Reluctant Eastern Bluebird Fledges

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Last one for now.

Thumbnail by dellrose
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

ohhh, wish I could give them a big squishy hug.

Marlton, NJ

Oh that mad look is hysterical when it's the little ones!

East Bridgewater, MA

Great photography, thank you for sharing!

PERTH, Australia

Rose, what great shots of the little ones. They are adorable.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

The fledgelings are so cute...great job Rose!

Melbourne, FL

Great pics Rose. I have a question. Never having experienced this, do the fledglings every go back inside the box once they leave?

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

wow,wow,unbelievable pix everyone,really enjoying the show,I just wish our weather would break,cold,wet,gloomy,these pix help to cheer me up Thanks !!!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

gardenpom - no, once they leave the nest the fledglings are on to their new life learning little by little the flying and feeding skills that will see them thru life. they will not return to the nest box, in fact , often....if the nest-box is cleaned out soon after the young fledge from it, the Dad will begin a new nest and the Mom will finish the nest building and be laying the next clutch of eggs while Dad is caring for the 1st group of Fledges (flying & feeding lessons & such)......
Isn't this fun!!! I have been so awed by some of the wonderful peeks into the lives of these feathered beauties that our fellow DG'ers give us thru their camera and their shared vast experience......great place to spend some time!

dellrose - Wonderful wonderful pics, and thank you so much for sharing every single one with us. Did they fledge into trees right there on your property (or at least very near it)? How nice.
last year mine always spent that first week or so in a tree across the street, and then in one next door. As their flying skills improved, indeed off they would go one right after another like a tiny flock. it was wonderful fun once they begun to return for meal worms at the deck where they first began and I could see their stumbling antics and crash landings
Please be shure to continue sharing with us as they grow. Seeing a new post on here is always exciting since there may be new pics of them!!


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Dave says that sometimes the fledgelings will try to help Mom and Dad feed the second clutch, but usually get chased off.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL, yes I've seen that also...^_^

Melbourne, FL

So you can't go home again, huh? :) Not like human babies!

Stafford County, VA

GP, every now and then a fledgling will get cold feet and hang on to the outside of the box for a minute and then fledge from that position, or maybe even climb back in. I had one do that. I had time to get 11 pictures of him turning around and climbing back in, and then he stayed inside for another hour before he finally fledged. I heard of another one that lost it's balance and dropped to the ground, then flew back up to the box and went back inside, but I didn't witness that and the woman who did didn't get pictures of it.

I have seen juveniles from a prior clutch go inside to feed the nestlings, but I doubt they realized this was the place they used to live. I have also seen a juvenile coax two nestling to fledge. Both parents were away and the juvenile flew to the box with a worm just like the parents often do. One nestling fledged and the second one came out right after him. All three flew to the tall trees. Several minutes later Mama came to the nest box and finding it empty, went into a panic, flying from place to place and back to the nest box, constantly chattering and dive-bombing me. Apparently Papa found the wayward children, who were safe and Mama soon quieted down.

They don't always fly where or when the parents think they will, either. Last year I had one fledge when both parents were off gathering the the others that had fledged ahead of him. He flew out about 20 feet, sorta hung there flapping his wings for several seconds, then apparently getting tired, flew over to the deck. He landed on the railing behind the bar-b-que and just sat there, almost hidden. Papa came back to the nest box and found it empty and never did find him. After a few minutes, I moved closer to the fledgling and he flew off, with Papa right behind him.

Fledge Day is always exciting. I try to be ready for anything but there are always surprises.


The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks again everyone for looking and for your most welcomed comments.

GP...I have never seen a fledge come back to the nest box either, but this is only my second year. Last year a fledge from a previous brood did help the parents encourage the newest fledglings from the nest. Some of you may remember "Super Fledge"!! He was quite the hero of the day.

Today the parents have had the wee ones in the front yard Maple tree, the back yard Walnut tree, lined up on barbed wire fence and now I think they are down in the field in the Mulberry tree!! I also saw Dad feeding one of the fledges on the platform where I have the meal worm feeder cage. They have been very busy but today has been very overcast and have not gone out looking to get pictures. I am hoping for a little sunlight tomorrow and some opportunities to get more shots. Hopefully I can update soon...wish me luck!

