LA CAFE DE Desperate Gardeners Releiving Stress and Bordeom!

Louisville, KY

ahhhhhhhhhhhh...that hit the spot. Thanks Terri.

Humansville, MO

one for me please
got to go to work

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I aaaam sooooo stressed out, just look at me, yes one xtra large please!!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I am sooo stressed and nervous! Its the noise form all the fire crackers, I cant take it anymore! Just when I try to relax..


Another one jumps me out of my hide!

BOOOOOOOOOOOM, there goes another one... just how much more of this am I supposed to take.....

Run before they do it again!




Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Christchurch, New Zealand

We took the longer route over the mountains to the West Coast today - they said there was snow falling further south & we didn't want to risk the road being closed.
We had chains, blankets, thermos of hot water, sachets of hot choc drink as well as a big bar of fruit & nut chocolate.
Just in case...
but the road we took was fine, had been closed on Wednesday & still a bit of snow by the road.
Nothing compared to what the US & Canada get...
we think a few inches is a big deal in town.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Snow! well in my neck of the woods we have not seen a big snow for a long wime, although we have gotten the bitter cold winter on occassion. I remember back in the 60's we had a snow that was humongeous!

The climates are changing. Summers are oppressive, winters cold and we get a lot of rain and dry spells that we did not get before. Some years it seems swinter goes rightinto summer and fall is very short.

Humansville, MO

hi all
well i made it at work testerday
there was a lot of noise here
it nice an cool here today
i looking forward to the next two day
they are my day off
from work that is

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi elle, my my goodness, no see in long time! Where have you been and how are you doing?

The heat has been opressive up here, but we got a few days that cooled off and then some rain. Now it is fair, with some humidity.

The old horse has had a rough go, but she is better now with the cooler weather. She has her good days and bad just like we all! The rest of the critters are doing ok, except for the burro who needs a muzzle. He and another horse here are waaaaaaaaay too fat and need a severe adjustment in their eating habits and exersize programs.

Hope your goats and bunnies and chickes are doing well as you are too.

This message was edited Jul 6, 2009 7:38 AM

Humansville, MO

everything here is fine
we trying to get ready for the hot weather
ty for the picture of a lovely flower
i got today off then 3 day on then 1 day off
for about 3 week
vac time

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We have a new cyber cafe opened elle, hope you come join us there as well, nice you are getting a bit of time off.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Careful elle, they are trying to cybernap you! Its a conspiracy ya know, just how much are we s'psed to take?

So anyway, elle, hows that choco cake there? There is more ya know!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh the bribes BB, so you think elle would stay just for cake??? LOL

london England, United Kingdom

Got your favs over the road The flowerpot cafe' ! we miss you elle LoL!

london England, United Kingdom

hello? anyone here? Blossom, Bloomers? hellllOOOOOOO
Just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar. !

Humansville, MO

hi all
i not going any where
having too much fun here

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Aaahhh SEE! SEE LOVES THE CAKE!! ANd best part, its free and NO CALORIES! Have all you can take elle!


Um, sheeesh, its happening again, ummmmm whered I go?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Qwick, I need another pair for my hind feet!

london England, United Kingdom

Hey Blossom! got a few leftovers here, would you like them? .....

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


london England, United Kingdom

All quiet in here too Blossom, must be the credit crunch, folk just aren't coming out at night like they used
I might give it another hour then I'm closing up for the night over the road!!
Nice cool breeze sitting out here on the step mate!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

OMG! Ick ick ick...Monty the garter serpent had a run in with my mower... Geek, I think the poor lil sucker is no longer with us. His brother the yellow speckled rat snake has been playing in visible.
Funeral at 6am....Snacks at 7PM

Christchurch, New Zealand

poor Monty!
I accidentally killed a legless lizard one day out digging in my garden in Brisbane, I didn't see it & chopped it in half - I was so upset.
Silly lizard should have zigged instead he zagged...
I fed the corpse to the turtle, I was digging for worms for him at the time.
At least lizard didn't die in vain.

Louisville, KY

I'm sure your turtle enjoyed the variety.

