CLOSED: 09 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap Page #2

Kannapolis, NC

Colchie: Waddling up and pushing my way through for some of those salvia Blue Chiquitas if you have any left. Please, snort, snort!

Klstuart-- I ashamed to be so oinky ,but would you still have any of those bush morning glories and gerber daisy mixed, gerber jamesonii and spider flower pink sparkler series cleome hassleriana? OINK OINK?
tcs1366 ---would you have any left of Gaillardia aristata and blanket flower indian summer ????Snort snort?
nbguard---I'm oinking for some Asarina scandens ,twining snapdragon, joan lorraine
Squeeling and oinking and snorting purty please? I'm feeling a bit hogish now. Snort snort.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Hemo, I'm the one offering the 'blue chiquita', colchie oinked for some. I'll put you down on the list!

Mekos - gotcha down for miss 'joan lorraine'!

nbguard, thank you so much.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

you're welcome!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Sorry Perenniallyme, yes I would like the lily seed. My chronic fatigue hit hard this afternoon and am running on empty now.
Trying to get seed packets filled so I can list. Good grief, but I must have been a busy little piggy this fall collecting seeds.

Thanks, Maxine

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Marti, I've got you down for all of them! :)

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

ok Maxine. Know what you mean about busy collecting seeds!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Maxine, you just posted oinks on the list thread. You'd better move them over here - and maybe it's nap time?

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Patti, got you for the Coleus ‘Palasandra Giant Exhibition’.

I know there were a few other things on the lists I was interested in, but first I need to take stock of what I've already oinked for.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Patti, got ya down for everything but the canna and the maidengrass which have been oinked (not that you can tell... STILL can't edit my post!)

Mekos I think I can put you down for all of those! My paper notes are getting overwhelming, so until I can edit the post I won't swear to it ;-)

Geez, thought I'd be ok to edit come 6:00, It shouldn't be long, unless it's 24 hrs from the 10th one?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

mekos -- gotcha on the Gaillardia.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

gotcha Patti

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

marti00, gotcha on the black cherry, green zebra, amana orange

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

beck5711 is joinign the piggy pen with us

KL... I t must be afetr the 10th post cuz I stil can't edit either. I got name s to get updated and so much mroe seed to add. I use d all my edits up settignthe thread s up. Wonderign when I used the last edit tiem up. At this rate I wil be liek a ninja int he middle of the night adding to the trough.

Will remember to spac e edit s otu that for sure. : )

Maxine... Just take yoru time. Don't want ya comign down sick. We got a alot of days to play, so take yorutiem and jsut enjoy yoruself and if ya cna onyl do one see d a day well then ya just do that.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Star, did anyone ask about getting the edit limit raised yet?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Danita.. I not sure, if they did or not. I didn't see anybody post they did.

POstign the below for Maxine , so if ya have pelase put her name on. She poste d ont he wrogn thread for the moment in case she restign and hasn't realize d it yet.

Clancampbell, may I have the gaillardia aristata? ( for Maxine)

Cris, may I have the cranberry hibiscus if it is separate from the pink. I already have the pink unless your are a dp. pink.
Mine are a light pink and no, I deadheaded them. Darn things want to reseed all over the flower beds. ( for Maxine)

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

mekos I am oinking for some Jacaranda Tree Purple and Jacaranda Tree Blue

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i asked about how long you have to wait to post agian after the 10 amount.

AJNTEXAS you sure can have them. I'll put you down for them .Snort snort.

You guys I think it's 24 hours from the last edit you did (#10) before you can do it again.

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi everyone! Yep, I am wanting in this lil pig pen with y'all.... Thanks Ella.... hope y'all don't mind. I am fairly new to seeds, but hopefully I'll have some y'all want. I know there are ones I want..LOL... I'll get my list up later tonight. TY guys!!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL I knew that chat would be a flying. You guys are going a mile a minute!

I just updated the "promised" column on my list. If you've requested something from me please check and make sure I've got you down. I'm doing this swap on the fly so I could use some double checking.

Carry on my fine little piggies.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Sorry to say, I may be off line for a few weeks. I will have to go to the library every other day to check my dmail and keep up with the piggy swap. Mary

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

klstuart, I've been going back and forth on asking for this one. But can I ask for the Salvia Coral Nympth? I tried it several years ago. It didn't do real well for me. But since I'm on a "Mission from God" to get Hummingbirds into my garden, I guess I better get Salvia Coral Nymph back in there too. Well, God didn't tell me to get hummingbirds into my garden, but it will feel like a little miracle if it happens. smiles

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Danita, I would like Callirhoe involucrata and Calycanthus floridus Oink Oink

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Danita oniking again please Callirhoe involucrata

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

regarding edits.... it was either last year or the year before, we had less than 10... it was 5 or 7... and Dave raised it to 10 edits per 24hrs. I recall what i did last year... as folks were asking for my seeds, I'd take notes and try to do one big edit at the end of the day.

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)


I'd love the following if they are still available:

Perennial Cornflower
Sweet William 'Sooty'
Echinacea 'Mac & Cheese'


Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Evening everyone. The sun's just going down and I have to tell you I'm so addicted. Took a walk around the neighborhood with my friend, and every house I passed I had to stop to collect seeds (maples, lavender, you name it!) somebody stop me.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Starlight - I was gifted 2 bags of pods in 4 shades of pink from Lt pink to Cranberry - have no clue whatsoever - the pods weren't marked lol

doing oink happy dance for :
Mekos Phacelia & Ameria Bees & Stevia''
nbgard Lablab purpureus "Alba"
Danita Callrihoe involocrata
Lala Jane for her Nierembergia "White Robe
Colchie Callicarpa bodinierei "Profusion"
Mamawk Cherry-grape tomatoe things and Verbena Mix
Mittsy Mock Orange
Back at ya's to
Mekos for Nigella
Huneybunch_2000 for Chinese Lantern, Marigold Red and Moss Rose Red
& Moss Rose Gold

Keep dancing and snorting Chris, glad you are happy.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

TooFew, gotcha down for the Salvia Coral Nymph... maybe you'll have better luck this time! It's been going crazy here, first early on, and again now that it's cooler. Didn't flower as much (some, but not as much) in the heat of summer.

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)


I'd love the following from you if they are still available:

Chinese Lantern Plant (what color are these please?)
Black eyed Susan "Irish Eyes"
Nemophila menziesii


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)


The Chinese Lantern start out green and in Autumn turn to orange just
in time for Halloween.
Gotcha covered for the Irish Eyes and Nemophila menziesii

Clan - oinking for the Dahlia Cactus Mix you have left.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Cris, I'm a oinkin' for some Penny black, and the pink lovatera (lavatera?)...

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

I just added to my list, mostly from trades.


Patti, I'm oinking for some lemon cucumbers and stars and moon watermelon. OINK Oink.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Patti,

I'd like to oink for Paris Island Cos lettuce and purple ruffles basil, please!


Kannapolis, NC

I've just tried to edit again and I still can't do it. It's been well over 24 hours since my last edit.

Perenniallyme: I'm oinking again, this time for some of your Gaillardia Arizona Sun.

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