Extending Where's Catscan to Whirly Purly & Dahlia's Flock

Clarkson, KY

ooooh, Dahlin'.....so sorry.....hopefully greener pastures for them...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm afraid they are going to bomb them in their house. DH insists that they will 'humanely' trap them but I'm scared not cuz you can't get a trap near their house. No room. Thanks everso for the kind words Cousin Nut specially when they are a dangerous flock at your place.

Clarkson, KY

well....I would not, could not offer them a home here...but it's not personal...yet.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh NO! Not a forced flock eviction! I'm soooo sad! That is tragic. What if the babies don't all come out. They still need Pepperminty milk I bet. Poor little things - don't let them take her away without taking her little 'uns.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Dahilia they will bait the trap and the little stinky will just walk into the cage. LOL

I had a break through on my relearning to crochet-I was at Micheal's looking for a book on Granny squares and fount that they carried "the crochet lite" http://www.herrschners.com/Product/LightUp+Crochet+Hooks+Set+of+9.aspx I get one and it is much easier to use than a regular hook. Still can not crochet for long but was able to work longer than I had been able and it was easier.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

No worries dear Dr. Doolotz I shall insist they take the whole fam and adopt them out as a fam: Peppy Le Peu, Peppermint, Apple Blossom, Muffette and Stinky. (Note: Babiez Apple Blossom, Muffette and Stinky may not exist as I have not seen them but it just feels like there should be babiez). Besides maybe the Chicken Police will be too busy arresting chickens and reindeers and won't have time to capture my skunk flock. I need to create a diversion methinks.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Can you attract some reindeer to your yard, and perhaps they will get so busy removing the reindeer they will forget the flock? Perhaps a few elk as well? I know there are elk in your general area. I have seen them. Looming, large, lovely elk. Can you drink elk melk, I mean milk? I suggest that you offer bribe payments in the form of fresh peaches to the elk and reindeer, in exchange for them creating a diversion in the yard.

I feel quite sure that there are babiez. Oh, perhaps you could send the fam to ZZ. She will be on the road so it won't matter if they pfft. I think Stinky is my favorite baby, but they are all cute, even if they don't actually exist.

Wren, the light-up crochet hooks are awesome! Too funny! Kelly is going to try making me some wooden hooks. They are supposed to be very comfortable. If he does a good job at it, I can send you one for testing.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Brilliant idea! I will ask Santa to loan me some reindeers. Elks are not trustworthy at this time of year though. They are going into the snorty stage and are only interested in hankypanky and would forget the diversion plan. I'm thinking an attack on the Chicken Police Station by some honking, biting, pooping big Canadian gooses might work well too. I just happen to know some Canadian gooses. I will ask them.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank that would be great.

I am working on a poncho just straight double and triple stitches nothing fancy yet, just working on straightening my hands.

Richmond, TX

Diversion? Let us all help! We're good at diversions, distractions, delusions, derision, dispersion, division.....and diversion!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I could send you Andre he would have them so busy playing with him they would forget why they where there. LOL

Thumbnail by wren107
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

We're even good at diverticulation.

I have a Canada goose in my yard. It was a rescue. I can ask it if it would like to participate in the divestiture. Good point on avoiding the snorty elks and elkettes. I also have a Sebastopol goose that can honk in Russian and confuse everybody during the derivation and discombobulation.

Oh, Marshmallow wants to help.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Can Marshmellow run really fast or bite? All the helpers must be able to escape the clucks and clutches of the Chicken Police themselves too! Maybe I could ask some horses and cows to do a good ole fashioned stampede through the streets. That would work and the Chicken Police could never catch them.

Lodi, United States

I've heard a rumour that Farm Town is looking for some new "livestock". Maybe a re-homing opportunity there?

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I hear that farmville has loose cows looking for homes..

Clarkson, KY

{{{She adds Farmville to the mix?!! Will our poor wayward flock EVER be gathered back together??!! sob }}}

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

repeat.. I DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN FARMVILLE hehehe.. really I don't ask anyone..

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Farmtown is much much better... I usually forget I have Farmville set up. :) Now who plays vampire wars... i want in on that one.

Clarkson, KY

ugh...Tried farm town at lil brother's behest. Lost and broke...ugh again...waay too much trouble...

Lodi, United States

I love vampires, but my boss frowns when I game all day....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I play Vampire wars, Castle Age, Mafia Wars, Robin Hood (I really need army members in that one), Underworld, City of Ashes, Mousehunt, Farm Town, Farmville, Roller Coaster Kingdom, Farm Pals, Fairy Land, Pirates, YoVille, Calvin Coconut Island, Viking Clan, Bloodlines, and Barn Buddy.

