CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


This is 2009 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap. This annual event is a chance for folks to trade harvested seed, leftover seed hanging around, unused or leftover trade seeds. Clean out your seed boxes and fridges, and fill them up with new treasures!

Disaster Survivors from fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes this past year, please join in and allow us to share our extra seeds to help you rebuild your gardens. Survivors will not be required to contribute any seeds, but rather let regular swappers be their Piggy Seed Fairies. So, Survivors please let me know who you are, and let us know what kind of seeds you would like to have.

You MUST READ the details (below) on how this swap works. If you have questions, ask on the thread or Dmail me.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2009 5:05 PM

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


You must SIGN UP before November 8, 2009. Participating Piggies from last year must post to say they are participating again this year to secure their spots. In addition to last year’s participants, 30 folks new to the Piggy swap will be accepted (this number will not be increased if past participants drop out, because 30 newcomers is all I can manage). There is no restriction on the number of Disaster Survivors participating. Survivors just let us know on the swap thread you’re here and participating.

If all spots are filled, and you would like to participate, post on the thread (before the deadline) that you would like to join in if a slot opens up.

The 2009 Fall Piggy Swap will run from November 1st til December 15th.

All seeds MUST be sent in by DECEMBER 20th. It is fine to send your seeds in earlier if you are done swapping or if you have schedule issues.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

The Piggy Swap is divided into 3 parts:

Part 1) is the general swap of “Oinked” seeds in baggies for a specific person (including those Survivors who let us know what they want). There is a 100-pack limit on “oinked” seeds going back to you. ( Survivors may go over the 100-pack limit, since your rebuilding your gardens. Enjoy yoruself! )

Start posting your "want" and "have" lists any time after the thread goes up November 1. We will have a Seed List Thread for maintaining your lists and a separate Swap Thread for chatting and asking for or about seeds. Please make only ONE POST per participant on the Seed List thread and edit it as we go along.

It is easy to find names of seeds or names of participants by using the "find" function in your browser to search the thread.

Part 2) is the Piggy Trough, where loose seed packs are shared among the general swap and Survivors alike. Here you can send in extra seeds for a one to one trade. For example, if you send in 20 loose packs, you will get additional 20 packs beside s what you have oinked. You send in an additional 60 or 100, you get back 60 or 100.

LIMITS on Part 2):

The first 100 loose packets you send will be traded 1 for 1 (unless you tell me you don't want that many back). If you send extra packets beyond 100, they will be shared out so that Disaster Survivors get plenty of seeds.

No more than 10 packets of the same cultivar of seed. In other words, don’t send me more than 10 packets of Marigold Durango, but you can send 10 packs of Marigold Durango and 10 packs of Marigold French Cream.

Part 3) is the bottom of the bucket seeds. Sometimes we have folks that send in seed for part two, but either don’t want any one to one seeds back, or just a limited amount. Any seed left at bottom of the feed bucket will be passed on to Survivors, and Survivor communities or any other charitable organization that will benefit from them. Let no seed go to waste! is our motto. : )

Now although people are encouraged to be piggies and oink for anything they'd like, that what we all here for, but I am reserving the right to warn anybody I feel is going overboard. It's fine to ask for lots of seeds, but it's not fine to just go down and ask somebody's whole list because you don't feel like looking them up to see if you really want those particular seeds. People who don't heed a warning from me could find themselves banned from the trough.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2009 4:06 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


1. Your seeds. added: Since I need to send back as many packs as people send in, I need some help counting. LOL! On the baggies that are tagged for certain people, I would like the number of packs you've enclosed for that person written on the slip of paper with their name so that I don't have to go rooting through to count them.

