Fall RU 09-Plant swap

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

If you know what you are gonna bring to swap and give away please post it here in case someone wants to reserve it for themselves. Seeds welcome also.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Pepper, you are so "on it"... great coordinator! We appreciate it. I'm trying to get caught up here on DG after taking a few months away, I've been busy in my yard, my haven of peace and harmony. I think about you all, and will try not to stay away so long between posting.
I'm bringing a Pink China Colocasia (EE) for Will, it is hardy to zone 6, you can probably leave them in the ground there in MO.. (1 for you too, Pepper if you'd like one... I'll have to see how many I've got for sharing.

Hardy hibiscus Pink Clouds -big dinner plate bright pink blooms, plants (hopefully) and seeds. My seed germinating from last years seed was unsuccessful :( Anybody that got seeds at the 08 Fall RU have better luck than me??

Rose of Sharon - double ruffle purlple -hope to have a few plants from seed I got from Deb (Joe'swife)

Brugmansia - cuttings and plants, mostly named varieties

Those who know me, know I'll have my car loaded - and by October I'll have so much more.

Is Allan still around DG? OR do I just need to keep reading to catch up to ya'll?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'll take a Pink China also! lol. Thanks!! Allan is still around far as I know, just busy so he doesn't post much.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi AuntB, aww.. a Pink China EE for me?! I am glad to have it! An Elephant Ear that don't have to
be dug up sounds great!
Today I potted up around 18 cuttings of Setcresea (houseplant) and Forsythia. I potted up 4 or 5 Sycamore
seedlings. I'm gonna pot up some Mimosa seedlings, they are everywhere. I also made 2 cuttings
of Philodendron that I have. I can make more starts of those cuttings because the parent plants are quite large.
The Setcresea is pretty awesome because it is a nice purple, more than usual I think!
I got the Setcresea from cat64129 2 years ago this Oct., it has grown a bunch. I still have quite a bit of stuff growing
that I got from her.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I thought you'd both like an EE that doesn't have to be dug, I think Evamae would like on as well, I'll see how much I have out there... (I'm in zone 5 so I still dig it) Will, I'd love a mimosa seedling, LeafLady shared one with me last fall and I killed it over winter. (that setcresea is pretty, too) Pepper, I kept the Magnolia tree seedling you shared alive all winter, then lost it in early spring before I moved it outside. Hope Cat is still around and can make it to the RU.. Nice pic of your pretty potted starts, Will. I was at Water's Edge in Lawrence, admiring their water mosaic plants, they said PG has one 3 ft across! I'll try to take in PG again, this year.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Sure AuntB, I'll bring some to the RU, I potted up 4 Mimosa seedlings today. I got some that were growing in leaves, they potted up quickly! I'll get more yet. I can pot many up, sure you only want one?
Thanks, I hope their still pretty in Oct.!
I may have spelled Setcresea wrong or something, I did a search a while ago to be sure they can be started by cuttings, and nothing came up. But, I know they can, because even those that I potted 2 days ago have flowered a little. Maybe they think their still attached to the big plant! lol Just kidding! I have a cutting of that about 3 months or more old, and its alive.
Technically, I'm not sure this is even zone 6 weather lol, but there is an incline on the North here, so kinda a milder micro-climate maybe.
A few years ago this thrifty friend co-worker found about 500 lbs of bags of potting soil, in what was then an Osco dumpster. I offered him a dollar a bag and I still have some left, its good for potting occasionally. I've dumpster dove myself. One time I went in a dumpster behind a Missouri Conservation regional office to get a bunch of pots and about 700 Shumard Oak seedlings..lol Geez, I must sound like a vagrant!
The Setcresea is a pretty house-plant, if I remember right it isn't on the "poisonous to pets" list.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I did leave out a letter on that "Purple Heart" name, its Setcreasea. I was leaving out an "a".
I didn't know it was so cold hardy, to ten degres, not here, but maybe 2 states away or so, zone 8a. -

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I can put straw around it and that will help it winter ok. I just got a new EE the other day that is gonna be a biggie. Persian Palm EE. That makes 4 types that I currently have. LOL.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Shortleaf, I bought a plant like your Purple Heart, it was tagged Purple Variegated, the purple is more like hot pink. Pepper, I saw one (EE) called Jurassic Dark at Henry's Plant Farm.. can you believe it??? I didn't get one (kicking myself, now)... Got me looking up your Persian Palm EE.. sounds lovely.. about the dumpster diving...... a determined effort to recycle... Yay! I think I gave Allan a Pink China, hope it wintered over for him.

