Reluctant Eastern Bluebird Fledges

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Our 5 Bluebirds fledged on Wednesday 4/22!! It was a long day as they started at 9:30 AM and the last one did not leave until after 7:00 o'clock that evening. I was alerted by the parents as they did not come to get their worms at the usual time and I noticed them flying to the nest box and landing in the trees and doing a lot of chattering and wing-waving.

When the Blues fledged last year it seems that it only took about an hour and all had left the box. This group fledged at 17 days and I had thought they would wait one more day but Mom and Dad had other ideas!

Here is Dad trying to persuade the first one out of the box. Sorry for the poor quality of shots but I stayed a safe distance away and the lighting was a real pain!!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Here is Mom making a lot of noise and flapping her wings.

This message was edited Apr 24, 2009 3:42 PM

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

The fledge looks up...

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

The fledge looks down...

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

The fledge looks around...

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

The fledge looks mad as hell...

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

and is not gonna take it anymore!! LOL!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Mom lands on the box...

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

doing her best to coax the little ones out.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

This one gives it some serious thought.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

And they all were eventually successful!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Mom was tired but it was a good day...although a long one.

Thanks for looking!!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Great coverage dellrose. That one does look mad as hoot too LOL.

Marlton, NJ

So adorable Rose!!!!

So glad everything went well, thanks for sharing with us!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Dahliahut and was such a treat to have them all finally make it! It was a real emotional roller coaster!! The parents have been coming for worms and I am anxious to see if they bring the babies to the feeding cage.

Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Great series Rose, thanks for posting them! (no Bluebirds ever in my yard)

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks GM...I was hooked from the first time I ever saw one and they absolutely take my breath away!

Florence, MS(Zone 8b)

Wow Rose! Fledging already! Mine just hatched a few days ago. Mom getting mealworms to take to the nest.

Thumbnail by f_chisolm
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Ah Frank...she is a real beauty. I see you had no trouble training them to get the worms...nice going! When will yours fledge? I am still in shock that all of ours made it. At the time I thought it was too early to start laying eggs because I knew we would still have some cold weather.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Fantastic coverage of the fledgling, Rose. Very beautiful.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

MAN...they were on the fast track I guess!! Very nice pics. I would assume you may get another brood or maybe two!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Burn and Nanny! Yes, I suspect they will have a few more broods.

I was outside tonight trying to get some pics of the Hummingbirds and the Blues were coming for meal is the Dad with a mouthful.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

showing a little attitude!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Here is Mom...posing nicely.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I watched where they went when they left with the worms and was able to get this very long shot showing all 5 fledges. I hope you can see all of them..(3 in the middle, one in the lower right and one in between)!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

How wonderful that you were there to get all of those great shots!

PERTH, Australia

Rose, that's marvellous. Congratulations and thank you for sharing the experience. The last shot with all the bubs together is so lovely.

Stafford County, VA

Nice photos Rose. Beautiful shot of the female posing. Very nice long range shot too.

Looks like two of the three fledges at the top are males. One lowest right looks like a female. Can't tell for sure about the other two but the one at the top right is probably a female too.

Mine is still working on her second nest, although it looks done to me.

Here she comes with some smaller grass. Wonder how she can see.


Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Juney, Margaret and Dave. I think the long shot is my favorite because it shows them all safely tucked away. I honestly didn't think it would show up at all since I was over 150" away from the target and had to manual focus in tricky lighting.

Thanks for ID'ing the sexes Dave...after seeing your fledges I had suspected as much. That is a super shot of Mama...they don't waste any time do they?! Ours are rebuilding this morning...or at least reclaiming their box.

Stafford County, VA

Yes Rose, in the past both of my parents have gone off with the fledglings for a week to 10 days, both feeding the fledges during that time, then typically, she will start building her next nest about a week after the prior group fledged, start laying a few days after that, and turn the care and feeding of the fledglings over to Papa when she begins incubating.

Incidentally, she laid her first egg in her second nest this morning.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info Dave...I really appreciate knowing what to expect! She has been spending time in the nest box this morning and putting grass in it, I guess her way of telling the world that it is hers and "winds off" her box.

Congratulations on the egg...let the fun and worry begin again!!

Here is Dad from last night..I can tell him from other males because he has a mole on his right foot and the back of his left leg. He had one on his nostril but it has disappeared.

Thumbnail by dellrose
Stafford County, VA

I have some real problems, Rose. A few minutes after I wrote my last post, I went out to put the sparrow spooker on the box. As I approached the nest box I saw part of a blue egg on the ground in front of the nest box. It was broken and most of the yellow yoke was still in the egg shell. Needless to say, both bluebirds are very upset. An hour later Papa was trying to feed Mama a worm and she simply refused to take it. After he left she just sat there for a good 5 minutes, seemingly devastated. First Dave removes her nest with 5 eggs, then this.