When sending your seed to me whether it be in a bubbler or a box. I highly recommend you put a confirmation sticker on your package. Confirmation stickers cost 80 cent. With cutbacks and such in the postal service it is best to be on the safe side, then to have your seeds lost in the mail. So far we have been lucky and all package s have arrived. But there can always be a first time. Last year we did have one that looked like an elephant sat on it and another one that looked like somebody put their fists through the box several times, but all seed were accounted for. Until I have received your seeds, those you asked for will not be sent out, unless you can provide me with a confirmation number. Then when they do eventually arrive, I can just mail them individually to the participants.
2. Return address label (or piece of paper I can tape) to use on bubble mailer/box you send to me.
3. Postage to return your mailer to you. : Due to the sheer volume, these envelopes or boxes will need to be sent back to you with delivery confirmations. This is nonnegotiable, so make sure in your postage you include an extra 80 cent to me unless your seeds are coming back in a priority box that will be a flat rate price of 5.65, which includes the confirmation sticker. Also, since last year, the size, width, postage & confirmation costs have gone up. Once you go over 12 ounces your package goes by zone and weight. Some of you will only be sending in a few seeds, as that is all you have for the swap, but you may be getting back 100’s of packets of seeds and in some cases bulbs. These seeds/bulbs not only weigh, but so does all the baggies, wrap, the cute cards and decorations some folks make on their seed packets , and little odds and ends that folks send along to go into the Piggy buckets. If you have 100 packs or lots you expecting to come back, use postage for 13 oz. and consider sending the 5.65 and letting me just use the priority box that comes with confirmation and no labels needed.) added: If you want extra packs back, really, really consider that box! And pay attention to the postage amount you send me as it will cost more than what you sent in. Do not be stingy on this postage. . I will return any extra postage that isn't needed to each person.

Right now with the new postage rules, 13 ounces goes first class from my zone to yours, plus confirmation sticker of 80 cent. Any fraction over and your package automatically is considered priority mail and the price of 5.65 kicks in up to 16 ounces. Over 16 ounces then goes by additional postage of priority rate plus your zone. I don’t think we had as even as much as some of the boxes were stuffed went over the 5.65 price. So , please, seriously consider sending the 5.65 for postage, for the priority box and it save s on rolls and rolls of tape and time too. I can easily return any extra postage, than trying to find more in my pocket. Survivors, no postage is needed from you. We hope you enjoy our gift to you and may you once again have a nice garden
4. A sheet of paper with your:
1. name,
2. address,
3. email,
4. DG name,
5. Number of seed packs sent, and number of seed packs wanted back
6. Description of your garden, and yourself as a gardener and grower from seed (new, middle, experienced.)
7. 10 things you want (no limit for Survior folks, though can't guarantee how many will be sent back),
8. 10 things you don't want, and
9. a list of the seeds you are sending of all the loose packs that are not earmarked for another player.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

For the loose seed packs, which are packs for the general swap, not for a specific person, I will distribute these based on who I think will like them the best. All seeds will be welcome, and if we have any left over that no regular swapper or storm victim wants, I'm sure folks on this thread will come up with some great ideas for their final home.

*No Delphinium older than 2007
*No Larkspur older than 2007
* Here's a guide to seed viability:

Some seeds will last for years and years if properly kept. No problem with some older seed in the swap, but please, post that it is older.

For the packs to a designated player, all you need to do is post your seeds in the Seed List Thread (link is below in post with links) and watch for the responses in the parallel Swap thread. This will be fast and furious, then there will be a lull, then more posting. Please use one post in the Seed List Thread for your seeds available, and try to edit them off as they are taken, (and edit when you add on it as you clean, sort, and sow). You can dmail or post if you want somebody's seeds, but remember, it is up to the sender to get the seeds marked with your name on them, so be sure they see your request.

Grab a box of cheapie snack baggies, sandwich baggies, or ziplocs, and as people sign up, write their name on the baggie or on a slip of paper inside the baggie. If you have seeds for each participant, you might need quite a few baggies.

Some seeds are premium seeds because they are rarer and "worth more". As loose packs of seeds come in, I will sort of separate those out and distribute them in a way that makes sense in terms of what people send in (or ask for, as in the case of survivors).

