CLOSED: 09 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap Page #2

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm back and listing and oinking!

Star, I'd like to try Snapdragon Tall cut flower type Overture II Red, Calendula Pacific Beauty Mixed, Tidy Tips, Portulaca Dbl Mix, Zinnia Profusion Fire, Sunflower Teddy Bear, and Foxglove Apricot Beauty.

perenniallyme, I'd like to try your Armeria, Corydalis ochroleuca, Digitalis purpurea, Geranium phaeum, both of your Heleniums, Larkspur Gentian Blue (I've wanted these for years!)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

starlight oinking for

pack 7
salvia red

pack 4
clemone seeds

clitoria seeds

any salvia open for grabs. hehe

This message was edited Nov 3, 2009 7:52 AM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I"ll get to all yoru oinks in a minute. Just need to get this out her e first. NOBODY start a new thread , pelase until I hear from admid. It gonan get a little hard maybe for a little bit on uploading the page, but I have send request to see about getting unlimite d edits for the swpa lists or an increase in the number.

If admid can't do that, then have aske d them to see abotu transfering all our threads so far to a forum where we cna have unlimited edits and if they do that, then don't want to giv e them extra work with tryign to transfer a whoel bunch of threads.

I'll let ya all knwo what admid says soon as I hear somethign from them. So have a little patienc e with the loading.

Maxine.. if you go to the Piggy swap list thread and go down it. To almost the bottom, you made a request for seed f rom Clan Campbell. It not gonan get seen there as that is swap lists only.

So what ya need to do is click the little edit button on the sid e under yoru name on that post and delte all that is written there.

Then what ya need to is ask that same that request on here. I did it for you, and he was out of oen thign for ya, but you still need to dmail him. If ya still don't get how to do it. Don't worry abotu it, btu just double check and make sure Clan_Campbell got yoru request.

Then on

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya all can oink away on here, just meant that if the thread goe s over 200 posts, let it don't try and start a new one til I see what admid wants. Didn't mean ya all couldn't post on here.

I liek seeign all the oinekrs, I liek seeign what ya askign from folks, that my joy in hosting this. : )

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Neal (gemini)! Welcome on board! I'd love some of your dahlia merkii, pretty please!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Tonya, I'd like to try Amaranthus Pygmy Torch, Asarina scandens, Clitoria ternatea, Dbl. Blue Pea vine, Datura metel, dbl. purple, Talinum paniculatum, Jewels of Opar.

toofew, from your list I'd like to try Ageratum ‘Leilani blue’, Helenium Flammendes Kathchen LOOK ALIKES, Penstemon Cambridge Mix

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Star, I just remembered that I read somewhere that S. coccinea 'cherry blossom' and 'coral nymph' are the same thing, so since I already have 'coral nymph' I'll leave the 'cherry blossom' seeds for someone else. Even if they are not exactly the same, they are close enough that I probably don't need both!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Sure Tonya, gotcha down for those :-)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Neal gotcha down for all you asked for!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

We cross posted, thanks Neal!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

On the Maya - ClanCampbell - gotcha. Star, I'm going to divide the 3 small packs into 4 so you can have some, but it's now gone after this. I do have 3 packs of what I called "maya wannabe", which was from one of the plants that was supposed to be maya, but wasn't quite. Anyway, I don't even know if the maya seeds will come true, so if anyone wants the wannabe, let me know.

Toofew, thanks for taking the first pack of heliopsis off my hands. I don't think you'll be sorry.

Star, gotcha for the armeria.

Neal, Star just scarfed the armeria before you, but I've got you down for the corydalis, digitalis, geranium, 2 heleniums and larkspur.

Whew! I'm not quite awake enough for this yet. Pouring down the coffee as fast as I can.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Super! Thanks Sharon and Tonya!

I've got more to list, but one I'm thinking of in particular are African Foxgloves:

I've got the lavender color shown, and solid white (they're separated). They're so pretty, I highly recommend them!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


nbgard.. your oinks got yoru feed this morning. Same goe s for

hemophocic. chows is on

gemini-sage. pig out LOL

imazdi... fill that belly heheheheheheh

: ) : )

Old Mc Donald has some pigs. EEEEEeeiiiiiiii ----EEEEEEEEEEiiiiiiiii O snort snort

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I've got my list updated with the seeds that are gone, but haven't added anything new. Yet, anyway :)

Perennial, thanks for the Maya! I'd now like to oink for the Lake Side Blue Jeans Hosta, if I may!

Star, you have me chuckling this morning.. I'm a she, not a he :) Chris being short for Christine lol... I'll email Maxine about what she asked for, if I didn't already..I lose track, being one of the newbie oinkers this year!

Cris316, Mittsy, and Dasiys- I've sent dmails for the items I oinked on late last night :)


Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

gemini may I oink some
Persicaria orientalis- Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate
Helianthus annuus- Sunflower, seed collected from wild plants
Eryngium yuccifolium and Echinops ritro

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Perennially me. I wil share the Armeria with Neal. Instea d of goign through that work of dividign Maya. I'll take a wanan be. soemwher e in ther e one wil coem true.

Gemini.. I have Armeria white is ya want soem of it. Haven't liste dit yet, but ya cna let me know.

I have a request if ya will pelase. I got a lot goign on with this swap, watchign all the threads, and everybodys lists and answerig dmails for oinks, plus all the help dmails and such too, getting feeding troughs ready and pute r actign up, so if I oink on her e for something and forget to sen dya a dmail, pelase still hold it for me. By the time I think to dmail, I have forgotten what I asked for and from whom.