Dave...I could read about your BB experiences all day and as you say it is exciting and full of surprises! The thing that amazes me is they actually get all the little ones rounded up. This time one of the fledges sailed straight out to the back field and both parents were gone, the Dad came to the box and went into a panic...he obviously got the little one rounded up!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

this family togetherness is so cute.

I wonder if I can expect the same from chickadees.

Stafford County, VA

Yes Rose, and another thing, they will stay put. I have seen the first one fly up to a tree not far from me and I could see him perched there on the branch. Papa flew up ther with him and then left him there. He stayed there for more than an hour while the others fledged. I even walked down to the tree and shot a series of pictures of him. He never moved. The same thing applies when they are in the nest box. When a parent comes to feed them, they make a noise and the fledglings perk up. But if you open the nest box to check on them they look like they are all asleep. Maybe one will respond if you whistle, but only for a brief second. I don't know how much is instinct and how much is training.

I should add regarding my prior post that sometimes, especially in cold climate areas, several bluebirds will huddle inside a nest box to escape the cold and share body heat. In this regard it is possible that a bird would return to the same nest box he fledged from, but again, I doubt he would realize he had been hatched there.


Stafford County, VA

Don't know, Mrs Ed. My experience with Dees is zip, nada zero.

Hopefully you will find out and tell us.


The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

That's a good question Mrs. Ed. The Chickadees are not frequent eaters this year for some reason and I know nuttin' about them.

This little guy just showed up with his Dad and waited to be fed meal worms. It was almost dark and I had my camera wide open...shutter speed was 1/50 sec!!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Marlton, NJ

Adorable Rose!

Orchard Park, NY

Sadly, I've been away from DG's for far too long. But, what a wonderful time I've had this evening reading your thread rose. Really made me smile! Fantastic photos - love the little guys and gals. Congratulations on the success of a clutch. I will keep checking in to see how family #2 fares.

I've got 3 boxes out in the school yard this season - not one single blue bird has been seen. Interesting! The last 2 years they were spotted the first of April. I've been putting meal worms in a cage feeder - but in a different location from last year.

Looking forward to more updates and sensational photos Rose.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Pelle and OP!!

OP..It is so good to have you back!! I hope the Blues show for you, I know how much you enjoy and love them! Welcome back!!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Well it is still overcast today and rain is threatening. The Blues were in the backyard this morning and I was able to get a few shots that I am happy to share.

These two little ones landed in the Daylily bed but did not pull any weeds! LOL!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

This little one landed on the platform where the feeder cage is kept and eventually entered the cage and looked at the worms.

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

And a few shots of the Dad Blue.

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

His "full Monty" pose...LOL!

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Last one for now showing his beautiful feathers!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Mrs. Ed I haven't seen great signs of togetherness from the chickadees that I do from the robins. They do take them to the food sources and I'm fairly sure they show them how to stash the seeds as they do repeated trips back and forth to the feeder while the fledges drop seed everywhere until can carry it back to stash (as I call it).

The male robin spends alot of time with the fledges. I like when they have a second nest and you watch them hop through the garden in a line with papa leading, followed by the older siblings and then the little ones.

Marlton, NJ

I just can't get enough of them when their young. Great shots Rose!

Melbourne, FL

They are so adorable!

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Wonderful, there's something about babies that is so intriguing. So much fun to watch your thread Rose.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks again everyone. The fledglings are growing quickly and are starting to follow Dad to the feeder cage.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

next one.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

last feeding one.

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The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

One of the fledglings waiting for more worms.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Here is Dad looking very sweet and innocent.

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I checked the nest box today and there are 2 eggs..they are a busy couple!!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Marlton, NJ

They are so sweet Rose!

Melbourne, FL

Great series Rose. They must be so enjoyable to watch.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

nice pix,saw a ebb pair this morn. hope they start looking at the new house !!! cant wait.

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