Clematis Guru's Hardwick Hall Summer Blooms

(Zone 4a)

Once again Guru you have brought smiles to my face this morning. I love enjoying all your blooms while I wait for certainly gives me a lot to look forward to. Thanks for sharing your morning stroll with us.

Delaware, OH

my pleasure dawn. you will appreciate those blooms when you finally get them. keep us posted on it all. i don't know anyone who has had a major hail hit all clems as you did.
blue angel will make you smile!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

last but not least for this walk , for those of you following margaret hunt, you will see has has handled the rain and kept on blooming..this is the most floriferous clem at age 3 i have ever had in the ground. my records actually show it is an 07 purchase....the blooms hold well for cut flowers, and the rain has not destroyed them.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

wanna see the poppies?

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Zone 4a)

MH is fantastic....I wish I could find her here....she is truly beautiful. Is that one a group 3?

Delaware, OH

yes. it is the best performing clem i have ever had in 8 years or more of planting, growing , studying except species clems such as my angel, intricata, terniflora, recta, tangutica etc.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

I am tempted to get MH from the SSV sale. I hold your recommendations highly. I hope it would be the same in hot weather too.

Delaware, OH

if you have other clems that perform similar in hot weather as to here, that would be one way to evaluate that. also talking or e mailing ssv and asking......i don't know anyone who has mh in the hot zones. good to check that out.....there are so many clems you can grow down there than i can not grow here.....doesn't seem fair..we should all be able to grow all of them.....

what are your best performing clems bananna?

my daughters name is anna, when she was a child we used to call her anna bananna....

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

The only two I have had for many years are Jackmannii (even got a seedling from him) which does well without too much fuss and Belle of Woking (which I posted an anemic pic of a while back) I have noticed my zone can grow the Crispas which is nice.You must have zone envy for that group. I have lots more in liners or just 1 year old, so I can't really evaluate them yet.
When I moved down here I thought I wouldn't be able to grow clems...hope to change that big time!

It is only since starting to work here in Texas have I had that nickname (also bananarama) you can see my DG name is popular enough that I had to add a number.

New Richmond, OH

CG, is Margaret H pink or rosey/lavendar?? Minuet is darling...just ordered her as well. Are her edges rose too?

(Zone 4a)

Ha too cute Guru...My daughters name is Hannah and we always call her Hannah Banana...even her friends call her that LOL!!!

Delaware, OH

anna, i have a crispa in second year.
it flowered this year. very sweet

dawn, hannah bannanna,love that!

MH is pinkey lavender i would say. no other clem in that color in my garden. very nice and distinctive.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

not hannah bananna montanna?
I ordered a Margaret Hunt as well. Debbie thought it should grow well here.
Guru...are you zone 6?

(Zone 4a)

Well sometimes she calls herself Hannah Montana....LOL She is 4 years old....too cute!

Delaware, OH

banannnna i am zone 5b, kind of a microclimate in that we do not get the "lake effect" weather that is to the north or the "ohio river valley" effect that is to the south. but we do have a hard winer, but come out if it as early as early arch, but can still have frost till may 15 (altho in 20 years here i have never seen that)...we didn't really have frost this year much after early april.

you will love margaret hunt.....what a clem!

dawn, bet she is a cutie.....

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

You might have made a micro micro climate with the trees,hardscape too. It seems that over the years, my zone has changed from 7b to 8a. Alot of annuals come back that never did before.
I am so excited about MH. It is all Sharkey's fault! You hear me Florida girl?

Delaware, OH

yes, and we have 6 ft fencing on the west and north sides of the property as well as a slope that seems to give some protection. the trees help i think as you mention. but i still can't get spoonerii to flower, even tho it is hardy and i do have a couple of pink perfections, but they get one bloom if any, even tho they are hardy here. just gotta be in your zone and work with it vs against it!

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

yes, even if your not fighting your zone there are lots more factors..soil, water, sun, keep it challenging

Delaware, OH

isn't that the truth. so much rain the last week, even tho we did dry out between and escaped the winds etc here in this area. need to let the clems dry out before resuming watering. to ouch water builds a weak plant.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


my Proteus is starting to decline in blooms, mostly I think because I have no where for it to continue to climb, is this one in group 3 and after the blooms are gone should I cut it back to how far above ground?


Thumbnail by meadowyck
Delaware, OH

janet, proteus should only be trimmed to get rid of damaged vines or keep the shape you want, if at all. this is a group 1 clem. no prune is best, but i am always for removing damaged vines and a tidy plant.

do this do it asap if you want the double blooms next year. the doubles come on old vines, the kind of blooms you have now are on the 09 growth.

if you do not have space for it to climb on yet and it is a young plant, 1 to 3 yrs, you can prune half it's hieght off now, knowing you will be sacrificing doubles next spring, but creating a better more established plant...

does this make sense? pretty blooms in the shot.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Deb, I just loved the doubles this spring. So glad I didn't do anything (in the way of cutting back) to it or I would have missed those doubles. Then when it changed to singles it surprised me. Like having two different plants in one...LOL

This was the one I purchased last year that was almost dead at wal mart. My first clem and it bloomed after I got it home and in the ground last year. But I'm sure it was the soil I put it in good top soil/sweet peat/leaf humus that did the trick in bring it back to life and having it bloom.