A quickie note too.. for I forget. Everybody should be watching thes e threads. Not only for update s form me and othe r folks, but if somebody oinks for seed on here, make sur e ya catch it. I not the only oen with compute r problems and we have soem folks that stil haven't gotten the grasp of oinign on here and dmailing too. Don't want them to be forgotten or left behind, so even if ya put on yoru list to dmail only. Make sure ya go back and check the threads and have everybody. PLEASE! I want all dry eyed and happy piggie s at the end . Thanks bunches : )

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Gemini-sage, I'd love to try some:
Agastache, Hybrid Anise Hyssop 'Honey bee Blue'
Erysimum cheiri- English Wallflower mixed colors
Helianthus annuus- Italian White

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

AJ... Just the person I lookign for. Don't rememebr if I oinekd for some Lions Tail or not, but if I haven't am doign it now. LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Ok - oinking again - lordy , how am I gonna plant all these seeds!

Star, may I have some digitalis "apricot beauty"?

Dasiys, may I have some zinnia "cut & come again"?

Patti 1957, may I have some tomatoes: brandywine pink, beefmaster and beet "detroit red"?


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Perennially me. Got ya. : ) How do we do it????????? One seed at a time. It may be this year, it may be next , it may be two years from now, but eventuallyw e get aroudn to it. heheheheh

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

Neal, I would like to try these if you still have them.
Cleome hassleriana, pink/lavender
Nicotiana alata
Nicotiana sylvestris
Tanacetum parthenium 'Flore Pleno'- double Feverfew

Thank you,

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, star.
Patti, did you get my request?

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Your got it starlight.

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

Ella, gotcha
perenniallyme, gotcha

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

OK, Everybody.... Just heard back from admid. The onyl person who can change the numebr of edits is Dave and he wil otherwis e occupie d for at least another week, so watch yoru edits carefully. You only get 10 per 24 horu period and that is from your last edit.

Just happeend to think, oen fo the reasons it may be takign a bit longer for soem of the edits to kick in is we on oen time and the edit s may or may nto be programed for tiem zone that is behind us.

Sicne ya onyl get 10 edits. I woudl recommend doing add ons to yoru list and makign what goen and who has what all at once as much as possible. Makeby look at yoru tiem schedule and do them every four or fiv e hours. That woudl stil giv e ya plenty of extra edits if ya nee d them.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hemophobic, I'd like to try your Clarkia `Confetti’. I have some Poppies you may like, a couple are listed, and more will be added.

Danita, I'd love some Callirhoe involucrata, and Penstemon calycosus.

guamsorbit, from your list I'm interested in Scarlet Runner bean, and both your California Poppies.

Kelly, I love the Browallias I grew this year, and would love to try B.americana. I'd also love some Prairie Sun Rudbeckia and both your Columbines.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I just got a dmail from terry (in response to a suggestion about the problem) saying that the edit limit has been lifted for the forum!

Hmm, that seems in conflict with Starlights info... guess we should still be careful?

This message was edited Nov 3, 2009 9:35 AM

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Neal, you've got 'em!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ella, you know me,I Pig out, for sure, LOL! It's been a great weight maintenance program- I oink for seeds instead of food nowadays, and have kept 75lbs off for about 5 years now. This is the healthiest of addictions :-) I'd love to try your white Armeria.

Patti, Kelly, and AJNTEXAS, I've got your oinks on my list :-)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hey ya all!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got anothe r dmail from Terry while I busy catchign up on dmails.

DAVE HAS LIFTED the EDit Limit for us all on the seed list thread. Whoooooooo hoooooooooooo

So everybody giv e him yoru best piggy smiles, piggy curteseys and oinks. : )

Thank you Dave and Terry! We greatly appeciate it!!!!!!!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I got that dmail too.

Bad news - they're about to replace the telephone pole in front of my house, so I may be without power for a while. See you guys later.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Star, are you still on?
Please explain to this old lady what you wish me to do and how to do it.

Will post my seed list later today.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Maxine. Don't worry abotu it . No biggy. We got it taken care of. : )

Just keep oinkign for thinsg ya want from folsk and sendign them dmail about it. Ya doign good. Hang in there : ) Yoru doign good so far. : )

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

4 Salvia coccinea ‘ Cherry Blossom where did i see this offered??? asked the wrong person for it now cant find it. shoot been looking at lists to long.

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

pamsue, I would like to try some of these if you still have them available. Thank you.
maple large green leaf 2009
maple green luster 2009
dianthus barbatus sweet william "newport pink" 2009 garden
dianthus ideal magical mix OP 2009 garden


Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

pamsue I would love some Chaenarrhinum Summer Skies

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

imzadi - I think Star has the 'cherry blossom'

pamsue - may I have some agastaceh tutti fruiti, please!?

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

oooh ooh! (oink oink) pamsue, I'd love some Chaenarrhinum Summer Skies, too if you have enough. please and thank you...

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Woo hoo! DH is loving watching me wiggle my piggy tail for these seeds, he is very amused and enjoying my joy. He did ask me this morning (ever so sweetly) where I thought I was going to put all these plants. When I replied that I would be putting some in the beds that he has promised me he said he wouldn't mind me doing the whole back yard as garden beds so he wouldn't have to mow! I'd rather it be the front so other folks can see, too, so we'll see. Just glad I can have even more beds (especially since he digs them for me and hauls in some great dirt to fill 'em!)

This little piggy cried weee weee weee all the way home!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Imzadi.. I got ya covered on the Slavia Cherry Blossom.

I knwo I look at lists and forget too. Have staretd tryign towrite my oinks on side paper with name to rememebr. it heck when ya got my brain. LOL

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