CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #3

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi mekos

I had requested these seeds from you: coral touch-me-nots, nemesia 'paint box' pelargonium 'summer showers' castor bean black, lavender moon vine, lantana mixed.

BTW no worries! I'm sure other folks don't mind reminding you so they can get those wonderful seeds. Sorry for your little mishap. I have found that you can copy and paste that list into a word document to print and you can copy and paste from a word document into the post. Each time I do an update to the post I print out a paper copy, too and that is what I make penciled in addtions to until I update the post again. Helps keep me straight! Might help you, too, so there is no angst when you post next time!


Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

nbgard, I just sent you a follow up dmail about those blue chiquita's now that you've found more :-)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I'll put you down guam! (and reply to your dmail!)

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Well it seems all is pretty quiet on the piggy front in my brief absence.

Glad I went to vote when I did, cause I got to meet the mayor and tell him at least one big thing that needs to be fixed with the city of Boston (didn't tell him I wasn't voting for him). He hooked me up with an assistant who'll hopefully deal with it, and I also got a city councilor on the case. Not a bad hour's work, I think.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Neal,

I'm grazin' at your trough again. (I think I'm mixing up my animals pigs ever graze?)

Purdy please:
Consolida ambigua, Larkspur mixed colors
Ipomoea purpurea 'Aomurasakizyouhantenshibori'
Nicotiana alata
Tanacetum parthenium 'Flore Pleno'- double Feverfew


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Good for you. : ) Ya I grabbe d me soem human fuel adn had to watch a coupel of soap operas to make up for missing Dancign with the Stars last night.

Thanks you guys, I got these down and filling bags now so I'll get the list back up later tonight. I don't want to forget anyone and don't know how to do the copy and paste thingy. I'm new on computers , too.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Clancampbell, would love to try some of YOUR gazania.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW -- amazing how fast things fly - especially when you're off line a while.... I'm back home now.. so i'll be keeping up... I only browsed the past 100 or so posts ... and gotta tell ya an easy way to scan for things.... I do this all the time...

use the FIND feature in your browser.... either up in the menu tool bar... click EDIT then FIND
a lil box pops up and I'll just type in "tcs" and it will highlight that text... that way i can see if anyone send me a request in the mssgs....

or use the same thing to locate who has what see you may be looking for.... IE, 'agastache'
type that in the FIND box/window and it will find all the listings for any agastache.

I did that with the Salvias last night to make sure I did not miss out on any goodies... though KLS did snag one that i was eyeing...

anyhooo that's just a favorite tool that i use.


way back on the other thread, Cris [ClanCampbell] posted that she is out of Gaillardia... I have one, it's a dwarf. The plant tag read "Indian Summer" but when i did a google on it, it came up empty. But it was a nice compact short plant.

I"ll be adding to my list later ... I will have a lot of Agastache Honey Bee White for sure... at least i'm 99% sure they are White and not Blue... I will have to check my notes to see which one i had sown 3 of ... and took up north.... though i did find a plant tag that said "White".

and i will have a lot of single pack seeds.


Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

What you have for me is correct also Mekos ... I think I've been a greedy pig....

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

additional note: using the find feature to access that pop up box Terese mentioned above might be as easy as clicking the CTRL key (usually around your SHIFT keys) and then the 'F' is a big time saver :-)


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

star, glad you got your fuel and your brain anesthetizer. Occasionally they're much more needed than piggy seeds.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

tcs.. Glad ya back. Was just askign about ya and was missign ya. : )

Ok folks have I got a sweet deal for all you dancing, prancing, pink taile d piggies. : )

I just adde d these to my list under packet number 1a&b which is at the bottom of my list. LOL Ya I workign weird.

5 Aubrieta ‘ Casacade Blue’ 20 seeds 2009
3 Gilia tricolor “ Bird’s Eyes ‘ 10 seeds 2009
2 Primula veris ‘ Sunset Shades’ 10 seeds 2009
5 Armeria formosa ‘ Joystick White’ 10 seeds 2009

10 Rudbeckia Choclate Orange 10 seeds comemrcial 2009
9Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy 10 seeds commercial 2009
10 Lisianthus Echo Yellow 20 pelleted seeds comemrcial 2009
6 Dahlia Collarette Dandy Mix 15 seeds comemrcial 2009

10Verbascum nigrum 25 seeds
10 Verbascum Temptress White 10 pelleted seeds
10 Viola Strawberry Sundae 10 seeds commercial 2009

Now I said I had treat with the wor d Sundae in it and it is the Viola Strawberry Sundae. You cna see pic of it here.