My faves are Mousehunt, Mafia Wars, Farm Town, and Calvin Coconut Island. Maybe Fairy Land too.

no, I'm not addicted, why do you ask?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL so does my boss... But we have high speed internet at work..

Thanks for all the well wish's, I am sure I will be just fine. Day two of the yucky stuff tonight, this morning I could wake up, guess I needed the sleep.

Frans, find someone that has an old rope you can learn with. I know they are expensive, but when I learned it was on a old rope broke in, they did not use anymore. Some ropers will throw away ropes, just cause they cant catch or they kink up, they are great to learn on.

I have bought 2 ropes for Billy, his first which was soft kids first rope and that was 13 bucks. Then I bought him a real kids rope that was 15 bucks... My pink rope was 45...LOL still have my old broke in friend, that I pull out when I am having a bad day..
Learn to rope from the ground, until you can throw 25 times and catch (in a Row) then try from a fence post or something higher before you get on a horse.. Trust me.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL Claire...

Lodi, United States

Claire--I just happened to notice on another thread that will not be named here, that you have a slow download at home...so where exactly do you do all this gaming...Hmmm?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I do it at home, slowly. I crochet while I wait for things to load. Or I spin. My wheel is beside my desk. I support my habits carefully.

Clarkson, KY

Oh my...such diligent pursuit of ???...erm...

Lodi, United States

I remain suspicious....according to my sons and every computer salesman I have ever encountered, speed is necessary for successful gaming, and you, above many, do things with enthusiasm and full participation (remember not so long ago when you were stressing about getting a chicken or two)...so I ask again, WHERE do you game?

{{{Can anyone hook her up to a polygraph?}}}

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL she sure can multi task...

For sale one cowboy comes with own horse and saddle, 4 hens one rooster and a collection of Transformers Oh and one 2 year old Blue Heeler...

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh, the Facebook games are not like the RAM-heavy online games. They are quick and relatively low memory. They are not too complex. I would never play some of the more graphic-heavy games here, it would be impossibly slow. My computer has good gaming capacity, but not for online gaming, because of my satellite hookup.

I can't game anywhere else because at work, we are banned from certain types of sites, and if the words "game" or "lingerie" or "facebook" etc show up in a site, we are blocked from it, so seriously, I cannot game at work.

However, i can use DG and Ravelry...

{{{can you guys believe she doesn't think I'm telling the truth? The NERVE!!}}}

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Speaking of doing things with enthusiasm, I opened an Etsy shop on the weekend.


Lodi, United States

OOOoooooo! Neat!

Who makes the wood and cork trivet? And what is the thing next to it?

I never don't believe you, Moxie....I do suspect a degree of healthy self-delusion.

We have a similar repressive filter at work....can you believe we can't even get on eBay?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks! Kelly (DHIW) makes the trivets. I just drink the wine to supply him with corks. The thing next to it is a white ceramic vase shaped like a branching trunk, with a bird on it, that I thought looked nice in the photo with the woodsy items. It does say in the description that the vase is not included. The vase came from Crate & Barrel so it's nothing special or handmade.

Me? Self-deluded? Gasp....

Ooooh, we can still get on eBay, although that, too, can be addictive. Especially for eggs...

Lodi, United States

The probem with waiting until late in the day to check eBay for eggs, is that one's defenses are down......

DHIW? Dear Husband in Waiting? Dear Housemate is Wicked? Dumb He-Man is Wailing?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Ohhh wooow is me.. I love the shop, and well to be honest I would buy the yarn but do nothing with it... I did not see any scarves or socks for sale on there???maybe (Hopefully) (Really hoping) in the near future??

Lodi, United States

Moxon's Sock Tutorial is on the way to Iowa--I would not buy the first few socks.......

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Claire did you tell Laura (On Facebook) about your shop? she wants to buy some yarn

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

To be honest, if they keep my feet warm, I would not care what they looked like...Might even hang one up for Santa Claus to Fill...LOLOL

Richmond, TX

Miss J I can't afford your well equipped cowboy, but he sure is cute! (If you read this with him say "handsome")

Mox: "Etsy shop"? What does that mean? Love the wools.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catscan - yes, Dear Husband-in-Waiting (until I'm finished law school and have the time to plan some sort of silly wedding business, although really, what difference does it make).

MissJ - hoping for scarves and perhaps baby booties sooner than socks. Socks are difficult. As Catscan says, the first few socks will not be saleable. They may end up as donkey ear warmers. We must be patient with me. And when I say "we", i include myself!

I need to figure out how to promote the shop on FB. Baby steps...(in booties)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

He says thank you..LOL he is having a blast with the bubble gun I bought him... it is battery operated so I dont have to blow them...

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