CLOSED: Free seed for newbies!!! 7-16-07 Come on in a sit a bit!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Robin's family threw her a surprise 50th B-day party, so the scramble is on hold - lol.

Orlando, FL

oh yeah blond strikes again lol

Hello all. I just made it on. Cue, I got the plant seperated and was very careful not to break anything and this is the rubra one so it blooms red. I turned the tag over and it said- African Poinsettia Synadenium grantii 'Rubra' --- I looked it up and it blooms red. So will send it with seed after my new seeds arrive.(should be anyday now . hopefully this coming week) I got you some that we discussed that bloom black coming in the shipment. I pulled out you a section of this plant that is verigated, black and green, I think you will like it. I repotted it so it will be ok until it shipps. I got a BUNCH of daylilies today. The previous owner said they came off some white ones, black ones, and red ones, yellow and some she paid over 200.00 for when she originally bought them a few years ago. They were all mixed as a grab bag, so won't know the colors until they bloom, maybe next year. If I find a black one cue, it's yours. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Back later.

Hi seray, I got some red wisteria seed sprouting today in the wet baggies. I put red wisteria, red magnolia, puya-sapphire blue, ylang ylang in the wet baggies. (I went and marked them so I'd remember what they were. ) I have several different ones outside in soil sprouting. Will check again tomorrow.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

arejay, I went back to your thread that you had started on Back porch. Boy do I ever remember those times. I wish sometimes I could go back to those days. We thought life was hard on us but when you look back now it was the BEST !!!!!

HI Mekos

That's cool! I put Globe Amaranth, Euphorbia 'Snow on the Mountain', Gladiolus Tristus, and Viola covered in a baggie. Then I put Cephalaphora Aromatica (looks like a Globe Amaranth, yellow and smells like an apple) uncovered in the baggie. I'm seeing green on these and the Globe Amaranth. HAPPY SMILE.

I bought a bunch of seeds from Thompson and Morgan when they had the $.99 sale. Gives me more things to try to propagate. I have a few things that need smoke to propagate. That should be fun. :)

Hey seray, I got some from there, too. Actually, I got a lot from there a while back and re-ordered a couple weeks ago. I got some off e-bay and some from other people in trades. Still got 2 more shipments of seeds coming and one of epiphyllums, about 10, on the way.( red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, White- big double blooms, all kinds.) I'm going to be working on seeds and cuttings all fall and winter, getting ready for spring planting. Probably will have to make the greenhouse bigger this year, add a room if all the seeds sprout. Well, I'm going to bed. Good night.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

seray - lemme know how that smoke to propogate goes - lol. I have some matilija poppy seeds to try and germinate. They grow in Ca after wildfires!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

morning all. just waking up here. it's another Monday morning.

Hopefully see more posts today, there has been an odd lack of activity over the weekend, hoping everyone was just out enjoying their gardens.

Robin - hope your rested up from your weekend of partying! everyone has been waiting with baited breath over the next scramble!

mekos - glad you got that plant separated without any probs. maybe you can divide it a again, maybe into 1/4's that will bring the cost down to $5 a plant.. much cheaper than what you found on the

blondie - well, if you decide to dig that 'black varnish' up, I'm sure I'll be able to give it a home among friends. ;)

seray - I dont think 'Black pearl' is the hottest in the world, tho to a point, if its too hot to put in your mouth, it might as well be, right? i bought it as an ornamental only. i do love spicy food, but I have to draw the line at peppers that could potentially sear off my taste

loca - been checking freecycle and the free section on craigslist daily to see if anyone has either stones or a trellis, so far, I havent found anything. Im not sweating it tho, I'll find just what I'm looking for eventually.


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

cue ,
Find you a creek bed somewhere that isn't real deep and you can get it for nothing, providing you have permission. Around here you can get all kinds of it, if the people, that the creek runs, on will let you. I have some friends that are taking some out of their creek for me. They are trying to make a little extra money, so I am paying for what I get.

Morning All

Flower: If Cue finds a creek bed with rocks in FL I hope she calls us because we'll all get rich. Sand is the the closest thing to rocks there except at the stores. Every time I visited KY I used to haul a box of rocks back. LOL

Loca: I have those same poppy seeds and I'm waiting for Pink Mink Protea seed to arrive. It has a pre-germination disk included. They also need smoke to sprout. If that doesn't work then a few pine cones and some pine straw will probably to the trick. Want me to send you some pine cones? I can't remember pines in AZ when I was there. Been a long time.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Morning everyone!!

cue - you are correct in that you will find exactly what you need, or better yet, it will find you! All in due time . . .

seray - that's cool your seeds come with that seed primer thingy - never heard of such a think - lol. I know we have pines up north, but not so sure about here in the valley. Can't remember seeing any, tho I'm sure someone had them somewhere. If I can't find any I'll let you know - lol. I've been reading all kinds of weird things people do to try and get some of these seeds to germinate. Let me know what works for you...

Hi mekos and Robin and blondie and everyone else!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone...thank you all for the birthday was wonderful.
I have pine cones...tons....

