CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #4

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

We came from here..... #3

There are still a couple of regular spots open in the swap, so please post if you're interested in joining us at the "trough." A special welcome to any whose gardens fell victim to storm, flood, or fire... please join us by posting in this thread and by posting a "wish list" over on the lists thread.

Swap guidelines can be found on this post:

Swap posting of have and want list can be found here:

Thumbnail by tcs1366
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks tcs... being on dial up I am slooow enough

In case you didn't see hemophobic.. you've got mail

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok piggies still working on put the haves up but I think I'm all oinked out...LOL

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Hemophobic, you put up a salvia... so of course you have dmail ;-)

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow..things were kinda slowed down, so I spent the day with the family.. now I'm racing to see what's changed LOL..

Star.. I'm back.. oinking! Please add your rud Denver Daisy to my trough if you have any left!

Perenniallyme.. I can't remember if I asked already.. I'd love your Lake Side Blue Jeans..

I'll show off my Strawberry Fields that I wintersowed and had growing in the garden this spring..wasn't able to get any seed before moving, but have some that I'm going to WS again this winter :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

ClanCampbell, sorry, you may be nice, but I'm not taking my pants off for you. Seriously, what's this world coming to if there a plant called blue jeans! Anyway, I don't have such a plant, so it must belong to someone else.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

oops, sorry :) LOL.. I know why I put it down as yours but I'm not saying what the reason was.. we'll just say it was cause I was tired and my eyes were crossed :)

They belonged to Toofewanimals.. and they're gone.. sigh.. oh well :)

This message was edited Nov 4, 2009 10:25 PM

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks everyone again.. you know who you are.... I got you down.... I'll be adding some more in a few days. I'm a newbie at this and was pleasantly surprised that y'all wanted my "ol" seeds. LOL

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

night all, have to get up way before the rooset tomorrow. Happy oinking

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

night everyone really have to stay off lists and go to bed gotta take witch it to vet in morning( new kitten) shots and got a cold. bad place she come from. 8 weeks old and only a pound last week when went to vet.

anyway night all.

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

LynnWeidmn, Oink Oink

Blue Fescue Grass seeds

Thank you,

Imzadi, take care of that baby. good night all. I leave for a few minutes and come back to someone taking off pants. I wonder if Star has read this stuff. We'll have to cover her eyes tomorrow. Make sure she gets to rest and watch her soaps. Man.
You guys are all a great bunch of seed nuts. Good night.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Whooooooooooo eeeeeeeeee! Momma piggy goe s off for alittle bit and looks like Tcs wa s right. Ya all stampeded all ove r each other to get to the trough. : )

Thes e piggie s cna all go wallow in a giant mud puddle or do the happy piggy dance. I wish I coudl get the emtion thign off my msn ont o here cuz it has a big pink dancign pig that I lov e to play. Will hit it and ya can wiggle along. Got all thes e folks what ya aske d for : )

Herb Spirit

if i misse d somebody on here or by dmail le tme know . Think I got everybody.

Will get my seed list update d ina few or in the morning, well late r morning. Gonan take a bit.

Tcs. Thanks for startign ne w thread. Ya pute r was strugglign btu mad e it. : ) Sorry wa s hoem cooked, wa s out of a cna but taste s clos e to homemade add a ton of salt and is yummy stuff.

Hahahhaha dumpe d my coffee on my lap and floor wa s laughign so hard or the Blue Jeans.

That what so fun abotu piggy swap. Ya neve r knwo when somebody gonan update or add stuff. Then it a mad dash to try and wiggle in to snatch some grub.

Ya all tyr and get soem of yoru wish list stuff up. That helps evrybody fill wishe s before openignup to all the piggie s and then ya maybe missing out on them.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Good Morning all, my day off work and I'm up at 6am reading through all your posts. Need to get a life, sigh ... naw, I think I will keep this seed lovers gardeners life. smile

Star, hope your 2nd visit with your son was nice (I know they are all special now).