Thumbnail by AuntB
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I need to get pics of my current EE's. Have them in the ground and while they haven't taken off yet they do look good. My Metallica is still pretty small but I noticed it had grown an inch today. lol

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I would love an EE that doesn't have to be dug. I probably will dig it tho until there are pups to experiment with. The excessive rains this year killed a lot of EEs in this area unless they were in pots of very loose medium. I've also like some of the pink hardy hibiscus and the double purple Rose of Sharon. We lost our dp ROS to heavy wet soil a couple years ago We tried moving it in a huge clump of soil to another place, then removed the soil and replaced it with better soil but it did not survive. What a loss to me. I think my Violet Satin ROS needs to be moved too.

I don't know at this time just what I'll have to swap. Maybe a couple OK Purple Peach sprouts. I got the original tree from Tazzy in OK. I may have some fushia Spiderwort that isn't as tall as the lavender/blue/purple kinds. I'll try to have Mimosa seeds too. That probably is the best way to get started with them. They don't transplant well a lot of the time.

I'll have garlic bulblets too. You have to plant them this fall, harvest the small bulbs each year for a few years replanting the largest ones each time, then in about 3 years they will have acclimated to your year and should grow nice big bulbs as long as the soil isn't tight and compacted.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Hi Leaflady! I'll put you down for the Pink China and a double ruffled purple ROS. Sorry to hear about your big bush. I got the seed from Deb and like you by Fall I'll have lots of things to bring. I keep finding EE's coming up in plants (reused potting mix, I guess). I may have a couple Hilo Beauties as well. We had 2 inches of rain last night - no watering this a.m.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

AuntB, I'll take any EE seedlings you want to pass my way. I'll try to keep them going thru the winter season. I have a black leafed one that I found the very tiny bulb for several weeks ago & planted. I had given up hope of it being alive when I noticed tiny leaves poking thru the soil. It seems very happy now & is growing as well as can be expected.

We had a bit of rain last night. Some chances of showers this morning, stormy weather in the afternoon. Then mostly overcast tomorrow and sunny on Thursday when my sister & her husband will be here for a visit. I'm so looking forward to that. They live in Texarkana, Tx & are coming up for a granddaughter's wedding(after 3 babies with the guy). She seems to be mostly healthy while he has lots of health problems that go way way back.

I have some Turk's Cap(?) Lilies with seeds on them. I think I'll collect seeds and bring some of them.

I'm looking for Candy Lily plants. I have a few each of the orange & purples ones but would like the pink ones and even yellow ones if any one has them. When PG had me dig up all of theirs several years ago there were supposedly 52 cultivars as determined by a very technically minded intern who was specializing in them. Anyway I got a good start of each of them. They live well in pots and just on top of the ground in clumps for a year and a half but when I planted them in what I was told was a perfect location all but these few died within one year. It was too wet and compact.

I have learned a lot about soil in the past 10 years!! Black gumbo is almost impossible to lossen enough for many plants to survive much less thrive. That is why I went to raised beds. Unfortunately we filled 4 of them with locally obtained topsoil which we already have a farm full of. No amount of amending seems to help those beds. We have been trying for nearly 10 years and have used leaves(hundreds of bags), sand( nearly a ton in just one 5' X 20' bed), and peat moss. It still will only grow local weeds well.

GOD bless & keep each of you.

This message was edited Jul 21, 2009 8:22 AM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

If anyone has easy to take care of house/tropical plants they want to bring I will take a few. My brother's girlfriend likes plants so I thought I would get here a few houseplants. She also wants outside plants. She only has a red honeysuckle, a few iris and ditch lilies at their rental. So anything easy to grow and hardy she would love.

I will dig up a dark red daylily that I have also. It looks like the ditch lily except dark red with a thin yellow stripe. If anyone wants red honeysuckle I can also get cuttings of that and bring it. I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Pepper, I'd LOVE that red lily... I've just started adding lilies this year... I'll bring a houseplant or two for your brothers girlfriend..

