Extending Where's Catscan to Whirly Purly & Dahlia's Flock

Clarkson, KY

heh...heh...heh...when ya think how special Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum felt for just being two....myomyomy...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

And Moxon 6 has the mst wonder farm on facebook... (Could not resist)

Lodi, United States

ZZ has gone over to the dark forces of Farm Town. For which I blame Moxon ( A wholly owned subsidiary of Moxon and Moxon and Moxon etc.) who introduced the innocent and obsessive ZZ to her ultimate doom....

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Moxon, Moxon, Moxon, Moxon Moxon and Catscan I am alive.. I am a pretend farmer who has a space to run to where I can hide in the trees and no one can see me. I bought my second house the other day and I'm over the top thrilled with it.

I am here hanging my head in shame as I have abandoned DG for FarmTown.

Not to mention the drama at work and total panic as count down to blast off commences.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ohhhh ZZ! So glad to see you haven't been abducted by water buffalo.

You have waaaay too much time to spend on FarmTown!! Too funny. I keep hoping you will be on when I need a harvester but you never are. Sigh. I haven't got anything growing right now. Not enough time to play lately.

Moxon, Moxon and Moxon think you should spend more time on DG.

Moxon and Moxon, on the other hand, think you're probably better off practicing for the future on Farm Town.

Moxon, Moxon, Moxon, Moxon and Moxon have conspired to lure Catscan into a new Colour Swap on Ravelry.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Is this like the Sybil thing happening? Can I be a harvester? I've always wanted to use one of those sickles. O wait I'm in Fairyland not Farmtown. And why is MissJestr knitting a horse when she already has a luvly one already? I'm soooo confused. Luv the new yarn Moxons+moreMoxons. A sparkly touque perhaps?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Dahlia (even though I'm not speaking with you until you divulge foot size), Fairyland is also a Facebook application in which you have a little garden and you can water your plants and put out food trays for mice and squirrels.

MissJ is knitting a horse....
she knitted the horse to catch the cow,
she knitted the cow to catch the goat,
she knitted the goat to catch the dog,
she knitted the dog to catch the cat,
she knitted the cat to catch the bird,
she knitted the bird to catch the spider
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her,
She knitted the spider to catch the fly,
but I don't know why she knitted the fly,
I guess she'll cry....

Clarkson, KY


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Multiplied-to-the-power-of-10-times-psi-Dr. Dolotz each of my feets are exactly one dahliafeet long (I'm sure that's in my vital stats somewhere on here). Can you flit in the facebook Fairyland? I can flit and flutterby and sometimes bumble in my Fairyland. Did I mention that I will be wearing sparkly wings when I dance for the Autumn Equinox in Sept? I must create a new dance which includes much flitting and flutterbying to show them off. Cousin Nut I think anew waissail is in order for this special celebration ^_^

Clarkson, KY


Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh Claire, I laughed so hard I had tears.. I only wish I could knit a stitch... or a scarf for that matter. Someone knitted my kids Christmas stockings the first year they we were out here in AZ. every year I pull them out and I swear they are big enough to wear on my feet...

Speaking of chirstmas, I picked up the most awesome chicken christmas swap gift... I hope we will have one again, if not I guess I will give it to Santa and let him decide...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

OH NO! The yarn bug bite me!!!! I just ordered some crochet books. I have not crochet in 12 years.

Claire, Missjestr I found a great book for you too it is called" Kitting for Dummies" LOL

Clarkson, KY

to crochet-a, crochet-a, crochet-a

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I know I am a crafting nut. I am going to find one I can still do. LOL

Any one into cross stitching-I have a ton of cloth I need to give away-no longer can do cross stitch.???? D-mail me.

Clarkson, KY

And a Craft Fairy too!! wowzers!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wren, I'm excited to hear you might be getting back into crochet. I know some people say it hurts their hands if they use a tiny hook, but the larger the hook, the easier it is on your muscles. There are some cool books out there for crocheting large needle style, really pretty wraps and afghans and such. I used to do cross stitch and I liked it but it takes sooooo long to complete a project. I did a beautiful piece for over my mantel with beading in it and everything, about 3 feet square, had it framed for about $500 and loved it. Then we used it to stage Kelly's house when we were trying to sell it and the house got broken into and they stole it. Never took it up again.

