LA CAFE DE Desperate Gardeners Releiving Stress and Bordeom!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

oh and Geek, heres a nice fresh tomato for you to practice on while I gets my rope. We would not want you to mess up if ya know what I mean!

london England, United Kingdom

Hey!!! thats my tomato!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Easy Mate!! no its not.. its a clone!!!!

You better give it to Geek so she can practice... I got her drill plugged in and that guy is out in the back hog tied in the woodshed waiting for her.

You know how Geek can be if she does not have something to work on whilst she has someone to whittle on. She needs to test her majik on that mater so that she knows it will do the job on you know who!

Now here is your mater mate...chillax as Geek would say and have a cuppa!

See how close they look alike!!!

Christchurch, New Zealand

hi guys - yes there was an earthquake down south, I didn't feel it but know lots of people that did.
Luckily it was in an area of 'soft rock' so that absorbed it somewhat...
it is only a matter of time before NZ gets another really big one.
So they say...
and there are volcanoes up North that could wake up & blow our largest city off the map.
It is only in recent times that scientists realised that there is no such thing as an extinct volcano.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi dalfrye, well, lets hope those sleeping giants stay sleeping for a long time so we dont have to worry about it, but terrible thing for those later. Jeesh.

It would be so great if Geek could wave her magic wand and help that situation...

Anyway, I hope your having a great day anyway.

We have work to do so I will catch up with you later!

Louisville, KY

Thanks Blossom. I think I have the whammy down, but no matter. If his head blows up...oopsy daisy. hehehe

We are right on the New Madrid Fault which is ripe for a shake-up. A couple of years ago, we were woken up by a tremor. Quite a sobering experience.
Science, in many ways, is catching up to what our ancestors already knew.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well you sound the alarm on your end of New Maddie and I will watch my end. I have felt her quake only 2 times in 50 years so shes a sleeper. But spozed to be worse than California when she goes.

Whats that you say, extinction is the rule, life is only temperary... enjoy it while it lasts.....

Oh speaking of extinct, saw some rare birds on our back forty yesterday! Need to do some research....they were awesome.

Louisville, KY

Details please Blossom.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

The fault you live on, it runs through my yard too! YOu got the south end. All is quiet now though.

Well its a sunny day today... little bit of sprinkle.. but still all and all very nice.

Im going outside to make the best of it. Gotta check those tomaters again mate!

Humansville, MO

hi all
nice here to day
i went to a baby shower
they all talk about baby and their huband and the way they had to lean how to cook and clean house
it brought up good meries /
went i was young

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi elle, glad you could come.

Talk about the far end of the birthday scale... yesterday our group celebrated those who were sexy seniors 80 and over!

The secret of not getting old was to never die! Have fun and be yourself! Its not what you do but who you are that matters. Well, least as thatwas whatour speaker said!

Veggies anyone?

Humansville, MO

hi blossombuddy
i just turn 66 in june
every time i get by a young one
i rember what i did at there age
i just try to live one day at a time now
i work in a nuring home
i just count my blessing that i not there
i love my people there

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, i know how that goes elle, i do the same thing!

heres to it young or old or in between!

ice creams on the house. come and get 'em everyone!

Christchurch, New Zealand

I heard that birthdays are good for your health...
have you noticed the more you have the longer you live?

Humansville, MO

hi all
yes that how it go
rain here today

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Dalfrye - that is a neat saying - I will have to remember that.

I turned 56 almost 2 weeks ago - I feel at least 15 years younger but my right knee felt 15 years older. Now, with a new anti-inflammatory prescription, my knee has gotten as young as the rest of me.

Blossom - I like how your alternate your healthy vegetable offerings with equally healthy ice cream. Make mines chocolate please.

Elle - send some rain my way!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Lol!! Carefull which of those veggies you bite into... 2 of them are plastic!!! LOL! Hah ha, faked you out! Well anyway so much for no calories!! I try! But that icescream was real!

