Clematis Guru's Hardwick Hall Summer Blooms

Delaware, OH

thanks jj it is a sweet,compact, floriferous clem. can take sun or shade. bi coloration is darker in shade as with other bis. this one is in almost full sun, so it is lighter in contrast and central bar color.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

CG, gorgeous pictures, as usual, and am especially happy that you posted (and posted) Margaret Hunt. She's even prettier than I remembered. Very excited to see my first blooms. As you know, I ordered mine from Silverstar this spring. Had to have her and the only place I had was through a fairly dense climbing rose. She's already put up 3 vines and is quickly working her way up. Hope you'll post her again when she comes into full bloom.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Wonderful blooms. My list of must haves is growing.I find it hard to restrain myself from ordering more.

(Zone 4a)

My new quest is to find Cezanne _ I have seen her around at a few places but I keep hoping the prices will come down. Too expensive for me right now.

Delaware, OH

duchess of e blooming on. ernest markham for company. ernest has never been a strong performer for me. always glad to see some blooms.....

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

perrins pride having a great year. if you have the time to let it establish i recommend this clem highly, due to the unusual recurve to the sepals and a matter, beautiful plum color that is truly different in a sea of purple.
nice thing about perrins, it does have a long bloom season, and the blooms stay on the vine longer than some.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Baton Rouge, LA

CG, are the structures in this photo actually tomato cages inverted with grapevine balls on top to pull the legs together?

If so, what a fabulous idea! They look great that way... and I might even try painting a few black to blend in with the wrought iron. If those are inverted cages, what size pins did you use to secure them to the ground?

Thanks for any info! Evey =)

Delaware, OH

yes, i had posted the idea early in the season. i keep them in a "trial area" that is not that visible, but i think with paint and hopefully lots of clems on them they could go anywhere!!!

they are working well with the younger clems . the pins are just landscape mat pins, they are about 4 inches long, like a "u" shape. they have worked out well i this area so far.

(Zone 4a)

Once again you have put a smile on my face with your beautiful clematis. The Ernest Markham colour is so pretty! Love that bright colour. I was at a nursery yesterday that had Perrins Pride....I was thinking about it....but I didn't LOL!!!

Delaware, OH

dawn, perrins is a real find, not seen in US very often. but it does take a while to establish. at least for me it did. but i am so glad it lived thru the early years and i can enjoy it now. i remember years with a spindly stem and maybe 1 bloom, well we've all been there with clems i am sure.
today at hardwick hall was sandwiching garden chores in with professional work. there are a lot of brown andyellow leaves at the bases this year, maybe not more than usual ,but they all hit at once. so i m cleaning up the bases and thinking about who is getting a post bloom prune, and who to leave alone. cleaned up many many plants today....the blooms are so pretty it is a pleasure working with the plants.

no photos today, had my hands full of leaves and stems and nippers and grief!

(Zone 4a)

Yes now I remember....I passed it by because I remembered someone saying it was slow to establish. Ok maybe not a great reason to pass one by....but I guess I just wasn't in the mood yesterday.....LOL Yours is beautiful though...all that patience really paid off.

I have to admit. Most of my clematis seem to have done well from the get go.....I have never had a year as of yet where a clematis didn't do well for me? Maybe it is just the types I have. The "only" one I can say that hasn't done much but it is my fault is Dr Ruppel. When I first planted it - one of my first purchases....I don't think I planted it deep enough....then the following year I felt it was too close to the fence so I moved it out about 6 inches. I have had the darn thing for 5 years in total and I have only seen one bloom on I haven't moved it in two years so I hope it does something for me this year. LOL...

Delaware, OH

dr ruppel is overrated in my opinion. i am always having this issuse or that isue with it. snails like it, it wilts, it gets heat stroke....blah blah blah. it would not be on my "best" list at all. too many bi colors to worry about this one. i am not kicking it out of my garden, but i never recommend it.

even a you build it and get more blooms it is just a toublesome clem. i get plenty of blooms now but i can't wait to cut it back every year before it is finished, it just does "not pay the rent" for the real estate it takes as m toomey would say.

