Roof photos today... or .......... Brugs Galore

Kansasville, WI(Zone 5a)

Gordon, is that you standing in front of the seedling, looking so dashing???

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

OH>>Crazy... why yes it is me... that's just the way it is in life.. make of it what you will..
MMMM dashing... well thanks..
I'm still awaiting the blooms on the seedling... but I'll post the latest blooms of My Best Noid like me... still managing somehow to keep pumping it out.. It started the season as a standard.. but I let a lower limb go...this is the lower 1/2 .. the tall standard part is blooming out in the same wonderful manner..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Remind me of Crocodile Dundee of the Brug Kingdom. I love the varigated leaves on that one
brug . Does your leaves have much of a change in colors? Got these two Brugs this summer.
They have grown a lot. I transplanted them to the pots they are in. One on the left side is dark green, one on the
Right is lighter. Feed and water the same but this is the result. Do you have any plants that do this??
Love all the blooms fantastic. This is my first full year of growing and loving Brugs. They are all NOID.
but they are great.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Crocodile.. MMM that's the second time this week and 100's of times overall..someone has mentioned that to me... you're in plenty of company there.. all my different lines booked their own passage into SC from 1750 to the early 1800's I guess before they were forced to make the later austrailian captive ships..
This is MonAmour de Muriel X Susanne
She's sitting in her container.. up on top of the roof's one of my most exposed positions.. hince her slightly battered look.. but she's strong... and usually held in place by the morning glories encircling her

This message was edited Sep 26, 2009 9:56 PM

This message was edited Sep 26, 2009 9:57 PM

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

this one is Rubiline X Vickie's Vision ...

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Nice twangers!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

This one is perhaps not as elevated.. but as exposed as MAM X S is.. but her thick wayx flowers are as pristine as a more sheltered plant ...
It's a cross here... Jolie X ?

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Gordon so how many of these beauties do you have?? I remember trying to guess in a

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Yes indeed kim.. put that one on your cut to/go list ...
This is a real heart break.. such possibilities...
Magic Mountain X Miss Emily Mckinzie nothing like either parent.. I can only imagine I got mislabled seeeds or a genetic throwback or I've mixed them up... but it does make flowers
real well.. and grows up strong..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Oh..I only know how many when there's a census.. [ none wants to be a census taker this week ] then it changes... thankfully some get to go to happy families.. I watch them .. on visits..and then they come.. I just took in a dozen or two from everyone at the roundup in Mexico, NY ..
this is another one of a more developed Serendipity X Peanut
It is such a soft happy looking one

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Don't think a doing brug census would be painful for me lol!!! The list grows longer with each of your pics ; } What's a girl to do????

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Well Kim.. from observation... they all have a different way of deciding that question..
So.. this picture is so there's one included in each post.. just a slew of buds now.. on Peach Parfait...AKA Maya..a real favorite here..
This post for those following this thread and is about pruning.. and " Y " development.. I wonder if the starting of the second main shoot is a result of there being too much of one chemical... or too little of the other.. but it seems to be the driving key to when and where our brugs do start to " Y " ...

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Very interesting article.
My Maya is a mere skeleton...the bugs had there way with her : (

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

I love your plants and your pic, too. Everything is growing like it is happy.

I just really love the healthy green on the leaves.

Nice job. Do you sing to your plants?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Great pictures there Gordon, I hope you get some good crosses this year with so many blooms going on. I am wondering when you will move everything in from the roof?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

well here's a city gardening link.. you see we're not only set upon by the six legged sucking ..chomping scum animals... but we've the two legged ones also...and it's not much different forowners as it is for renters...

MYSELF>>> About 14 years ago I was given citations for ilegal plant storage... and after a series of 5 appearances before a judge... each time with a higher level person from the buildings department... to oppose me on a pile of possible violations which they were sure I'd quallify under for ..wit the goal of having it removed .. I finally prevailed and had it dismissed... after an appearance by the inspector... all fine and dandy.. well the same time I was given my violaton ....the next concectivly numbered citation was awarded to the bank.. which carried my note then ... [ information provided by the scum lawyer who calledthem to begin with ] ... since the bank had no desire to appear ... and they surely didn't want me to appear in any legal action for them... I paid the fine...
$1,400.00 butthat was 14 years ago... so it was a small price to have a dismissal which has them less likely to write it again.... and a cleared slate...
well since this is the pinticle blooming day of the year... just a quick picture and up for the good ones..back on later with the overall view of perhaps thousands blooming at once

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Tatiana... a Big beauty... thanks Donna B

