CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! 06-26-03 New thread!!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)


kids today!! hrrmph.

are there any country people in florida?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

plenty MJ. the term is called 'Florida Cracker'... nom for those country

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Seray yes maam I was born and raised in KY just live in the next county from where I grew up now. And in case anyone is wondering none of us are twins. Most years mom had one each year. And girls rule in our family since there's 9 of us and 5 of the boys.


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

go girls. and cue chik i love crackers. gotta go. snowpeak iris sale starts in less than 4 min.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

what is snowpeak? is it an online shop?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Guess we'll have to wait for her to get back from the sale to find out Kelz . . .

Hey, mama - I know marieortiz. I'll have to tell her you're kinda forgetful in case my chief shows up on her doorstep...

BTW - like the WOOT!!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, well I was hoping to browse the sale as well, if it was an online seller!


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

always on the lookout for sale on anything with black flowers!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

here is the order thread. woot!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Dang - there's so many threads here I'll NEVER find them all . . .

Hey everyone

Sorry to miss the fast and furious 6/26/03 thread. :) Age reversal thread! WOOT!

Mindy we're Ky gals. I left early though. Job moved me to FL. Still have property there. Near Barkley Lake. Pretty place KY.

Mamajack you got that right about the grandparents favorite being the oldest. Their influence was probably stronger with the first than the rest. We probably wore them out before the younger ones could get there. :)

Have a good night!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

well then don't worry about it loca. if they want you they'll find you.

and seray i'm glad you agreed with me on that. some in my family would never own up to having been anyone's favorite. but i saw it all.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning Everyone!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I have to work today, otherwise, I wouldn't be up at this Gawd awful hour on a Saturday morning, but we like to do this thing in my house called 'eating' so I guess I can't complain, working allows us to partake of our favorite pastime :)

We got a little rain yesterday, I'm not sure how much because my neighbor hasn't given me the official rain gauge reading yet. I'm sure we got enough to help my plants make it through the hot day though!

On a side note... I have Asclepias Curassavica (Milkweed/Butterfly Weed) seeds now if any of you might be interested. I welcome any and all 'Black' flower seeds ...ROTFL.. but you guys already knew that.

Anyways, hope everyone has a great day. Stay outta the heat and enjoy your weekend!


**edited to correct a misspell I didn't catch in the proof read *cough*mamajack*cough*

This message was edited Jun 27, 2009 6:24 AM

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

Good morning all. I'm a middle child... blessed are the peacemakers! :) Middle children don't need to be the favorite, they just need PEACE! LOL

We had a lovely day for gardening yesterday and I moved the last of the seedlings up to foam cups. Next stop, into the ground! Only 3 dozen more to go. I'm almost afraid to plant them for fear of the deer getting them.

Mary Ellen

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning ,
What do you have growing in your cups? We have about 20 deer that we feed throughout the winter..I know...some say do some say don't...I do. Anyway , they don't seem to bother anything in the summer. Maybe once in a great while they nibble on a juniper bush . I often wonder if it is all the garlic I have planted which I planted way to much of I might add, if it keeps away in the summer?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

GM all !!! Hot already here, air is running. I need to get out and work today but don't know if I can handle this humidity or not. I just may stay in and make a couple of wind chimes. The flower beds look to be ok for now and so does the garden so I guess I won't worry about them too much. Have a great weekend !!!!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a) say the air is running. does that mean you have air conditioning? a lot of people up north don't isn't that right?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

OH yes I have air. I wouldn't survive this if I didn't have cause we live in a trailer. We both are to old not to have air and then my DH has had congestive heart failure and so we almost have to have it because of that.

Afternoon All

Taking a break from the heat!!! 100 in the shade today. This is couple night am I right?
Here's what I get to do next. :)


Thumbnail by
Boise, ID(Zone 6a)

Hello everyone :)

I'm a newbie who joined a few days back and have been enjoying reading through the site. Thanks to Carolyn's welcome note, I found this area and have sent in my envie and am looking forward to being able to send some seeds along to help out in the future. A site is only as good as it's members, and from my travels through all the forums and info, this site is great :)


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome to DG Linda! You'll find alot of good hearted peeps here, along with a ton of helpful info!