Hey, you guys had me chuckling into my hot coffee this morning ...
Kelly making a bee line for those salvias.
Clan and Pern-me and my Lakeside Blue jean hosta seeds. Which by the way is a beautiful hosta!
And Clan, we all want to know why you thought they were Perennialyme's hosta seeds! hummmm
imzadi, I love kitties, keep us informed how that little gal/guy is doing!

I myself oinked for Lalas Rudbeckia tiger eye last night. So happy to have a dmail this morning confirming that I got it! Weeeeeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Here is a picture of my Lakeside Bluejean Hosta 2006 picture, so it was pretty new. It loves its spot in my very wet spring garden, sqeezed in next to my Japanese Iris.

Editing to say, I took a look at the picture, so sorry it is sooo big. Also, I guess the Japanese Iris hadn't been moved to its new spot yet. The yarrow and Heuchera did not like it being so wet, I lost a lot that year. Learned my lesson though. I moved the Heuchera that lived, built up the spot for the yarrow and the sedum.

Oh, and something happened to our computer last night, seems like we are on dial-up with how slow everything is. Yikes

This message was edited Nov 5, 2009 6:54 AM

Thumbnail by toofewanimals
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i like hostas that one is pretty.

witch it is a girl. hopefully she has gained weight while she is here.

been trying to get her pic but camera is messed up think battery is dying.

Kannapolis, NC

Okay, folks. Here's who I have down for Salvia Queen Blue:


If I missed anyone, shoot me a D-mail.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, those "Lakeside" hostas are all so pretty! I think I won't mind so much when half my back yard turns shady as my trees grow up... I'll be able to plant hostas! :-)

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Becky Oink Oink, I would love to have some Nigella Love in a Mist "Miss Jekyll" and Allegheny Vine.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK -- I gotta ask you all about some good, fast growing annuals.

I was browsing Star's list...and it seems everyone goes nuts for Pansies.... i guess i've never had them - so i dont know what the buzz is all about.

Here is what i am thinking..... at my summer place, i tend to some of the flower 'areas'.... .

one gal plants in all the pots... she has hanging ones at the gazebo and a bunch of pots, you know the ones that are at the end of benches, etc.... since they are all basically containers.... [oh we have those BIG wine barrels too] ... we do annuals.

So... here i'm thinking.... what annuals would be fast growing, so that I can winter sow them and they'd possibly be plantable - possibly bloom in June time frame?? [we try to have most of the planting done by Memorial Day, as that is when almost everyone is back in the park... BUT for our Zone... that is our last freeze date i think. z4b]

Last year she did a lot of Petunias, which did OK, but they didnt look smashing... we used to buy the hanging baskets already made up --but at $25 or more per basket....that gets expensive. We also try to get folks to 'donate' plants... but again, in this economy -- we dont get a lot of donations... last year i think i was the only one who did.

ANYHOOO --- any ideas on what would be good, fast growing, colorful annuals.... most will be full sun, some are part shade.

**edited for typos

This message was edited Nov 5, 2009 7:34 AM

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

star I am a bad piggy and oinking for your passion vine! LOL

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

TCS, I've not had any luck starting Pansies (anyone with advice on that one?), but I've got some violas that come back every year, flower super early (seem to like the cold) and are gorgeous for about the first month or two. Then it gets too hot here, but I bet that wouldn't be a problem for you. I suspect they would be good for wintersowing, as I've had volunteers.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks Kelly... and isn't it funny [well, not really] how some folks can germinate certain seeds that you couldnt grow to save your life? I'm had issued with certain seeds.... Strawberry Fields for one... where others can grow them like no tomorrow... .ya just gotta wonder....

does anyone know how quickly Black Eyed Susan vine grows? i'm getting seeds and i thought those would be great in the hanging baskets.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)


Bigflower Coreopsis

Positive attributes:
flowers continuously with multitudes of flowers all summer
can fill in large areas quickly
very hardy - ya can't kill this one too easily

Yours for the oinking.

