Clematis Guru's Hardwick Hall Summer Blooms

Delaware, OH

summer is in the air and the blooms are coming on strong. early bloomers are just about gone, tho the duchess, proteus and josey will be around for awhile........
a season of MORE. more heat, more bugs, more blooms, more daylight, more of everything.......lush foliage and MORE!
Let's enjoy the season of MORE.

VIlle de Lyon has more blooms than ever before.....this is one plant, no layering or secondary roots in there.....

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

Shirayukihime...only 3 years old, established easyily and will bloom through the summer

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

Niobe is another signature clem here at Hardwick Hall. This display has 3 plants, all niobe and all about 6 years old and will bloom not throughout the summer. this is a new structure for it this year, and so far , so good.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

Wow - it must have been exciting and fun to see how clematis did in a week.

It looks like your Ville de Lyon is trying to eat the evergreen. I love it!

Delaware, OH

it's all over it for sure...but that is why it there , to support the clem! there was a lot of change in the 6 days i was away. not too many bad surprises...just the ocassional wilty stem to be cut out or lever looped up. the rains are hard on the flowers so i hope we ease out of them so the blooms last a looong time this year!

here is julia correvon, really coming on now into full flower

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

here is clematis paul farges and a common red ground cover rose

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

here is bonanza, having a good year

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

odoriba blooming nicely. first full year in ground here

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

mrs "chummie" and sunset look good together

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

huvi, ssv root planted last summer, jumped forward into a nice clem already.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

hagley hybrid, durandii, late single proteus, late lingering john warren in this display

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

betty corning officially in bloom, and will be for some months. betty corning was discovered in a garden in upstate new york, where it had started as a chance seedling. can you imagine the thrill of finding this clem?
it is among the most delicately colored, floriferous, vigorous clems i know of.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

philadelphius arches in fragrant bloom now. all started with bareroot pieces that were 25 cents each.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

pope jpII with carnival, high up in a curly willow tree that is grown expressly to be a trellis for them. very limbed up and mistreated curly willow, also started from bareroot.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

better shot of the pope

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

and last a closer look at julia correvon, who is at the top of my all time favorite clem list. have ot get back out and get some work done. insects to stop, vines to lever loop, much to do.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Zone 4a)

Your julia correvon is soooooo pretty - I am SO SO SO glad I got that one!!! Huvi, Bonanza and Niobe are just spectacular!!! What a wonderful variety you have....I am just in awe!!!

Delaware, OH

thanks dawn. we are coming on strong right now as to vigor,blooms and overall impact.
spent some hours picking brown leaves off bottoms of plants that have no liked the rains we have had, but that is a pleasureable task when in the midst of the color and vigor of summer season!
julia c is an amazing clem....just amazing.
i tucked a second plant in next to my original plant last year when i found a well rooted gallon somewhere locally, but this show is all plant number one......strong, strong clem.
blue angel already has a lot of blooms open as of this weekend. not fully n bloom , but comiong on strong. i am posting a shot i took this morning, as i know you just got that one too.
will post a better shot as it opens up more. blue angel is one of brother stephans gifts to the world. a great clem. here it is with niobe.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

today is coming to a close, garden-wise.
here is a nice polish spirit, kept in check ,size wise, with frequent nippings and tuckings during the growing season, as well as a hard prune in april. some have dissed polish spirit as a "thug", but in the northern zones, it adds so much (so quickly) and if managed properly the flowers get bigger and bigger every year....really comes into it's own and a very appreciated addition to so many displays,or on it's own as shown here taken today in the garden.
another thanks you to brother stephan for this beauty. he has contributed so much to the world of clematis. his body of work encompassing blue angel, montecassino, polish spirit, warsaw nike (midnight showers)...on and on the list of all time favorites and great clems are his gift to us.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

Br Steffen has contributed so much to the clematis world.

Your polish spirit is stunning. I have never seen one look so good.

(Zone 4a)

You will soon Julia - I plan on having mine look even more beautiful than that one LOL Just kidding Guru! Would be nice though. I love Polish Spirit.

