CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #4

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

weather looks good down in AL ... maybe she's out 'getting stuff done' or napping... wasn't she up very early this morning, like the middle of the night??

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

oh thanks per-me. I guess I missed that post. I knew she was able to spend some time with her son yesterday. That's good that she does again today! And tcs I do remember her having a post at 1 or 2 a.m. I think! Not sure how she does it!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

me neither.... luckily - once asleep, i dont wake up. and i'm NOT a night owl. usually by 10 i'm struggling to stay awake.

well, i'm gonna enjoy the sun shine while we still have it.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok I added some more stuff to my have list!

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

I haven't heard "my aunt Fannie" since my mother died 3 years ago. Thanks for the reminder - it's fun to hear it.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya all miss me???????? I be back!!!!!!!!! My son showe d up unexpectly this morning and we needed to get another piec e of paperwork he needed and then went to lunch. Was a real treat for me, cuz I wasn't expectign to see him so grabbe d them coupel of hours that I was given. Nevr knwo if it may be the last , so enjoye d em while could.

Sinc e he wa s heading back to his Dad's he wa son his bike an dme in my car and we ha d otgo to Ga and I got us both lost and w e both almost got a ticket. Kne w he ha d the bike and time wa s precious sofor onc en the backroads, some of you Piggie s may rmemebe r the smiling face Stop sign at the tracks. Well that wher e the state troope rwas hiding. He starte d movign otu toward s us, thought w e both wa sgona get nailed. Figure s and I usually the granny on the road. teach me to spee d up for once. LOlL

Ok now that I back. sniffing a bit here, good bye s are hard. Let me see if I cna straightne some thign s out.

Giv e me few to get everythign typed.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ok, first item of business, tcs and othe r regualr piggies, thanks for holding down th efort. I appreciate it. I t le t me go enjoy my time with my son and not have to worry. Thanks so much.

Ok, on the oinking. I have it poste d that you cna oink up to a hundred packets. I have to set a limit. That th elimit. I know how excitign it is beign the ne w piggy and a virtual feats of seeds all over the place. I Also, expect ne w piggie s to go over a little bit. That means a little bit, not anothe r 100 packets. I not oinking for mor e than a few packets .

if ya went over some don't worry about, I not gona make ya giv e th eseeds back, but I do ask that you try and restrain yourself a little bit. If ther e other seed you want, go to yoru have s list and put it on yoru wants lists. I fill wishe s from the wants lists and thos e don't count towards yoru hundre d mark.

Now if ya s e e somethign ya just can't liv e with out, oen of them ya just gonan roll over and yoru tail gonan curl so tight it wil never unwind, then oink for it, but I set a limit so that evrybody has a chanc e to get the soem of the seed they want.

We have some piggie s due to health and family issue s that won't be able to get into the game for another week or so. We have new piggie s that wil be joining also almost up until the end of the game, so we want to make sur e their plenty of seed for them too.

Once evrybody ha s their number of seed packets. Then we'll see how thinsg go and maybe lettign ya add soem mroe. Plus remeber all the see d nobody oinks for, you cna send that into me up to another 100 packs of seed and I wil be sendign up a one for one packet of seed back too, so if you send me 100 loos e packet sof seed not marke d for anybody , ( which is the limit of loos e seed sent to me, but can as little as one ) then you wil get another hudnre d packets of seed. So that can giv e ya up too 00 packets of seed plus yoru wish lists and plus all the extras I toss at evrybpody fromthe bottom of the barrel when I match up what yoru garden like to soem of the last of the seed I have.

trust me no piggy goe s hungry. You wil have mroe see d than ya knwo what to do with. You wil be back next year, tryign to unloa d some of them, cuz ther e just wont be time to do them all. hahahahahahah ; ) trust me I know.

The only exception to the abov e is our survior s, which right now is Holylhock lady. She cna oink for all she wants form folks , as she a survior and rebuilding and thos e piggie s playign now that were survior s last year, know how well ya were stocke d to rebuild.

I wil give ya a little hint. If when folsk oink at some point ya go and put their name under the seed packet, then ya won't have to send that part to me. I cna just copy , paste and print, myself it here.

Nobody sends see din now. Ya just hold on to it til we get closer to the end. Probably aroudn the first of Decembe r you start seeign the posts of how to mail yoru seed and where and all the thinsg to have for yoru check lists and you wil be having othe r folks oinkign away at yoru lists too.

I stil have some piggy tricks up my sleeve and have some special piggy games with special stuff and I have no ide a when I gonan do them. heheheheheheh I love to send ya piggie s all into a tizzy hehehehhe. So ya just gonan have to watch and wait and read ans see.

If ya stil don't udnerstand abotu the abov e dmail me and I will help ya help ya along.