At least Monty had a quick end. He was old and gimpy, tired of running from crows who wanted to eat him. He told me he couldn't even scare the mailman anymore when he hid in the mailbox. Time to recyle, come back as a hatchling and start the fun all over.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Monty was, well, he was a spooky guy. He would hide hither and slither yon. He met a quick end, but the buzzards enjoyed him to peices.

Snacks anyone? Got BLTS, carry out!

I seem to have a fondness for him now. LOL!

Louisville, KY

Blossom!!!! Youv'e fried up Monty! Oh the humanity. Well, now you are one with the snake. Ohhmmmm.......

Hey Dalfyre, what kind of turtle do you have? I've only kept an alligator snapper thru Xmas break many, many and more many years ago. I was reluctant to take it back to school, but mean old mom wouldn't let me keep it. Can't imagine why with those cute little jaws strong enough to take a finger.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

oh no i dint....i woodnt touch a monty with a ten foot pole!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Besides that, you promised to make him invisible and then the derned fool had to play chicken with the lan-moor and BAM. He commited suicide and got his sorry slithery skinny butt sliced and diced. Then you put a hexcurse on me and he came back and haunted me this morning.. ugh! Whats a Blossom to do?


I will just scream if I see his brother the ratsnake.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ohhhh, there I go again, its that croaking voice you gave me, darnit Geek! First you give me four hooves, now this again...


You ever gonna tern me back to normal?

london England, United Kingdom

Normal??????? you've got to be kidding..... LOL Luv ya just the way you are!

This message was edited Jul 15, 2009 5:18 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, thats one vote....LOL!

Hop, going to the GPS... I hear KONG rains there!

And the sky is falling again!

Louisville, KY

Oh, those are curly fries. lol
Blossom, I think you would look adorable with a fluffy tail.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


hmmmmm somethings a miss here! LOL!

Whaaaat a playboy bunny with scales??? Huh Geek? You better tweeak that majik wand... I think Mike-L Jax-N was playing with it.

Hop! Wiggle hop hop! Dang what the heck is that twitch????

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awwww geez...... twitch, wiggle hop hop wiggle twitch...... shes done it again....more scale than poofy tail though.. hehehe! She missed that part! NAH NAH!!!

Nice stripe though dontcha think!!

Christchurch, New Zealand

Geek - the turtle was an Australian native species, Snake Necked Turtle.
It is illegal to keep them without a permit but Mum was in a very bad realationship with a man who didn't think the law applied to him.
Poor turtle was picked up on one of his interstate travels & brought home to Brisbane.
He drilled a hole in it's shell to tether it to the paddling pool where it was supposed to live.
It broke free one day & escaped...
hope it found a new home in the wild.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh my dalfyre, thats terrible, a hole in his shell! Eeks!.

Hey, did I hear wrong or was there an earthquake somewhere down under near you?

Louisville, KY

That IS terrible. I have a power drill. How about if I bore a hole in the guy's skull and string him up with the other idiots in the woodshed? There are plenty of worms to eat out there. Sheesh. Well, hopefully, as the turtle's shell grew, the hole closed in the process.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Geek, and I am so sorry about Monty. It was awful how it happened. He was being invisible like you said, but next thing I knew the he was flying in peices out of the mower shoot. Please dont make him haunt me anymore. I cant bare it. He never saw it coming.

I prepared a table of some of his favorite herbs and coleus in his memory. He would hide in my Kong while I was not looking as evidenced by his skin I found the other day... He was soooo sneaky.

Louisville, KY

Blossom honey, he's trying to tell you not to fret over this. The old guy was achey and too slow to chase asp any more. He crawled under your mower on purpose and thought since he was invisible, you would not be traumatized from the scene. He says to chillax, have a cuppa or a snort so he can stop worring over you and get himself recycled to a nice cornfield full of fat mice.
What's that Monty? He says thank you so much for all the herbs. Coleus was his favorite. He also hopes it was ok to shed in your Kong but he couldn't resist. No place safer than with a big gorrilla.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Well, thanks for that. I am sure the Kong did not mind getting its branches caressed either. Well, Monty if ya can hear me. I know of a nice corn field in New Zealand... er maybe England that will recylcle you......good luck in that and no hard feelings.! Ohmmmmm!

Now about that guy with the turtle... I will lasso him and hog tie the .... and you can do yer acupunture. I am sure no one here will mind. YEAHAAAW!

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