CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lynn -- can i have some
Purple Salvias
Heuchera 'Triamisu'


Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

frausnow may I please have wheatstraw celosia, red japanese maple, lily turf, and yellow scabiosa? I've always been tempted by that last one

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

toofew, may I have some impatiens balsamina?

star - oinking for a few more!
pansy panola lilac shades
pansy panola yellow purple
pansy panola winter blue
pansy panola springtime
pansy fama purple
pansy fama see me
calendula 'pink surprise'
chrysanthemum 'sunset'
snapdragon snapshot rose

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

lynn would love some of your amaranth hopi red dye, your petunias,

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Just updated my list with more seed varieties.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I would like to join but have very few seeds from swaps. Maybe next year after I get my garden in and get some seeds I can join in. Have fun everyone.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

herbspirit I'm oinking for Boneset and Carolina Lupine

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

ajntexas- you got it (boneset, carolina lupin)

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

perenniallyme would love both kinds of helenium...

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

perenniallyme would also love corydalis lutea. I saw it growing wild on rock walls in England and couldn't get any seed... waaaah

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Yikes! I guess it's a sign that I should go to bed. Not allowed to edit my post any more today!

I'll get Hollyhocklady and anyone else oinking after this jotted down tomorrow! I'll have to group my edits a little more carefully...

Frausnow, LynnWeidman and Colchie... sent you some late-nite dmails :)

'nite all!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

KLSTuart.. I got 4 kinds of Lisianthus listed which oens did ya want? Have Pink Picotee... Double Cream... Dbl Violet... Purpel Picotee.

nbgard got all for you but these. they are out Snapdragon Snapshot Rose and Pansy Panola Lilac Shades

Yep same here will get lists updated in the morning.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH ... i was gonna ask.. how many edits do we have per day... or is it per 24hrs??

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I don't remember. I think it was 3 per day, but mayeb be raised. Not sur e if anbody aske d Terry yet if limit could be increased , or if they did she may be restign and havign a day off.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

I forgot 2 kinds of seed, so edited my list (twice - did it wrong the first time!)

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm guessing it was 10, I forgot there was a limit and kept changing everytime I got through a few dmails!

Ella, sorry, I meant the violet and purple, didn't see the others :)

Ok, now I really, truly am going to bed... not gonna peak no more... promise!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


The limit is 10 edits per 24 hour period.
The co-op, round robin trading, test, roundup, DG events, and midsouth region forums do not have this limit.

Per Dave, dated April of 2009

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Yikes is right. Took off 1 1/2 hours to watch Masterpiece on PBS, and I come back to multiple oinks and dmails. Hope I can catch up.

Colchie, adding 2 helenium and corydalis lutea to your ever-growing stash. You're sure quite the little piglet for a first timer. Getting to dmails shortly.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Colchie, I'll put you down for the Hopi Red Dye and the Petunias. Here is a picture of Mama Petunias in the baskets I planted this spring.

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

ipomopsis rubra oinking Colchie

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Perenniallyme... heheheheheheh Soon thes e ne w little piglets wil be bigger than us seasone d Piggie s and this old sow( think that a female pig) Hahahahhahaha

Marti001 is joing in the swap.

Will get her name added in a little bit to the list.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'd like to join in and here is my have lists. Its not much but hope someone wants something on the list.
Amaranthus celosia
Amaranthus cruentus
Amorpha Fruiticosa (false indigo bush)
Datura Moonflower
Gypsophia muralis (baby's breath)
Mirabilis (4 oclocks) fuscia
Mirabilis (4 oclocks) custard & cream
Cosmos (bright lights mixed)
Hollyhock (Summer Carnival Doubles (mixed colors)
Verbscum phoenicium (Shades of Summer)
Nigella (Love-in- the- mist)Mixed colors
Joe Pye Weed (GAteway)
Pennisetum Alopecuroides (black moudry gountain grass)
Vitex (Chaste Tree)
Hardy hibiscus (color unk)
Stars & stripe watermelon
Hibiscus Moy Grande

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

marti001 I would like the Hibiscus Moy Grande

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Starlight, I am oinking and oinking for China Aster and any zinnias

perenniallyme I'm at the trough for any Columbines, Corydalis and Crocosmia.
I hope I'm doing this right. I just have a large yard in Zone 6b to plant flowers and veggies and I'm sorry but I want everything I see. I've never had this much to garden and want to fill it up.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Whew! This piggy needs some sleep and time to let my "chompers rest"! Y'all sleep tight little piggies, see at the trough in the mornin'!


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

marti001 I would like the Hibiscus Moy Grande and Hardy hibiscus (color unk)

and i am off to bed

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Marti001, can I have some of your custard and cream 4o'clocks, Cosmos, and Nigella? Oink!! Thank you.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Marti, you need to put your haves and wants on the LIST thread. This thread is just for the oinking. I'll put you down for the columbines and whatever corydalis and crocosmias I have left. I have a lot of stuff taken that I haven't got on the list yet.

