What's Happening in your neck of the woods? Friends...

Victoria Harbour, ON

There's no doubt that all our furries are content..look at those sweeties...it's mild here today, calling for snow for tomorrow..great travelling in without worrying about weather conditions...

Have to leave at lunch re test at the hospital..it was made months ago, when I called a few weeks ago they said no, no booking, gave me one for January, Friday they left a message saying my appt. was for today..said I might just stay with January one and they said, no booking under my name for January..my goodness, confusing to say the least..couldn't be at the end of the day either could it, had to be at 1:20 which means I have to leave at 12:20..screw up things for the girls lunches..oh well...

Imagine, I got home Friday aft., picked up a few groceries, got home and didn't go out until this morning...still have $$$ in my wallet so guess I should stay home more often...

Putting grannie squares together for a pressie for Darlene so brought what didn't get done here to the office, should keep me busy over the next week...more work than I had anticipated...


ohhhhhhh my...... it's -32 here! With NO windchill - only a 6k wind......
Did you hear that Edmonton got the coldest temp in Canada, on Sunday? poor Annabell52!!!

It's supposed to get to PLUS 4 on Wed! Gotta love those Chinooks, but oh, the migraines and headaches some get from the sudden barometer change!! I'm awfully lucky I don't suffer with these types of headaches....... I just get to enjoy the weather ^_^

Brenda - wish we could spend Christmas together.... it's just Bob & I, and we're missing family too. siiiiiiiiigh

V-Ann, thank you for the Christmas wishes ^_^

I hope everyone keeps warm & toasty (like you, Betty - draping an afghan over your lap is cozy-sounding!) ^_^


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

But Susan it is supposed to warm up to -22 by this afternoon!

The dogs only go out to P/P and I only go out to pick up!

Sewed 4 dogs beds yesterday - good activity for cold days.

Oh and watched the great curling Sat and Sun.

Victoria Harbour, ON

You are getting so much done Carol...cold days/stormy days are good for something right?


oh good! -22 will seem like heaven after this cold snap!

I got my car fueled up this am...... was down to 1/4 tank, and that's not good in this weather.
Made 5 gift baskets over the weekend. I used to make them every year, but got out of the habit years ago. Maybe I should revive this habit?! Once you get started, it's like quilting...... always have a little bit left, so you buy some more stuff to make another one, and find you have a little bit left....... lol

Our Choir sing went and sang at Aspen Lodge on Saturday, and afterwards Bob & I stayed for a bit - he played pool with one of the residents, and I sat & had coffee with some of the others. Bob has the fella's name & ph# and wants to go back next Sat to play again ^_^
This feels like something we'll likely get into on a regular basis.



I was sitting here wondering why I wasn't in the Christmas spirit... geeze louise... I know why, but I go "into denial" every year...
My father passed away on Dec 12th, 27 years ago, and we were so close. I know it may seem like a long time, and I should 'get over it' but every year at this time, I find I have to shake it off and it takes about a week total (days on each side of the date).
Maybe now that I've addressed it yet again, I can get on with the season... I surely hope so. Haven't done any housecleaning, and want to invite people over Christmas Dinner, but can't get up the "ooomph" to do so. Don't know what day we'll celebrate Christmas, and haven't figured out what to get DH for a present...


Victoria Harbour, ON

Take it from me, you just NEVER get over it..I wondered same, how come I was teary eyed, crying over the least little thing of late..lots of anniversaries ..wedding, birthday and his death..just like a video camera, can't tell you what I did or talked about yesterday but ask me details of the New year's death and I can almost give it from word to word...so we just have to reflect, have a tear or two and then move on..

prayers for any of you going through this emotional time..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Im having the same problems but not because of family loss. ALl my lights and decorations up but still have not done xmas cards and letters ( I do a lot by email) and aranged Xmas gifts- also done online as I give donations to charities now instead of buying gifts.

Anyway I wanted to tell you about the Teddy Bear Toss. Every year about this time the Calgary Hitmen - a WHL professional hockey team- play a game where when they score their first goal everybody tosses teddy bears ( or other stuffed animals) on the ice! Last night attendance almost 17000 and they threw close to 15000 stuffed animals on the ice!
The toys go to 50 local children's charities - they have been doing this for 15 years. Neat!