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

The last wrinkle is your wishlist! When you sign up, also post 10 things you'd like to have. These can be specific (Lupine 'White Snow') or vague (anything white for part shade). Try to be as specific as you can. Like any type Salvias or Echinacea. If you just put "anything for butterflies and hummers" or "anything for part shade", it hard on me. I am not familiar with all the plants around and don’t have time to look up every seed to see if for hummers or not. Note: You will not be considered "in" the swap until this wishlist is posted.

I need to know what you want before your seeds show up! Tell me the kinds of things you want!!!! In a private Dmail to me (with the subject line 2008 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap) send your list of 10 or more things you'd really like AND a list of 10 things you really don't want. LOL! It would be so helpful to me if you also added things about you and your garden, such as: I have a Moon Garden; I have too much shade; I have a cutting garden; a Cottage Garden; I like bright colors; big & bold plants; pastels; pinks and purples; I am new to seed growing; I have every seed known to man, try to surprise me. Whatever you can tell me about yourself or your garden will help me sort seeds you'll like into your envie.

Foreign DG Members: Yes! You can join! We are currently trying to find a volunteer to whom you can send a dmail with your address and she will send the APHI paperwork to you.

Newbies: New DG Members/New Gardeners/New to Growing from Seed: Yes! Join in. You will receive back many more seeds than you send in, but you will be required to make an effort to send in something. If you have absolutely nothing to send in, you could buy a mega pack of a more unusual seed from a small seed house like Fedco, Gourmet, Territorial (locate through (all for less than $5.00 including delivery) and divide it up into trade sized packages. Or! you could do the same with some inexpensive or bulk seed from the seed houses listed here: . Be sure to check with me first to avoid duplication. If you decide to go this route, be sure to aquire the seed early enough that it won't arrive too late to be available by this swap's deadline of December 20.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


Seed List Thread:

Grampapa's article on a previous piggy swap:

This is the list of participants that have already signed up. If I missed anybody name in the transfer from the other thread, please let me know. Remember you have to acknowldge your spot by Nov 8th, or you loose it. (See second post under title Deadlines)


Returning Piggy Spots:

Cheles-Garden RECEiVED
gemini_sage RECEIVED
Lynn Weidman RECeived
Patti1957 RECEIVED
Perenniallyme RECEIVED
RatherBeDigging RECEIVED
Seandor RECEiveD
tcs1366 RECEIVED
twofewanimals RECEIVED
Wind on the way

New Participant Spots:
1. mekos RECEIVED
2.ridesredmule RECEIVED
4.herbspirit RECEIVED
5.colchie RECEIVED
6. Jnette RECEIVED
7. huneybunch_2000 RECEIVED
9.hemophobic RECEIVED
10.Imzadi RECEIVED
11. Mittsy RECEIVED
12. Kim_m RECEIVED
13.Bsgardens RECEIVED
14. Carolyn_Cropper
15.Guamsorbit RECEIVED
17. Dasisy/ DMGardener RECEIVED
18. Cris316 RECEIVED
19. trinawitch RECEIVED
21.Mindy03 RECEIVED
22.Antsinmypants RECEIVED
23. Marti001
24.Clan_Campbell RECEIVED
25.GardenQuilts ReceiVED
26. JSXTiger RECeived



We have a lot of folks this year. I hope everybody has a great time and a lot of fun. : )

Let’s all remember our manners towards one another. Shoving at the piggy trough, oinking at the top of your lungs, and wallowing in the mud together is permissable : ) ,......... but disrepect on the threads will not be permitted. Anybody being disrespectful or otherwise misbehaving, I will ask to leave the swap.

I know we have a great bunch of people in the swap, but with so many folks, just have to make this point.

Those new to the swap, at anytime ya get lost, have questions, don’t be afraid to ask. There a lot of fantastic seasoned Piggies here who will gladly lend helping hands .

This message was edited Jan 1, 2010 12:23 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

How To "OINK " For Seed

For thos e who have not participate din the swap before, here is a guidline as to how to ask for seed.

