Roof photos today... or .......... Brugs Galore

Kerkdriel, Netherlands

Gordon you must have a lot of work to do! Are your plants already inside what you build. Or do you still have to bring everything inside.
You have a great rooftopgarden by the way. I also know a beautifull one in antwerpen in Belgium:
There was a movie somewhere of this garden, but I can't find it anymore. There are so little pictures here.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Oh...somewhere under100 blooms open the full moon.. got to arrange myself into wanting to bring them in... it is November

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

well.. the first ones are inside... just being out of the weather.. in a bit more warmth.. and mostly.. because they were real ready...some inside blooms
Leeuwtje.. thanks a real lovely link..I agree a lot more should be photographed.. and SHOWN
Thanks Clemen... and yes... it's a double..I'd show pictures... But...
ThanksVeronica.. it should beeven easier to heat than the last... when you close the door... you can feel the strong resistance as the air is compressed and pushes out the door.. got to paint the inside ..hang some art...
Thanks Charleen... yes if the creek don't rise
ThanksLinda...I'm trying to figure out a question.. perhaps how many will be out in the first frost.. I've got to get them in first...
WoodSirit... any photos... have they opened up yet... there still sometime here yet..
I know.. they also look sad..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

wonderfull blooms, bet they smell so good? Wish we could smell through this glass screen? LOL!
Keep up the great job!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Gordon, I bet you are ready for a little rest.. soon... you will be able to rest for at least a day or so.. those plants still outside look like they don't want to stop right now..
We are having October weather in November here, and had November weather last month.. go figure..

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I am amazed that you still have some outside in New York where here in Indiana we have had a couple of freezes that killed two of my Brugs that I had not gotten in yet , I was sure it would be OK but I was wrong, How do you get them all in, do you have a large room to put them in, It is a lot of work and I say every yearnot next year, but here I am again bringing them in and putting starts in water, I just love the doubles, and tripples so I am an eager beaver when I hear there are cuttings being given for postage.
Keep up the good work alwaays like to see your pictures.


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

It's hard to visualize any part of NYC without seeing the skyscrapers of Manhattan. It's hard to imagine normal neighborhoods with room to garden or have a greenhouse. I wish I knew the other bouroughs better. I can imagine only Manhattan and Yankee Stadium, lol.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Gordon, loved it. The Church in the background with the blooming Brugs are great. The churchbells ring too, don't they?
Helps to encourage the Brugs to bloom. How positively grand. They look sad after the front but we can always hope there is still life in those fantastic roots. Thank you Gordon for the pic.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I am amazed too, that they are still able to be outside! I brought my NOID in about 3 weeks ago.Those sure look cozy inside their winter home! You sure do have some beauties! I love the doubles!
What a wonderful haven you have created on your rooftop!

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Living in a big city can make a big difference in temperatures. Austin, located 55 miles northwest of me and in a difference Sunset Plant hardiness zone, can be 5 - 7ºF warmer because of all the concrete and asphalt.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)'s the room for this year... as it is filled now...and only a dozen or so brugs left to precess into it or send out .. maybe 80' in height worth of plants..yet to go
this year it's just foam pannels.. where last year the pannels were attached with metal studdng and the walls/ceilings were thickened to 2" foam.. up from
1 1/2 "which I had used with the metal studding.. this gives a wall/ ceiling R value of about
I should be able to heat it with a light.. but we'll use the heater from last year along with a light... and we'll recycle the walls into planters and garden accessories in the spring..and perhaps a ponds walls..and fountain..
The ceiling pannels are hung on a ridge beam.. attached at it's ends to the planters.. the buildng hangs on this and is held down with a floor of plants.. the blue foam doesn't have the light transmission the pink foam of last year did so I'll not have to coat it to keep it dark inside.. it has one big door this year..where last year there was a doubledoor.. the door uses some steel along the egde to provideattachmment of thedoor hardware.. and wood strips are used on the walls to keep the pannels working together in highwinds... we've had 40 mph winds so far..and brisk 35 mph winds in the rain storm a fewdays far so good

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

this is inside the building... a bit of a skyline mood lighting for the time I spend inside..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Just found this thread! You truly have a fantasy land on your rooftop. I'm really fascinated with your cool house!!!!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

gordon, it's all about the ambiance. :)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

love the view ;D

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I knew it would be great!!
glad it held up to the winds.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

yes.. today it's 56 outside.. and with just a light inside the room... it's 70.. not real good for dormant plants... but great for ripening the seeds on the iochroma... pleny of time to shut the light down and let it get cool..

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I think you need to hang Christmas lights inside and out! lol...Everything looks great. Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better every day.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Looks real good! Glad the wind has not moved it.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Good luck to your new design.I hope it stands up to the winds.

st catharines, Canada

Gordon Hawk , you are unbelievable, a truly very passionate man.
To bad you don't live closer, hahaha I'd move in to your garden


This message was edited Nov 16, 2009 7:22 PM

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Amazing again this year. I wish I could cram as many into such a small space as you but unfortunately I have to get around and water everything so frequently since we are so dry. My potting shed is about the same size but the sides are clear so everything continues to grow and my hibiscus bloom all winter for me!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

How are the brugs doing? I bet they are all growing so big?