Christchurch, New Zealand

mmmm- icecream, have you heard of world famous in New Zealand Hokey Pokey ice cream?
Once upon a time you couldn't get it anywhere except NZ, but now we send it to Aussie too - all those Kiwi ex pats missed it so much.
Our other 'unique' flavour is orange choc chip, never used to get that in Aussie either.
When I moved back to NZ I got a double decker with a scoop of each.
But I must confess to now being a big fan of Cookies & Cream - that didn't exist here when I was growing up.
We can even buy Oreo cookies here now, after years of reading about them it was quite exciting to see them in our supermarket.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

dalfyre, that is so funny, but I am glad you can enjoy some of those flavors you used to not be able to get! I grew up on oreos! Funny thing about them, as a kid they tasted much better and creamier. Then they changed the recipe a tad. I like the old ones better.

And here I thought I was the only one that liked orange and chocolate! I love the bitter sweet!. I have not tried the ice cream flavor, but I do endulge in chocolate chips chased down with a tall cold glass of orange juice! YUUUM!

Well, heres a cuppa and some chops! (__)? .........!

Christchurch, New Zealand

I must admit when I finally tasted Oreos I was a bit sorry I bothered.
I like the biscuit part ok but the filling... blah

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

The creamy filling was better years back, then they started that crap on trans fats and now the recipe sucks in my opinion today. The chocolate too seems a bit more sugary tasting than years back. I tell ya what, there is nothing like the old recipe. Kripes sake, ruin a good cookie...sheesh! I swear there are a lot of foods that tasted better years ago and now.. ugh....I mean to, get real, if we wanted a helath food, we would eat a banana or something.. Gimme a GOOOOOD COOKIE, fresh butter, no skimping on the GOOOD stuff that made them good. May as well eat cardboard as that what some of the re-done cookies taste like. Yeck!

Well, heres some naturals fresh from the garden here...Tomato anyone? That biggest sucker was almost 2 lbs in itself! Fresh organically grown in chicken poo! No skimping on the family recipe there and vine ripe! 'cept fer the green ones, they kinda broke off when I got the reds!....Lets get some real butter and fry those greenies up!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh that looks delightful BB, hope we soon get some red maters. Got some potatoes, just enough to go along with the baked ham.

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well here is the basket of mates I promised terri. theres more coming...

Those taters look super.. oh shoot, forgot to weed my patch today.. dang it.

london England, United Kingdom

Ohhh Lovely Blossom, Thanks very much. I'll take them over to the Flowerpot and make a salad... LOL!

Brought you a few flowers for the porch, have a nice evening!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And for your table my dear....sunnys!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Could I help myself to a couple tomaters for tonights salad? They look scrumptious BB.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Sure haighr, I will clone you a basket of your own... take all you want!


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oops, thats mombie-crombie!!

Well, take yer pic!~

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks I will surely enjoy them this evening!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

if you need more cherrys, haighr, theres more on the hooper!

Humansville, MO

hi all
got all kind of cherry tomatoes
will be taking some to work with me

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi elle! Glad you could come today!

I brought some herbs and a vase of prairie flowers.

Take your shoes of and set a spell!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Join me in a cuippa! (_)?

Humansville, MO

i would love too
it raining here right now
getting our tv fix

Louisville, KY

Mmmm...I caught the aroma of goodies and look where it led me. Thumbs up on that orange/choc. I brought us a fancy-a$$ pound cake- orange w/ choc swirls, choc cake w/ raspberry icing and blueberry cheesecake w/ choc graham cracker crust. And best of all, poof- no calories.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Geek! Caught the aroma did ya! Well, I have a new friend for everyone to meet, , the names HERB!...Got a link to share too!! You can meet HERB here!

C'mon elle, Geek, lets find terri and go! Everyone too, yer all invited!

(Zone 6a)

I walked all the way over here from the Flowerpot and no peppers :(

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

At your service.. peppers...

Theres two baskets, I will run one over to 24 as soon as I find my shoes!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Um, found my shoes, wheres the secret link to get to 24?

(Zone 6a)

Sorry I don't have the secret link but your veggie basket is beautiful! Our peppers are still tiny things....

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