CLOSED: Free seed for newbies!!! 7-16-07 Come on in a sit a bit!!

We're used to your time warps Robin. The last one I think was 06. That's why I called this thread the AGE REVERSAL thread. We lose years when we come here. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Is this what they are talking about when the mustard seed is mentioned?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

well at least I am gaining I guess Ill catch up. I hate to go tonight but I am tired so keep me posted...
Hugs everyone....

Now we're into Loterary. :) With the mustard seed that is.

Nite Nite

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

ok if you say so I will believe you but I still am suspicious about that word....
sleep well

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

yes, i caught it robin.. I pointed it out several posts

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Jez you gals are good !!!! cue have you ever had anything put in the poetry archives?
My daughter wrote a peom that was read at her GMs funeral and from there she got a letter from the National Poetry Archives asking permission to put it in their poetry records. It is one that will always be on record but never published.

Orlando, FL

boy have i missed alot
HI alllll i just had a nice 20 mile walk in the dark on dark streets nothing but dark and walked through ankle deep water for about a mile, thought i was turning goth or something lol
it was a little scary especially when cars went by and turned around, was kinda wired when i got home am still catching up
hey cue those poems are very good
back a few days he loca, i didnt do the pond my husband did that for me for our anniversary 2 years ago
hey mekos back a couple days ago, yes my head still hurts when i think about that 4x4 hitting me lol
well i cant walk right now but i need to get to bed my whokle boddy aches.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

This message was edited Jul 17, 2009 6:18 AM

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone
What lovely poems to read first thing this morning. Cue and Robin you are both excellent writers.
Cue may I have permission to copy The Batman poem to send to my baby brother who is a big fan?
Ah yes the back porch is the perfect place for poems and story telling. We did that on our front porch when I was growing up. And we have 2 poets in my family one niece who has written poems for my mom's funeral and her grandpa's on her dad's side and her brother who writes more dark type though I haven't gotten anything from either of them for a long time.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Mindy. I had a thread on the back porch quite some time ago

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Mindy, i have no problem with you copying the poem as long as my name is attached :)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Guess you didn't chase anyone away KT1. Except maybe KT3

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

here is our new creative writing thread:

come one over.. let's get this ball a rollin' !

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

blond what was you walking in the dark and wading water for? Was somrthing flooded?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

cue can't get the link to work.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

flower, that is odd, it works for both Robin and I. you can find it in the 'Back Porch' forum. The thread is called 'The DG Poet's Society - #1"

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Did you find it Flower?

Orlando, FL

hey flower,
well i had to walk home since my husband wasnt there to pick me up and i have no cell phone to call anyone, so i just walked home over the fields and thru the woods to my home i was going, took me 3 hours plus, i made it alive and safe, had a few scares but i made it. i ache all over today but my cardio part feels great. i need to go back to the gym i guess,
yall have a good day i need to plant some plants feed the puppies and lay on the couch.

I'll send you a cell phone if you want it. You can make it prepaid so you will have something if you need it. Let me know, blondie. That is too dangerous to ever do again.

How ya doing Blondie? Had that happen to me ONCE. I had twenty miles and had to hitchhike at 1:30 pm. Scary. Guy who worked at the same place gave me a ride but I had him let me off 10 miles from home near a friends house. That was 30 years ago and things weren't as weird. After that I always kept cab money. No cell phones then. Dark is your friend sometimes. Sorry for your ordeal.

Big Hugs


Seray, I'm trying that baggie and wet towel stuff to germinate some seeds so I'll let you know if it works. I put puya seed, red magnolia seed and red brugs. white sky vine, white bower and pink bower vine seeds all in some baggies and put a blue light for night time to keep them warm.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

A little quiet here this afternoon. Cue must be sleeping, getting ready for the impending dark of night - lol. I'm heading home from work, so will talk to you all later!!


Hi Ladies,

Mekos I'm curious about the paper towel technique myself. I'm getting ready to start some violas that way. I want them in a fall bed. I have some Joey seeds. Have you ever tried them. They are supposed to be quick and I think I'll try some of those as well. I hope it works as well as the video described. Save some time. Keep me posted. I'll send pic if they work. I won't try the blue light and we can compare germination rates.

Loca: Cue was up early writing poetry on the back porch thread. The only poetry I can write at 9 am is coffee is good, coffee is great wish I had some and some more etc.:) I think even Al was poetic this am. Any rain there yet? We're thundering and lightening here. Afternoon delight this time of year.

Orlando, FL

hey yall thanks
well i wont do it again that is for sure, the dark was nice it was a peaceful walk a little hot and muggy.

hey cue
i'm a poet and didnt know it
i made a rhyme just in time
not as good as your poems, those were really good
thanks mekos for the offer i dont think i will do that again i will remember the pain

Hey you guys, we got 30 seconds of rain. WOW, I think that is what you call it. I'll let you know seray if it works and faster than in dirt. I'll take pictures Monday and then every 3 days until they get going. Blondie, you be careful. Cue's poetry is good. I wish I knew someone that could help her get them published.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I am here. was fighting with Social Security all over my sons SSI check.. now am fighting a so I may be sparse with my posts.

Sorry Cue, take some deep breathes and relax. It will get better. I got 30 seconds of something wet today. See???

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone,
Cue this is the lasy I spoke of

North, TX

Hi all, is this where I would send a newbie to get seeds?

I remember getting newbie seeds and it was great!!!

Let's see..I'll have to go back and look to see what I have grown from those seeds this year... But I will never forget how fun it was getting those seeds in the mail! LOL Truly! Now I'm sharing my seeds and what fun that is too.

Have a great day.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

The directions are right here.. If you or your friend have any trouble dmail me. Nice to see you . Im glad to hear you are bringing newbies around. We have a word scramble for aplant tonight come and try your luck and bring your friend.

North, TX

Hi Robin,

Thank you. It is nice to see you too. I looks like you are the designated seed distributer for life!!! But I doubt if there is anyone better for the job. You are wonderful.

Just a little different than when I was in there getting my newbie's! Word scramble? ....we will have to check that out.

Thank you again!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank you...I love to sned out seds...and scramble words for plants. Even though I hear that sometimes I spell things wrong....and post wrong dates on occasion. It is all in good fun so come on back when you can.

Leola, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone! I'm a newbie here, so I have some very stupid question. But I guess I never know if I don't ask.
To re-use the bubble envie, I understand that we can tape the new label over the old label. But what do you do with the stamp area? Do you cover the old stamp with paper or stuff?

p.s. I just got my seeds from Robin. Those are wonderful! Thanks again :)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh My God You guys are not going to believe this. I had all intentions of doing a scramble tonight.
My partner and both sides of the family kids, grandchildren, granparents, and parent...generations of people from as far as 200 no1000 miles away came they gave me a surprise 50th birthday party. I still cant believe they got away with it. I had no idea. I apoligize to all of you that are waiting and promise I will make it up to you.
Thank you for being here,

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

well... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN!!!!!!! You go on girl , enjoy your family, friends and party! scrambles happen every week, 50th birthdays and chances to celebrate with those you love most happen only once in a lifetime!!!

Congratulations arejay- Robin. Have a good one! Enjoy your special day.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Robin
And may you have another 50
After all there's all those seeds you want to send out and it will probably take you that long

Best wishes Margaret

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday Robin!! Have a great day!! :o)


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