Moving indoor plants outdoors for the summer

Ocala, FL(Zone 9a)

I have a large jade plant and bird of paradise that I would like to move outdoors for the summer. The last time I moved the Jade outdoors, it got sunburned. It recovered but many of the leaves were damaged. What is the best way to move these plants outdoors without damaging the plant or causing the plant to get sunburned?

Thanks for the advice.


North Augusta, ON

Start with about 20 minutes of exposure a day for a few days...then gradually up the to maybe 45 minutes, then an hour...etc. usually takes a couple of weeks of gradual introduction.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Under lights, I grow lots of tropical trees as bonsai and have a number of succulents. I move them first to open shade (this is shade with open sky above, such as you would find on the north side of a building or fence) for a few days, and then to a full sun location for half days until a cloudy period is predicted. That's when I move them permanently to a full sun position. The entire acclimation takes about a week-10 days. You may need to be slightly more cautious if your plants are not in good light before the move outdoors.


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