This message was edited Sep 28, 2009 1:23 PM

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Is that Sun Spot with the almost red blooms? I don't quite understand why you had to pay the $1,400.00 and what the bank had to do with it.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Gordon, same question from me. why the fine?
I adore the white which you say is good candidate for color crossing.
I am so proud to know the dashing man that grows incredible brugs in NY rooftop.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

looking to the front

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Man alive! If that isn't paradise, I don't know what is. You are the king, Gordon. Seriously.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Phyllis... King...well how sweet... Seriously...oh Dear... well more photos to come... you understand.. I'm scarcely the king of prompt returns... your wild datura seed will go out today I promise... now how hard can it be to take them out of a bucket and put it in a provided envelope...Sorry's always a pleasure to hear from you... or run into you at the gatherings.. did you say that about the dashing man growing plumerias also.. how are yours doing... mine are always too big.. and flowering too little..growing too heavy.. and never smeling as great as the brugs..
Veronica... RED ?? well it's an early form of the flower.. about the second day it looks like that.. it's another picture of Gordon's Best NOID.. I've never hadaSun it isn't that one.. Ican't et anyone to step up and tell me yup.. it lookslike mine.. I gave you a _ _ _ _and that's it ..
Gordon's Best NOID is it for the last few years.. it does go through some color changes though... which brings great interest to it..

for Neary and Veronica... The fine...well as I was trying to say..
the inspector shows up.. and for the same offence.. he wrote two tickets... one to me and one to my lein holder... my bank..[ like getting a speeding ticket to your lisense .. and another ticket to the bank holding the note on the car for the samme infraction... right ... ??? ] I could and did appear for my ticket..and got it dismissed after a pile of appearences... now the bank has no interest in appearing.. as it was a bigus ticket written to a party not involved... but still given to my building as if they were. the lawyers who do realestate stuff... andgot the inspector there to begin with..prompted a ticket being written to the bank.. to pressure me from another direction.. Icouldn't appear for their ticket.. as I wasn't them.. and they hadno interest in appearing either...andwould havemoved to remove me before doing their ticket wasstil on the books... the lawyers were pressureing me to have the slate cleared...the only way to comply was to remove the violation and have it reinspected.. Paying the fine closed the open file.. and left it cleared...
I complained to the buildingsdepartment that two tickets to two diffrent people for the same offence..written at the same time was illegal.. and unfair.. the building department response was to tell me... " If you want fair go to a ball game.." [ meanning baseball.. fair or foul.. ]
IMHO...>>> fair occours there... but not in dealing with the city ..or any govrnmental facility for that matter... get the government out of the lives of people... no more constitutional rewordings for their own personal development... [ emn;argement ] shrink it ... put the savings of the downsizing to better use providing for what's needed...
So I paid the fine.. not cheep or easy.. and at such an inflated arbitrary ammount $1400.00
I spent hours in the 50th floor glass walled conference the firm of a high end lawyer/friend..speaking to the firms real estate head... for free... trying to come up with a plan... our methods got me off my ticket... but once a ticket is issued... only the one issued it can appear to present any motion for that ticket... and the bank had their own things to do... and don't ever think the bank is in it with you... [ like the government... they are in it to enlarge their position in every thing they do...] and they want governmental health care... I paid the fine on advice of counsel..not bad prorated .. $100/year so far... and it goes down every year.. what other monatary dealing with the government goes down so steadly..and I have the dismissal ..and my national wildlife habatat certification to combat the next one
the front of the garden...pictured here
plant storage... do they know what it takes to do this anywhere pooey.. ya.. they were dumped and forgotten...

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Engelstrumpet X Fleur Lilac 1... [ the pink ] ... with Ludgers Summer Dream

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

My most Lilac one this year.... [ at least the most pastel ] pink or white... love the green with it...

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh how beautiful!

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

I love clicking on this and seeing the growing and blooming plants. Beautiful.

As far as the seed goes, I just reckoned you were busy in the garden. (Like me!)

This message was edited Sep 29, 2009 8:41 AM

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I am in awe here Gordon, eveything looks spectacular, Congrats!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

well thanks Clem...
so it's got to be on the back side of yachting season.. and it's high flower time here... get it together... and why don't ya'll drop in for aviewing... I heard every year there was that chance... there might not be anotherto worry about... but this year it's spectacular.. day or night ... from tomorrow through Sunday works here... you can't be all tied up forever... can you... plenty of cutting material... and full sized plants.... available to attendees..
so this picture is illustrative... yes I know it's hard to fit things in... but it can also happen

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Eupora, MS

Gordan..still don't understand what kind of crime you were committing...having a beautiful rooftop garden...more people should have Europe they build flat roofs and have moss growing on them among other things I'm sure...that is crazy to me...maybe I haven't had enough coffee this morning..if the government would concentrate on things that really mattered...

Carolyn ( cool and beautiful here in Montevista this morning)

Hi face book buddy!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hey trouble maker Gordon, lol, you are really bad tempting me...YES boating season is almost done, but I have not even been at my place in a while..since college girl is taking all of our time...well you are bad, OK let me see what I can do, not this week though, it is full!