I hope you enjoy your stay :)


Welcome Linda!

Lots of fun here with wonderful people.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Linda,
And the rest of you don't want to suggest there are favorites well except for Flower it is her week right? The scramble is tonight and it is couples night!! One person wins both right? So you have your work cut out for you. I will try to behave and not misspell or have the wrong name or any of those silly little things happening...
But I want to tell you all a story...
Ready?Ok here you go...I think I will copy and paste here...
Good morning Sherri,
I have to tell you this story. I have been putting a package together for another woman on the newbie thread for a week or so now. Writing back and forth while writing back and forth with you. I posted the other day that all packages seeds plants and whatever else was out in the mail whew I made it....Well as I got my wonderful package delivered from you. I kept thinking oh I hope she likes what I sent her. Thinking all the time I was thinking of you. Well guess what Sherrie?? Sometimers alltimers and everytimers(in honer of Kt1)had taken over. It wasn't your package, it was the other woman's on the newbie thread. I apologize and I will put yours together and mail on Monday. I like to give the kids something to laugh about now and then I obviously don't have to work at that too hard it comes on its own often. I wondered and please tell me honestly do you mind if I tell this story on the newbie thread?
Now to complete I was writing this whole thing to Sherri because she sent me the most beautiful rose bush yes the whole bushand not just any old rose bush it is Chihuly Floribunda.."Named after the artist" So imagine how dumb I am feeling right now while I am looking at this beautiful rose bush wondering if her package is there yet and if she will like it and poof alltimers..I have not sent it !!! Help!!!! I have made the last slip down the steep hill of old age.
I could be telling a small joke when I told you that i wont pull any dumb tricks when I post the scramble tonight and if I do. It obviously is not my fault. Whew ok Im done. Have fun with that one Ktwins.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well arejay, I got a mail from her and she told me I had a package on the way and we had worked out a trade for some of the mini roses she had so I assumed that was what she was sending me and so I jumped in and got the bulbs together that I had promised her and sent them out.Well a day or so later I get the package she sent and guess what it was???? A Chihuly Rose !!!!! I was never so surprised in all my life !!!!! It was so great of her to send it.


Hi Arejay and Flower! You guys are too much. :) I'd send you my glasses since I was soooo sure I made my own dmails clear but I've lost them... Again! Thank goodness we're on the 'Age reversal' thread!! LOL


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL seray you are such a joy !!!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Everyone ready to guess at the plants I'm contributing for couples night? I promise you'll love them. And they go so nice together.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Im ready, (tho I cant win them, cuz I already won once this month) BUT... still fun to try and figure it out!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It is fun trying to figure them out. By the way, I own a small nursery, and still can't figure them out.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Good thing we already won then, Kelz...

She owns a nursery! It could be ANYTHING!!!!!!!!

It will be fun trying to guess, tho, especially since Robin's mind seems to be wandering more and more each day . . .

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ROTFL... yes... she's feeling nostalgic it seems

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ok well now I should be better it is now 715 and yes the oldtimer fell asleep BUT... I am working it right now and I will be Right back....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I really am sorry guys I guess I had too much fun this week!! But here you go lets see what you can do with this one....



Wow That is a lot of letters. I wish you all the best of luck !!

Just like nothing happen...Magic Right Polly?

This message was edited Jun 27, 2009 6:55 PM

This message was edited Jun 27, 2009 7:08 PM

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Is everyone napping?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

newp...LOL, just tryin to figure out the puzzle so i can taunt everyone else...LOL

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

that's it little girl you are going to be in so much trouble!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

awww. man! *stomps off to room.. tho still snickering*

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Only one hour late!! BTW everyone read the last few lines of post number Post #6746306


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Mindy are you here?

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