You can look at folks seed lists which can be found here:

If you see something you like, you come back to the main swap chat thread, this thread, ( which will change to a new one about every 200 posts, so make sure ya click the " watch this thread" for each new thread to keep from gettign lost ), and you put something like this:

"Star.... I would like, or I oinking, or this piggy asking , ect..ect... for

Snapdragon Purple
Geranium Splish Splash

then send that person a dmail soon as ya can for the same request. It easy just to copy and paste your post in a dmail. This is so that folks who may be to busy working or such to watch the chat threads at the moment can check their dmails and answer you back whether they have your seed or not and edit their lists as they get a chance.

And then you have folks like me who are mainly watchign the chat threads and won't get to dmails right away to answer you whether they have the sed available still or not, so it best to post requests on chat thread, then send dmail too.

It also lets other folks see that if somebody has 3 packets available on their list and three people have already oinked for them, that they can dmail the person and see if they may still have some available or not.

Now some folks will not have their lists all ready here as we begin, so you will want to watch the the swap chat thread, as maybe for example I will have 2 packs of some rare seed. Instead of puttign it on my list, I may just put on swap chat thread something like this:

" I have 2 packets of Snail Vine"

then the first two piggie s who oink for them, will get them and I will acknowledge on a post that I am puttign them in their baggy.

Please try and keep your seed lists updated as soon as you can. That way you won't have piggies asking for things you already out of.

Remember it is a swap and it a first to the trough get served, so if ya play in the mud to long, you'll miss dinner calls. : ) If you miss out on getting something you really wanted, ask. Sometimes the person can break up a trade to share. If they can't do that , then put it on your want list. Ya never know what ya might find in your trough at the end of the game. : )

You will find that there will be times as folks post that they posted their lists, or added to their lists, that oinking will be fast and furious, then there will be time s it will go slow, only to start the process all over again. Don't get discouraged. Just take your time and ask questions anytime you want too.

You will find that some of us with big lists will be breaking them down in small amounts at a time, so we can oink and answer dmails. Those of you with small list and new to the game, may want to just list one particular item up at a time til you get the hang of it. It won't take long though and you will be pushing shoulders with the best of the piggies. LOL

This message was edited Nov 1, 2009 4:53 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

one last thing. I have probably forgotten something important , so if I did have patience. I also reserve the right to make changes and post those changes if necessary for the benefit of all piggies.

Now let’s all have FUN!!!!!

Cuz it time to say SUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE her e Piggies.. Piggies…. The trough is now open. : )



The 2009 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap is now open!!!!!!!! : )

This message was edited Nov 1, 2009 5:04 PM

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

toofew, can I have your agastache apricot sprite?

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

OOOH, OOH, too few, a cherry brandy rudbeckia and impatiens balsamina dble red, too. will dmail for sure

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

Oinking for one each please

Crocosmia ‘lucifer’
Crocosmia “Emberglow”

GA, GA(Zone 7b)


Just oinked via dmail for your, if available:
Penstemon hartwegii
Salvia (poss. longispicata), 'Blue Chiquita

Thanks! :)

P.S. I'm away from my home computer where my seed list is typed up so it will be posted later. :)

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

klstuart- dmailed you for one each of the zinnias

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Got it, guam.

Hemo, is your platycodon true blue or purple. If blue, can I have some please?

Toofew, can I have your aquilegia winky double blue and white?

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)


one each please oink oink!

Clitoria ternatea, Dbl. Blue Pea vine
Anemone, Japanese Anemone
salvia coccinea and greggii mix
salvia coccinea, hummingbird sage, 'Lady in Red'
salvia greggii, hummingbird sage, 'Wild Thing',
Salvia (poss. longispicata), 'Blue Chiquita'
Salvia lyrata, 'Purple Knockout'
Tecoma Stans, Esperanza

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Starlight I would like some
Packet 7 Salvia farinacea 25 seeds
Packet 6 Tahoka Dasiey 25 seeds

Perennialyme I'm oinking for
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed – orange)

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)


Dutchman's Pipe, Elegant, Aristolochia Elegans please?

