Extending Where's Catscan to Whirly Purly & Dahlia's Flock

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

We came from here:

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Clarkson, KY

Lovely and to the point!! My thanks again....

Now some nice stuff about Dahlia's flock....from someone capable....

Lodi, United States

Dahlianut--are you going to shear or pluck you little flock?

You were sulking weren't you? Sulking is not counted unless you confess your foot size...it is sort of an initiation.....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It is possible that I just purled....but do not get your hopes up.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here is the other side of said possible purling effort.

Yes, Dahlia, you must confess if you wish to be properly initiated into the sulking contingent.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States

Well, it certainly LOOKS like purling....

Lodi, United States

Oh heavens! Our little girl has purled! How does it feel?

Yes Dahlia, dear...you really must....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think I've forgotten what I just did. Bother.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Pasted from the last thread cuz holy moly: O Cousin Nut a HUGE shadow has fallen over my excitement with your news. I am everso sad about this :( OMG I'm fostering a dangerous flock. I don't know what to do now. I guess I should start the deterrent stuff to make them move on although being in the city no one has hatches anywhere near cuz of the chicken police. Cousin Nut do you think it would be ok to have a skunk flock in the city where there are no bird flocks? I shall wait for your expert advice about skunk flocks.

Catscan I'm thinkin I will just continue to bond with my skunk flock by singing. So far we cohabitate without 'pfft'. I've been singing since they moved in and so far its all good.

Dr Doolotz really truly?!? OMG I think there is a Pulitzer for this.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Dahlianut, I think it's a Purlitzer. But I could be wrong. But in any case Catscan should get it because she is quite brilliant.

Keep singing, definitely.

Oh, you forgot your foot size.

Lodi, United States

{{{She is somehow avoiding the essential question--is it possible that Dahlianut is in fact an alien life form with an altogether different form of locomotion?}}}

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

GASP!!! That's it. I must go to bed. I purled, then forgot how, and then found out that Dahlia has tentacles instead of feet. This is too much. Really. I must go lay down now.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O bother dear Claire. I mostly forget most things. BUT it would be cool if you might remember the purl thing (says the person who turned the purl thing into snarly knots and whatknots). OK backin out as a badly influency Purletting person. :X :X

Clarkson, KY

heh....I hardly know what to say....

Sing to them Dahlin'...every body needs to be loved sometime...and since my skunks are not loved...your flock must needs be...

You done it Claire....now sleep, frolick, puzzle, repeat...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Dahlianut, you can join Porkpal and I... We are sulkers... and I keep us supplied with Flan.. Heck I guess I could try to knit, but I really like to quilt... Knitting was something my mom did alot when ever the mood struck her.. She made awesome things... I sometimes wish she was still alive, I would ask her to knit me a scarf that was long enough to wrap twice.. Cant find one in the store I like...

Clarkson, KY

Put your requested dimensions out here, MsJ...surely there's a Scarf Fairy...you were a yellow, right?

Richmond, TX

I guess I could add to my sulk the fact that I too learned to knit at one time but never could purl. But I'm generally not very domesticated so needle crafts just require too much discipline. I'll stick to the single-minded sulk.
MsJ, how's the flan coming along? I'm getting a bit weak.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Porkpal....I highly recommend crochet. Much easier, only 1 needle (hook), no purling. Yay.

(shhhh...don't tell Catscan)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It's like this bit of the site was MADE FOR ME!!!


Clarkson, KY

Claire!!! I saw the evidence!!! You have successfully purled!!! Now REEEaally.........

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Great site even though I don't have a purling problem....lol. I have a couple of the scarf patterns; I found them on eBay. I haven't made any yet since I only have two hands to knit with.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Loreen, you and me both - only two hands. Now, on the other hand (wait, which other hand??), there is Dahlianut, who has recently been exposed as an octopus, and in fact she can knit 4 objects at once, having 8 tentacles and all. This is clearly the reason why she will not disclose her foot size.

How does an octopus care for a flock of skunks, you may ask? We have yet to find out....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

OH dear y'all have the yarn bug biting at me. (I found my hooks)I was looking up crochet patterns. I could always use some more ponchos. LOL

I have ordered a third hand for my next life.

Richmond, TX

Wren, I think they only come in pairs.

Mox, a single hook would be an improvement; I used to get the knitting needles stuck in my sleeves. But I'd probably have to learn to sit still even to crochet.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I know but I would be a 3 handed mutant in my next life. Would safe on my poor teeth.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

New "art yarn" that I plied tonight. It's from a batt of mostly black fiber mixed with some chunky rose-pink and light green, but it also has various colours of "glitz" thread in it that is sparkly, but hard to see in the pic. Not sure that it would be good for socks but it would make a cool scarf or wrist warmers. About 110 yards.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Clarkson, KY

Super coooollll....love the texture on that stuff!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I like it. I also like the yarn on your blog. Beautiful.

Lodi, United States

{{{I have been attempting to follow Moxon as she moves around Ravelry...and I think we may have missed one important factor: There may be more than one of her....

All along we have been assuming that Moxon is one person...but is there really any evidence for that? No! In reality all the evidence points to a multi-Moxon universe...no one person could be doing so many things at one time...just not possible...even with a Kelly (and don't we all wish we had one of those?). The best explanation is a heuristically defined multiple Moxon paradigm.


Clarkson, KY

I have one of those.....{{{ooooh glory she's off!!! lol!!!}}}

Lodi, United States

We had better never meet--I possess an anti-Kelly. Kelly + anti-Kelly = BOOM!

Richmond, TX

If you mean anti-Kelly as in anti-matter, I have one too. {{And I agree: the multi-Moxon theory can be the only explanation for the prodigious productivity.}}

Lodi, United States

So sorry to hear that, porkpal. I feel your pain.

In theory there should be as many Kellys as anti-Kellys--but unlike matter/anti-matter, in this universe, the anti-Kellys seem to predominate.

Clarkson, KY

Welll..........I AM KELLY! HEAR ME ROAR!!! lolol....do I get avoided like the proverbial plague now?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Yes Grownut, I am a yellow... Which does happen to be one of my favorite colors.. I tried to crocet one of them zig zaggy quilts one year...LOL it came out triangle instead of square. SOmeone once tried to show me how to make a granny square, it came out weird... I gues I am just needle (any kind) challenged..

Clarkson, KY

If it were sticking it into a horse for the horse's benefit,I'm sure you'd be fine...that won't knit, purl, or crochet you any squares though, lol.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Moxon1 shrinks off into the background while Moxon2 crochets and Moxon3 eats yogurt for breakfast. Meanwhile, Moxon4 feeds Marshmallow and Moxon5 gets ready for work.

Richmond, TX

Oh Gawd! We're surrounded!

Clarkson, KY


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Moxon, Moxon and Moxon are wondering where ZZ is hanging out? What is she up to....something nefarious no doubt. Moxon and Moxon tend to agree.

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