So if some of ya piggie s have gaine d too much, watch the threads, answer yoru dmails for oinks and walk aroudn the wallpaper and work up another appetite for later. Some of the best is yet to come. LOL

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh, for I forget, Trinawitch.... Ye s if you put extra in a bag with somebodys name on it yes it definately wil go into there trough and be maile dout with their stuff.

Now, abotu Violas and Pansies. Panie s liek it cool and so do Violas . Now I have had Pansie s growing down her e in 113F degree heat in June and July. The trick with Pansies is to keep them deadhead. A rela pain too cuz them little guys wil make seed left and right. I usually go out and dead head evry coupel of days.

If ya dead head yoru Pansy plants if watre d and feed can get as tall and wide as two feet. That Violas can't do. Violas will seem do to mroe bloomign and they hold up nice too but they stay small and compact. Violas are mroe suite d to smal spae s and complimenting other plants in planter s or border s or such.

Pansie s also wil not come back. They are an annual that will reseed, but Violas are a perennial for most folks and wil come back. They look a bit sgragley when they do a dormant thing , but not anymore than any other plant does.

Violas are usually fragrant too whereas yoru Pansie s aren't.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Star! I was gonna dmail ya about it later but they pretty much told me yeah just to give ya a heads up about it before I sent my seeds and stuff in so that you would know what was going on!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

I am at the trough again... squeeling with delight..

Kistuart... I'd love to try Gaillardia Razzle Dazzle... TY!!

Mittsy.........Zinnia Elegans Raspberry pink ... TY!!

gemini_sage......Zinnia elegans- Seed collected from red, fully double plants. 2-3"blooms, 3' tall....TY!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Star, I'm all in a tizzy waiting to see what you are going to do ... games??? (just like you said we would be ... in a TIZZY!)

I need help on this one to gather seeds and also if anyone is interested. I've got my Panicum 'Huron Solstice going to seed. The stem is still green but the tiny pod is tan/brown, is it ready, or do I wait for the stem to turn tan also?
I'd appreciate any help.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Has anyone seen Cheles_Garden lately?? i know she's involved in this, but i havent seen her in a long time.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

There are several on the list that haven't poked in their little piggy heads. Chele came to mind and Wind, too along with several others. "Oh where, oh where have our little piggies gone. Oh where, oh where can they be?"

Missin' our ole buddies from last year and looking forward to meeting some more newbies...

Glad you had some more time with your son, Star and Yes I remember that stop sign! I was just thinking yesterday about the pics of your journey to the post office. You are, without a doubt, the most entertaining swap hostess I've ever had! (ok, you're the only swap hostess, Ive ever had, but you are still VERY entertaining!)

Let the games begin!!!!!!!


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

toofew... Yep I have some special things, and once I knwo all the piggie s playign are on board and we runnign nice and smooth, have some things up my sleeve . Lov e to watch piggies jump ove r eahc other, waddle through mud and rol and do piggy things all at once to beat each other to trough.

Sorry can't tell ya. Ya just gonan have to wait and see . hehehheheh : )

On yoru seed don't know, sorry no help here for ya, cuz I don't knwo that plant.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Was wondering the same thing. They're looking for her on the gloves coop too. I hope everything's all right!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, just read the extra info on pansies and violas. Thanks Star! Shucks, I chucked my johnny jump ups when they got straggly thinking they had "breathed their last". Won't do that again!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

As far as Chels and Wind and them. I don't knwo yet oif they comign in or not. Haven't seen them aroudn in awhile, this been a difficult year for alot of folsk and they be having some issues, but I am holding their spot s incase they decid e to show up later. I been meanign to chekc and see if they are from disaster areas. Haven't had tiem yet, maybe wil do that now while I got a chance.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Dryad57 swears she'll be waddling and oinking with us soon, hopefully tonight. She's got herself a new location and job interviews (lucky her!). Though how that can take priority over Oinking, I have NO idea... maybe that's why I don't have interviews? ;-)

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Just posted some Passion flower seeds. Checked them this morning & they finally are dry enough to pack. So Oink away at them if you want.

Additional oinking Maozamom - Avens mix

Gemini_ Sage Salvia coccinea "Coral Nymph" and Dahlia

Nbgard - Malva sylvestris the French Hollyhock

TCS Anise Hyssop and African Daisy

Beck5711 oinking for Cactus Zinnia and Gourds Bird House

Not sure who I already e-mailed so covering my bases here.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Think Dryad waddle din late last year too. hehehhehehe heck we ha d folsk struting in up to the last fe w weeks last year. I expect the same.

Hey I gla d for her. Things is rough allove r now. Checke d an d Chele sis in Oklahoma. Now somethign did happen there not to long ago, forget what , just hope she ok.