(Zone 4a)

Really? I find that interesting - seems like so many people have that one and love it....however I could never say I loved it cause I haven't seen it preform yet LOL Maybe in another year or two it will be something to talk about once it finally roots properly? I haven't had wilt or any other trouble you had mentioned with it....just the fact that only 1-3 stems might emerge but nothing else....very sparse plant so far. So far all clematis have done well for me excluding my new ones this spring and last spring cause I am not sure about those yet but the ones I have that have done really well.....

These have been in my gardens 3-5 years - no troubles other than Dr Ruppel.....
Multi blue
Nelly Moser
compess de bouchard
Star of India
The President
Dr Ruppel - no so good due to my own stupidity and learning curve LOL

Now I look forward in their second year....
Etoile Violette - did well for same year being planted
John Huxtable - did well for same year being planted
Ville De Lyon - did well for same year being planted
Polish Spirit....- did well for same year being planted.
Scartho Gem - no blooms on this one first year planted
Pink Champagne died back last year and did re-emerge

The ones planted this season...I will know more next year....
Blue Angel
Madame Julia Correvon
HF young

My 2 big wants right now are Jenny and Cezanne. Still debating on whether or not to order Jenny online. I have seen cezanne here but waiting for a sale before I snatch one up.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I love Dr. Ruppel and I am worried about the disappointment in it.

I cheated and purchased this Dr. Ruppel last weekend. (ignore the horrid mess behind it I am covering the horrid neighbors stuff as fast as the plants will let me).

It has a lot of buds and I noticed a big one opening tonight when I was digging holes for my SSV order that is coming tomorrow.

Thumbnail by bookreader451
(Zone 4a)

Book your de ruppel sure is coming along....mine never looked that good.....

Delaware, OH

book reader , that is a good looking dr ruppel you bought. i would make sure drainage is good, sun adequate and hope that you have a good clone of the plant. yours looks good . i am sure there are many success stories out there with it, it just ranks lower here based on my garden. we always blame ourselves, the site , the care...sometimes it is just the plant!

carnaby is a nice blooming bi color for me this year, and carnival too. might as well put it out there i am not a big nelly m fan either, even tho i have seen photos of amazing ones...piilu is my favorite bi color followed by carnival.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Planted a new clem in the rain today !!! I had the hole ready and waiting (thanks to the untimely death of the climbing Peace rose, the second failed attempt at Peace in my garden). It is Montana Mayleen, a pale pink type 1 from Bluestone's half price sale. It is a small, but healthy, liner with roots coming out the bottom. It is going on the same wall (but not same trellis) as rubro. I am growing Austin's Abraham Darby rose as a climber on the same trellis.

I love the upside down tomato cages. I have tomato cages and paint, now I just need to find a creative topper. I have a box of finials and whatnots, I will come up with something. A wooden ball from the craft store painted to match would also work.

ClemGuru, what are your favorite landscaping evergreens for clematis "hosts"? That is good advice, as usual, to grow the evergreens first. I don't have room for trees here, but it doesn't hurt to think ahead....

And a blonde question...what is the plural of clematis....clemati? clematises? clematis?

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the tour which has wet my appetite for our tour on Saturday.

Just can't wait for the weekend.

Beautiful and breath taking.


Delaware, OH

gardenquilts, we joke around that the plural is clematii, but it's a good good question. for the plural i usually use the single form, like deer, meaning several or just one. answer is , like most clem questions, is yes, no , maybe!!! would be good to know that , if you find out let us know.
i had the grapevine balls here , had used them for something years ago and then had stuck them somewhere in a basket and found them when i had the inspiration re the tomatoe cages. they are working out fine.

janet, weather report good for saturday i think.not to hot, and no rain showing now. hope everyone knows comfortable shoes etc.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

for sure on that gal.

3 days and a wake up (as they would say in the Marine Corps when your enlisted counted down was about to end, LOL).


