Reluctant Eastern Bluebird Fledges

Lebanon, OR

Thank you one and all for sharing these wonderful photos of my friends..I wish I could capture them like you all are doing, but since my thing to photo are the flowers I will just have to enjoy all of yours.

Thank you all again, I am loving it.


Port Huron, MI

I am new to bluebirds. My husband went on line, found out how to build box, then put it up in my rock garden near our open field to the woods. Two days later bluebirds came, set up nest, fought off a starling and a smaller bird. They have build a nest inside but now have been gone for two days. Will they return? They are so beautiful and I love the idea that they eat the spiders off my clematis vines. Please help me as I want them to come back and don't know what to do.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi Nana and welcome to the forum! This is just my second year of hosting Blues so everything is a surprise to me! From what I have read sometimes they will build a nest and disappear for awhile. I can't say whether yours will come back or not. It sounds like you have done all that you can and they obviously like the box you provided so just be patient and hope for their return. You might also find the Sialis sight helpful . Someone else here may also have some ideas about your birds and hopefully will pass along any helpful information. Good luck and keep us informed.

edited to correct website link.

This message was edited May 4, 2009 3:40 PM

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I had this article last year, you might find it helpful.

Stafford County, VA

I wouldn't worry just yet, Nana.

My experience with the first nesting of the season is that she may begin nestbuilding and work at it on and off (usually in the mornings) for as long as a week, until she has completed all but the cup. Then she may wait a few days before finishing that. And then it may be several days to a week before she begins laying her eggs. If you are not feeding the bluebirds mealworms, you might not see them at all during this period. But they are probably nearby and if some other bird showed interest in the nest box, you would probably see them pronto.

Go out and check the nest box every couple of days. Does it look like she has just stacked a lot of nesting material in there, or is there a neat, round cup? Until the cup is finished she is not ready to lay. And, you may be surprised to find eggs even when you hadn't seen her around the box. It only takes her a few seconds to zip in and until she begins incubating there is no reason for them to hang around the nest box that much (except to watch the box, which they prefer to do from a distance).

BTW, Mrs.Ed, that is a very good article. I had forgotten how much information you had packed into it.


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Dave, I think it is my favorite. I had all that help from you, which I think added a special touch.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the great info Marna and Dave! Marna...that is a wonderful article and I will have to remember to link it in the future.

The nest box now has 5 eggs so if that is her limit incubation should start soon.

Here is one of the babies from last night. Their tail feathers are growing faster than my weeds! There were 4 of them in or on the feeder cage yesterday. I am hoping for no rain and some sun today!!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

too darn cute

Marlton, NJ

Yes they are too cute!

Wilmar, AR(Zone 8a)

Dell, I checked that sialis link out and it was all in French! I took one year of French in 9th grade but that's been, well, way too long ago! LOL

Wilmar, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh, I found it. I should have typed .org instead of .com

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

OOPs!! My bad...the link should be !! Sorry about that...I will go back and edit that post. Glad you caught it CBL and thanks!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

We cross posted CBL...thanks again!

Wilmar, AR(Zone 8a)

That's a very informative website, dell. Thanks
I have some babies that, I think, will fledge very soon. I hope I'm at home when they do but I'm afraid the stray cat that's hanging around will be a problem.

PERTH, Australia

Oh Rose, those photos of your darling little heartmelters are sensational.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Good luck with yours CBL...I hope you get to witness them leaving the is very exciting!

Hey Margaret...welcome back and thanks!!

Dad Blue is still feeding the wee ones but they are coming to the feeder cage and helping themselves now!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Last shot for this thread...I will start a new one if I get any good shots of the happenings with the Blues. Thanks for looking everyone and for the positive comments!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Marlton, NJ

Sweet birds and pics Rose!

