Roof photos today... or .......... Brugs Galore

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

But i want one. I bet sonmeone is breeding
one right now as we live and breathe. Wouldn't
that be marvelous. Do they really have a red one?
I am new to brugs and have fallen in love with
their Quirky ways. It is such an interesting and
beautiful plant.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

there are near reds.. and some are red at particular times during their cycle of flowering..
if there gets to be a purple.. it will no doubt be a pastel first..I've seen some shimmering whites that seem to lean twards a pikish /blueish white..
If there gets to be a purpleish one.. I bet we see Brenda there with some of it...

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I can't get over the way mine comes out looking yellow and then "puff" it
is pink. It s an unusual plant. It has a lot of people committed to it. doesn't it?
Thank you, I really did think and WAS hoping for a purple Brug.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

I've 4 brugs and two datura in y local park.. a Star DAncer X and the Arboreaare blooming today... with budson the daturas... the othertwo might make ablooom. before frost... I'll beworking on overwintering these in the ground... cutting them down.. mulching heavily with leaves and bubble wrap.. we'll see what it's like here... Mother in north Alabama is in Zone 7 as am I... here in Brooklyn...most of hers comes back from the winter outside..we'll see

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

an over view... the front 1/2 of the garden...from15 ft above there's still alot of brugs that didn't make it in ..but are in the front 1/2 off to the left of the vield of view

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

down at ground level in the middle of the garden

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

central part of the back 1/2.. you can see the black roof/// pathway to the front... don't get lost

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I think I died and went to heaven. Your rooftop garden is beautiful.
Do you think the blue Cleredendrons would live here in Zone 7b (near Seattle)? I do have a small heated GH.

I am a newbie with Brugs. You are the King!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Well..Thanks Lynn.. I'm in zone 7 here also.. I have to bring them inside..your greenhouse sounds fine if it's kept above freezing all the time..this goes for your brugs as well...

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Goodness , gracious, that is a most fantastic Brug collection Ihave
ever seen. I saw the little varigated leaf too, beautiful.What is the name
of the delicate peach color in the pic? Beautiful.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

What a beautiful garden you have, Gordon.The picture of the peach IS lovely.I'd love to have a wallpaper border in that design!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Dee & Charleen... well glad you like the peach colored one... to me it's about orange but it looks somewhat different and lumineous photographed from the lounge underneath it... with the sunshinning through it... The loungeisa nice place to lay and look up into the blooms..and smell them from right up close while resting in the evening .....Sorry I didn't post it's name..I thought I'd downloaded a picture of it before ... but I remember now it hadn't loaded right one night .. and I didn't go back and redo it then...
It's Sweet Heart X Cassies Curls a seedling this spring... from seeds of Fred's
It is lovely... what I like about it most... along with it's clear even color of about orange... is it isn't recurved on the blooms edges... the tendrals stick out strongly to the side.. showing them off to best advantage.. rather than curling up here's another photo of them

This message was edited Oct 5, 2009 12:58 PM

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

in the last photo you cansee what I mean about recurving... SweetHeart X Cassiescurls has tendrals sticking right out straight.. while the pink one next to it....Mounain Treasure has a recurved flower... and the tendrals are bent back with the open skirt of the flower... here's another... is where you'll find Fred and his Brugs although the link doesn't work for me today

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Gordon, that is very cool! I don't think I've seen another one like that, where the tendrils stick out instead of recurving.But, I am new. I love plants with unique features! Gonna go see if I can get to Thanks..

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I like that bloom, it is very "laid back"

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

yes.. it's a strong flower.. that holds up well...

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Gordon, it looks like you and Fred have a winner there. I love the color as well. I'm a sucker for colors other than pink. Don't get me wrong I love the pink ones as well, but there are lots of pink ones and we need some other colors to balance it out. Does it have a good strong fragrance?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, my Gosh. that is just Beautiful. So now Gordon, you goin to have us laying down to take pic of the Brug. How neat.
I have one I nearly needed a ladder to take pictures. that is so pretty with the back drop of Double skirted ones in background to set it off.
they are all so beautiful. Do you leave any out in the winters up there? I would be afraid to. I dn't have a greenhouse but I have an extra bathroom I'm going to put mine in. do I just back off watering them?

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Gordon, you must have an awesome deck. Your flowers are just beautiful. Getting them ready for winter?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

well...thhanks Lili...Yikes...gee...winter ... again.... I've a new foam building I'm trying to design for immediate construction for overwintering dormantly outside.. no steel in it this year... just curved foam sides and roof.. lest years foam house was recycled into foam planters to replace the green wood 2 x 12" things that had got so heavy with wet soil in them for decades....

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Now, that is a beutiful view. I see some of your brugs down in a corner.
Are you cutting your brugs back now? How long do you have til
frost hits? do you have you a chair out there so you can go out and
enjoys your brugs with a cup o' Coffee?
Beautiful, thanks for the pictures.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

LOL! you and your winter buildings. So funny! We can't wait to hear all about them. :)

Hamilton, OH

I have went back too see that view, it's spectacular, I could only imagine, being there, with those wonderful Brugs, you have done an amazing job with those, thank you for sharing