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, I will dig up some for you. I just hope I remember. LOL.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi all,
I took some photos today (the date feature turned itself off I think). Here is a Weeping Willow tree that I grew from a cutting and planted about 5 years ago (thats it as a cutting in the Purex jug). I believe I got that cutting of Weeping Willow in Sept 03' from a stately Weeping Willow at a local park that contains Lake Jacomo. It was on the bank of Lake Jacomo, the Lake Jacomo tree has since been removed. - http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v243/w4i0a/PlantsforRoundUpFall09/
Sorry about the larger file sizes (longer downloads) of these photos, that part got changed as well as the date, I've fixed all that stuff, but unfortunately too late for these photos. My photos are usually about 6 times smaller in file size.
I have plenty of that Purple Heart, aka Wandering Jew, aka Setcreasea, the cuttings are blooming most days. I always thought they'd make a good houseplant with several cuttings started around the edges of a big, nice planter with a taller houseplant in the center of it. Pepper, if they'd like some I can bring plenty. I'll have several other houseplants too. I'm still waiting for the Forsythia and Philodendron to take root and leaf out. The Mimosa and Sycamore seedlings are growing good. The Mimosas should make you a fine specimen, AuntB, sure you don't want several? I can bring alot of them. I've seen some plant that looks kinda similar to Purple Heart but I forgot what its called (it has a silky looking leaf). I used to have one that I got from cat64129 but it died.
I'm still waiting for a Pin Oak seedling and a Walnut seedling to leaf back out. I'm pretty confidant about getting as many Pin Oak seedlings but the Walnut seedling isn't looking too good. I am also waiting on those Weeping Willow cutting starts to leaf out, (though I'm pretty confidant they will in a week or so). I've grown many Weeping Willow cuttings before. Get as much of any of these as you want anybody, I'm bringing it all to the Round Up. I'll have more to bring by then.
I'd gladly have a lily, even a ditch lily. Lilies seem like a fairly good shade plant. Seems like I've seen them around the trunks of trees quite a bit. Maybe I could add some to the Elephant Ears, Hostas and Ferns.
See you all at the RU!

This message was edited Jul 28, 2009 7:46 PM

This message was edited Aug 21, 2009 8:26 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No wandering jews for me. My brother's GF has a 2 yr old so I have to keep him in mind. lol. She does need hardy plants for outside though. Easy maintence too.

I will bring irises too if anyone wants some from iris hill at PG. I can probably just throw a bunch in a bag and keep them downstairs til then. I'm getting several bag fulls at a time since we are redoing some beds and thinning out some. All are named but we tend to run out of time and not all get labeled. So the only thing I can garantee is it's won awards and it's a thriver since on several of them we are getting 2 to 3 brown paper sacks full from one clump.

I will also dig up a few of my daylilies and ask my grandma if there is any she wants thinned out and have her dig some up also.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Pepper, I would love some iris. I have a bunch of daylilies I have taken starts of and are potted and some I still have from the spring RU since I had to work and they are still in pots. I will probably have hostas, brugs, daylilies, ee's, ginger ornamental smells wonderful, peace lilies, hibiscus starts (tropical), coleus cuttings if anyone wants some (may start those), and more.....LOL

Excited to see everyone again.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, I will sort thru the ones I have now and make a pile to bring. I'll have more coming Tues probably so there will be more than plenty to go around. LOL. I'm still hoping I can get plenty of daylilies from PG but will have to wait and see on that.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have really gotten into daylilies and lilies this year. I seem to go thru phases...LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

If you like orientals and asiatics go to www.farawayflowers.com I got a bunch from her last year and they are currently blooming their heads off. The best ones are Dimention and Statement. Statement is best for size and fragrance. We can smell it from 10 feet or more away. I'm getting ready to finally get them in the ground in a little while (I hope!) and they will be really happy then! lol

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

pepper23, LOL leave it to a DG'er to find you more "stuff", you can't live without!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I'd love some of the iris, too, Pepper.

I should have daylilies to share by then as well as bee hybridized SpiderWort so I can't promise the color they will be. All the way from white to dark purple. I should be able to bring blk. walnut sprouts too as the squirrels often forget where they bury them.