Delaware, OH

got some early work in today and the light was good for photos. here is vitacella solina, with polish spirit.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

carnaby is blooming again, smaller flowers. this bi color sis a better performer for me than nelly m, dr r or bees j.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

one of the big rouge cardinals in full bloom

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

hagley hybrid thru norwalk spruce. someone asked me on a post about evergreens to grow clems on and thru. norwalk is good. alberta. blue spruce. anything but white pine really. evergreen cedars and arbor v make great supports. and box wood my favorite of all hedge shrubs.
clems look godd sprawling on ""gold thread thread, a low evergreen...i have not done this yet, but have seen it, it is very nice.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

dominika's first bloom. this will be a show stopper next year i got two plants and they are in the same hole. the bloom is so pretty and different.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

sympatia, first year, large blooms.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

rouge cardinal with pink cameo

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

odoriba up close. small bell shaped flower, very delicate.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

lemon bells blooming

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

huvi. floriferous. richly colored. great clem.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

the blue angel arch looks good today

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

this morning's glimpse into the garden ends with a new shot of margaret hunt, as i know it is gaining fans.....spectacular clem. just perfect. can't say enough about it. no wilt. doesn't attract insects. never peakish. just sprouts up, grows, blooms and does what clems are supposed to do.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)


W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Guru - They are all beautiful!! I'd hate to have to pick a favorite. You answered something I wanted to know and was afraid to ask - it's okay to plant 2 in the same hole? When they are planted on or in large spruce, pine, where does one place the hole/plant? We have several blue spruce, black hill spruce, norway spruce, etc. and the branches grow so much each year that I was afraid that the clematis would get lost in a couple of years. Yours looks wonderful coming thru that spruce.

I can understand why margaret hunt is becoming so popular - she's lovely.

Delaware, OH

thanks jeanne.
dathen, i usually tell folks to plant at the drip line of a spruce ...that is where this hagley is. the tree has grown considerably since hagley went in and it is a couple of feet inside the drip line now, so the plant comes forward toward the sun on it's own. i have also trimmed the ends of the branches in that area to shape the tree, and plant o do more of that as it continues to grow.

it likes the location, which is full sun for the tree, so the flowers do not hold color as long as they do on my other hagley. another clem that would like to grow like this is Pope JPII....i have some on curly willow that was planted expressly for them to grow on. worked out well. pope goes wayyyy high.

there is an old photo of Jackman from the late 1800's in front of a spruce and the entire tree is covered with a light clem, maybe jackmanii alba, it is an amazing photo. i have it in the mary toomey encyclopedia of clematis book...

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I've been away from the Clem Forum for a while and WOW, have I missed a lot. Just love your gardens - breathtaking, spectacular! Your dominka looks like such a soft pink, very pretty. And your Ville de Lyon is to die for! You really should have your gardens in a magazine (if you haven't already)! Thanks for all these pictures to drool over!

Delaware, OH

goldfinch, thanks. appreciate it.
it is all about the therapy of work for me, don't step back and view it too often, so the feedback is great.
dominika is going to be a show stopper.....very pretty and unusual clem.

no magazines. a couple of garden clubs touring the clems this month, that is a first.

thanks again!

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Guru. I found a balsam fir that I'm going to try one on. It's a tree that we planted maybe 10 years ago. We never trimmed it and were thinking about taking it out because the branches are far apart and it's somewhat sparse. I think it will look great with a clematis growing up and into it. I imagine it will take a little training.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I am terribly inspired by your clematis. I started with clematis this year to mix with my climbing roses but I am getting addicted. I bought two more tonight. I will either run out of money or room soon.

Delaware, OH

dathen, tree sounds perfect. i have jacknaii on old limbed up lilacs that does well too. shrubs and trees are natures trellises!

bookreader, thank will run out of money before spae probably, always room of more clems! plenty of underused vertical space in most gardens and yards......THINK VERTICAL!

next few days will be eyepopping here , so many more getting ready to open. that is is no winds, snails, heavy heavy monnsoon rains, or other natural disaster.

actually all the clems here late summer in july made it thru the tail of hurrican ike with NO DAMAGE. the winds were high i guess, we are pretty protected. we lost at least 5 big trees in the storm and the entire property was covered in little twigs, leaves and branches, but clems and clem structures were fine. thank you mother nature.

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