Ok, I want to do some more oinking of my own. I'm a growing piglet myself, from what I was last year.

Jnette, oinking for some aquilegia "green apples" and wonder about scarlet blood flower, which I couldn't find in plantfiles. If it's hardy in 6a, I'd love to try it.

MamawK, I'd love to try your red cheese pepper if it's really delicious as advertised.

Frausnow, may I have some of your belamcanda chinesis? The ones I grew last winter died after I put them in the ground - too much rain, I think, but I'd like to try one more time before I give up on them.

Colchie, may I have some of your crocosmia "George Davison"?

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'd better reread the rules I think I goofed. Mary

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Marti, here is the list thread, where you post your lists:

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

MawmaK, could I have some of your Red Cheese Pepper, Marconi Rosso Red Pepper and Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium? I am working on my list of haves and hope to post in on the list thread soon.

Thank you,

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

I'll put you down Patti

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

marti - any of your hibiscus moy grande left?

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Whew! dripping with sweat, and waayyyy too much chocolate eaten. Thanks everyone for a great start. I'm off to bed now, I can't believe I did this 2 years ago (and missed last year's swap - just started a new job).
night night y'all

Starlight would you have any Lisianthus , dwarf turks cap Lemon mint and chrysanthemums left for this oinker?
Nbgard -Tonya Oink oink, could I have some Giant Rain lily and some Luffa ? Squeeling please?!?

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Starlight..I can't stand it..after seeing all the wonderful goodies being offered..I want back in LOL! I have to go find the box that contains my seeds, but will get a list up tomorrow. I know that I have several different salvias from a swap earlier this year, but not sure what else will come out of the box :)

Thanks! ^_^

Now... can/may I put in my OINKS worth?? Will send dmails after I post it here :)
Mekos-- I'd love (oink) the Rud "Tiger Eye" if it's still available!

Toofewanimals--May I ask for your Echinacea "Harvest Moon" and your Ruds "Cherry Brandy? Piggy Please?

Hemophoic-- Please may I oink for your Rud "Irish Eyes"?

Lala--I'm absolutely swining over yours!! May I please have "Autumn Colors", "Toto Rustic", "Mac&Cheese", "Razzle Dazzle", and "Green Envy"?? (Lord, I'm pigging out!)

Maozamom--Oink! Please may I have one of your mix of "White Swan/Magnus"?

Wow~~I'm in coneflower heaven!! LOL

thank you!

LynnWeidman I'd love some of your Delphinium guardian blue, and some Lupine popsicle mix- Oink oink please.
mamawk- Oinking for your scarlet sage please.oink, oink.
Ajntexas- oink, oink, can I please have some lions tail?
Imzadi- Oinking for some white cypress vine please. Squeeley oinks. Oink.

Emerald Hills, CA(Zone 9b)


I'd love some of the hibiscus moy grande if you have any left.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

The limit is 10 edits per 24 hour period.
The co-op, round robin trading, test, roundup, DG events, and midsouth region forums do not have this limit.
You know I almost said something about our choice of forum, but decided for once to keep my mouth shut. LOL. If I remember correctly Suzy specifically asked that the Round Robin Forum name to be changed to Round Robins and Group Trades Forum just for our Piggy Swap. If there is no limit on edits on that forum we might do well to host our swap in that spot next year instead of the Seed Trading Forum.

Dasiys - I sent a dmail when the swap first opened requesting any marigolds or zinnias (minus purple prince) that you might have in surplus. I did not get a reply so I'll post here too.

Star - I would like some of your Profussion Fire if still available, and some of the Lemon Mum’ marigolds?

Mekos I'm not familiar with the black castor bean but it sounds exotic. May I have a pack?

Trina - I'm trying to visualize "big poofy, and smelly," LOL. I'd like a pack if I may please?

Terese - May I have some Mexican Hats please?

MamawK - I would love to try both varieties of peppers you're offering.

Lyne do you have any idea what the "Red Rudbeckia' is? Do you know if it's hardy and how tall it gets? Eh, nevermind. If you've still got it I want some. LOL. I'd also like to try the Echinacea 'Pink Bouble Delight' if you still have it.

Jeanette - is the freesia still up for grabs? How about the cactus dahlia?

Thanks all - I'll send dmails too.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi All,

I just got the first round of seeds posted on the LIST thread. There's not too much right now, but I'll be adding more throughout the month. Please Dmail your requests.

I told myself that I wasn't going to oink too much this year, but I've already been gluttonously oinking away! Mmmmmm, those are some good seeds!

Thanks everyone! ^_^

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