CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #4

Kannapolis, NC

Star: Pushing some salvia Queen Blue into your trough!

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Star, I went outside and grabbed a small handful of what might be seeds off of 'Rock & Roll' Astilbe. I don't know if it will come true or not, it is a hybrid. I also took a bunch of what looks like seed heads of my other Astilbe. I can't remember if they are pink or white, labels have been long gone. I will see what happens, but they are yours to experiment with!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

As things seem to have slowed down considerably, I'm going to repeat my question from yesterday that no one answered.
Here was my post:

Just harvested the first of the pink japanese anemone, but still not feeling quite sure about if it was time yet. I harvested what had started to peel off the center ball (fluffyish but not quite fluffy stuff with little specks that I hope are the seeds), and what came off with a light touch. Anyone with experience, please let me know!!!
I'll put on my list when they're dry and bagged.

Thank you.
Piggy snout kisses to whoever answers.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think Bluespiral is still offline, and she's the only one I know of who has harvested Japanese Anemone seeds... but the seeds she gave me were tiny specks attached to a lot of fluff. I planted them fluff and all (winter sowed) and got a little seedling that is still pretty small, so we'll see if it makes it through the winter.

I'd say if the fluffyish stuff is starting to let loose from the center, then the seeds are most likely ripe.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

On the same line, how do you know when Clematis seeds are ready? I have several that I want to offer.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks critter. That's what I thought, but the specks are pretty tiny. I knew there was someone who had it, but didn't remember who. You only got one little seedling?

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok I give in to temptation and beg Miss Starlight to pleease let me wiggle my little rump into the pigpen. I've been watching you all from the first post and kept telling myself I didn't need more seed. Well I'm hoping to get some more anyway. If I can come in I'll need a day or two to get my have list up.
Pretty please may I waddle up to the trough?

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Lynn, I'm just hoping my clematis is ready. I picked some at one point, when they came off easily, but later saw some that had gotten a little bigger and browner and I thought really had to be ready, so I threw away the first ones I picked. They still have the little feathers attached (2nd batch).

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Mindy, with such a cute little wiggling rump, I can't imagine that Miss Starlight would refuse, but it IS up to her. I imagine she'll be back any time, but you might want to send her a dmail.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I just checked the "list" and it looks like [if it is fully updated] there are still 3 spots for newbies.

Hi Mindy, and Lynn my clematis has little tails attatched to a brown seed, so you can take off the tails or leave them, I left mine. arthritis doesn't let me get too friendly with the tails.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

perenniallyme thank you so much for your reply I'll wait for Starlight to answer me. I have to sort seeds anyway so will be doing that while I see if I get to wiggine my way in.

Hi Mekos

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I would like to join this please.


Kannapolis, NC

Ants: you will need to check with Starlight1153 and see if there's a spot for a newbie. She had 3 vacant spots when we started Sunday. If you don't get in here, there's a spot in the seed trading forum for newbies for free seeds, too! Happy oinking.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I don't think it was the fault of the anemone seeds or the sowing method... several of my WS containers sprouted sparsely this year. But if you sow a pinch of fluff, it'll probably contain a zillion of those little seed specks, and you should get something!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

We have two new little piglet s in our mist. Mindy03 three and Antsinmypants.

Welcome and have fun! : )

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Welcome Mindy and Ants!

Ye Ha! Welcome little piglets.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello All,

Thank you for the welcome. I finally got my list put up. I am a bit confused on the rules & what I am supposed to do now. I am a newbie, but I do have seeds to trade :) What is a newbie spot?


Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

Welcome Ants,

Now you go through all the lists and oink for seeds that you would like to have. Oink here and in a dmail to make sure that the person you oinked at got it. Have fun!


Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi Ants,

I'm oinking for your Morning Glory Mix (Blue with Pink Star & 'Aomurasakizyouhantenshibori')


Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Ok. I d-mailed some, but didn't put it here. Should post here also even though I d-mailed?

Thank you.


Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

ants, you can do either or both. But if you post it here, most also back it up with a d-mail. It's fun though to see what people are oinking for, so if you have time and the inclination post it here. :o)
Nice to see you've come aknocking at my piggy door already..

Welcome by the way.

Oh, reading the back posts I see we have another little piglet, welcome to you too Mindy!
I'll have to check out your 'Wants'. On my way now...........

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

toofew, you will get lost if you go to look at my want list.