It seems very strange that this egg was removed only an hour or two after it was laid.

My first thought was HOSPs, since I am literally over run with them. But the more I think about it I wonder if it might have been a cowbird. A HOSP would have invaded if he wanted to take over the nest box and most likely would have broken the egg in the nest and he definitely would have torn up the nest. But this nest was hardly disturbed.

I have read a lot lately that cowbirds can be vindictive towards birds that remove one of the cowbird's eggs from the nest; that they seem to remember and come back to punish the birds that did it. Usually the punishment is removing a nestling and flying off with it. They sometimes remove an egg too, most notably when they substitute one of theirs.

Yesterday afternoon a female cowbird was snooping around the nest box. I was surprised that with the slotted opening she was easily able to squeeze inside. She was nearly all the way in when Papa Blue came out of nowhere, like a linebacker. The cowbird did not see him until the last second and he hit her broadside, feet first, and with an audible thud. He usually buzzes the birds, so she may have moved up into his path. It all happened before I could pick up my camera. But I'm sure it is something she would remember.

I wonder if I should change the opening. I have a door with a regular 1 1/2 inch round opening that I could pop on in a matter of a few minutes. I'd sure hate to lose a second egg.

But would this additional change totally drive the blues to distraction?

UPDATE: It is now after1:00 a.m. and I just went out there and removed the slotted front and installed one with a regular 1 1/2 inch round hole opening. I also removed about 2 inches of nesting material from the bottom of her nest. It may still be too high. It should be interesting when she shows up tomorrow. I know bluebirds are tolerant of human interference. This should test their tolerance to the limit. I sure hope they accept it.

This message was edited Apr 26, 2009 1:24 AM

PERTH, Australia

Dave, that's awful. I don't know if you've seen this thread, but there have been problems with what are probably cowbirds where erdooley is.

Stafford County, VA

Thanks Margaret and G'Night

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey, dellrose! Those shots are fabulous! "Birds and Blooms" would die for your picture story! Why don't you send it to them?!

Dave, so sorry to hear of the sad happenings at your bluebird box. Cowbirds are so very troublesome for the bluebirds and so difficult to discourage from the neighborhood around here, too.

After 3 years of trying, I still don't have bbs at our house. But my DH sees them every morning on his walk through our woods and park. Your bb threads have kept me hopeful though! t.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

dave ,put up my 1st blue bird box 2 wks ago,waiting now,I had a pair hanging around 4 wks ago ,but it got cold and snowy ,we are now warmer as of friday finally,I hope Iam successful ,any hints ??Thanks for any help. Tamara

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Good grief Dave! Your poor Blues are having a time of it aren't they? I think you did the right thing in replacing the slotted box and hope they take to the new one. I do not doubt that the culprit was a Cowbird and I hope the one with smaller opening discourages her. I have also seen the Blues go ballistic when a Red-bellied Woodpecker or a Blue Jay gets too close for comfort even more than when they see a House Sparrow! Please keep us informed and don't get discouraged...we know that anything can happen with the Blues. I'm sure you remember last year the eggs and dead babies I had to remove from the nest box.

Thanks for the nice compliment Tab but the images are not very clear for reproduction...maybe I'll have better lighting next time. Also good luck in your quest to attract the Blues...when you least expect it they could show up and nest!!

Hugger...have you checked the Sialis website? Go to and you will find a wealth of info that has been very helpful in attracting Blues and hosting them. Also check out the Bluebird threads that have been started by 2nd Cousin will find wonderful pics as well as very practical first hand information. Good luck to you.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

congrats rose. I love the longshot too. So cute how they end up in the same place.

Regarding territorial birds, Even though I don't think any eggs are laid in the chickadee box, one chickadee chased away the Ovenbird that was just looking for food on the ground. Hope they keep it up when the House Wrens arrive.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Mrs. Ed...I was so happy to see all the babies in one spot, especially since it seemed they all fledged to the 4 corners of the earth. I was amazed that the parents were able to round them all up and actually gather them in one place! Best of luck with the Dees and hope the House Wrens are not a problem for them.

Stafford County, VA

Hi Rose

Well she went through the expected motions (tried to squeeze in through the slot I left at the top of the front panel but it is only about an inch and she couldn't. Then she peeked in and finally she went inside via the round hole). She stayed inside for about 15 minutes, arranging the cup and fidigeting around, and finally she laid an egg. I am going to be especially watchful this morning to see if anyone seems overly interested in the nest box.

But I am relieved (and a little surprised) that they have tolerated this much interference.

Sorry for posting so much on your thread. If this saga continues I'll try to keep it to a minimum or maybe start a new thread. I sure wish I had seen what actually happened to that egg yesterday.


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