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Thanks Elizabeth...
Lili..yes thebuildings are a bit silly.. I could buy all new brugs for the cost of the buildings..much less the labor.. but some I have are never offered as plants.. so if I want to continue them it's the only way... there's only so much room below the garden.. [ same living space as the garden..] I can't bring it all inside with me. or it would look just like upstairs.. ok for me... but I bet I'd get complaints... well.. more than I already get.. and I already give out GPS units for guests to get about the house.. through the jungle maze.. mmmmm make the next left into the bathroom...
Charleen... ues..there's spots to sit in.. but with so many.. as soon as I sit down with the coffee.. I hear them yelling out to me ..for more water.. give us food... help.. I have catapillars... OH.. take off my yellow leaves... yes it rained.. but we still need more water.. nothing could hit our pots.. with them below all the leaves.. it's more of a botanical research station.. than a lounging or entertaining garden.. although it's great for sleeping in..I bet there's a dozen spots I've fallen asleep in .. insominacs don't work enough... we're not cutting back quite yet... warmth holds off a bit here... being so close tothe ocean.. I have another few weeks after the subburbs get cool..
Here'sanother aerial viewbut a bit closer for more brug viewing

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Oh.. we got 50 MPH winds across the roof yesterday... and then in the midst of the big winds... BUZZZ ........ FireDepartment...
Nice I was home painting the inside... OH it's your yearly inspection time... they were inpressed.. as we walked through in the wind... lots of things blown over... almost us also...but there was still a maintained look to it... their only concern was to note that there was a green roof... [ a section of lawn ] and they would have difficulty in cutting through the roof to ventilate if there was a fire... they would have to get the smoke out by doing in the skylights... and the roof doors... just so they would know that ahead of time then.. although... it 's been much like this for 10+ years now... but the green roofs now seem to have earned a space in their exception files..of late.. now that they are catching on..
in the photo.. yes there's the lawn... and another sleeping spot... about 7 o ' clock in the picture.. a cushon from a chase lounge.. and a pile of pillows... are under there..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Those are such great pictures. It is neat the way you have everything set up.
You have a beautiful view of the city, then you have the beauty of the Brugs
and other flowers to enhance it even more. How wonderful.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I think it's a wonderful thing to have such a beautiful garden with such limited space. Do you ever get to view other rooftop gardens in NY or in your area? I'm sure there is a 'network'. I can't imagine why anyone would complain when you could add some pretty green to the concrete.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I agree

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Breathtaking as ever Gordon.....I never get tired of looking at your rooftop pictures. I was amazed the first time I seen your rooftop in a brugmansia magazine several years ago, and still get amazed with each new picture I see. I think your one of the best brug growers around to have achieved such beauty of tropical plants in zone 7, on a rooftop :) Keep those pictures coming.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Well I would say that is one GORGEOUS tropical NYC garden!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Absolutely stunning, Gordon. Love seeing your beautiful Brugs & other plants too. You truly have your own paradise on your rooftop. Have 6 Brugs.....all yellow. Dr. Suess. Was supposed to have a collection of 1 white, 1 pink & 1 yellow from Direct Gardening.
Beautiful plants, wonderful flowers & the yellow does show up well. I scatter them around the yard cause it sure is a lot of yellow. Your different colors are so pretty. Got some seed I'm going to plant this winter & maybe by spring I will have different colors. Something to look forward to. Will be watching to see your winter preparations for your beauties. Really enjoyed reading about last year's foam house. Where there's a will there is a way. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Brugs.


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Ok..Mountain Magic X Miss Emily McKinzey...SO... these photos are taken a few days apart..
first the before picture

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Thisismy lovely Miss cross a few days after the first photo...
we're down to one flower...and almost no leaves...
What happened...welll daysof high a brug that was getting the full force of it.... sticking up above the fence...barrier... like she was....
winds that were prolonged over 50 miles an hour...
I guess on the other hand...she's still doing great..
If I was out in it for as long as she was...I'd be feeling the ravages of it also..
but howelse would I knowthat it was getting time to move them inside...
well perhaps the frigid cold would help me figure it out there

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Well. ir was beautiful. Now you have a skeleton brug.
How Holloweenish can you get? Happy Belated birthday too,
while I'm at it.
Guess you have been cleaning up the mess. I was wondering
where you were. I guess you have a fence up there to keep the plants
from blowing off, don't you?/ Thankfully, it works.

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Good to know it can take a licking and keep on ticking. I am not really patient with frail or needy plants.

Those peachy roses are beautiful!!

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)


I need some expert advice, the temps hit 29° here this morning and there was some frost. Do you think its still okay to take cutting from this Brug or should I just pitch it in the compost. I have several that look like this one but some that are not as bad.

Thumbnail by DONNA_11
South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

This is about the best of the bunch!

Thumbnail by DONNA_11
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

MMMMM Donna... looks like it was cool there... the harder wood should still be just fine... although it too is likely thinking of drainning back the life juices.. least it happen again... I'd take cuttings as fast as possible... of the browner wood...
the roots and plants in general should be ok.. they might loose the tips though.. but your ground was warmer.. and the liquid in the plants were that temperature mostly...the thin leavs and tips might have got colder.. and might not make it.. we'redoing ok as far a stemps go sofar... frost warnings in the burbs though here.. we're weeks later with the ocean..
I've some here for you you know... are you traveling..

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)


I appreciate you take the time to answer and it is about what I though. I will try and get some cuttings from the lower parts of them. I didn’t see the frost warnings last night and because I am only 6 miles up from the ocean I didn’t think it would happen here quite yet, it usually keeps us safe for a little longer. I’m not up to traveling, I’ve been in and out of the hospital more than I’d like and the steroids they use to get me better play havoc with the muscles in my back. I was trying to get that last bloom cycle in and then I only planned to taking cuttings this year because the plants are now too heavy for me to bring inside. I hope your babies are safe for the next few weeks or until you get your shelter built. It was such a shame what the wind and cold temps did you Mountain Magic X Miss Emily McKinzey she is a beautiful brug.



Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Gordon, has anyone ever made a slowmotion picture of a Brug opening?
I asked Dee and Elizabeth, but we have never seen one. Have you?

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