I guess I was too young to lose my dad. I was only in my 20's, and I keep thinking that he would love my DH (2nd marriage). He didn't approve of my 1st (didn't think he should keep me worried about finances - truck drivers don't make a steady income, doncha know?!)

It took me 3 years to get back into Christmas back then. Now, with no family near, I'm feeling kinda lost.......
Bob isn't getting into the Christmas spirit, either. In fact, he has less than I (don't know why), and I just can't do what I need to, to decorate, etc. If I could take a shovel to my home, and get it finally finished decorating, I think it would be easier...... maybe.

O geeze louise...... listen to me........!! I'm sorry to drag you all into this "mood" of mine, but it does help to unload........

Thank you for listening to my vent.......



Carol - what a wonderful idea!!!! I'm picturing the teddys....all over the ice - all different types and sizes
I love teddy bears, they're so cuddly......
I have a warm spot in my heart for them - every child should have a teddy ^_^

This message was edited Dec 14, 2009 10:25 AM

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi everyone
We survived the -45 and -58 with wind chill Saturday night Sunday morning! Yikes it was cold!!. Dog went out for seconds with her coat on and it was almost funny, mad dash to "the spot" and full tilt back to the house. I stood and waited for her as she did a sliding stop at the back door.
This time of year is emotional and if you add to it a sad memory then it would be compounded! I feel for all of you who have a sad time to remember.

Marilynn I love the sun photo of the "Kids" it looks like your furnace is keeping everyone nice and warm too.

We have adopted a small family to help this year at work. It's only a Mom and one little girl but they would not have a good christmas with out us. She is very proud that she is not on Welfare and lives in subsidized housing. She escaped a very abusive relationship that almost took her life and the life of her unborn daughter but she made it out and is moving forward. We will help her with gifts and food that will supliment her for months to come. Our small shop has got right into the spirit with our box of "stuff" slowly getting fuller each day! We are wraping on Friday and delivering on Monday the following week. Every day we gather around the "box" and see what treasures have been dropped in! It's very heart warming for me

I am almost done all my baking , thank goodness.

Merry Christmas to all of you and your families.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

My greetings to all of you from me ..


Guess we all have differing feelings and memories of Christmas ... fortunately I have not suffered a family loss at Xmas .. however .. my Mom passed away on Valentines day ... kinda puts a damper on that day.
To all of you who do have unhappy memories, my heart goes out to you .. may you be able to channel your sadness into happier avenues.

Edmonton ANN .. I heard on the TV yesterday that Edmonton had the lowest temp in the WORLD .. not just in Canada ..all I can say is .. BRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ... our temps have been low .. -25C and MAYBE -32C .. the dampness is horrific here .. my hands (the weakest links in my body) are telling me they HATE it ... but .. looks like it's gonna last for a few more days.
Lilly loves rolling in what snow we have .. but .. her wee paws only hold out for maybe 20 minutes.

Ann (Edmonton) .. I have to say that your generosity to that abused Mom and her daughter will NEVER be forgotten by either of them .. what a wonderful gesture !!

Baking ... sheesh .. made Sugar cookies the other day .. but .. they are SOFT !!! Seems 'crunchier' ones are better rec'd ... read an article in Dave's Weekly Newsletter .. re a cookie recipe .. gonna give it a whirl.

Hmmmmmmm .. the 'Getting into the Spirit' phenomenon ... wish I knew the magic trick .. I tend to think spending time around young children kinda makes a difference .. as we are estranged from our only child and his children, I have found that spending time with friends grandkids helps .. a bit .. but, basically, it's quiet here .. and that's OK ..

The woodstove is FIXED ... creosote buildup in the chimney .. have a super nice fire burning now .. and .. I am off to the kitchen to rattle some pots and pans LoL

Merry Christmas everyone ... !!!!!


