CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #4

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Well if you insist. Come s out of corner toplay. heheheheh

I have nevr figrue d that otu either. Just think I got oodles of years of dmails and when ya gab as much as I do they add up big time. LOL

I think ther e a way to put them in a oflder, but I havent evr foudn out how to do it. Think the onyl person who cna dellte dmails is Dave himself.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yesterday i spent part of the evening organizing my Inbox... I created a bunch of folders to put Dmails in... I have Piggy Swap 2008, Piggy Swap 2009., Seed Trades, Hosta Related, General Chatter... and maybe one or two more. I"ts pretty easy to do.

OH and for Deleting... I had to ask in the Daves forum when i first got here...

basically, at the bottom of each mail, scroll all the way to the bottom... there will be some text that says.... Move this mail and a drop down box to choose a folder, then GO.
one of the folders is DELETED... but from what i can tell, they never really go away... they just sit in teh deleted folder. It is possible there is a limit on how many mails we can hold onto [say a gigabyte of data per person] then the ones in teh deleted folder will start to go away... but all of mine from day one are still there.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks tcs!!! and thanks for your dmail on find! It works!!! Hooray!
Now to try to delete old dmails........

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK -- here is how to create new folders....

Go to Dmail....
then click Manage Folders....
then in the Box, type the name of the folder...

see attached Image....

This message was edited Nov 6, 2009 9:07 AM

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning fellow seed swine! I've been busy decorating a local business for a Holiday open house, and just had to stay away from the threads for a couple of days. I'm in the process of catching up, and will post a list of what I've got bagged for who and make sure I haven't missed any oinks.

I've still got several goodies I haven't listed yet, and haven't been in a big rush to scour through everyone's list yet, as I know there's still plenty yet to be added.

Oh, and I do have a sort of blanket request to throw out there, I'd like to try every heirloom vegetable I can get my hands on, particularly beans, salad greens and tomatoes.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

then -- once you have all your folders.... you can either go thru your inbox, clicking the check box next to each mail... say, click each box that is Piggy Swap related... go thru the whole inbox, 1 page at a time... and go to the bottom where it say to MOVE THIS MAIL, and choose which ever folder you want it in.

or, you can do it one Dmail at a time, but that can take hours, depending on how much mail you have...

BUT -- one thing I have noticed over the years... once it is is a folder, and you see the prompt that you have new mail, and you click to your inbox... if it is in a different folder, you wont see it as new mail.

I knwo that sounds a bit confusing... but once - after I had filed a message, I had a prompt that i had new mail... i clicked my inbox but didnt see anything.. I kept clicking around, yet could not find new mail ... then -- i clicked the "underlined" text that said i had new mail, and it took me to that mssg, but i noticed it was in a folder... hence, why i did not see new mail in my inbox.

So... to make a longer story longer... I tend NOT to move anything until I know I'm done with it. So, currently all my current Piggy Swap dmails are still in my inbox until after the swap.

Clear as Mud ?? *wink*

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WB Neal... i sent you a Dmail this morning....

This message was edited Nov 6, 2009 9:43 AM

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

tcs, thank you! The "move to delete" works, but I still have a leftover problem. When I was messing around with this previously, a bunch of my dmails that I wanted to keep got somehow mysteriously into the deleted folder, and now I can't get them out with the "move to inbox" function. Oooyyy! Technology is good, but it's also a major PIA!!!! well, I'll leave this for another time. There's only so much that my non-technological brain can absorb at one time. Today's lessons - find, move to delete, and dmail folders, have hopefully been learned - If they don't stay in the brain, I at least know where to find them again!
Thanks again mucho!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

oops. missed your last post. Yes it's actually very clear, but I'm afraid to click the box next to a dmail, because when I did that before, It automatically checked all the boxes for every single dmail on every page, and I had go unclick them all individually.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>It automatically checked all the boxes for every single dmail on every page, and I had go unclick them all individually

I know what you are referring to... all or most email boxes have that.... you are clicking the VERY top check box ... it's a like a "select all" button.

OH -- i just went to take a peek... if you click the MOVE all the way at the top, that selects ALL and will move them all. Just check the lil box, one at a time... to move, go to the bottom of the page and choose which folder, the click GO... that will move only the ones you've clicked.

and.. if you go to your DELETED box, you can move them back to the INBOX, just in the same manner of moving any mail.

hope that helps...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Welcoem back Neal. Will keep piggy request in mind.

Mayeb that what I wil work on today startign to go through veggies for a bit before I get back to doign flowers.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Already have your heirloom bean seeds bagged with your name on them.


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

tcs, thanks again for your patience. I'll try it later on.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

And another piggy checks in! : ) Mygypsyros e is back with us for anotehr year. Welcome back. She stil a little bit busy and wil be gettign list up later over the weekend. : )

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Morning, gang. I will be going away for the weekend to visit my son. Will be back Sunday, so I won't be answering any mails till then.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

oink oink every one...

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Just noticed on checking Starlight's list that she is out of spider zinnia. Just so you know it's the same as zinnia tenuifolia which I have lots of.!

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Colchie, Can I have some of those zinnias?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Added Indian corn to my list today.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

hey hey hey piggies.