Kannapolis, NC

nbgard: Oinking for each of your sages and the ngiella.

Perenniallyme: Oink, oink for the corydalis lutea, crocosmia Emberglow, aconite and the Pavonia.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

nbgard... Can I have. oink..oink.oink.

salvia greggii, hummingbird sage, 'Wild Thing',

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Star - may I have the following?
alyssum royal carpet
celosia cockscomb flaming feather
zinnia profusion fire
phlox peppermint candy

Hemo, Danita and guam, got your requests down, going back to my list to make sure I have enough of some that y'all double oinked for. Will get back to ya!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

AJNTexas. Got ya covered. : )

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

AJN, gotcha for the asclepias.

Toofew, may I have some of your agastache apricot sprite please?

Star, may I have some aquilegia McCanna's mix ?

oink oink.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

oops Star we cross posted, I think I have enough wild thing for you, too, let me check these requests and will get back to y'all!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

nbgard... snort.. snort. tossign into your trough. : )

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Ohhhh Tonya, can I OINK for the Helianthus annuus, 'Teddy Bear'????
I'm a sucker for those double Sun flowers!

Ohhhh Kelly, can I OINk for the Carnation Spooky, and the Mystic Merlin.

D-mails sent to all.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2009 6:42 PM

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

perenniallyme please put me down for aconitum napellus

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

perenniallyme. Sure sure may.

nbgard. If ya dont' that fine. No problem at all. : )

Kannapolis, NC

Somebody please tell me how to delete those posts I made on the trade list thread. I've cleared the contents, but the posts are still there. Sooo sorry!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

nbgard oinking for some
Salvia lyrata, lyreleaf sage
Vernonia baldwinii, Western Ironweed
Monarda citriodora

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

perennially again, please can I have some crocosmia emberglow?

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

colchie, gotcha for the emberglow.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

nbgard please put me down for double purple datura, dianthus barbatus, dietes bicolor, hibiscus manihot, salvias greggii wild thing, blue chiquita, and purple knockout, tecoma stans esperanza, and zephyrantes
I have several types of agastache - shades of orange, apricot sprite, and some others I'll bag up for you, also have quite a few gazania

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)

star: oink, oink, pansy oink

one each please:

Pansy Panola Blue True Improved 18 seeds
Pansy Panola Winter Blue Mix 15 seeds
Pansy Panola Lilac Shades 13 seeds
Pansy Panola Yellow Purple 13 seeds

Pansy Panola Mix All Season 15 seeds
Pansy Panola Mix Clear 18 seeds
Pansy Panola Mix Springtime 14 seeds

Pansy Fama Purpe 25 seeds
Pansy Fama Dark-eyed red Improved 25 seeds
Pansy Fama Ruby 25 seeds

Pansy Fama See-Me Improved 25 seeds
Pansy Fama White Improved 25 seeds
Pansy Fama Treasure White w/ Red Blotch 25 seeds

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hemophobic.. The whoel post won't disappear. Don't worry about it. Just as logn as the contents are empty. : )

It a little confusing at first as to which thread to post on. LOl I knwo I do it do. heheheh

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

ok hemo, danita star and guam got you down for your requests, except that guam you got beat on the blue chiquita, sorry.
toofew and aj, got y'all in the line! I'll get back to, your next in line!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Guam.. Got ya and feeding yoru bucket. LOL

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

too few please can I have some aconitum carmichaelii? snort, and some double red impatiens. I have seeds from 2 types of japanese maple. one is lacy and short, the other is a shortish tree with little leaves about 12 feet tall. Very cute excellent fall color

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

oops. Colchie, got you for the aconitum too.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

hemophobic - how about some of the bronze fennel and salvia black and blue (snort, drool, grunt)

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