~M~ I heard a funny on TV yesterday, and it's a real story:
There is a Dr who says that people are suffering from cold allergies......... it showed her taking people's temperature after spraying something in their palms.

yeah, we've known about this allergic reaction for years - it's called Hypothermia!!! lol Good grief........ interesting what people get funded for, eh?

Have a wonderful day, everyone! (going to do some housecleaning, now that I've finished all my baskets....... I think lol).


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Greetings from Vancouver. I must say that I though of you Calgarians as we flew over a bit north of the city with a clear view of the city lights last night.

We are on our own today. DD and DSIL both working and DGD in daycare,



I likely saw your plane, Ann - we're right on the flight path, and in the north east end of the city - 8 minutes drive away from the airport!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Shiver, brrrrrrrr, chatter chatter ... still in the deep freeze here .. and .. the CLEAR night skies, resplendent with stars can only mean very cold temps overnight.

Busy day tomorrow .. best get into 'gettin ready for bed mode' .. usually takes an hour or more ..

Enjoy BC Ann


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Happy BDay to my brother Bob .. aka .. RJ ... he turns my LUCKY # today ... 11.That's what you get when you add 7+4


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Its warm here! At least up to freezing point if not warmer. Walked the dogs this morning- first time since Friday I think.


I'll bet your pooches are happy, Carol ^_^


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We are all happy!


lol good!!
Well, I'm going to take the opportunity presented (my DH is at a senior's lodge, playing pool with one of the residents) and get some much-needed sleep. He usually likes to go to bed around midnight, and I'm starting to suffer cuz of it.........

Niters all!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, blue sky but lordy is it cold out there..still, enjoy it more than I would if there was a blizzard going on...can't believe how high the snow banks in the yard are already and here we thought it would be a green Christmas...

Last evening had the girls over to do floral arrangements for their home, had a wonderful time..Rita brought her 4 year old grandaughter..did an arrangement all in 2 seconds and said what's next..lol..gave her a gift, turned on cartoons and she fell asleep, we gals works till just past the stroke of midnight..hated to get up this morning, missed those hours of sleep..you know you are old when...????

Have about 4 more to make tonight then I can deliver them tomorrow and one more thing out of the way..

Just like a child this morning, 3 more work day sleeps and I'm off for almost 2 weeks..exciting isn't it? now I have to decide if I'll go to Florida or just stay home, fireplace on and enjoy the rest..can't make up my mind..think maybe the roll of the dice will help me make a choice...

Looking for beer caps..got to find a brewery or something..must show you the caps/christmas tags the girls did..meant to post yesterday and forgot..Wednesday all the painters are coming to my house for Christmas gathering, thought we'd all make a few but I NEED bottle caps...wonder if I were to start drinking from now till next Wedn. how many I'd have..lol..me who doesn't drink..nope, have to go in search I guess...

Hope you are all enjoying your day, if you are out in bad weather please b e careful...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAhahahaha ... Betty, I was going to suggest you just buy a good ol' Canadian 2 4 and have a party .. but, you like me are not in the drinking dept .. altho .. I do like my wine :-)

Had read an article on here about an ages old 'cookie night' .. I think the DGer is Mrs_Ed. Anyway .. I made the cookies this afternoon .. awesome !! I even posted 2 pics on that thread .. whatever it's called .. ya see .. I made a BOO BOO with one roll of cookies as I was impatient and didn;t wait long enough to let the filling cool down .. I thought I had runied everything .. but .. I looked at the pile of GUK in front of me and thought, 'HEY .. if I mix that ALL together, and spoon it onto a cookie sheet .. I should have COOKIES .. and I did LoL

Bought a Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish) today .. pretty fuschia and navy colours in a huge vase with a Peace Lilly (Spath) roots growing down into the water .. bought it as a Xmas gift for Lorna .. but .. gave it to her today when I got home as I decided it'd be pretty hard to secret away !!!!!
Now we're online looking up all the nuances that go with this beauty .. If I can I'll take a pic ...

Weather is AWESOME today !!!! -8C instead of -34 !!!!


This message was edited Dec 17, 2009 4:48 PM


~M~ - I've had those Betta before, and they are beautiful. I managed to keep one for 2 years! The Peace Lily was surprisingly able to grow, seeing as how the fish love to nibble on the roots!