THis is a very very ... very fragrant Viola. Put three seedlings in a pot and ya got yoruself alittle bunch of sweetness aroudn ya. : )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>CTRL key (usually around your SHIFT keys) and then the 'F' key.

that is actually what i do... i just forgot to add that.

thanks guam.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks tcs and guam! That is way cool! I'd better write it down, so I remember!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star.... i'd love to try Aubrieta ‘ Casacade Blue’

and thanks for missing me... i was sorta here, just though to keep up... we were in Wisc doing fall clean-up ... plus i had to hit my favorite winery for a case of wine... hopefully that will last til I go back in the Spring.

I'm just about thru all the threads... and still have to unpack...

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

ooh ooh! oink oink! I'd love to snarf up some o that strawberry sundae please! Also some of that commercial Rudbeckia cherry brandy in case some of the others don't come true...

I'll look over the rest of the list and get back to ya!


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

tsc.. Got ya down. Oh wine. How lovely a glass woudl go good with the

" PORK CHOPS" I plan to have for dinner tonight. Don't worry though no piggy swap piggie s wil be serve d up durign the cours e of my meal. LOL

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

star - those viola seeds sound delicious! Please??? OINK!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Tcs, is your winery in the Green Bay area. Very nice winery going up to the tip of door cty.

What is aubretia cascade blue?

Forgot to say that I am marking names on my seed packets that people have requested from me. Should make it easier for Star.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

nb and guam.. got ya both.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Star, could I oink a Dahlia Collarette Dandy Mix & Alpine Strawberry please?

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks star, oiking for 2 more... abrieta 'cascade blue' and dahlia 'collarette candy'
both are so very purdy!!!!

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

Ella, I would love to try some of your Viola Strawberry Sundae

Thank you!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

This is fun! Star you sure have a way of triggering a flurry of activity!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Maxine... no -- Wollersheim in Prairie du Sac I think it is.

and yes... Door County has great wineries too, just been a while since i've been up there.

and for these.... aubretia cascade blue
i just read "blue" and had to google it... nice ground cover with pretty blue flowers...

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

well... i'm doing my very best to keep it at 20 seeds or less this year.... i'm at 15, so i'm doing good. though some still have not posted their HAVES lists yet.

does anyone know if i can get seeds off of VERONICA Darwin's Blue?

I'm going to go out and check... I got the plant this year, so i have no idea if it produces seeds.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

here another pic of them.

and Johnna has cloer up pic of the flowers here:

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Star, I just noticed my name was on the wrong Viola. I oinked for the Viola cornuta Sorbet Series Peach frost but I'm listed under the Orchid one. I hope I can still get the peach please! Thank you! :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Sorry abotu that Danita. Sure cna get the Peach one. Wil correct it when I do my next edits : )

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank You! :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Question on the Honey Bee, Agastaches....

is "White" generally taller than "Blue" ??

I also will have seeds for Agastache Mexicana Purple.... you can find it anywhere if you google it, but it is more compact [18" tall] than the other Anise Hyssops I have.

I need to go thru all my images and post some to PlantFiles ... I should have those.... and there are not many photos for those.


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

ooohhhhh... OINKing madly!!! Star, pleaseeeeee let me have one of the Rud Choc Orange!! :)

Colchie, I've got you down for the gazania :)

Mekos, mine is correct!

thanks.. woohoo

Edited to add: I got so darn excited about Star's Rud, I forgot to say that's the last of the gazania LOL

This message was edited Nov 3, 2009 3:52 PM

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

makos- you were saving black cator bean for me.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Can I get thee seeds Star

Aubrieta ‘ Casacade Blue’
Primula veris ‘ Sunset Shades’
Verbascum nigrum


Thanks Maozamom, I got ya. Thanks for being so understanding at my blunder.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh boy... I lost a post earlier, and now I'm really scrambling LOL. Little Bit & I were out in the garden earlier... got some Veronica seeds... I'll get a list started soon. :-)

Starlight, I'd like to oink for Columbine McKana mix, Armeria formosa ‘ Joystick White’ Thanks!

Hemophobic, I'd like some Bronze Fennel, if you have plenty, Thanks!

guamsorbit, oinking for some Scarlet RunnerBeans please. Thanks!

Patti1957, I'd love your Cherokee Wax Beans and Tendergreen Improved Beans. Do you know what company the Tendergreen beans were from? I think that's the kind I grew at the end of this summer, and they were the best ever! Thanks!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh mekos... for me you were saving....
Heavenly Blue and BES Vine.


Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

gotcha Critterologist

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Oy, Starlight, here i go a oinkin' again! You're a serious temptress! If you have even a quarter of these seeds growing in your yard, it must be amazing!

Got any of these left you could toss my way?
Aubrieta ‘ Casacade Blue’, Primula veris ‘ Sunset Shades’ , Rudbeckia Choclate Orange, Viola Strawberry Sundae

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