Port Huron, MI

Hi Everyone!
Thanks for your encouragement about my disappearing bluebirds. They still have not come back. My husband looked in the box and there is a little cup-like nest. The sad news is I saw sparrows go in and out this morning before work!!!! I will read the article Rose sent and try to figure this out. I also want to know what it means to have a "protection pin" in place to discourage other birds and how to I get meal worms? I bought the premixed nuggets especially for bluebirds, set up a special "bluebird" covered feeder in the rock garden near the nesting box but no takers? I am so eager to have the birds come back that I spent $32 dollars on the feeder!!!!! Any help will be greatly appreciated and I absolutely loveeeee the pictures you have taken Rose! Thanks so much.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Nana, my bluebirds didn't like the nuggets but they loved the mealworms!
I have had 1 group to leave the nest and have another pair building in a second box. I love the warbling sound they make.

Teresa in KY

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Good Morning Nana! I hope by now your Blues have returned and hopefully laid an egg! As far as a protection pin, that is new to me and I haven't read anything about that. I do use the fishing line on the front of the nest box as shown on the Sialis sight. It has worked on the house that the Blues have chosen but not on another box that I have. I also put up a Sparrow spooker as soon as the first egg is laid and that has been effective in deterring the Sparrows. I hope yours return but if you have House Sparrows it will be a constant battle for the Blues. Please be sure and read the info on the Sialis sight and also the links provided for other sights regarding the Blues. That is the best info I can provide and certainly wish you luck!

You should be able to get your meal worms at a pet store or Wild Birds Unlimited. I order mine in bulk from .

I have to get offline now as we have a bad thunderstorm approaching...hope this has been helpful.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I ordered mealworms from NY Worms and Rita has always given me good personal servise. they also have bedding supplies and instructions for raising your own if you want to try that. I have some growing and so always have a few to offer I do however get extras in the summer from Wild Birds Unlimited. I'm still a novice at raising the mealworms.
heres the website
i have read tales of other peoples struggles with keeping the sparrows out of Bluebird boxes by always removing their nest when they start. Maybe moving the box location too might help.
Hope you do get to enjoy them this summer.


Port Huron, MI

News from Nana!
I saw them this morning around 7:15 am! Male bluebird looked into the box several times and mom watched from a limb nearby. They hung around but never did enter the box. Female stood on top of box then they were gone. Hey, Rose, I ordered the book you recommended from the salis site. It will be here about next Wednesday. In the meantime, what is a sparrow spooker? I hope one day to take pictures like you do. I think I am going to remodel my laundry room with the theme of bluebirds and use the pics as wall covering (lol). Thank you for allowing me into your group and hope we can continue to share our love for the bluebirds:)

Stafford County, VA

Someone discovered that house sparrows are frightened by shiny things that move. From that the sparrow spooker was developed. You can make it out of strips cut from mylar or shiny gift wrap or any such material. I got by for several years with one I made out of dow rods and strips of gift wrap but people laughed at it so much I broke down and bought the one you see here.

Thumbnail by 2dCousinDave
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi Nana...Sorry to be so tardy but we lost power the other day and they my out of state company arrived so I have been really tied up!! Congrats on the BB's returning..!!

I am attaching a pic of the spooker I use. It is just plastic pvc joined with an elbow and attached with a clamp. Sorry I don't know the technical names...I just found all the stuff at the hardware store and put it all together. The hardest part was finding the mylar ribbon!! The nestbox is attached to a large metal pole so I had to attach it to the front of the box. Last year it was on a smaller aluminum pole and I attached the spooker to the back of the box.

I hope between Daves' pic above and this one you can come up with something that works for you!!

Good luck and let us know how everything works out for you.

Thumbnail by dellrose
Port Huron, MI

Thanks Dave and Rose. Your pics prove the sparrow spooker does not upset the bluebirds! Thanks again. I am off to get the stuff to build my own. Will this help with the cowbirds hanging around too? I have chased them away several times. And, Dave the article you gave was very good. Thanks for sharing!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

You are welcome Nana. You can put the spooker up anytime..just don't put the mylar on it until AFTER the first egg is laid. Once the nest is built and the egg is laid the Blues will normally not desert the nest. The spooker is to deter the House Sparrows and I do not think it will have any effect on the Cowbirds, however the Cowbirds should not be able to enter the 1 1/2" hole.

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