Does anyone want blackberries? They are thorny but the berries are large and sweet. I should have several that I can dig out of the middle of the rows where they will only get mowed off.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh leaflady, I would LOVE to have some blackberries. I really want to start some fruit vines, fruit trees, and the such. Thorns are fine, I am going to buy some rose gloves anyway, getting tired of being scratched up by my roses...LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I will go thru the irises I have now and plus I should get more tomorrow if it doesn't rain overnight so there will be plenty.

If I had a place to put blackberries I would take some plants but I have no place to put one. Grrr.... lol

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Pepper,I'll put any new iris from PG in the bed where the other PG ones are planted & the dog who claimed Jack as 'his man' is buried. I thought it was an appropriate place to bury him. Jack loved PG and Dr. Henderson so much and was really fond of old Hogan. He was such a devoted & loving mutt.

The tiny blk. EE is doing well. So are the big reg. type ones I found in a dog carrier in one of the storage rooms about 3 weeks ago along with 2 other kinds of bulbs that only time will tell the identity of. I think one is a red lycoris my sister send me spring of '08. The box they were in sort of gave me that hint. I have all of them in pots & will leave them on the front porch as long as I can this winter so they can continue to draw strength from the soil. I finally realized one bulb is an amaryillis so it will go into an appropriate size pot. It will probably bloom about the end of OCT. lol.

GOD is so good!! There is a small ROS bush growing in the new rock bed front of the garage that I wasn't sure if I had planted or if it was a sprout from a large one nearby which I already have dozens of sprouts from. All summer I have debated on whether or not to leave it or just dig it up and pitch it. But I kept feeling I need to leave it for this year anyway. I'm so glad the HOLY SPIRIT was prompting me to leave it alone. It is the fusha(?)one someone gave me at the RU here at my house last year!! When I saw the bloom buds the other day I knew what it is. The blooms opened yesterday and they are beautiful. It is definately staying put!!! It can multiply all it wants and I'll replant the sprouts because that area isn't right for more than one ROS shrub.

Sheila & I got up late so I need to get moving or the whole day will be wasted. GOD bless and keep each of you.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is one of my newly rooted cuttings of Weeping Willow.
Now I can be identified Oct. 3rd.! lol

This message was edited Aug 13, 2009 6:09 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

LOL sort of identified only if you wear the DG copyright statement across your face.....LOL

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yea, I saw that, after I posted it! lol I'll probably post more, eventually, to put my plants on display, only next time I'll try to stay clear of where that lettering is!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

LOL (nice lil willow rootling) you both look happy!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks, life is good.
The Willow is happy too.
It is a descendant of this Lake Jacomo tree (see the duck?), that has since been removed several years ago.
It had some dead limbs up near the top, I kinda guessed it was on its way out.
I just looked at them a while ago, they are doing well. They are needing homes.
They love water, I water them regularly. Of course, they are just as happy in a field.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have planted a couple and they have not been happy at all. First one was from an old weeping willow someone had, second I bought a corkscrew willow. It has been there for years but neither one did much of anything. The old fashioned willow DH finally cut down and the corkscrew has been there for years but hasn't done much either.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

HG, willows need soggy, poorly drained soil. In KS. you likely don't have that. If you could get some black gumbo they would probably grow for you. They also like to be on pond banks.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey Will, reserve one or 2 willows for me please. I have a home reserved for them now. Thanks!! :~)

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, its a deal! You've made them very happy! Thank you! : )

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I will have hardy banana pups if I can figure out how to cut them off of the Mommy banana. I tried one and that didn't work out too well. Any of you have experience in this? I might bring the whole plant and we can do it at the RU, the one I cut is still going, but I assumed it would have some kind of roots and if it should of I didn't do it correctly.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi happ, I'd love to have a pup of a Banana 'basjoo'. Thats the only hardy one I can think of. I never had luck with keeping 'basjoo''s alive, but I think it had more to do with other factors for me than hardiness. I asked that same question a while back, on how to separate them. - Here is what I found out, funny, cutting straight down isn't recommended. -
Learning about bananas really is a learning experience, they have a corm where other plants have roots..lol
Every time I play the word corm in scabble, I get challenged and they lose their turn!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oops, I meant to insert this drawing which I always thot was good.

Thumbnail by shortleaf

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