So Miss Dahlianut, you have size 12 feet? Or have I done my calculations wrong?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Claire yes I am using the large hooks, never could us the small hooks. . Going slow, love ponchos, may try socks. LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

This is a particularly great book, in my opinion - simple but great stuff!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Put it in my cart for pay day. May stick to making things out of squires. Just bought the "Crocheting for dummies" book. I just finished a row of sc crochet and did good, nice thing with the lap top I can set and read threads and stop to rest my hand and shoulder. But now I need a light to work by. LOl

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I absolutely need a light to work by - even for spinning I use additional light.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

painful hands & crocheting.. ok girls.. if you don't know by now, my sis is a fiber, yarn, knitting, crocheting, sheep.. NUT>>> (yep, she can put claire to shame) sorry.. I WILL NEVER INTRODUCE THE TWO OF YOU.. (even though she has asked)

While I was visiting her.. I was crocheting.. I used MANY.. of her crochet hooks... NO KIDDING, the expensive antique ones did not hurt.. I could crochet for hours.. the plastic ones about killed me withing half hour.. I think it might be the give in them.. and the fact that you try to hold them "still" thus causing the pain and stiffness.. the old bone hooks were even better, not so cold.. but I was scared they might be brittle.. I used them some.. but worried to much..

So my first choice would be, bone, metal.. and never cheap plastic.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

How about wood? Or those rubber cushions?

I find that I have to make the chain and the first row with one size the the rest with one size smaller. Can not work to long at a time, but at least I am able to do some.

Nut dear do not forget the pictures? I found a couple more items. LOL

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

wren.. I think its the "give" that hurts... thats what it seems like to me.. I know we're all different, but I found myself, holding on so tight with the "movable" hooks.. I was using more fingers to keep the hook straight.. I know it sounds wierd, but I kept watching cuz one way would hurt so much yet another hook I could go on forever.. and I could not believe just being with the yarn nut would make my pain go away.. LOL

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks I will just have to experiment to see what my hands and shoulders can handle.

I went out and get a light so after I recover from our big lunch (fresh seafood!!!!) I will have to try to work it out.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Did you just have gumbo dear Wren? I will die on the spot if you had fresh gumbo and I didn't.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Dear Dahlia I did not have gumbo just good old southern fried seafood. Come one down we had enough left over to have a couple more meals. Shrimp, clam, scallops, fried fish and good hush puppies. Yum!!!!1

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

KERPLUNK! (Swooned over fresh seafood and hush puppies)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Geez, good thing there weren't any pethuds involved. I don't like clams so I'm safe!

Somebody better find the sniffing salts for poor Dahlia!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Claire I have some of those in the freezer.

Order to bottles of sniffing salts. LOL

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I am still trying to find the Knitting for Dummies...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Here you go.. You can find almost anything on Amazon. LOLLOL


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Do ya Love meeee
Do ya Love me

Do ya Looove mee
Nowww that IIIII crochetttttt

Watchme now..

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

very, very nice. well done.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

What are pethuds?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

they are the seeds that grow on a southern nut tree that our dear Claire loves and will pass out and go thump on the floor if we say the proper name for them

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

They are probably the ones I love too, one of the few nuts we can't grow here in the Pacific NW. Do people make pies from them? I won't say it, I don't want Claire to pass out and go thump on the floor.....Marshmallow might jump on her...lol.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes they do. Very gooey, sweet pies around Thanksgiving and Christmas

Lodi, United States

Wheeze...puff...cough...quick someone hide me! Moxon and Moxon are chasing me with a three-eared mutant rabbit hat they found on Ravelry.

I raced over here, because I am pretty sure Moxon, Moxon and Moxon are at Farm Town.

DG is the last refuge of real (as in, not virutal) animal lovers.....

Do I hear an "Amen!"?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


I stay away from Farm Town, I am already addicted to too many games. LOL

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OMG is it like the headless horsseman? MissJestr can lasso I'm sure! AMEN! AMEN! Hopin we can MoxanX3 back from the dark side!

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