Clematis Guru's Hardwick Hall Summer Blooms

Delaware, OH

hotaka, a new clem for me. planted spring 09...just a few weeks ago when you think of it. so far it is impressing me.

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Delaware, OH

lady betty balfour

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Delaware, OH

another lady betty

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Delaware, OH

spring is all about guernsey cream in this display. after guernsey is finished time for violacea venosa and galore to take over. there is no third act planted here, but something to think about

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Delaware, OH

odoriba, very nice blooming clematis. thsi was from joy creek in spring of 08, really come on faster than i thought it would

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Delaware, OH

lawsoniana. this clem took a long time to establish. even this year it wilted back a couple of nice stems before settling down and blooming.
the white area is a shadow on the photograph.

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Delaware, OH

barbara harrington

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Delaware, OH

last post. solina looks so nice with polish spirit....last post here, have more but i better get out there and do some pruning so i can have some nice july photos!

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(Zone 4a)

So very pretty Guru. Love your Rubro......the other combo's are scrumptious!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

All so lovely. Thanks so much for keeping us up on your garden. It must be heavenly to be there in person!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Deb: Incredible, I really love the Diana and Prince Charles combo.

doss, her garden is indeed a haven to just stroll around enjoying the clems and the rest of the garden. Deb is very gifted with pairing up clems.


Appleton, WI

I love Polish Spirit and Solina combo.

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I love all of them!

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

They are all lovely. What a wonderful job you've done pairing them.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

What a nice welcome home. So lovely, esp the combos.

(Zone 4a)

I really love the look of the it possible to train it up a trellis though? I am thinking I will like it mixed with my HF young - I hear the durandii can grow up to 6 feet but I don't really know all that much about it.....suggestion?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

What a feast! Incredible...

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

As always, just gorgeous! Really like Hotaka. Do you remember where you got it?

Baton Rouge, LA

Lovely photos and fantastic inspiration... Thanks for posting them all! =)

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)


Delaware, OH

hey thanks all. feel like i know you and am glad you are enjoying the garden.

dawn, durandii this year was about 4 ft plus. easy to handle. i had to move it to a sunnier location year before last, and it is coming in to it's own now. i'd say put it to the front and side of a compact but floriferous clem like hagley hybrid or leans in and seems to blend, maybe a couple of tie ins or level loops would be needed, but it seems to be obedient.

Hotaka is going to be a good clem. a friend of mine near here who is a grower and nursery owner made an order from a wholesale source called Bluebird. any nursery can order from them, they have a pretty good selection, but not on the level of brushwood, joy creek or ssv. maybe recommend them as a source to your local nursery? (which is what i did)

thanks again all. glad to know the garden is being viewed and appreciated!

Delaware, OH

haven't been out today, but wanted to post clematis m le coultre( used to be known , incorrectly as marie boisselot) who is blooming with alba luxurians..... a nice white combo that will be blooming for the next month or longer.

by the way the hotaka mentioned above in response to where it came from, is was a very well rooted gallon when i received it this spring. should have mentioned that.

sun is out, but i am watching wimbledon and reading and googling.

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Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Very nice combo! It looks so bright and clean!

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Oh My Word! Stunning CG! Simply humbling. I am a clem lover and have been trying by fits and starts to add more and more clems. Until the past few years I have had difficulty finding quality ones -- thank goodness for online!
I am working on a current order and this is truly inspiring and thought provoking. M Hunt is on my list, for sure! Do you have any suggestions for really hardy, floriferous clems for the north. I prayed over my Josephine as she struggled, but a tough winter finally took her. Lesson learned: I spend enough time on my knees working in the more plants that need prayer!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh Jen I hear ya on that, as I've had that with other plants not the clems, but some of them just so call to us to at least try, don't they???? LOL


Delaware, OH

hi jennie. thanks for the comments. i remember the first couple of years, first few years really i was interested and getting into clems. looking back, don't know how i hung with it. i had little to show for it, very frustrating yet i kept going.
first of all your joesephine may come back...don't plant something else in her hole before you wait to make sure.sometimes clems take a rest. but it is more likely it is dead if it didn't come out at all. sometimes they come out and die back, in that case 50 50. in your case if it did not appear at all, slim chance, but a chance.
your best choice in the beginning is to plant the varieties that others grow in your zone and buy them locally in well rooted gallon pots, or online as second choice. if you find some locally in gallons and they are not well rooted grow them in the pot till they are well roots down to the bottom of the pot.
you have a lot of choice in zone 4, perhaps following recommendations for winter mulch and protection that works for roses in your area.
margaret hunt is vigorous as are other vitacellas such as etiole violette, minuet, little nell, blue angel. if there are gardens with mature clems in them near you go with those varieties for the easiest start. good luck on your clem journey. all that is needed is a patience and time for the plant to establish with a little knowledge thrown in, which you can gather along the way while you wait for mother nature to do her thing......

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

The down side for me, CG, is that I live in Montana which is very underpopulated. I am not saying there are no gardeners here, but the population centers are in the more temperate zones of the state. Also, because it is so large, it is a HUGE distance for me to get to a GH. Over 100 miles, and that is in a town of about 55k ppl. They just don't get much variety for purchase locally. Like you, I am not a huge N Moser fan, and jackmanii is grown here so much that though it is beautiful, I don't want any more than I have! LOL When I do see a nice one, the gardener rarely knows the name of the plant. I am totally anal. I want names and keep everything here labeled! LOL

I was thrilled that my Etoile Rose and Petit Faucon just shot out of the ground this year. The jackmanii look great, the 2 NOIDS I have are coming along nicely and the Bluebird bloomed very nicely. However, I have a lot of vertical space and my master plan is to festoon every structure with clems. These are the ones I have in my pending order...
Dr Ruppel
Ville de Lyon
Venosa Violacea
Perrin's Pride
Blue Angel
Avant Garde
Planning to add Rouge Cardinal and Polish Spirit to the list
Lusting for Little Nell, Julia Correvon, and M Hunt if I can find them as well as Piilu which is my favorite
Any thoughts? I know that online is a 2nd best for many people, but there are just so few choices available locally, they all look puny, and it is the same stuff over and over....

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


I know what you saying about having to travel a long distance. We were traveling through MT some years ago, and I an southern eastern gal just could not get over how many miles we would have to drive before a town. The country was so incredibly beautiful, but man not to be very close to other people or towns. When we did come across a town we filled up on gas whether we needed it or not...LOL

You have some list there, got any pictures of your garden you would like to share???


Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Thanks Janet. I was born in CA but lived most of my life in OK. I took me some time to get used to the vastness and the emptiness of Montana. I do love it, but we are in the plains where the winds really blow and we have no shelter like the mountains and valleys and we do not get the snow cover they get.
I hate to hijack CG's thread and my pics are puny. However, I will start a new thread with some pics of my humble garden.
Thanks for asking.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Looking forward to seeing your garden.


Delaware, OH

jennie, your climate sounds fascinating. i like your list of clems, some of my best performers on that list. exception could be dr ruppel, which is an on and off clem from me, but a good learning curve and nice blooms when all cylinders firing.
would like to know more about your climate and "verticle space" so please post your "humble pics".

many of share your love of clems...can relate to the jackmanii OD, which is such a snice clem. reliance on that clem is a step up from the usual response folks have when asked what kind they have and they answer "a purple one" before they say "i want to get a pink one"

hahahah love clems and people that love them......clems rule!

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