CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)


oinking for:

Pride of Barbados Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Bauhinia blackeana Purple orchid tree
Amorphophallus Dragon VooDoo Lily-Death Flower
Candy Lily
Floss Silk tree Pink
Nemesia paintbox
Dwarf Poinciana tree
Moon vine Lavender- Ipomoea Turbinata

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Colchie, not sure if you got it or not, but I dmailed you around 8:00pm dave's time about some oinks. Thanks!

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Lala, I will post a picture of the Red Rudbeckia for you. This is a crappy picture, sorry. I planted it this year, hardly watered it because it was out of hose reach, and it just keeps on blooming. The tag just said Red Rudbeckia. I also have its sister Yellow Rudbeckia.

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Good Morning!
I tried to get up a half an hour early, but only managed 15 mins early ... you guys kept me up later than usual last night!

I've been catching up on my edits and d-mails and reading this post. Now I hope I have a little time to OINK sniff snort a little myself. Then off to work ... sigh.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Some early oinking going on RIGHT HERE ...
Jnette, I would love the Carnation, Giant Chabaud.
I have Carnations on my want list this year .... thanks a bunch ... well, if I get it. lol

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

No more editing for me right now.

Lynn, I'm oinking for the Heuchera 'Triamisu' if it is still available.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Marti001. Got ya all, except for Chinese Aster. Not sur e on my list which ya callign a Chinese Aster. Can ya giv e me the name of what it was typed.

LaaLa got ya down.

Clan-Cambell ya back in. hehehehehehe had a feelign ya wouldn't be able to stay away. LOL

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

ilovejesus99... You need to dmail the folsk you asked stuff from and soon a s you get a chance, you need to copyu and paste yoru request from off the seed list page and put it on to here.

Ya accidently put your oinking on the wrong thread. The one you oinke don is for putting yoru seed list of haves up on. Thanks.

Ok, we made it through first night. Hopefully we didn't have any bruise d shoulders this morning. Looks like we ha d some piggies get fat and lay down for a nap, but I just know they gonna be rooting sn snorting and hunting for food again today LOL : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

well fudge.... Wonder when the edits thing gets undone. Is a day considered from when you made the first edit or certain time on on thread for a day.

If it from when ya made the first edit, I can't edit until anythign until this evening, so will be adding new stuff on to this thread til I cna get it on the seed loist thread.

I Have:

2 Torenia Clown Blue-White 10 seeds
5 Alyssum Easter Bonnet 25+ seeds
1 Pansy viola wittrockiana Famma White 20 seed/
3 Asarina scandens Twining snapdragon Joan Lorraine 25+ seeds

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Patti197.. Would liek to try your Amana Orange and Aunt Gertie's Gold. They sound very itneresting. Haven't hear dof them before.

Imzadi. Would liek to try your cypress vine white. Doe s it grow like the re d one does? Never seen a white yet.

Herbspirit. .... shott forgot what I saw onyoru list . gonan have to go back and look. Too many seed to look through.

Rembe r folks as ya goign down folks see dlists take a look at their wants list and if ya have somethign they want on it . Pull it fo rthem an dlet them knwo ya got it . I f they already oinek dfor it just put pack inyoru have s list.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

mekos oinking for please

Bauhinia blackeana Purple orchid tree
black castor bean
floss tree pink

Starlight1153 gotcha down and yes they grow like the red ones.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

ATTENtiON ALLPIGGIES. It was just poste d in the Cottage Garden Forum that Lala _Jane/ Karen Dad passe d away yesterday afternoon, so if ya send her dmails for oinks don't expect to get an answer back for alittle while and if anybody has stuf f on her wants list pelase hold them for her so she has a chance to oink for them whiel she goe s through this trying time.

Karen.. Sorry to hear abotu yoru Dad. Prayer s and thought s beign sent yoru way. Tke care of business and knwo we wil be be here for you durign this tryign time adn when ya get back.

Kannapolis, NC

Since I can't edit my post any more until tonight, here's who I have down and for what:

I'm sending to:

colchie-bronze fennel, salvia B&B
klstuart-salvia virdis Palisades
hollyhockdlady-allium flavum, dahlia UD, Gaillardia
jnette-rudbeckia Irish Eyes
clancampbell-rudbeckia Irish Eyes

I'm receiving from:

nbgard-one each of her sages, nigella
perenniallyme-cordyalis lutea, crocosmia Emberglow, aconite
colchie-acer dissectum, dahlia Bishop of Llandall, rudbeckia Indian Summer
marti001-Vitex (you had D-mail oinking for this!!!)

If I've overlooked anyone, please let me know.

All gone:

Rudbeckia Irish Eyes
Salvia B&B

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Jnette, Mekos, Marti, Patti and Mamawk you have some oinkin' dmails from me!

Going through everyone's want lists, came up with a couple I might be able to help..
Mekos, I have salvia coral nymph and Nigella
Danita, lime nicotiana, salvia coral nymph and Geranium pinto salmon
Mamawk - I have browallia

Let me know if these interest you, and I'll get you down for them!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

MY sincere apologys til I cna edit later tonight, it wa s not Lala's Dad , but BLUE SPIRALS DAD that passed away.

I apologiz e for any confusion this caused, Have both them on my mind and in thoughts and prayers, and got them confused.

Will get this edite d right just as soon as I can tonight. Again I apologiz e for such a grave error.

Kannapolis, NC

Well, for heaven's sake, Ella, you don't have anything else to do, do you? LOL!~! We caught the error and I've sent a sympathy D-mail to bluespiral(Karen).

Great job, BTW, Ella.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

So sorry to hear about BlueSpiral's dad.. will send my condolences to her.

Ella, thank you for putting me back in.. you knew me too well!! :)

I decided I won't oink for anymore until I can get at least SOME seeds posted.. but if Lynn could (oink, oink) keep a packet of that Red Ruds for me too, I'd sure love one LOL..

Ok, off to the garage to go through boxes and boxes (I've lived here 3 months and still don't know where everything is or in what box!!) to find my seeds!


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Chris.... I know first hand the how the lure of seed s cna be. I tok to go ahea d and oink and get yoru list up later or make a start on it.

I had a moment and gettign a bit rough to load , so have starte d thread # 2.

So everybody head to here now. Make sure ya mark it to watch

march on piggies.. ne w trough to feed from sicne ya trample d the grass in this one abotu to pieces. LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Karen, I'm very sorry to hear about your Dad.

I've just added several to the bottom of my seed list, including the liliums and end of alphabet, so please have a look.

oops, cross-posted.

This message was edited Nov 2, 2009 8:52 AM

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

It's a new day! so the piggy is back:
perenniallyme. please may I have some of your iceland poppies? and I would love to try your lilies all kinds sound good

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Colchie.. We on a new thread.

Ya may have to report yoru request over there on it. : )

Klstuart I'd love the coral nymph and nigella Thank you so much. Squeeling with delight! Oink oink. Woo hoo.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

mekos, we've moved to a new thread.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

ridesredmule- oinking for Rudbeckia "Cherry Brandy".

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

This thread is closed. Please use Page #2 for oinking posts. Thanks bunches. : )

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