Maybe we cna find out incas e this year she need s ot be a survior. She mad e the cutest piggy card s for folsk last year and even had piggy tags. Always wondere d how she did that.

Now who wants to come help me sor t mor e seed LOL. I stil got moudn so fit to go through. Gonan be soem well fee d piggie s this year cuz I need th efridge out eithe rthat or I gona be eatign see d instea dof real food. Bad enoug I open the door and seed packs fall out at me . Wat wors e is when they open up and have see deverywhere.

Hemophobic.. I f ya happen to colelct mor eof that Salvia Blue Queen. I be a oinking for some.


Lala _ Jane if ya have any Angelonia Angelface Blue left am oinking.

I dietign this year. I wanan try and stay at less than 15 packets. : ) Wonde r why. LOL The question is wil I do it. hahahahha

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

gotcha covered Cris.

Re: Chele's... I did read that on the Co-Op, that is why i asked in here. figuring maybe she mentioned to Star if something was "up" and she'd be away for a while.

and Yes, Robin did pop on late in the swap last year too. I'm glad to hear she may have work lined up.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Cris - gotcha down for the malva.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH -- I am going thru my seed basket 'cleaning house' -- so i will have more seeds to list.

hope there is still someone out there that needs/wants 4-O'Clock seeds.

I also harvested some Agastache Honey Bee Blue [though i did see Neil has that listed] and more Mexican Purple. Found the plant tags, so i know i'm spot on regarding the seeds.

I still have one plant out back that is still blooming, besides those English Marigolds.... I have to look them up to see what they are called again. when i got the seeds they were labeled that really tall verbena, but turned out NOT to be them... but i had the plant ID'd in the ID forum. I'll go track that down. hopefully I can get some seeds off of it.... i did not see any yet.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

it's called Dakota Mock Vervain.... sort of a ferny creeper with purple bloom clusters.

You guys I just heard on the news that fort hood just had 7 killed and about 30 wounded and killed one shooter and captured one but more involved so everyone please pray for these people and their families. They are going through so much.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

oh crap! I just pulled it up.

My heart goes out to those families who are effected in this deadly rampage.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Prayers from here, also. Ugh.

tcs, I don't know if you put that one on your list yet, but ooooh oink wriggle squeal I would really love some of that Mock Vervain!

Oh, I see you don't yet know if you can get seeds from it... *crossing fingers*

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok totally freaking out now

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

My prayers also.. I just can't imagine people wanting to kill our soldiers on our own soil!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya I know. Got prayers goign that thos e woudned recieve healign touches.

Now ther e is one seed I really wante d and I thinkit is the Astible. think that the one with the feathery spikes. I f anybody gets any to spare I oinkign for some. Not to loud, btu just thought I woudl through that out there.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

it was 3 soldiers who did it

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

the lead gunman is a US Army Major

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Cris, you got 'em.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Forgot to add... I think I have everyone that has requested seeds from me today marked. Please keep me straight and double check. I don't want to forget anyone!! Thanks.. this is sooo fun, and I know where i'll be on the next Piggy Swap..LOL

Oh MY... a Major?? Well no telling what he's seen in the past The "war" doesn't end for many of our soldiers even when they get home... for the rest of their lives. That's why I feel the US government owes our soldiers way more than they get, and we as citizens do to!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

holy ----! I have to go watch the news.

Ella, I've got some more astilbe drying, but never did find the seeds in the dry stuff, so it'll come with everything so I don't weed out the seeds. Someone said they got results just sowing the whole kit- and- caboodle (don't think I've ever said that before and don't know how to spell it).

Anyway, see y'all in a bit.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Star, I have some Astible. I will go check for seeds. I think I looked at them once, and didn't know what their seeds look like. I think my newest one was from the "Music" Series, but I don't remember the cultivar. I will go look later, it is blowing and raining like the dickens out there right now.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I think i've also heard with Astilbes - the seeds are so tiny, you just sow all the chaff along with it.

Critter... that Mock Vervain... i did see in my notes I gave some to gemini_sage..... maybe he will have seeds too.
but I'll look tomorrow.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Soudns good. If somebody happens to get some woudl appreciate it. It oen I been thinkign abotu growign for years and somehow just never get aroudn to getting any seed or plants of it.

Don't matetr what color or anything. Just want ot see if I cna try and grow some.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have 3 Deuchland [sp] I bet I could grab the 'fluff' off of them and send them too you. They are white.
I know i did not cut them back this year.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

notes! I'm impressed. My own note taking has become pretty sad. If it weren't for all the labels I put out there, I wouldn't know anythign about the garden any more! LOL

No worries if you don't get seeds from them... I can add them to my "wish list" for another year! That's one of my favorite things about swaps like this, learning about new must-have plants that I didn't know anything about! :-)

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