Ok. I don't understand the part where it says you can add 100 more for trade... or something like that in the rules. Can someone please explain?

Thank you,


Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Squealing oh boy thanks for the welcome ya'll I'll be back in a little while to post my Haves. Got things to do first.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm on a bus, headed to Charleston with 100 3rd graders... Will answer all dmails tomorrow when I recover :) will spy on you allwhen I can, bbutthis typing is too hard! Welcome to mindy and ants!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ants. That is part 2 of the piggy swap. The first part being you cna oink a 100 packets of seed from off folks lists liek you are doing now.

At the end when evrybody sends their seeds into me, you can put in what is known as loos e packets. Thos e are seeds from one to 100 packets that have not been oinekd by somebody specifically. Soem folks send in the extra seed they have left over from ther e have slist that nobody oinks for and maybe ads more if they have them.

For each one of thos e packets, not marke d for anybody , I will giv e you from out of the piggy pot a one for one trade. Say you sent me 20 extra loss epackets, then I will sen dyou bakc from the trough 20 packets of seed. : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

hahahaha have fun Klstauart. Hope ya don't sit on any sticky suckers. Coem back with yoru orginal hairdo. LOL

Oh and Ants. Newbie her e is anybody who has not participate d in any of the previosu piggy swaps, nto neccesrly ne w to Dave s Garden site.

Kannapolis, NC

Mekos: I've d-mailed oinking for datura double Black Currant Swirl, datura Moonbush and datura double purple/white.

Frausnow: Oinking for some of that caryopteris.

Welcome to the 2 newbies: Antsinmypants and Mindy. Ants, I have you down for the aquilegia you oinked for!

Got get to work to make money for more seeds!!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>What is a newbie spot?

There are A LOT of participants in this swap.... i honestly have no idea HOW many... but Star has them broken into 2 lists... the folks who did this last year, and newbies... she has 30 spots for "new" piggies... -- so you are on the Newbies list... so you have a newbie spot.

This can seem over whelming at certain points, but once you get the hang of it.... just go thru the lists and find seeds that you'd like to have and post here, just like there are examples of.... though many of us also use Dmail - that way it's easier to refind things - and to keep track of what has been asked of you and what seeds you've asked for.

Kannapolis, NC

Oh, and Klstuart, I wouldn't be in your shoes for any amount of money!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

meeeeeeee neither.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL... MEEEE either..

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Robin.... or should i send in Dmail....

good to have ya on board, and looks like you've moved!!

I have Marigolds ... they are not named, but i have a variety -- I saw it listed on your Wants list.

lemme know..


Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

starlight, thank you for clearing that up for me. I think I understand now. I think I went over my 100 before I got done reading everyone's list. I think some people have more than 100 packs offered, can I offer more? Or am I missing something?

klstuart, I was looking for the punch line.... on a bus with 100 3rd graders... LOL :)

Thank you hemo. Thanks to all for the welcome :)


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Good morning folks.

Ants, you can offer as many packs as you want - you just can't send more than 100 unclaimed packs to star at the end, or she'll have too much to deal with.

Geez star, I rushed in to get the 2nd spot on seed list so I wouldn't have to scroll way down forever to get to it, but your list is so long, that I'm starting to have to scroll way down forever to get to it anyway.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

per_me... what i've been doing is use the Find feature to zoom to someones list... or if i'm looking for mine to edit, i type my name, because i know i used it at the bottom of my post.

I think last year i was first in line after Stars "rules" so i was easier to find.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

This piggy sits in corner, hangs head and blushes. ; ) Ya I notcie d the problem beign first too. Oppsy

I stil got more stuff and think when I get ready to post it gonna break my own rule and start me a second post or folks gona be scrollign for a mile before they get past me.

Would it make it easier folks now if I trie d to edit part of it out and oput it in a second thread?

Just call the long list " The Dairy of a Seed-a-holic" snorts : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh forgot to tell ya Dryad57 has checke din and back with us now. : )

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

tcs, thanks for the info, but I can't figure out how to use it. The box at the top sends me to a place to find everything I ever entered it seems.

star, not to worry about it. I just like to b---- every now and then. Please do get out of your seat in the corner and stop blushing.

Can anyone tell me how to delete dmails. I've been trying to figure it out for a very long time and every time I try something, it does the opposite of what I'm trying to do. I still have every single dmail since I joined and it's very unmanageable.

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