What is your favorite part of DG?

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)
There are a total of 307 votes:

PlantFiles. I use it every day!
(63 votes, 20%)
Red dot

The discussion forums. (which ones are your favorites?)
(129 votes, 42%)
Red dot

The Garden Watchdog is my favorite feature here.
(16 votes, 5%)
Red dot

I love PlantScout!
(2 votes, 0%)
Red dot

The seed and plant trading areas.
(10 votes, 3%)
Red dot

My Journal or Diary is my favorite DG feature.
(5 votes, 1%)
Red dot

My favorite feature is the weekly Newsletter.
(4 votes, 1%)
Red dot

My DG gardening friends from around the world!
(64 votes, 20%)
Red dot

None of the above. (tell us!)
(14 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I like that we can be physically miles and miles away and still have so much in gardening common.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Too many good things about DG to make a choice. I use Plant Files every day, chat with my friends every day, and of course, I really like the articles. Then there's the history, and Wildlife, and Pets, not to mention Trash to Treasure....well, what's not to like?

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I voted Plant Files because I use them everyday. But I could have chosen more. I love the forums, especially the Daylily forum and I love the plant trading Forum. Oh, And I love my journal and diary, I use them almost daily too. And the sales through the classifieds and the market place. I've gotten some of the best deals through Dave's. Co-ops too. The Garden Watchdog is a great resorce. And last but not least, The people. Dave's Garden just wouldn't be as great as it is without the people. I think some of the nicest people on the planet are right here, on Dave's Garden. There's just so much to love about Dave's Garden. Dave's Garden has become a big part of my everyday life. I wouldn't want to be without it.


Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Hard to vote on this one because I use many of the DG features, OK I going forums, morning glories tops!
I see the weekly news letter is popular, LOL! Actually I quite enjoy it!

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I am shocked, shocked I say, :) that only 3 of us have voted #1 for the EXCELLENT blog/journal feature. It is way cool! I was keeping up with so much information in M. Word documents - the journal makes it so much easier and 100x better. I love posting pics of my plants to my journal.

Fellow gardening-journal-geeks - - where are you?

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

Too bad there's no option for "All of the above"! My regular haunts are the Daylily, Iris, Clematis, Rose and Cottage Gardening forums, but I visit many, many others, too. DG is "one-stop" shopping!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Cedar18 I'm just not very techie and although Suzanne (art_n_garden) wrote a great article about using that feature I just find it easier to keep written notes. Maybe some others do too? Besides I don't make as many penos as typos.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I absolutely agree with you guys dahlianut and Cedar18
I have built quick reference sites for subjects I use a lot, so I don't have to be that "google, Bing" commercial..(which by the way is SO right on). The blog/diary is now my own garden Bible. http://davesgarden.com/community/blogs/m/rjuddharrison/
I too wanted all of the above!

(Zone 7a)

DG friends!!! I've made some wonderful friends here. You all are so wonderful.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Well the first thought was the forums.My favorites are Accessable Gardening and Pets. but i love Midsouth,All the beginner forums, I love the people i've met here. I also check out most all forums often. Love weekly letter, use plant files and trading,checking out garden companys.
Maybe a better question would have been. What do you not like about DG.- My answer. There is nothing i don't like about Daves Garden and i can find a little bit of favorite in all of it.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I voted for Plant Files, but really I use the discussion forums and enjoy my friends from all over the world. I also really enjoy the Journal and the Garden Watchdog. Though it wasn't mentioned, I find the address exchange very useful as well -- for trading.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Discussion forums! Northeast, MidAtlantic and a few others...
Plants Files, I do use everyday and Garden Watchdog is a must when checking out a new company.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)

I constantly refer to the Soil & Composting forum.

Crossville, TN

Friends I have made...and they are legions....Jo

Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

I love the forums, and of course the people, but you can find so much on DG! I wish I had the leisure time to read the newsletter more often, it's just chock full of great information, but I just don't have the time right now.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

plant files, garden watchdog and the id forum.....love them all!!!

i see someone beat me to it....glad to have yasir back in the fold!

This message was edited Sep 22, 2009 9:13 PM

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

The discussion forums followed by PlantFiles. I use both daily. I love my regional Mid-Atlantic forum and many of the plant specific forums. The Shade Gardening, Tree & Shrub, Perennial, Soil and Plant ID forums are also very helpful.

Millbury, MA(Zone 5a)

I joined for the info and plant ID's, but stayed for the people that I "met".

Gilroy (Sunset Z14), CA(Zone 9a)

Had to vote "none of the above" because I use ALL of the above!

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

The "SPIRIT" of DG is what I like the most. The generous, helpful, and informed folks sharing whatever it is that they know. Lots of good stuff to found around here.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I have to agree with you Sunshines2day, it is the "spirit" of DG that I find most pleasant. The rules that Dave made, though they chafe at times, require a civil atmosphere and encourage a fun loving one. That is hard to find on the internet and I truly enjoy chatting with people who aren't trying to one up me all the time. I have made many wonderful friends through DG.

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

I love the discussion forums especially the container garden. I get so many ideas from all the people over there especially KatG. My second favorite is the brugmansia forum.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Definitely discussion forums. I frequent the daylily forum every day. I love to share information to those who are new to daylilies and I like to gain information from those who have been into daylilies for many years.

I also voted the forums; I can mostly be found on the Florida, Plumeria and Tropicals forums, but venture into different areas from time to time.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

The discussion forums and my friends here at DG are really kinda inseparable. I don't log on without going to California Gardening. And I don't usually log on without seeing at least ONE dmail from a friend from some faraway place. Best 20 bucks I ever spent.

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

I voted DG friends from all over the world but there should have been one for "ALL OF THE ABOVE". I always use more than one every time I visit.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Yep, same here, love 'em all! But my favorite part is making the friends from all over. DG is the friendliest site I've ever found, and none of the rest would be good enough to keep me here if it wasn't that way. Thanks, Dave and staff!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O yes good point KyWoods! Thanks everso Dave and Admin for making and maintaining such a wonderful site!

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

That was a hard question because there's many features that I enjoy about Dave's Garden. I voted on Garden Watchdog because that's what lured me to this site and keeps me here.


I voted for 'worldwide friends' because of all those wonderful people I've 'met' at Dave's...... BUT....I like all of DG, I visit the discussion forums, photographs, plant and bird files and so many more, so would have liked to vote for ALL of it :)


Thumbnail by Terri1948
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh...the Discussion forums are my favorite....LOVE the Daylily and Lily forums. And of course that means you make great garden friends! And what do friends do but share their knowledge and plants and seeds!! But it really all of Dave's that is my favorite!

I chose 'None of the above'. I can't just pick one. All of them are important to me. : )

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Even though my favorite are the forums, I voted for the Plant files because they are so important to me. It's the first place I visit when I'm looking up info on plants.

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I voted for the discussion forums. If it has anything to do with growing food - I'm there.

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

I agree that there should be an ALL OF THE ABOVE category - it's ALL good & I use most of it on a daily basis! Samantha

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

OH! What to choose! They really should have a "all of the above" on the menu. I voted "seed and plant trading", but very much enjoy the PFs, pix and adding Pix.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Discussion Forums, Plant Files and my Friends on DG. But without the discussion forums I wouldn't have the friends and wouldn't have half as many things to search for on Plant Files.
My favs are:
Humming Birds and Butterfly Gardening
Texas Gardening

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ditto SheilFW about the "if I didn't have so many friends I wouldn't have half so many things to search on PF" ^_^

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