CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap Page #3

My husband works night shift so I have to get him off to work and I look up plants on the computer when I'm by myself. I can find more. hehehe

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Mine is a fiefighter, and he is on shift tonight. I love to have the occasional "MY" time. Cereal for dinner, tv is off, seeds scattered everywhere, love it.

You just described my place- seeds scattered everywhere. Great minds think alike. hehehe

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, you 2, I'm in here too. Just checking my other computer. They don't talk to each other. Gal darn machines anyway. So, I try to keep up with what is on the other one. This one is before I go to bed machine. LOL


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Wow, do we go skipping thru the seeds, or what?? We could leave all kinds of requests on the site for their morning coffee couldn't we? LOL

Just a nasty thought. heh heh. Jeanette

I got to go to bed too so maybe tomorrow you two. Good night.

That sounds like fun. LOL

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Whoops Lynn, looks like we lost one. Wow, South Carolina. She really has the bug bad. huh?

Do you have any houses in your area up for sale? I woulld like to move back there, I think. I am not sure I could survive the gray skies. I lived there for 30 years. My daughter lives in Federal Way.

At least over here when it isn't raining the skies are usually clear and sunny. We probably have as much rain as you do otherwise.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Mekos, I thought you went to bed. Instead of Lynn, I got you. LOL you little night owl you. What time is it there anyway? One of the deputy sheriffs in North Carolina is on our garden thread. Strawbale. He is a pretty nice guy. He started the thread.

You better get to bed. It is really late for you. Nite, Jeanette

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Goodnight Mekos, if you are still up.

I just finished updating my list. I need to go thru my seed box and make a list of what I should put on the swap. Hoarding them in a box just doesn't make a lot of sense. Have to make room for new ones to try!

I just sold my house in Fed Way this past summer. Love it here in the country better.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

hehehehehehe so ya want toleave all kidns of seed lists. LOL

Since i fell a sleep so early am awake and havign coffee and catchign up on my overfloweing dmails. LoL

I closign this threa d now . Ya all cna keep chatting.


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Are there many homes for sale out there Lynn? Since Star went to #4 I guess we can still chat on here for a bit. Unless of course you deleted yours like I did. Had to go find it to ask that question.


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

There are several homes for sale in the area. Right next door, a new house is being built. The original owner ran into financial troubles, sold it when it was just framed in. The new owner bought it, is in process of finishing it, and then he might sell it. They live on a private airstrip, and are undecided about which house to live in.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It might be best not to chat too much on "closed" threads... just in case anybody posts something by mistake that Starlight needs to see... she'll have a hard time pulling this one up on dialup. Thanks!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Jill, Star did tell us it was ok. Took her at her word. Jeanette

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

sorry, I totally missed that!

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