CLOSED: Free seed for newbies!!! 7-16-07 Come on in a sit a bit!!

Philadelphia, PA

Happy Birthday Robin !!!

Orlando, FL

happpy birthday robin

What a fun Surprise! Happy Birthday Robin!!!!!!!


Orlando, FL

here is the scramble especially for Robin


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)


What do I win, blondie? LOL


P.S. No blooms on my orchid yet :~( Got me some orchid potting mix - maybe that will make it happy enough to give me some pretties!!

Go get you some bloom booster and that should do it. Got to feed that baby. Miracle grow or something like that to make more blooms.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

dunno what type of orchid ya got, but most only flower once a year... and for only a very short time, so if you purchased it after the blooming period, you'll have to wait until next year for it to bloom again.

No cue this is a ground orchid and it already has blooms trying to open, just slow. Bloom booster will give plants a boost and make them bloom more than they normally would. A flower nursery woman told me that a few years ago.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I got some Miracle Grow potting mix specifically for orchids. Maybe that will do the trick? It's the orchid I got from blondie - Spathoglottis parsonnii . . . Got all kinda buds on it :~)

What are you two doing up so late?

I'm trying to id plants. African Poinsettia. Black. POISON. Was trying to send to cue, HE HE.
Forgot to say, regular miracle grow and miracle grow Bloom booster are two different things. Bloom booster has something just for blooms.

This message was edited Jul 19, 2009 12:02 AM

Thumbnail by mekos
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

It says better bloms on it and has a higher P number for blooms, so we'll see . . .

I'm trying to water my plants - it's STILL 105 F outside at 9 pm - aaarrrrrgh!

It's only 9:00pm there? It's 12:16 here and in the 80's after midnight. But that should be good if it's for blooms. It should bloom soon anyway. You made me hot just seeing that temp. I'd never survive there. I can't breath outside in the heat. Can only work outside a little at a time in the summer.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

its been raining here all day so the current temp is at 78.. a relief really fromt he 95 + weve been having with 80%+ humidity

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hey, cue - send me some rain will ya? It's really windy and blowing dust around here, but no rain :~(

I think we hit 115 today, same for tomorrow. I'm staying inside and repotting plants tomorrow after church. This heat makes me want to MELT!

We could use some rain too, but I'm not sure I would know what to do if it did rain. Not sure I'd recognise it either it's been so long. It sounded like someone threw rocks at my house the other day and I ran to the door yelling to my husband, it's raining, it's raining, and got to the door and not another drop fell.Could see the Drops out there as big as baseballs, on the ground, a few inches apart, then minutes later were gone.

Well, I'm going to bed. I'm worn out, and got a headache. Talk to ya later. Good night.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Nite mekos!

North, TX

One more time.....Happy Birthday to you Robin!!!! What a wonderful surprise for you. Hope your day was as grand as you are!!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

morning everyone!

just woke up here, havent had my first cuppa coffee yet. still bleary eyed and frazzled, but hey, its Sunday... Im allowed to be this lazy...LOL

North, TX

Well, it's just me this morning...not part of the usual crowd. lol

I just showed up here yesterday buy accident & then though I would see what this word scramble is all about. But Robin was busy turning 50 !!! teehee. Hey, she is such a sweet person that I was glad to get to tell her Happy Birthday!! And I'm right there with her on the five-OOhhh.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

eh, ive a few years left yet before I reach my 'Golden Age'.

Glad you decided to join us tho! we are all just a bunch of nuts here, and soon, you'll be one too! lol

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)


Sorry I'm late..Never pic you as 50 In my mind had you late thirties.Don't know why ..
Doing Happy Dance for you..LOL

North, TX

Sounds good to me because I'm already considered by some to be a nut. Thanks.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

My birthday coming soon WOOT! I love birthdays... if nothing more than the excuse to celebrate just walking the planet!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well, guess I'll get dressed and go daown to lowe's and see whats on the clearance shelf! maybe I'll get lucky and bring home a new gothy plant.. WOOT!!!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi All, I am back home now . Had a very enjoyable week end.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

look what i got today while i was at Lowe's!!!

in other goth garden news...

On my way back from Lowe's, I decided to stop in my local Dollar store to mull around. happened down the kitchen ware aisle and low and behold, I found the perfect solution for my reflecting pool... a round dish pan. so, grabbed it and a couple netted bags of black river rock and brought them home. spray painted the pan black and am getting ready to install it in the ground in the area the Goth Garden is going...not bad! in all, my new reflection pool cost me ....... drum roll......

$4.39 !!!!

now, its now very big, little smaller than a car tire, but its perfect for a small corner garden. Im thrilled with it! cant wait to get it in. now all i need is small pieces of flagstone to encircle the top and its finished!!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Glad you found you something cue. I have a garden tub that come out of one of our bedrooms and we are going to sink that in the ground next spring and and I'll have a pond !

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Nice score, cue!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

best part is, its completely removable for cleaning, repainting.. etc. all i need do is move the flagstones and the entire pan lifts out of the ground, and then slides right back in. its too shallow for goldfish its only about 8 inches deep... they would boil in this sun, but it is perfect for reflection... and will look so pretty once everythng is planted and growing!!!!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

That's so awesome!! Do you have a chapter of freecycle where you're at? Might be able to find the flagstone pieces there?

Hi Everyone! Welcome back Flower. Glad you had a good time.

Cue: Sounds like the perfect solution for the pool. I'll dmail when I get your plants in the mail. Sometime this week. Isn't that about the hottest pepper in the world?

Welcome Allwild this is the perfect thread if you have any nuttiness to express.

Mekos some of my paper towel seeds are starting to sprout. :)

I'm doing a rain dance for you Loca. Hope I don't scare the neighbors. LOL

Hugs to all

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

loca.. i check freecycle

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Great minds think alike! LOL!

Orlando, FL

hi cue have i got a plant for you i have one i dont know what to do with hasnt really grown any since i got it i might just have to send it to you for your goth garden, when i get a few extra dollars.

Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum

This message was edited Jul 19, 2009 5:21 PM

Thumbnail by blondhavmofun
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ohhh... thats purdy. what is it exactly??? lol

just snuck over to my neighbors house and clipped a few pieces of his Loropetalum...

ok, I had his permission to take as many as I wanted, but i just felt sneaky was a better description...LOL. if i can get them to root, may use one or two in the goth garden'

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

i ws thinking about Robin and her birthday today.. and this phrase popped into existence in my head:

Celebrate each precious year you have on this earth, for we but live within a blink of God's eye. For what is a lifespan when compared to eternity?


Orlando, FL

Purple False Eranthemum 'Black Varnish' is the name, kinda pretty, has pretty yellow flowers i havent seen it bloom yet but i was told.
but it would go in your goth garden quit well, hey do you have a picture of your garden

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

nope. just broke ground on it today and got the little reflection pool quasi installed. will take pics when its a little further along. right now, its just dirt and a Night blooming jasmine

Orlando, FL

what happened to the scrambles i need to get my mind of things that does it all the time

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