Virginia Beach, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm just reading this thread for first time. Are all those plants really on
a rooftop? You would never think that. They are very healthy and
of course beautiful. I've got to check into that blue plumbago's, very

Mulberry, FL

Here it grows huge mines 3 ft tall and wide you can make a hedge out of it

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Linda Kay... yes they are growing big... inside and now a few are out.. the coool room is now called the greenhouse.. as a few weeks ago I put a 4' x 8 ' pannel of plastic.. cut into about 4 smaller pieces... pictured from above

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

thhe all foam house was a rousing success.... I'm always amazed when it works perfectly.. through out a windy wet cold winter ... winds over 40 + MPH on many occasions.. annd a few ft of real wet snow... just aces here for it... now I've cut the two holes in the roof in the last photo.. two for plastic in the sides.. and two more for venting... althoug on the first day of the plastic.. before the venting it was cold out.. but non the lesss it got up to 104*F inside that first day.. light and high heat... that first day... but they were wet enough and did real well... this is the plants as they were given light the first day... I've moved alll the little ones in one liter and two liter bottles from inside.. now potted into small pots .. into the greenhouse...
OH.. before the clear pannels went into the cool room... I'd been running a quartz worklight 24/7 for a month or so before..... so there's plenty of a result... a few brug flowers actually stayed on.. and the iochroma was so moved by the light .. it 's been blooming now for most of that month....

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Wow, glad to hear they survived, and all are doing well! Looks real nice!

Mulberry, FL

Gordon i have to take my hat off to you you really make the best of things. I can see why your plumeira never bloomed with that recipe you gave it too much good stuff to make it grow. Whats good for somes good for all but not all are not going to bloom lol To busy growing.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

so.. todays work is to start using some of the foam I cut out of the roof for a pond and fountain in a small corner of the roof..perhaps i'll get the raccoons to visit this year... without the pond last year i didn't see any... after the small pond and enclosing tropicl planter .. I'll make some seating and then other planters out of the foam as it gets cut up to make way for the spring.. now in full swing... wisteria blooming... the lilacs are flowering.. as is the columbines and the erica.. a heather type evergreen... love it now....blooming growing... ... everything goes out under a 40% shade cloth as a start on the outside.. usually I'd not put it up before the cool room was taken down.. but I found a new place for it and the early set outs... just the little ones... as they get tucked down out of the wind .. and somewhat sheltered .. by the cool room... here they are ..
the grass is always greener in the others yard... not here... between the spring ferts.. a winters spreading of alfalfa pellets... and come cow manure.. it's doing fine..thanks in a large part to the green roof syatem I put underneath last summer... it keeps all the wet from spring in a useable measure... but still giving little pockets for water storage...
I hope everyone managed to get some things through to spring... this might be the last spring for me here... so it's a full tilt .. full speed ahead .. planting/feeding push... for a knockout presentation ..sad as it is on one hand... I'm not letting it deter my pleasure in it

This message was edited Apr 14, 2010 9:51 AM

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

OH.. this is 1/2 of what's left inside.. the other 1/2 are at the other end [sunny ]....all of it goes up soon.. got some great flowerbuds on DayDreams... hope it makes the transition.. although I'd not really expect them to manage in such a new environment..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Carpe Diem, Gordon.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Gordon, did I miss a posting? Are you moving? Last spring there?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

perhaps LILI..that's what I've heard battered about... it seems like I'm to be moved onward...
but as the Chineese proverb goes... something like...
change is just another way of introducing opportunity
here's the lilacs.. they will stay

This message was edited Apr 14, 2010 2:43 PM

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh, love lilac. It's too hot here to grow.

May be a place with a yard....

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Mine are smelling so good, I have the old fashioned kind, but there are a bunch of other kinds around here I need to see if they smell as good, they are skinnier leaved and skinnier bloom heads and darker purple.. mine are true lilacks I will never let them go..
Gordon the seed you sent me is a bonifide plant now of the axel rose cross, and the other arborea seed is a nice sized plant now, can't wait to see them grow and bloom this year..
here is my lilac..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I had a beautiful LOOKING Lilac in my back yard but not that first smell, good, or bad, so finaly last fall I had it cut down, if I get another one I want you to smell it befor you see it.

What are you going to do with all your roof plants.

Mulberry, FL

If he can do that on a roof his yard would be awesome! It would be sad to leave but as he says one door closes another one opens

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Well.. this year is like every other ... new systems..plantings..I've started cutting the cool room up..and I've made a new corner pond with a planter in new electric lines run for the pump.. underwater lighting.. and the fogger.. which will make masses of fog waft out of the pond...across the roof.. and some seating of the foam.. got 2-3 dozen brugs planted out yesterday.. and another dozen or two to go into small planters sprinkled about.. I even treated myself to a lawn mower... a small push type... but it does so much better a job than hacking it alll with the string trimmer.. then the drip irrigation will get into place early this year... to avoid the problems with traveling.. I've a trip to mothers to get her brugs in place... and some kennel repairs.. she's still pumping out litters of her lovable coccers... and her bengal cats.. and her kennel has a wall leak... I don't know what I'll find there as I didn't build it for her... it got put in after I'd moved back to the city after building her house/greenhouse.. OH.. and perhaps gettting by the Jackson Lake ..AL/FLA brug gathering on the 8th of May
SO.. I found my chineese reference... the Chineese character for Chaos.. is made up of two characters.. one for danger.. and the other for oppertunity..
I was wondering how many brugs.. and tropical vines I could get to live on the deck of a cruising catamaran..
I've assorted extra brugs for
anyone wishing to drop by and take them home... no time for mailing ... and they are likely too big to make the trip anywhere in a box......also plumerias .. I can part with.. a few of them... the picture is the future hom of the fountain... if the sun comes out.. I'll show you what a difference a day can make..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

SOunds like your going to be very busy! Sure wish I was closer to get some of your brugs!
Enjoy your visit to your Mom's, and sure hope you can get everything fixed for her.
Don't work too hard.
Will be waiting for update pictures on the fountain.

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