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

There is bound to be something like a creek? Oh well leave it to me to be the dummy. LOL Oh just go to a big rocky type beach and pick you up some of that LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol.. flower! FL creek = mad made canal dug to channel run-off. nothing but mucky dirty sand in those...LOL - and natural creeks running through here are likely filled with shale and crushed quartz... there are no 'river rocks' in FL.. river rock is typically small pieces of broken boulders that travels down mountain streams to find their way into creeks and river beads in hilly or mountainous geographical areas... there are no mountains.. or even hills here (unles you count the inclines built to hold interstate overpasses...LOL) .. most rock is fossilized coral or seashell... and rarely ever big enough to use as a top stone...LOL

Wish I could help you cue- lots of river rocks here on the river. But couldn't afford to ship them. I'm going to have to take some pictures of the river when I go back up there,usually, I don't remember to take the camera. Some of the rocks are so pretty, I just have to bring one for my flower beds. But you know what would be nice? Black slate. They use to use it to shingle houses L_O_N_G_ time ago. It's heavy and looks right pretty. Check with some remodeling companys to see if they have any. Or run an add in the local paper for some flat rocks. OR put an add on the internet and write what you are doing and that you need contributions for free. Someone could read it and donate.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

im thinking about checking the local refacing shops to see if they have scrap stone available

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

That black slate would be a perfect Goth Garden addition . . .

Hi Cue

We know you love Pizza so how about making your own stone border. You could use scrap tile or faux paint to make it like you want. Partition the box for the size you want. Sounds easy enough if you're a crafty kinda girl.

If you'd rather use a precast mold there's a bunch here.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh cue ,LOL would you believe when I said that I didn't realize that you live in Fl but yet I knew it too. Just wasn't thinking only trying to help LOL.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thats what I thought Sherri...Build them could make them look like anything you want that way!! When do we get to see pictures Cue?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

HI arejay !

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Flower!! How was your trip?
Cue another....

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well, believe it or not, I had thought to get some scrap pieces of wood and have my neighbor cut them into different shapes and then faux finish them too look like marble, so that I can encircle the reflection pool with them. would just need to seal them with a water prrof sealer so they would hold up to rain.

That's a good idea, cue! Knew you would come up with something. You have a great imagination.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I keep trying to catch up reading the thereads while I was missing in action... I saw new people...did I or was it another time warp?
Someone sang happy birthday that was nice and allwild818
come back often I dont always have a plant to scramble on every Saturday but I try. We all get so crazy on scramble nite that you have to be tough. There seems to be a come out fighting thing going on on those nights dont lets us scare you though as you can see we are all pretty peaceful the rest of the time. Well except maybe the Kelly twins...they are in question as they were at one time triplets and one has gone missing for several days now...I am a tad suspisious about her were abouts so if you see her tell we are looking for her. We wont give up.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Darn she is creative isnt she!!! I have strawberry shortcake and I have to tell you it is delicious...

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Cue take a look at this forum Hypertufa and Concrete..I'm sure it could work for you..

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I wondered about would but I wasnt sure how to weather proof it to make it last..what are you going to use Cue?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Where did everyone go ?? Did I say something wrong?

Your short cake made me hungry, went to get some chips and salsa.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Im here! I probably withh just use scrap pieces of wood, and have the neighbor cut them to resemble small pieces of flagstone so that they will hide the lip tot he reflection pool. i got plenty o' craft paint lying around, so it will gt put to good use that way. besides, the pieces dont nee to be heavy, no one will be walking in that are.. they are only decorative... and will be easy to move around when the pool needs to be lifted out of its earthy pocket to be cleaned or repainted.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

BTW.. took this pic today. its my Big kitty Severus and his new little shadow, Sookie!

its amazing that my 2 year old male cat has become the surrogate mother to this tiny female. she follows him everywhere and he is constantly bathing her. I swear she has the cleanest head in my county! here she is, squeezing in next to him in his favorite lounging spot on the dining room chair! in this pic, she is actually draped over the top of him.. and he's just layng there allowing it...LOL

This message was edited Jul 20, 2009 9:25 PM

Thumbnail by cue_chik
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

What are you doing Cue eating while you type?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

lol.. are you poking fun at my terrible spelling?????

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Just checkin!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I saw you noticed how quiet it gets over the would make you think that people find something better to do than hang out with us wouldnt it?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

If you look back through to the old threads it is like that often. I found it errie in the beginning...everyone just dissapeared.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

what could possibly be better then hanging out with the resident Vampire and Seed nut????? sheesh.. peeps just dont know a good thing!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

cue , she looks like a little demon there. her eyes look as if she would eat you alive or put a curse on you LOL

arejay, my camping would have been great if I hadn't gotten something in my eye Fri eve after we got there. Eye puffed up and couldn't see thru it for it watering, and then I get up Sat moring run into the closest town and got some eye wash and then got it out and then it matted up over nite and had to pry it open .
Do you still have the little one arejay?

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