We have aplayer who is her e , but not here. LOL Kim_M is a player but nto a player. She busy moving. She sent me some seed which as soon as I get a chance will divid e up into smaller packet s and list up for ya all. She notice d a coupel of wishes and wil le t thos e folsk know that they been fileld so as not to oink for them.

So if ya get a dmail from Kim_m oinkign she with us, btu just not as visible right now while she moves.

Have fun Colchei and a safe trip. Well I didn't knwo that abotu the Zinnia. Gues s I shoudl hae google d , but glad ya got soem more.

Cool Mamawk. Indian corn make s great decoration and food for wildlife and soemthign els e I can't rememebr righ tnow. brain still not totally thawed from cold last night.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

OK i'm waddling up to the trough for these please

Star alysusum Aphrodite Wine Red, alyssum Copper, dianthus Flashing Lights Gaillardia Burgundy

Per Me oinking for swarf Delphium Mix and dianthus dwarf pink w/red

KLstuart geranium Tornado Orchid oinky please

Maozamom may I please oink for Sunflower Citrus

DMgardener may I oink for Sunflower Taiyo

Maxine may I oink for Delphium Butterfly Blue

Mamawk may I oink for Verbena Mixed

ClanCampbell may I oink for Sunflower Titan oinky please

Cris316 May I oink for Marigold Snowdrift

Pamsue I am sqealing for some Ideal Magical Mix dianthus

Kwolflady may I oink for some Burgundy hollyhock please

Ants I would love to oink for your Brazialian verbena please

Dryad57 I would love to try your Mauve Double Hollyhocks please oink oink

I know this is alot of oinking for me but I'm catching up and am being restrained LOL I would oink for all the dianthus but trying not to pig out on just them.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

gotcha on the sunflowers, Mindy

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

gotcha - returned your dmail.

I added chamomile to my list and some Rooster spur hot pepper. The hot pepper is tiny pods very hot.

This message was edited Nov 6, 2009 7:18 PM

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Mittsy, I oinked a few days ago for origami mixed columbine , but haven't heard back from you. Oink! again.

Pamsue, ditto - reoinking on your dianthus ideal magical mix.

Sent you both dmails a couple of days ago.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I too have not heard back from Pamsue... must be away from the PC for a while.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

thanks, tcs.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

guys and gals i posted something on the general forum. its titled if you please. a friend sent it to me.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Colchie, I know I have oinked a lot from you... BUT, I just gotta have some of those zinnia tenuifolia if you have enough of them :) Oink.


Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

I have a tons of New England Aster, the wild purple kind that grows to about 5-6 ft. Its a native plant. I was not going to harvest the seeds, but just in case anyone wants some I thought I'd ask first- anyone want some of this? If so, I'll harvest the seeds for you and add it to the list.

Same story with white wood aster.

Here is what they look like.
New England Aster-
White wood Aster-

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

As y'all seem to be falling asleep around here, I took the opportunity to post a few more odds 'n ends on my seed list - just below the other ones. Maybe someone will wake up and meander over there for a bit of a chomp.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

to make it easier to find as that LISTS thread is huge....
here is a direct link to her offerings...

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks tcs! I haven't learned to do that yet, though I can link to the page. You're a technological wonder! (And thanks for being my technical advisor so many times today!)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

herb i do of both i like those. never grown aster before so it will be something new for me.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have added to my list.... I put the new seeds all the way at the top
direct link....

I also have some NE Asters. I have the same purples ones... but did not collect seeds. And i have a "pink" variety, it's "alma" something.... but they are also the tall ones.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Herbspirit - oinking for both of the asters.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Mindy, I'm sorry, but my Titan is gone. I'll get that off my list.. I do still have the Mammoth and Mammoth Russian, plus Red Sun..if you're interested!

Welcome to the piggy swap :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Mornign all. Just wanted to let ya know I wil be gone probably until about noon today. Gettign ready to jump in shower, wsh the mud off for a bit and get ready to go drive to busstop to see my son back off . grabbign thos e last coupel hour s while we wait for his bus back to Texas and then he deopys out next week.

So, take a mud bath til I get back LOL.

If ya need any help ask oen fo the regular piggies. They be glad to help ya. : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oppsie.. Anys and Jnette, just noticed. If ya would pelase go over to the swap list threa d and edit your chat post out and post them ove r on here, so we don't have some othe r folks gettign confused and posting on it. Thanks. : )

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Star, you beat me up out of bed this morning ... 2:30am ... yikes! I think you will be taking a nap in your straw today! Glad you got to see DS again.

klstuart, are your still sane after your outing with the 3rd graders ... lol

tcs, you are great to go over all the in's and out's and how to's computer stuff for the newbies. I'll tell you though, the one thing that really helped me last year was the 'find' button. I remember showing it to my my computer savy husband (I was so proud), he just laughed, he'd 'always' known that function key. I'm sure he knows all the functions and I will not try to teach him anything to do with the computer again ... I will forever be the 'gratefull computer student'. sigh

But each little thing you learn on the computer makes the next time easier, makes you a little braver to try something new in a new area, try a few more keys without thinking you will totally wipe something out.

Welcome back Dry.

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