Thanks so much.


Delaware, OH

sometimes they blooom double and single at same tie, so it really is like two plants in one. you are right.
one of mine had a good year, but my oldest one is sickley yellow, i did some treatments, but left it intact for the garden tours here as it was loaded in single blooms. today it is getting a major cutback so i can try and restore the plant to health. we have had a pattern of heavy rains since late winter and the spot it is in , while a good area for many clems, just doesn't drain right for proteus.

gotta get out there and help that plant out!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

CG: You Clematis blooms and Poppies are a sight to behold! Simply gorgeous!!

Do you grow some of your shorter Clematis on inverted tomato supports? I believe you are showing them in a couple of your pictures. I've read of people doing that with much success.

Delaware, OH

hi shirley. funny, i was thinking of you today when i was spraying some bayer 3 in one. don't know why, but HELLO!

yes on some small one year old plants and compact ones i am using the inverted tomatoe cages with a finial of a grapevine ball or some small woven bird houses. i had the g vine balls and bird pouches and large tomatoe cages, so when the brainwave hit..viola. i pin them in the ground with landscape mat u shaped pins. mostly use the giant tomatoe cage so it makes a nice structure. someone posted they were going to spray paint them black for using in the borders. mine are in the "gallery gardens" which are the back side of some huge landscape and shrub berms and a bit sheilded from view form the lawn, but i like the look an dfeel of them. love the spray painting idea which i did not do.

oh, i just remembered why i was thinking of you...was spraying the ground cover near clematis kullus. it has a few stems and is a nice healthy 3 feet right now. we'll see what happens as my past with this clem places it in the dud category, tho the blooms when you get them are beautiful.

hope hubbie is better and that you are enjoying the season a bit......

Delaware, OH

hardwick hall summer blooms thread is on new photo hiatus till next weekend. i have a 5 day business trip starting tomorrow so no new photos (but i do have a recent photo archive i can pull from when i am missing the clems) and will be eager for my return to the garden and all the positive, and negative surprises! i will be on line frequently, and checking in to dg thru the trip. i have hundreds of photos to label and organize, it is a daily feast out there and i will be ready when i get back to immerse in the clems.....

so much going on out there..i did some bayer 3 in one today (powdery mildew preventative) on the ground covers and shrubs near the clems, and pinched off some yellowed leaves. moved one small clem that was in too much shade and potted up a viorna which was suddenly not liking it's location in the ground. made arrangements for someone to deep water the clems on wed morning...they are still drying out from last friday's deluge of rain.....more clems are killed or harmed form overwatering than underwatering, so good i will be gone and not over pampering them this week while they stretch their roots as they dry out.

hubbie will enjoy his week eating trader joe frozen food and no nagging wife i am sure.......enjoy your week with the clems everyone! LOL

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

have a good trip and we await your return along with your wonderful clem pics.


Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Hadn't been on this thread for a couple of days. WOW - enjoyed the show!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Me too -- what a feast for the eyes! Thanks, CG, for posting.

Your Margaret Hunt shots have got me very excited.... mine, planted a couple of months ago, is budding up!

Delaware, OH

hey wickerparker, think i remember last year raving about margaret hunt...glad to see you back here. i am putting 2 more mh in , in a more predominant location near my has seduced me, but i don;t want to move the one i have that is flourishing and adds a lot to the garden where i have her placed.

Delaware, OH

i am back in the garden after a 5 day absence. a lot has happened in the week. when i left, it was hot and we were forecasted to have a nice stretch of rainless weather. i left monday, the clems were deep watered wednesday morning. we had a good bit of rain thursday(yesterday). so the weather and moisture were good.
first the walk around and situation check out.
no harm done while i was gone, but the clems that are bloomed out are looking ratty and some screaming for a trim.
took pics of some of the highlights.
the earlier heavy rain in june have taken a toll in general with come of the clems in terms of blooms holding up well and looking their best.
rubromarginata in full bloom, here it is with ville de lyon.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

more rubro

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

the prince charles combo, last seen in 08

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

caroline, a new kid on the block here..planted in late 08...from ssv

it's gonna be a great clem. and the flowers are precious.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

countess b new blooms mingling with the last of multi blue, who has bloomed for so long this year. i am amazed by multiblue this year.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

someone wanted to see avante garde.....

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

for comparison, here is purpura plena elegans, also taken today

avante garde is a brighter bloom, elegans is a matte burgundy color

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

little nell, a favorite clem for me. i like it so much i put another one in this spring in a different garden.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

margaret hunt keeps on blooming. i like the way the plant has handled all the rain and the blooms are sturdier than they look. great performing clem. have 2 more coming form the ssv sale and want to put them somewhere more noticible than this one. can't bear to move this one, but her beauty must come out of the gallery garden into the open.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

the classic perle de azure seems to be able to handle anything mother nature deals out.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru

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