Thumbnail by perenniallyme
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

PM -- i just love my Coreopsis Early Sunrise..... [i have a few packs left too ]
those bright yellow blooms really brighten a flower bed... and first year bloomer to boot... can't go wrong with this one!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I just saw the neatest photo of Tidy Tips in the wildflowers category of the photo contest! Now I'm dying to try them...

nbgard, do you still have a packet of Tidy Tips left? Thanks!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I had black eyed susan vine this year. It grew up a 5' trellis, back down again, and basically all over the patio. Took over other plant's trellises too. Took a while to flower, but then it just kept going and going. I'm thinking, at least here, that it might be a bit much for a hanging basket? It might decorate your whole gazebo though :)

Ok, went and took a picture. Ignore the disaster of a patio.. haven't done much out there lately. But you can see, it's mainly on one trellis, down and over and up the one on the left, also crawling along the ground!

Thumbnail by klstuart
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok updated my list (AGAIN) there is mixed hosta, and wood rose seeds...more to come later!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

PM, beautiful picture.

tcs, I don't usually do pansies for violas because they do better in cooler weather. I'm just venturing a guess here, but I bet those that live in the warmer climates are using them for their winters (haha).

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

hmm, maybe you can't see... here's a larger photo...

Thumbnail by klstuart
Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I thought I posted that I updated my List with a few more seeds .... don't see the post so maybe it got lost.

Kelly, doesn't look like a disaster to me ... you still have flowering plants and that looks beautiful!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

We do use pansies in the winter, sort of. Plant them in the fall after it gets a little cool. They survive the winter, just getting bit by the bad cold spells or occasional snow, and then they perk up for a few months in the spring. Have to pull them up when the heat hits though, so they're fall/spring annuals here. But, I have to buy them, 'cause starting them in cool temps is just about impossible over the summer, which is when I'd need to start them!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

tcs, like yours better than mine (or would be a nice change), but I just don't have room for any more coreopsis (or energy for swapping them out right now). Definitely like having a few coreopsis around.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

yes critter, gotcha down for some tidy tips

pansies and violas are definately winter color here in south Texas, along with snapdragons. I haven't grown either of them, but am eager to try since they seem to do so well here. Not sure when I shuld plant them though, anyone in the south got an idea on that?


New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

ah kl we cross posted about the pansies. I wondered if I might have to start them inside. What is the difference between pansies and violas. I thought they were the same.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

tcs - Winter sown annuals that bloom in June ... hummmm... only one I can think of that blooms for me in June is Alyssum. Most bloom in July, but then again I don't do much winter sowing.
I'm sure you know of this website, but just in case:
Sorry can't be of more help.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

They're planting them here now, so I'd imagine you have a little to go yet? We're averaging in the sixties in the day, no freezes yet, but soon.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, we need a pansy/viola expert! Ella? anyone?

Maybe they're the same, but I think the 'violas' are a little smaller, less showy. They seem tougher, and mine reseed. Never had a pansy do that...

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

toofew, oinking for your rudbeckia cherokee if you still have, please.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

taken out of my gardening book.

What is the difference between pansies and violas?

This is a question that I hear quite frequently this time of year. Violas (sometimes called Johnny Jump Ups) are simply a miniature version of pansy. Pansy flowers typically are about the size of a silver dollar. Viola flowers , however, range between the size of a nickel and a quarter. Both plants grow to the same basic height and width in the foliage. Violas, though, tend to have 3 - 4 times more flowers per plant at any given moment. So, while their individual flowers are less than half the size of a pansy, for color and show the two plants are fairly equivalent. They both also have the same food and care requirements. If you can grow one the other will be no problem. One big difference between the two plants is that violas tend to be more shade tolerant than pansies. Both plants love full sun but violas will still bloom in shadier areas, where as your average pansy will not. Many people choose one or the other in their flower beds but mixing them in the same bed makes a beautiful show. Use pansies in the center of your flower beds and use the violas as an edger (outline along your bed). Then stand back and enjoy the compliments!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

well, we do get HOT in the summers, just not last summer... coldest July on record for Madison, WI.

the BES Vine that could possibly go in hanging baskets would be more shaded. I know i have an image of the gazebo somewhere... i'll see if i can find it.

yes -- i did read that Violas have smaller blooms than Pansies.

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