner of one( I know her) because I could have had the dog fostered and probably rehomed ages ago except she was so slow getting things sorted out and then went away for 2 weeks without telling us! We may have to tell her we can't take the dog until after Xmas!

More light snow last night so I will be brushing and shovelling again today. Have a shift at Lougheed House this afternoon. Roads will probably be slick.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

How nice that you and Cheryl can extend the season and spread it out a bit. Doing the tree with one and sharing it with the others is a good way to spread out your blessings. I wonder what Victoria would do with our -37 plus windchill that is happening today? Only 8 cm of snow I would take that over this cold.
Betty, I don't know how you do all that stuff!
Carol, Having a good laugh at my mental picture of you going mental with 5! Wow we will have to call you Mrs Claus. If we lived closer I could have helped you a bit as we do have a dog friendly house and I am off from December 23 till the 4th of January. I will be driving to Calgary on the 24th this year and we are bringing my DH's Mom with us. It seems all the family in Leduc will be away and so I insisted that she come after my family cheered when I asked. She's the best Mom in Law ever and I love her company, she fits in anywhere. My daughter is going on the bus ahead so she can spend some time with her idol, her cousin who is 28 and is a super young woman.
My Mom and Dad just told me that they have been invited to the torch ceremony in Springbank as they are prior Olympians and someone found them. They are very quiet about their accomplishments but are very honored to be asked.
Well I do have to help my neighbor bake today and I'm glad I don't have to go far, next door.
Bye for now everyone.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OH MY Ann do I hear ya on the C O L D !!!! I'ts been around -26 to -31 C here with the windchill. AND .. dontcha know .. we have a prob with our woodstove !! Luckily we have a natural gas furnace as well .. so .. until we can discover if it's a creosote build up in the chimney, or, something else .. we are burning no wood ..

Have 2 pics to share taken today of Lilly and Smokey sharing a SUN SPOT ...

Carol .. you are WONDERFUL to take those dogs in !!!!!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

GAWD wouldn't it be nice to curl up like that and bask in the sun !!!!!

Thumbnail by MarilynneS

We are in the deep freeze too, of course. I should be sorry that we don't have any snow to speak of, but I'm not. Just a layer of white to hide the brown and grey and that's fine with me. I'm already over worrying about all the plants that I'm going to lose. Makes more room for new ones come spring. La la lal lala.

Carol, God gave you a good heart for the animals. Bless you.

Think we're done with the shopping, now for the shipping. Probably do a little baking, and get through with a quiet Christmas. Will be a Christmas again, of missing family.

Mar, get that stove figured out and stay safe.

Have a good week everyone.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I don't think I've sent my greetings to this group yet.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

We hope that 2009 has been good to you and we look forward to hearing from you.

It has been an extremely busy year, but we are gradually getting prepared for the holiday season and preparing to spend that season in Vancouver.

Once again, we are sending most of our greetings on-line and will be making a charitable donation with what we would have spent on postage and cards.

Our Christmas letter this year can be found at http://www.magma.ca/~fredrkng/xmaslet09.html

We head to Vancouver tomorrow and once we get on the plane, life will be somewhat more calm. Still have lots to do to get ready. Once there, we will have good Internet at DD's house except next weekend when we will all be at an Internet-free resort.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Have a great time in Vancouver Ann - I hear they re expecting a huge dump of snow!

Somebody just banged on my door and when I checked it was a fellow with a snow shovel. So I opened the door and he wanted to know if I wanted the sidewalk shoveled - I had not gone out today. I said no thanks, there's not much there but I was sure looking for somebody to shovel my walk on a regular basis . Anyway he offered to clean the walk for $5 this evening and would clean for $10 anytime there was a snowfall, to be done by 10 in morning or within 24 hours ( city by law) . Lives a couple blocks north of me, left his name and number. Whoopee. Hope that works out. I dislike shovelling snow and actually am not supposed to so am always happy to find somebody who will do it without a monthly contrat, snow or not and costing big bucks! Of course I still have the back to do but that does not need to be rushed. I get really annoyed with people who dont clean the snow from their sidewalks, lots of people do walk around here so just because you maybe never come out your front door because you have a garage in the back lane doesnt mean nobody else uses your stretch.
OK flame suit off!
I think I will only have the 4 dogs until after Xmas, looks like somebody else can foster the new one. When it is this cold they are easy care, too cold to walk and dont want to stay out long. And 3 of them are seniors anyway.

Heres Tug making himself at home. He is 11 and had arthritis in his back legs.

Thumbnail by fancyvan

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