Carolyn, NY is unique and different, what can I say. Once you get a complaint from a neighbor, OMG you better be nice to them, lol! I live in an incorporated village and I am nice to the ones aounrd me, IF not...uhmmmm will get a fine just like Gordon. The one I got at my summer place costs us $10k, do not ask why, lol, but I did have to get an architech and a contractor to fix he problem in a house that I had JUST bought..All because of a DARLING neighboor, lol!

Eupora, MS

OMG..guess being in the country has some advantages.


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Yes.. in society... as it has [ over ] developed.. one is just a phone call away from a visit from authorities.. but one can also make it work for themselves.. like in the case of an elderly gangster personality .. too old to till his garden.. or chop his wood... gave an annonomyus call to the authorities.. tipping them off to the possibility of there being a body burried in his back yard... possibly connected to the smuggling done where items were smuggled about inside some oak loggs on his property.. he was happy to find on his return from vacation.. his back yard all dug up.. and his wood chopped into small pices..
Well hundreds of blooms.. opened together.. and scarcely a smell of brugmansia.. as last night.. the aroma of the night blooming jasmine from the large bush was so over powering .. only when you were close to a large brug display could you detect it..
OH>. Clemthat was a 10 grand fine.. or you had to put 10 into the work.. either way a tough swallow.. but perhaps you got some value from your outlay..
Carolyn.. well being so high there in Montevista.. the brugs must like it being a bit cooler there... a lovely place indeed... I'm looking foward to a return.. to visit all my departed Lovett kin resting there.. and the others as well.. Guess I have to pull out three weeks for visiting about.. perhaps after fall.. and before winter..
here's the edge ofthe jasmine.. a few days before flowering..
to the left of Maya/Peach

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Eupora, MS

We have cooled down..but just a few days ago..although we didn't have the hot hot summer we usually have and had an unusual abundance of rain...of course we had our overwhelming humidity that made it seem so hot..guess that's living in the south.


Watertown, NY

Gordon, your pictures are just wonderful. I think i need to come visit you next year.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

hi Brenda.. OH..... visit anytime... this one was a blow out year.. some 80' of brug hedge.. a brug every two feet.. and then the interior ones... .. every year it's different.. I don't know that it will be as intensive here... next year... lots will be given away this year... to make way for new ones... only a few seedlings didn't bloom.. and there's still.. time for them.. so perhaps mostly seedlings next year.. as the excitment of something different poping through .. is alot of the fun here. and I'm perhaps somewhat overloaded. so maybe a smaller effort then .. but upping the unknown factor.. and with some first year seedlings at 10 ' now... I have to watch what I feeed them.. I'm still toying with what to do with them this winter... the expense of building a foam house.. then tossing it weighs heavily... I'd go to a hoop house... but the difference in that... and the heat for it with an " R " factor of maybe 3 compared to the foam with a " R " rating of perhaps 12... I ' m paying almost nothing to heat it.. with no blow out issues like with the poly film ... it's just the cost is high... but the material research is informative... This years foam house will have no metal in it... just layers of foam... for a 12' x 12' structure.. in a modified quanset shape... with built up straight lower walls... for edge height.. so the foam in the spring will be of little useability... unless I want a series of curvd planters somewhere.. this year I replaced all of my heavy 2 x 12 green wood planters with planters using foam from last years building.. so I didn't feel too bad tossing alot of the metal and unused foam.. i must say the foam planters held up realwell... no edge cracking or deflection by the stuffed roots..
SO given I could buy all new exotic rooted cuttings in the spring... for the price I pay for a building maybe I'll just overwinter a couple of big ones and some little ones inside... and cut the ones I live with down by 1/2... it's been quite full inside... as most of what's in the phots comes inside and it is where I live too.. I've grown to enjoy the open spaces here... and I've just repainted a lot of the house... taken off the recipe's molasses overspray off the walls.. I've been overwintering myself in ward # 3 of the Court Gardens Botanical Research's enough I run 1600 watts inside 14 hours a day for them ..
but to go out tonight.. and enjoy the blooms of so many... Priceless...
and after all it's only money... So...what's my problem...
OH.. got a few blue butterflies rooting out for you.. if some take I'll send you some... otherwise look for a big box of cuttings.. come the first frost days

This message was edited Oct 2, 2009 8:34 AM

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Watertown, NY

Gordon, I have come back and looked t your pictures several times. I do have to say, the first picture, the beutiful white I do not think is super nova. It is actually much more beautiful then any blooms I have ever had on super nova. My SN was about 8 feet tall until a few days ago when we cut it way back to bring it in for winter.

You sure have done a wonderful job with the ones you have.

I will welcome blue butterfly cuttings, it has been a quest of mine for two years now. That one and the elusive purple brugmansia. LOL

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

There is a purple Brug. Oh, what is the name?? Please.
I love purple and orange. White , pink, yellow, hey!!!
think I love them all.
You do have some Beautiful Brugs, Gordon.
Thanks for showing.

Watertown, NY

That was a joke, there are no purple brugmansia

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