Our temp was +6c today (or more... they're never that accurate lol) ^_^
We had -30 on Monday. Go figure, eh?!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Check this out for a good laugh. Others posted there too.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

LOL .. thanks for the morning smiles Carol ^_^

Full dance card here today, and, awesome weather in which to complete the tasks.

Can;t believe it's ONE week til Christmas day. I think if I wrapped what I have bought already, I'd realize I didn't NEED to go out into the fray another time or two.

Enjoy your day everyone ... TGIF


She lives and breathes....

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Someone shook up the SNOW GLOBE here in Thunder Bay, we have a very gentle snowfall happening with nice mild temps ..

Have wrapping to do .. and dinner to pre prepare .. but I just kinda think I'm going to sit and watch the snow for a bit ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

You had me laughing "M" nope, never even had a sip of beer, but you know me and crafts, I'm more likely to pick up a case, keep the tops and throw away the bottle..

Touch wood, we've not had snow in a few days, haven't checked what this week's weather report is, guess I'll just wait and see..like surprises..as long as we don't have a blizzard Christmas Eve day when many are travelling...

Busy here, don't know if anyone can tell me why after being so organized and gifts all under the tree that I decide to do 2 cd cabinets for the boys only days before Christmas..lordy I'm hard on myself..

Guess had I not finished that log cabin type crochet afghan days earlier than expected I'd not have had time to look for something else to do..ahhh if I keep plugging I should have them done by Christmas eve..so what if the paint is still wet..a gifts a gift right?

Those of you with snow...be careful..
Keep wrapping everyone....santa's visit isn't that far away...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Love the afghan, now started to do one for 'me'..I've the pattern to share if any of you want it...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Even finished the last of the arrangements to give away..all gone but 2

Best not linger, I'm on a tight schedule..lol..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty - nice afghan. Is that basic Grannie squares but with colour blocking to make the pattern? Looks lovely.

We are back from the weekend at Manning Park in a no Internet zone. I got the afghan for Leila mostly finished. Will do the last bit today and then try working on a project for DD before we return home. The others got in skiing and skating. I don't ski and haven't skated in awhile but need to try to find suitable new skates sometime. I like snow shoeing, but about 15 minutes after we started, the straps on the binding broke on the borrowed snowshoes; so I ended up taking a good walk instead. It's really rainy in Vancouver. Give me Ontario and cold and snow any time over 3 degrees and rain.

I 've also come down with a cold, but it COULD be worse. I hope it's pretty well history before great-aunt Alma arrives from Portland on Wednesday. She's 93 and her sister here in Vancouver is 91.

Have a great day.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann, do be careful with that cold, you don't want to be sick in bed when Santa arrives do you?

Don't know about purchasing new skates, did so about 4 years ago, still in the box..was almost tempted to paint a winter scene on them and hang them for the Christmas season...lol..township has an outdoor skating rink they maintain, who knows, maybe I'll go skating when the family comes up this week..

Looks as though light snow Christmas Day/Boxing Day but no storm..can't ask for better than that...

Edited to say...

Yes, they are simple grannie squares sewn together in color design to take on quilt like appearance

This message was edited Dec 22, 2009 10:45 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh 1 more sleep and it's Christmas Eve...

Can't sleep, lordy I'm worse than a child..lol

Bitter cold out there, toasty inside...just thinking of running to walmart to pick up cheese and meat tray..having a gang over this morning..easier than cooking right?

Know I won't have to fight the crowds...

Enjoy your day everyone..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I ordered a cheese and meat tray for Christmas Eve .. so much easier than knocking myself out with a big meal .. that's coming on the 25th.

Another mild day here .. have to be at the hosp for an 8:30am appt !!! I sure hope that more snow has been cleared away .. it was hellish pushing Lorna's wheelchair through the muck and mire when we were there yesterday !!

Enjoy your day ^_^

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moved us over...

Do come enjoy chit/chat...you've all become friends I've never met over the past year/years....come sit and share your Christmas with us...



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