This message was edited Jun 8, 2009 5:11 AM

Appleton, WI

You go, Dawn. Can't wait to see it.

(Zone 4a)

Gee I just realized how bad my spelling and English was in my previous post....I was so tired last night LOL..

I had to go and edit it.

Appleton, WI

I just realized yesterday that we can edit our own posts.

Delaware, OH

thanks julia and all.
re typos, i just post fast and usually do not if you couldn't tell on that.
polish spirit has proved to be a very useful clem to me here. partial shade or sun. that one is in full sun, and it is easy to train it to mound like that vs climb, which is what gives the full shrub like look. the flowers are better every year on all of them.
here is another one from yesterday that is in partial shade. also in my other photos you can see a polish spirit on the other side of julia correvon's arch and i also have them growing thru some hemlock trees....they will be very nice later this year or next.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

Your property looks like a botanical garden, CG.

Delaware, OH

thanks julia jayne, wouldn't go that far, but gardening in the same spot for 18 years has some rewards..especially in al the hedges, shrubs and evergreens that i bare rooted in pots 10 and 12 years ago and seeing them look good. most of them went from liners to gallons to 3 gallons to ground and have been moved multiple times......very rewarding. as rewarding as the clems actually as they are the foundation of the year round look and feel.

Appleton, WI

I too find the trees and the shrubs we planted just as rewarding as the clematis. What I don't have are enough evergreens. I started planting more within that the last couple of years, and it has made a huge impact on the look and feel of the garden. While I am limited mostly to boxwoods and arborvitae because of the black walnuts, there are some great dwarf varieties of arborvitae type evergreens that I can buy locally.

Delaware, OH

you are so right re ever greens. we did a lot of evergreen panting our first few years here and have never regretted it. if we ever move and i design landscaping and garden form scratch, they will be priority one......

Delaware, OH

haven't done any gardening today, we had a rain storm and the light is good for photos.

regency is one of my favorite clems, but it is not vigorous and not floriferous, but worth putting up with. my main plant is
6 years old, i added a nice regency root from Uncle Green Thumb this spring, which is coming on well. this will enable me to see if the cultivar itself is weak, or just the plant i bought in the beginning.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

hagley hybrid looks very good this year

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

our friend mrs "chummie"

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

margaret hunt is just starting to open up, it will be a spectacular display within a few days.
why this clems is not more widely available i do not know.
if i indexed start up time, vigor, trouble (none) and floriferousness, and unique/pretty color of the bloom, it is probably the number one clem i have ever grown. no exaggeration.
it is about 5 ft tall, but doubling over. i may put in a larger structure for it next year, or coax it to the evergreens early in the year as i have done with others in that garden.
ine came form song sparrow i believe 5 years ago, but i noticed it is listed on ssv's site.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

whoa my images are not attaching today grrrrrr
working backward, margaret hunt

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

last try, this may be a dg problem.....

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

Completely Clematis website states that Margaret Hunt is excellent for northern areas.

Delaware, OH

glad the photos are posting, it was weird they were not on the posting after it was up, then when i went back on the site an hour later they were up...very weird, sorry for the multiple shots. but if a plant ever deserved multiple postings it would be margaret hunt!

will be out nipping and tucking in this garden this afternoon, it is the "west berm north garden". king edward II is in full bloom, and many are coming on fast in this area. it is like a gallery of clems, with ground covers and a few perennials for interest. should re christen it the "w gallery n"

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

king edward II is a pretty clem. this shot does not do it justice. i am happy with it's performance, as i moved it in late summer 08, as the location it was in was in the way of some construction and it was too shady of a location for it anyway. it is doing great considering the move.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

don't know if posted piilu this year or not, but earlier today i cleaned it up a bit so if i did it looks better now. love this little clem, whose name means "little duckling".
this clem was near kind edward II before and was relocated last summer as well t this gallery style garden. thrilled no harm done as it is a favorite.
i am much more bullish on relocation of clem tha i used to be. lets face it we make errors with choosing the site and best to correct vs let the clem remain in the wrong site.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Appleton, WI

I'm all for moving clems if I think they would do better or look better elsewhere.

Piilu is gorgeous.

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